varnishtest "Add server via cli with SSL activated" feature cmd "$HAPROXY_PROGRAM -cc 'version_atleast(2.5-dev0)'" feature cmd "$HAPROXY_PROGRAM -cc 'feature(OPENSSL)'" feature cmd "command -v socat" feature ignore_unknown_macro barrier b1 cond 2 -cyclic syslog S1 -level notice { recv expect ~ ".*Server li-ssl/s1 is UP/READY \\(leaving forced maintenance\\)." recv expect ~ ".*Server li-ssl/s2 is UP/READY \\(leaving forced maintenance\\)." recv expect ~ "Health check for server li-ssl/s2 failed" barrier b1 sync recv expect ~ ".*Server li-ssl/s3 is UP/READY \\(leaving forced maintenance\\)." recv expect ~ "Health check for server li-ssl/s3 succeeded." } -start haproxy h1 -conf { global stats socket "${tmpdir}/h1/stats" level admin defaults mode http timeout connect "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" timeout client "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" timeout server "${HAPROXY_TEST_TIMEOUT-5s}" option log-health-checks option httpchk GET / # proxy to attach a ssl server listen li-ssl bind "fd@${feSsl}" balance random log ${S1_addr}:${S1_port} daemon # frontend used to respond to ssl connection frontend fe-ssl-term bind "fd@${feSslTerm}" ssl crt ${testdir}/common.pem http-request return status 200 } -start ### SSL SUPPORT # 1. first create a ca-file using CLI # 2. create an SSL server and use it client c1 -connect ${h1_feSsl_sock} { txreq rxresp expect resp.status == 503 } -run shell { echo "new ssl ca-file common.pem" | socat "${tmpdir}/h1/stats" - printf "set ssl ca-file common.pem <<\n$(cat ${testdir}/common.pem)\n\n" | socat "${tmpdir}/h1/stats" - echo "commit ssl ca-file common.pem" | socat "${tmpdir}/h1/stats" - } -run haproxy h1 -cli { send "show ssl ca-file common.pem" expect ~ ".*SHA1 FingerPrint: DF3B6E847A7BF83DFAAFCFEC65EE9BC36230D3EA" } haproxy h1 -cli { # non existent backend send "add server li-ssl/s1 ${h1_feSslTerm_addr}:${h1_feSslTerm_port} ssl ca-file common.pem verify none" expect ~ "New server registered." send "enable server li-ssl/s1" expect ~ ".*" } client c2 -connect ${h1_feSsl_sock} { txreq rxresp expect resp.status == 200 } -run # test interaction between SSL and checks for dynamic servers haproxy h1 -cli { # no explicit check-ssl # The health check should failed. send "add server li-ssl/s2 ${h1_feSslTerm_addr}:${h1_feSslTerm_port} ssl verify none check" expect ~ "New server registered." send "enable server li-ssl/s2" expect ~ ".*" send "enable health li-ssl/s2" expect ~ ".*" barrier b1 sync # explicit check-ssl : health check should succeeded send "add server li-ssl/s3 ${h1_feSslTerm_addr}:${h1_feSslTerm_port} ssl verify none check check-ssl" expect ~ "New server registered." send "enable server li-ssl/s3" expect ~ ".*" send "enable health li-ssl/s3" expect ~ ".*" } syslog S1 -wait