/* * QUIC protocol implementation. Lower layer with internal features implemented * here such as QUIC encryption, idle timeout, acknowledgement and * retransmission. * * Copyright 2020 HAProxy Technologies, Frederic Lecaille * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * */ #include #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* list of supported QUIC versions by this implementation */ const struct quic_version quic_versions[] = { { .num = QUIC_PROTOCOL_VERSION_DRAFT_29, .initial_salt = initial_salt_draft_29, .initial_salt_len = sizeof initial_salt_draft_29, .key_label = (const unsigned char *)QUIC_HKDF_KEY_LABEL_V1, .key_label_len = sizeof(QUIC_HKDF_KEY_LABEL_V1) - 1, .iv_label = (const unsigned char *)QUIC_HKDF_IV_LABEL_V1, .iv_label_len = sizeof(QUIC_HKDF_IV_LABEL_V1) - 1, .hp_label = (const unsigned char *)QUIC_HKDF_HP_LABEL_V1, .hp_label_len = sizeof(QUIC_HKDF_HP_LABEL_V1) - 1, .ku_label = (const unsigned char *)QUIC_HKDF_KU_LABEL_V1, .ku_label_len = sizeof(QUIC_HKDF_KU_LABEL_V1) - 1, .retry_tag_key = (const unsigned char *)QUIC_TLS_RETRY_KEY_DRAFT, .retry_tag_nonce = (const unsigned char *)QUIC_TLS_RETRY_NONCE_DRAFT, }, { .num = QUIC_PROTOCOL_VERSION_1, .initial_salt = initial_salt_v1, .initial_salt_len = sizeof initial_salt_v1, .key_label = (const unsigned char *)QUIC_HKDF_KEY_LABEL_V1, .key_label_len = sizeof(QUIC_HKDF_KEY_LABEL_V1) - 1, .iv_label = (const unsigned char *)QUIC_HKDF_IV_LABEL_V1, .iv_label_len = sizeof(QUIC_HKDF_IV_LABEL_V1) - 1, .hp_label = (const unsigned char *)QUIC_HKDF_HP_LABEL_V1, .hp_label_len = sizeof(QUIC_HKDF_HP_LABEL_V1) - 1, .ku_label = (const unsigned char *)QUIC_HKDF_KU_LABEL_V1, .ku_label_len = sizeof(QUIC_HKDF_KU_LABEL_V1) - 1, .retry_tag_key = (const unsigned char *)QUIC_TLS_RETRY_KEY_V1, .retry_tag_nonce = (const unsigned char *)QUIC_TLS_RETRY_NONCE_V1, }, { .num = QUIC_PROTOCOL_VERSION_2, .initial_salt = initial_salt_v2, .initial_salt_len = sizeof initial_salt_v2, .key_label = (const unsigned char *)QUIC_HKDF_KEY_LABEL_V2, .key_label_len = sizeof(QUIC_HKDF_KEY_LABEL_V2) - 1, .iv_label = (const unsigned char *)QUIC_HKDF_IV_LABEL_V2, .iv_label_len = sizeof(QUIC_HKDF_IV_LABEL_V2) - 1, .hp_label = (const unsigned char *)QUIC_HKDF_HP_LABEL_V2, .hp_label_len = sizeof(QUIC_HKDF_HP_LABEL_V2) - 1, .ku_label = (const unsigned char *)QUIC_HKDF_KU_LABEL_V2, .ku_label_len = sizeof(QUIC_HKDF_KU_LABEL_V2) - 1, .retry_tag_key = (const unsigned char *)QUIC_TLS_RETRY_KEY_V2, .retry_tag_nonce = (const unsigned char *)QUIC_TLS_RETRY_NONCE_V2, }, }; /* Function pointers, can be used to compute a hash from first generated CID and to derive new CIDs */ uint64_t (*quic_hash64_from_cid)(const unsigned char *cid, int size, const unsigned char *secret, size_t secretlen) = NULL; void (*quic_newcid_from_hash64)(unsigned char *cid, int size, uint64_t hash, const unsigned char *secret, size_t secretlen) = NULL; /* The total number of supported versions */ const size_t quic_versions_nb = sizeof quic_versions / sizeof *quic_versions; /* Listener only preferred version */ const struct quic_version *preferred_version; /* RFC 8999 5.4. Version * A Version field with a * value of 0x00000000 is reserved for version negotiation */ const struct quic_version quic_version_VN_reserved = { .num = 0, }; DECLARE_STATIC_POOL(pool_head_quic_conn, "quic_conn", sizeof(struct quic_conn)); DECLARE_STATIC_POOL(pool_head_quic_conn_closed, "quic_conn_closed", sizeof(struct quic_conn_closed)); DECLARE_STATIC_POOL(pool_head_quic_cids, "quic_cids", sizeof(struct eb_root)); DECLARE_POOL(pool_head_quic_connection_id, "quic_connection_id", sizeof(struct quic_connection_id)); struct task *quic_conn_app_io_cb(struct task *t, void *context, unsigned int state); static int quic_conn_init_timer(struct quic_conn *qc); static int quic_conn_init_idle_timer_task(struct quic_conn *qc, struct proxy *px); /* Returns 1 if the peer has validated QUIC connection address, 0 if not. */ int quic_peer_validated_addr(struct quic_conn *qc) { if (!qc_is_listener(qc)) return 1; if (qc->flags & QUIC_FL_CONN_PEER_VALIDATED_ADDR) return 1; BUG_ON(qc->bytes.prep > 3 * qc->bytes.rx); return 0; } /* To be called to kill a connection as soon as possible (without sending any packet). */ void qc_kill_conn(struct quic_conn *qc) { TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_KILL, qc); TRACE_PROTO("killing the connection", QUIC_EV_CONN_KILL, qc); qc->flags |= QUIC_FL_CONN_TO_KILL; qc->flags &= ~QUIC_FL_CONN_RETRANS_NEEDED; if (!(qc->flags & QUIC_FL_CONN_EXP_TIMER)) task_wakeup(qc->idle_timer_task, TASK_WOKEN_OTHER); qc_notify_err(qc); TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_KILL, qc); } /* Set the timer attached to the QUIC connection with as I/O handler and used for * both loss detection and PTO and schedule the task assiated to this timer if needed. */ void qc_set_timer(struct quic_conn *qc) { struct quic_pktns *pktns; unsigned int pto; int handshake_confirmed; TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_STIMER, qc); TRACE_PROTO("set timer", QUIC_EV_CONN_STIMER, qc, NULL, NULL, &qc->path->ifae_pkts); pktns = NULL; if (!qc->timer_task) { TRACE_PROTO("already released timer task", QUIC_EV_CONN_STIMER, qc); goto leave; } pktns = quic_loss_pktns(qc); if (tick_isset(pktns->tx.loss_time)) { qc->timer = pktns->tx.loss_time; goto out; } /* anti-amplification: the timer must be * cancelled for a server which reached the anti-amplification limit. */ if (!quic_peer_validated_addr(qc) && (qc->flags & QUIC_FL_CONN_ANTI_AMPLIFICATION_REACHED)) { TRACE_PROTO("anti-amplification reached", QUIC_EV_CONN_STIMER, qc); qc->timer = TICK_ETERNITY; goto out; } if (!qc->path->ifae_pkts && quic_peer_validated_addr(qc)) { TRACE_PROTO("timer cancellation", QUIC_EV_CONN_STIMER, qc); /* Timer cancellation. */ qc->timer = TICK_ETERNITY; goto out; } handshake_confirmed = qc->state >= QUIC_HS_ST_CONFIRMED; pktns = quic_pto_pktns(qc, handshake_confirmed, &pto); if (tick_isset(pto)) qc->timer = pto; out: if (qc->timer == TICK_ETERNITY) { qc->timer_task->expire = TICK_ETERNITY; } else if (tick_is_expired(qc->timer, now_ms)) { TRACE_DEVEL("wakeup asap timer task", QUIC_EV_CONN_STIMER, qc); task_wakeup(qc->timer_task, TASK_WOKEN_MSG); } else { TRACE_DEVEL("timer task scheduling", QUIC_EV_CONN_STIMER, qc); task_schedule(qc->timer_task, qc->timer); } leave: TRACE_PROTO("set timer", QUIC_EV_CONN_STIMER, qc, pktns); TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_STIMER, qc); } /* Prepare the emission of CONNECTION_CLOSE with error . All send/receive * activity for will be interrupted. */ void quic_set_connection_close(struct quic_conn *qc, const struct quic_err err) { TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_CLOSE, qc); if (qc->flags & QUIC_FL_CONN_IMMEDIATE_CLOSE) goto leave; TRACE_STATE("setting immediate close", QUIC_EV_CONN_CLOSE, qc); qc->flags |= QUIC_FL_CONN_IMMEDIATE_CLOSE; qc->err.code = err.code; qc->err.app = err.app; leave: TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_CLOSE, qc); } /* Set TLS alert as QUIC CRYPTO_ERROR error */ void quic_set_tls_alert(struct quic_conn *qc, int alert) { TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_SSLALERT, qc); quic_set_connection_close(qc, quic_err_tls(alert)); qc->flags |= QUIC_FL_CONN_TLS_ALERT; TRACE_STATE("Alert set", QUIC_EV_CONN_SSLALERT, qc); TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_SSLALERT, qc); } /* Set the application for QUIC connection. * Return 1 if succeeded, 0 if not. */ int quic_set_app_ops(struct quic_conn *qc, const unsigned char *alpn, size_t alpn_len) { if (alpn_len >= 2 && memcmp(alpn, "h3", 2) == 0) qc->app_ops = &h3_ops; else if (alpn_len >= 10 && memcmp(alpn, "hq-interop", 10) == 0) qc->app_ops = &hq_interop_ops; else return 0; return 1; } /* Schedule a CONNECTION_CLOSE emission on if the MUX has been released * and all STREAM data are acknowledged. The MUX is responsible to have set * before as it is reused for the CONNECTION_CLOSE frame. * * TODO this should also be called on lost packet detection */ void qc_check_close_on_released_mux(struct quic_conn *qc) { TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_CLOSE, qc); if (qc->mux_state == QC_MUX_RELEASED && eb_is_empty(&qc->streams_by_id)) { /* Reuse errcode which should have been previously set by the MUX on release. */ quic_set_connection_close(qc, qc->err); tasklet_wakeup(qc->wait_event.tasklet); } TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_CLOSE, qc); } /* Finalize QUIC connection: * MUST be called after having received the remote transport parameters which * are parsed when the TLS callback for the ClientHello message is called upon * SSL_do_handshake() calls, not necessarily at the first time as this TLS * message may be split between packets * Return 1 if succeeded, 0 if not. */ int qc_conn_finalize(struct quic_conn *qc, int server) { int ret = 0; TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_NEW, qc); if (qc->flags & QUIC_FL_CONN_FINALIZED) goto finalized; if (!quic_tls_finalize(qc, server)) goto out; /* This connection is functional (ready to send/receive) */ qc->flags |= QUIC_FL_CONN_FINALIZED; finalized: ret = 1; out: TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_NEW, qc); return ret; } void quic_conn_closed_err_count_inc(struct quic_conn *qc, struct quic_frame *frm) { TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_CLOSE, qc); if (frm->type == QUIC_FT_CONNECTION_CLOSE) quic_stats_transp_err_count_inc(qc->prx_counters, frm->connection_close.error_code); else if (frm->type == QUIC_FT_CONNECTION_CLOSE_APP) { if (qc->mux_state != QC_MUX_READY || !qc->qcc->app_ops->inc_err_cnt) goto out; qc->qcc->app_ops->inc_err_cnt(qc->qcc->ctx, frm->connection_close_app.error_code); } out: TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_CLOSE, qc); } /* Cancel a request on connection for stream id . This is useful when * the client opens a new stream but the MUX has already been released. A * STOP_SENDING + RESET_STREAM frames are prepared for emission. * * TODO this function is closely related to H3. Its place should be in H3 layer * instead of quic-conn but this requires an architecture adjustment. * * Returns 1 on success else 0. */ int qc_h3_request_reject(struct quic_conn *qc, uint64_t id) { int ret = 0; struct quic_frame *ss, *rs; struct quic_enc_level *qel = qc->ael; const uint64_t app_error_code = H3_ERR_REQUEST_REJECTED; TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_PRSHPKT, qc); /* Do not emit rejection for unknown unidirectional stream as it is * forbidden to close some of them (H3 control stream and QPACK * encoder/decoder streams). */ if (quic_stream_is_uni(id)) { ret = 1; goto out; } ss = qc_frm_alloc(QUIC_FT_STOP_SENDING); if (!ss) { TRACE_ERROR("failed to allocate quic_frame", QUIC_EV_CONN_PRSHPKT, qc); goto out; } ss->stop_sending.id = id; ss->stop_sending.app_error_code = app_error_code; rs = qc_frm_alloc(QUIC_FT_RESET_STREAM); if (!rs) { TRACE_ERROR("failed to allocate quic_frame", QUIC_EV_CONN_PRSHPKT, qc); qc_frm_free(qc, &ss); goto out; } rs->reset_stream.id = id; rs->reset_stream.app_error_code = app_error_code; rs->reset_stream.final_size = 0; LIST_APPEND(&qel->pktns->tx.frms, &ss->list); LIST_APPEND(&qel->pktns->tx.frms, &rs->list); ret = 1; out: TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_PRSHPKT, qc); return ret; } /* Remove a quic-conn from its ha_thread_ctx list. If is true, * it will immediately be reinserted in the ha_thread_ctx quic_conns_clo list. */ void qc_detach_th_ctx_list(struct quic_conn *qc, int closing) { struct bref *bref, *back; /* Detach CLI context watchers currently dumping this connection. * Reattach them to the next quic_conn instance. */ list_for_each_entry_safe(bref, back, &qc->back_refs, users) { /* Remove watcher from this quic_conn instance. */ LIST_DEL_INIT(&bref->users); /* Attach it to next instance unless it was the last list element. */ if (qc->el_th_ctx.n != &th_ctx->quic_conns && qc->el_th_ctx.n != &th_ctx->quic_conns_clo) { struct quic_conn *next = LIST_NEXT(&qc->el_th_ctx, struct quic_conn *, el_th_ctx); LIST_APPEND(&next->back_refs, &bref->users); } bref->ref = qc->el_th_ctx.n; __ha_barrier_store(); } /* Remove quic_conn from global ha_thread_ctx list. */ LIST_DEL_INIT(&qc->el_th_ctx); if (closing) LIST_APPEND(&th_ctx->quic_conns_clo, &qc->el_th_ctx); } /* Copy at position a stateless reset token depending on the * salt input. This is the cluster secret which will be derived * as HKDF input secret to generate this token. * Return 1 if succeeded, 0 if not. */ int quic_stateless_reset_token_cpy(unsigned char *pos, size_t len, const unsigned char *salt, size_t saltlen) { /* Input secret */ const unsigned char *key = global.cluster_secret; size_t keylen = sizeof global.cluster_secret; /* Info */ const unsigned char label[] = "stateless token"; size_t labellen = sizeof label - 1; int ret; ret = quic_hkdf_extract_and_expand(EVP_sha256(), pos, len, key, keylen, salt, saltlen, label, labellen); return ret; } /* Build all the frames which must be sent just after the handshake have succeeded. * This is essentially NEW_CONNECTION_ID frames. A QUIC server must also send * a HANDSHAKE_DONE frame. * Return 1 if succeeded, 0 if not. */ int quic_build_post_handshake_frames(struct quic_conn *qc) { int ret = 0, max; struct quic_enc_level *qel; struct quic_frame *frm, *frmbak; struct list frm_list = LIST_HEAD_INIT(frm_list); struct eb64_node *node; TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_IO_CB, qc); qel = qc->ael; /* Only servers must send a HANDSHAKE_DONE frame. */ if (qc_is_listener(qc)) { frm = qc_frm_alloc(QUIC_FT_HANDSHAKE_DONE); if (!frm) { TRACE_ERROR("frame allocation error", QUIC_EV_CONN_IO_CB, qc); goto leave; } LIST_APPEND(&frm_list, &frm->list); } /* Initialize connection IDs minus one: there is * already one connection ID used for the current connection. Also limit * the number of connection IDs sent to the peer to 4 (3 from this function * plus 1 for the current connection. * Note that active_connection_id_limit >= 2: this has been already checked * when receiving this parameter. */ max = QUIC_MIN(qc->tx.params.active_connection_id_limit - 1, (uint64_t)3); while (max--) { struct quic_connection_id *conn_id; frm = qc_frm_alloc(QUIC_FT_NEW_CONNECTION_ID); if (!frm) { TRACE_ERROR("frame allocation error", QUIC_EV_CONN_IO_CB, qc); goto err; } conn_id = new_quic_cid(qc->cids, qc, NULL, NULL); if (!conn_id) { qc_frm_free(qc, &frm); TRACE_ERROR("CID allocation error", QUIC_EV_CONN_IO_CB, qc); goto err; } /* TODO To prevent CID tree locking, all CIDs created here * could be allocated at the same time as the first one. */ quic_cid_insert(conn_id); quic_connection_id_to_frm_cpy(frm, conn_id); LIST_APPEND(&frm_list, &frm->list); } LIST_SPLICE(&qel->pktns->tx.frms, &frm_list); qc->flags &= ~QUIC_FL_CONN_NEED_POST_HANDSHAKE_FRMS; ret = 1; leave: TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_IO_CB, qc); return ret; err: /* free the frames */ list_for_each_entry_safe(frm, frmbak, &frm_list, list) qc_frm_free(qc, &frm); /* The first CID sequence number value used to allocated CIDs by this function is 1, * 0 being the sequence number of the CID for this connection. */ node = eb64_lookup_ge(qc->cids, 1); while (node) { struct quic_connection_id *conn_id; conn_id = eb64_entry(node, struct quic_connection_id, seq_num); if (conn_id->seq_num.key >= max) break; node = eb64_next(node); quic_cid_delete(conn_id); eb64_delete(&conn_id->seq_num); pool_free(pool_head_quic_connection_id, conn_id); } goto leave; } /* QUIC connection packet handler task (post handshake) */ struct task *quic_conn_app_io_cb(struct task *t, void *context, unsigned int state) { struct list send_list = LIST_HEAD_INIT(send_list); struct quic_conn *qc = context; TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_IO_CB, qc); TRACE_STATE("connection handshake state", QUIC_EV_CONN_IO_CB, qc, &qc->state); if (qc_test_fd(qc)) qc_rcv_buf(qc); /* Prepare post-handshake frames * - after connection is instantiated (accept is done) * - handshake state is completed (may not be the case here in 0-RTT) */ if ((qc->flags & QUIC_FL_CONN_NEED_POST_HANDSHAKE_FRMS) && qc->conn && qc->state >= QUIC_HS_ST_COMPLETE) { quic_build_post_handshake_frames(qc); } /* Retranmissions */ if (qc->flags & QUIC_FL_CONN_RETRANS_NEEDED) { TRACE_STATE("retransmission needed", QUIC_EV_CONN_IO_CB, qc); qc->flags &= ~QUIC_FL_CONN_RETRANS_NEEDED; if (!qc_dgrams_retransmit(qc)) goto out; } if (!qc_treat_rx_pkts(qc)) { TRACE_DEVEL("qc_treat_rx_pkts() failed", QUIC_EV_CONN_IO_CB, qc); goto out; } if (qc->flags & QUIC_FL_CONN_TO_KILL) { TRACE_DEVEL("connection to be killed", QUIC_EV_CONN_IO_CB, qc); goto out; } if ((qc->flags & QUIC_FL_CONN_DRAINING) && !(qc->flags & QUIC_FL_CONN_IMMEDIATE_CLOSE)) { TRACE_STATE("draining connection (must not send packets)", QUIC_EV_CONN_IO_CB, qc); goto out; } /* XXX TODO: how to limit the list frames to send */ if (qel_need_sending(qc->ael, qc)) qel_register_send(&send_list, qc->ael, &qc->ael->pktns->tx.frms); if (!qc_send(qc, 0, &send_list)) { TRACE_DEVEL("qc_send() failed", QUIC_EV_CONN_IO_CB, qc); goto out; } out: if ((qc->flags & QUIC_FL_CONN_CLOSING) && qc->mux_state != QC_MUX_READY) { quic_conn_release(qc); qc = NULL; } TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_IO_CB, qc); return t; } static void quic_release_cc_conn(struct quic_conn_closed *cc_qc) { struct quic_conn *qc = (struct quic_conn *)cc_qc; TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_IO_CB, cc_qc); task_destroy(cc_qc->idle_timer_task); cc_qc->idle_timer_task = NULL; tasklet_free(qc->wait_event.tasklet); free_quic_conn_cids(qc); pool_free(pool_head_quic_cids, cc_qc->cids); cc_qc->cids = NULL; pool_free(pool_head_quic_cc_buf, cc_qc->cc_buf_area); cc_qc->cc_buf_area = NULL; /* free the SSL sock context */ pool_free(pool_head_quic_conn_closed, cc_qc); TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_IO_CB); } /* QUIC connection packet handler task used when in "closing connection" state. */ static struct task *quic_conn_closed_io_cb(struct task *t, void *context, unsigned int state) { struct quic_conn_closed *cc_qc = context; struct quic_conn *qc = (struct quic_conn *)cc_qc; struct buffer buf; uint16_t dglen; struct quic_tx_packet *first_pkt; size_t headlen = sizeof dglen + sizeof first_pkt; TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_IO_CB, qc); if (qc_test_fd(qc)) qc_rcv_buf(qc); /* Do not send too much data if the peer address was not validated. */ if ((qc->flags & QUIC_FL_CONN_IMMEDIATE_CLOSE) && !(qc->flags & QUIC_FL_CONN_PEER_VALIDATED_ADDR) && quic_may_send_bytes(qc) < cc_qc->cc_dgram_len) goto leave; buf = b_make(cc_qc->cc_buf_area + headlen, QUIC_MAX_CC_BUFSIZE - headlen, 0, cc_qc->cc_dgram_len); if (qc_snd_buf(qc, &buf, buf.data, 0) < 0) { TRACE_ERROR("sendto fatal error", QUIC_EV_CONN_IO_CB, qc); quic_release_cc_conn(cc_qc); cc_qc = NULL; qc = NULL; t = NULL; goto leave; } qc->flags &= ~QUIC_FL_CONN_IMMEDIATE_CLOSE; leave: TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_IO_CB, qc); return t; } /* The task handling the idle timeout of a connection in "connection close" state */ static struct task *quic_conn_closed_idle_timer_task(struct task *t, void *ctx, unsigned int state) { struct quic_conn_closed *cc_qc = ctx; quic_release_cc_conn(cc_qc); return NULL; } /* Allocate a new connection in "connection close" state and return it * if succeeded, NULL if not. This function is also responsible of * copying enough and the least possible information from original * connection to the newly allocated connection so that to keep it * functional until its idle timer expires. */ static struct quic_conn_closed *qc_new_cc_conn(struct quic_conn *qc) { struct quic_conn_closed *cc_qc; cc_qc = pool_alloc(pool_head_quic_conn_closed); if (!cc_qc) return NULL; quic_conn_mv_cids_to_cc_conn(cc_qc, qc); qc_init_fd((struct quic_conn *)cc_qc); cc_qc->flags = qc->flags; cc_qc->err = qc->err; cc_qc->nb_pkt_for_cc = qc->nb_pkt_for_cc; cc_qc->nb_pkt_since_cc = qc->nb_pkt_since_cc; cc_qc->local_addr = qc->local_addr; cc_qc->peer_addr = qc->peer_addr; cc_qc->wait_event.tasklet = qc->wait_event.tasklet; cc_qc->wait_event.tasklet->process = quic_conn_closed_io_cb; cc_qc->wait_event.tasklet->context = cc_qc; cc_qc->wait_event.events = 0; cc_qc->subs = NULL; cc_qc->bytes.prep = qc->bytes.prep; cc_qc->bytes.tx = qc->bytes.tx; cc_qc->bytes.rx = qc->bytes.rx; cc_qc->odcid = qc->odcid; cc_qc->dcid = qc->dcid; cc_qc->scid = qc->scid; cc_qc->li = qc->li; cc_qc->cids = qc->cids; cc_qc->idle_timer_task = qc->idle_timer_task; cc_qc->idle_timer_task->process = quic_conn_closed_idle_timer_task; cc_qc->idle_timer_task->context = cc_qc; cc_qc->idle_expire = qc->idle_expire; cc_qc->conn = qc->conn; qc->conn = NULL; cc_qc->cc_buf_area = qc->tx.cc_buf_area; cc_qc->cc_dgram_len = qc->tx.cc_dgram_len; TRACE_PRINTF(TRACE_LEVEL_PROTO, QUIC_EV_CONN_IO_CB, qc, 0, 0, 0, "switch qc@%p to cc_qc@%p", qc, cc_qc); return cc_qc; } /* QUIC connection packet handler task. */ struct task *quic_conn_io_cb(struct task *t, void *context, unsigned int state) { struct quic_conn *qc = context; struct list send_list = LIST_HEAD_INIT(send_list); struct quic_enc_level *qel; int st; struct tasklet *tl = (struct tasklet *)t; TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_IO_CB, qc); st = qc->state; TRACE_PROTO("connection state", QUIC_EV_CONN_IO_CB, qc, &st); if (HA_ATOMIC_LOAD(&tl->state) & TASK_HEAVY) { qc_ssl_provide_all_quic_data(qc, qc->xprt_ctx); HA_ATOMIC_AND(&tl->state, ~TASK_HEAVY); } /* Retranmissions */ if (qc->flags & QUIC_FL_CONN_RETRANS_NEEDED) { TRACE_DEVEL("retransmission needed", QUIC_EV_CONN_PHPKTS, qc); qc->flags &= ~QUIC_FL_CONN_RETRANS_NEEDED; if (!qc_dgrams_retransmit(qc)) goto out; } if (qc_test_fd(qc)) qc_rcv_buf(qc); if (!qc_treat_rx_pkts(qc)) goto out; if (qc->flags & QUIC_FL_CONN_TO_KILL) { TRACE_DEVEL("connection to be killed", QUIC_EV_CONN_PHPKTS, qc); goto out; } if ((qc->flags & QUIC_FL_CONN_DRAINING) && !(qc->flags & QUIC_FL_CONN_IMMEDIATE_CLOSE)) goto out; st = qc->state; if (st >= QUIC_HS_ST_COMPLETE) { if (!(qc->flags & QUIC_FL_CONN_HPKTNS_DCD)) { /* Discard the Handshake packet number space. */ TRACE_PROTO("discarding Handshake pktns", QUIC_EV_CONN_PHPKTS, qc); quic_pktns_discard(qc->hel->pktns, qc); qc_set_timer(qc); qc_el_rx_pkts_del(qc->hel); qc_release_pktns_frms(qc, qc->hel->pktns); } } /* Insert each QEL into sending list if needed. */ list_for_each_entry(qel, &qc->qel_list, list) { if (qel_need_sending(qel, qc)) qel_register_send(&send_list, qel, &qel->pktns->tx.frms); } if (!qc_send(qc, 0, &send_list)) { TRACE_DEVEL("qc_send() failed", QUIC_EV_CONN_IO_CB, qc); goto out; } out: /* Release the Handshake encryption level and packet number space if * the Handshake is confirmed and if there is no need to send * anymore Handshake packets. */ if (quic_tls_pktns_is_dcd(qc, qc->hpktns) && !qc_need_sending(qc, qc->hel)) { /* Ensure Initial packet encryption level and packet number space have * been released. */ qc_enc_level_free(qc, &qc->iel); quic_pktns_release(qc, &qc->ipktns); qc_enc_level_free(qc, &qc->hel); quic_pktns_release(qc, &qc->hpktns); /* Also release the negotiated Initial TLS context. */ quic_nictx_free(qc); } if ((qc->flags & QUIC_FL_CONN_CLOSING) && qc->mux_state != QC_MUX_READY) { quic_conn_release(qc); qc = NULL; } TRACE_PROTO("ssl error", QUIC_EV_CONN_IO_CB, qc, &st); TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_IO_CB, qc); return t; } /* Callback called upon loss detection and PTO timer expirations. */ struct task *qc_process_timer(struct task *task, void *ctx, unsigned int state) { struct quic_conn *qc = ctx; struct quic_pktns *pktns; TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_PTIMER, qc); TRACE_PROTO("process timer", QUIC_EV_CONN_PTIMER, qc, NULL, NULL, &qc->path->ifae_pkts); task->expire = TICK_ETERNITY; pktns = quic_loss_pktns(qc); if (qc->flags & (QUIC_FL_CONN_DRAINING|QUIC_FL_CONN_TO_KILL)) { TRACE_PROTO("cancelled action (draining state)", QUIC_EV_CONN_PTIMER, qc); goto out; } if (tick_isset(pktns->tx.loss_time)) { struct list lost_pkts = LIST_HEAD_INIT(lost_pkts); qc_packet_loss_lookup(pktns, qc, &lost_pkts); if (!LIST_ISEMPTY(&lost_pkts)) tasklet_wakeup(qc->wait_event.tasklet); if (qc_release_lost_pkts(qc, pktns, &lost_pkts, now_ms)) qc_set_timer(qc); goto out; } if (qc->path->in_flight) { pktns = quic_pto_pktns(qc, qc->state >= QUIC_HS_ST_CONFIRMED, NULL); if (!pktns->tx.in_flight) { TRACE_PROTO("No in flight packets to probe with", QUIC_EV_CONN_TXPKT, qc); goto out; } if (pktns == qc->ipktns) { if (qc_may_probe_ipktns(qc)) { qc->flags |= QUIC_FL_CONN_RETRANS_NEEDED; pktns->flags |= QUIC_FL_PKTNS_PROBE_NEEDED; TRACE_STATE("needs to probe Initial packet number space", QUIC_EV_CONN_TXPKT, qc); } else { TRACE_STATE("Cannot probe Initial packet number space", QUIC_EV_CONN_TXPKT, qc); } if (qc->hpktns && qc->hpktns->tx.in_flight) { qc->flags |= QUIC_FL_CONN_RETRANS_NEEDED; qc->hpktns->flags |= QUIC_FL_PKTNS_PROBE_NEEDED; TRACE_STATE("needs to probe Handshake packet number space", QUIC_EV_CONN_TXPKT, qc); } } else if (pktns == qc->hpktns) { TRACE_STATE("needs to probe Handshake packet number space", QUIC_EV_CONN_TXPKT, qc); qc->flags |= QUIC_FL_CONN_RETRANS_NEEDED; pktns->flags |= QUIC_FL_PKTNS_PROBE_NEEDED; if (qc->ipktns && qc->ipktns->tx.in_flight) { if (qc_may_probe_ipktns(qc)) { qc->ipktns->flags |= QUIC_FL_PKTNS_PROBE_NEEDED; TRACE_STATE("needs to probe Initial packet number space", QUIC_EV_CONN_TXPKT, qc); } else { TRACE_STATE("Cannot probe Initial packet number space", QUIC_EV_CONN_TXPKT, qc); } } } else if (pktns == qc->apktns) { pktns->tx.pto_probe = QUIC_MAX_NB_PTO_DGRAMS; /* Wake up upper layer if waiting to send new data. */ if (!qc_notify_send(qc)) { TRACE_STATE("needs to probe 01RTT packet number space", QUIC_EV_CONN_TXPKT, qc); qc->flags |= QUIC_FL_CONN_RETRANS_NEEDED; pktns->flags |= QUIC_FL_PKTNS_PROBE_NEEDED; } } } else if (!qc_is_listener(qc) && qc->state <= QUIC_HS_ST_COMPLETE) { if (quic_tls_has_tx_sec(qc->hel)) qc->hel->pktns->tx.pto_probe = 1; if (quic_tls_has_tx_sec(qc->iel)) qc->iel->pktns->tx.pto_probe = 1; } tasklet_wakeup(qc->wait_event.tasklet); qc->path->loss.pto_count++; out: TRACE_PROTO("process timer", QUIC_EV_CONN_PTIMER, qc, pktns); TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_PTIMER, qc); return task; } /* Allocate a new QUIC connection with as QUIC version. * boolean is set to 1 for IPv4 connection, 0 for IPv6. is set to 1 * for QUIC servers (or haproxy listeners). * is the destination connection ID, is the source connection ID. * This latter CID as the same value on the wire as the one for * which is the first CID of this connection but a different internal representation used to build * NEW_CONNECTION_ID frames. This is the responsibility of the caller to insert * in the CIDs tree for this connection (qc->cids). * is the token found to be used for this connection with as * length. Endpoints addresses are specified via and . * Returns the connection if succeeded, NULL if not. */ struct quic_conn *qc_new_conn(const struct quic_version *qv, int ipv4, struct quic_cid *dcid, struct quic_cid *scid, const struct quic_cid *token_odcid, struct quic_connection_id *conn_id, struct sockaddr_storage *local_addr, struct sockaddr_storage *peer_addr, int server, int token, void *owner) { int i; struct quic_conn *qc = NULL; struct listener *l = server ? owner : NULL; struct proxy *prx = l ? l->bind_conf->frontend : NULL; struct quic_cc_algo *cc_algo = NULL; unsigned int next_actconn = 0, next_sslconn = 0, next_handshake = 0; TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_INIT); next_actconn = increment_actconn(); if (!next_actconn) { _HA_ATOMIC_INC(&maxconn_reached); TRACE_STATE("maxconn reached", QUIC_EV_CONN_INIT); goto err; } next_sslconn = increment_sslconn(); if (!next_sslconn) { TRACE_STATE("sslconn reached", QUIC_EV_CONN_INIT); goto err; } if (server) { next_handshake = quic_increment_curr_handshake(l); if (!next_handshake) { TRACE_STATE("max handshake reached", QUIC_EV_CONN_INIT); goto err; } } qc = pool_alloc(pool_head_quic_conn); if (!qc) { TRACE_ERROR("Could not allocate a new connection", QUIC_EV_CONN_INIT); goto err; } /* Now that quic_conn instance is allocated, quic_conn_release() will * ensure global accounting is decremented. */ next_handshake = next_sslconn = next_actconn = 0; /* Initialize in priority qc members required for a safe dealloc. */ qc->nictx = NULL; /* Prevents these CID to be dumped by TRACE() calls */ qc->scid.len = qc->odcid.len = qc->dcid.len = 0; /* required to use MTLIST_IN_LIST */ MT_LIST_INIT(&qc->accept_list); LIST_INIT(&qc->rx.pkt_list); qc->streams_by_id = EB_ROOT_UNIQUE; /* Required to call free_quic_conn_cids() from quic_conn_release() */ qc->cids = NULL; qc->tx.cc_buf_area = NULL; qc_init_fd(qc); LIST_INIT(&qc->back_refs); LIST_INIT(&qc->el_th_ctx); qc->wait_event.tasklet = NULL; /* Required to destroy tasks from quic_conn_release() */ qc->timer_task = NULL; qc->idle_timer_task = NULL; qc->xprt_ctx = NULL; qc->conn = NULL; qc->qcc = NULL; qc->app_ops = NULL; qc->path = NULL; /* Keyupdate: required to safely call quic_tls_ku_free() from * quic_conn_release(). */ quic_tls_ku_reset(&qc->ku.prv_rx); quic_tls_ku_reset(&qc->ku.nxt_rx); quic_tls_ku_reset(&qc->ku.nxt_tx); /* Encryption levels */ qc->iel = qc->eel = qc->hel = qc->ael = NULL; LIST_INIT(&qc->qel_list); /* Packet number spaces */ qc->ipktns = qc->hpktns = qc->apktns = NULL; LIST_INIT(&qc->pktns_list); /* Required to safely call quic_conn_prx_cntrs_update() from quic_conn_release(). */ qc->prx_counters = NULL; /* QUIC Server (or listener). */ if (server) { cc_algo = l->bind_conf->quic_cc_algo; qc->prx_counters = EXTRA_COUNTERS_GET(prx->extra_counters_fe, &quic_stats_module); qc->flags = QUIC_FL_CONN_LISTENER; qc->state = QUIC_HS_ST_SERVER_INITIAL; /* Copy the client original DCID. */ qc->odcid = *dcid; /* Copy the packet SCID to reuse it as DCID for sending */ qc->dcid = *scid; qc->tx.buf = BUF_NULL; qc->li = l; } /* QUIC Client (outgoing connection to servers) */ else { qc->state = QUIC_HS_ST_CLIENT_INITIAL; if (dcid->len) memcpy(qc->dcid.data, dcid->data, dcid->len); qc->dcid.len = dcid->len; qc->li = NULL; } qc->mux_state = QC_MUX_NULL; qc->err = quic_err_transport(QC_ERR_NO_ERROR); /* If connection is instantiated due to an INITIAL packet with an * already checked token, consider the peer address as validated. */ if (token_odcid->len) { TRACE_STATE("validate peer address due to initial token", QUIC_EV_CONN_INIT, qc); qc->flags |= QUIC_FL_CONN_PEER_VALIDATED_ADDR; } else { HA_ATOMIC_INC(&qc->prx_counters->half_open_conn); } /* Now proceeds to allocation of qc members. */ qc->rx.buf.area = pool_alloc(pool_head_quic_conn_rxbuf); if (!qc->rx.buf.area) { TRACE_ERROR("Could not allocate a new RX buffer", QUIC_EV_CONN_INIT, qc); goto err; } qc->cids = pool_alloc(pool_head_quic_cids); if (!qc->cids) { TRACE_ERROR("Could not allocate a new CID tree", QUIC_EV_CONN_INIT, qc); goto err; } *qc->cids = EB_ROOT; conn_id->qc = qc; if (HA_ATOMIC_LOAD(&l->rx.quic_mode) == QUIC_SOCK_MODE_CONN && (global.tune.options & GTUNE_QUIC_SOCK_PER_CONN) && is_addr(local_addr)) { TRACE_USER("Allocate a socket for QUIC connection", QUIC_EV_CONN_INIT, qc); qc_alloc_fd(qc, local_addr, peer_addr); /* haproxy soft-stop is supported only for QUIC connections * with their owned socket. */ if (qc_test_fd(qc)) _HA_ATOMIC_INC(&jobs); } /* Select our SCID which is the first CID with 0 as sequence number. */ qc->scid = conn_id->cid; if (!qc_enc_level_alloc(qc, &qc->ipktns, &qc->iel, ssl_encryption_initial)) { TRACE_ERROR("Could not initialize an encryption level", QUIC_EV_CONN_INIT, qc); goto err; } qc->original_version = qv; qc->negotiated_version = NULL; qc->tps_tls_ext = (qc->original_version->num & 0xff000000) == 0xff000000 ? TLS_EXTENSION_QUIC_TRANSPORT_PARAMETERS_DRAFT: TLS_EXTENSION_QUIC_TRANSPORT_PARAMETERS; /* TX part. */ qc->bytes.tx = qc->bytes.prep = 0; memset(&qc->tx.params, 0, sizeof(qc->tx.params)); qc->tx.buf = BUF_NULL; qc->tx.cc_buf = BUF_NULL; qc->tx.cc_buf_area = NULL; qc->tx.cc_dgram_len = 0; /* RX part. */ qc->bytes.rx = 0; memset(&qc->rx.params, 0, sizeof(qc->rx.params)); qc->rx.buf = b_make(qc->rx.buf.area, QUIC_CONN_RX_BUFSZ, 0, 0); for (i = 0; i < QCS_MAX_TYPES; i++) qc->rx.strms[i].nb_streams = 0; qc->nb_pkt_for_cc = 1; qc->nb_pkt_since_cc = 0; if (!quic_tls_ku_init(qc)) { TRACE_ERROR("Key update initialization failed", QUIC_EV_CONN_INIT, qc); goto err; } qc->max_ack_delay = 0; /* Only one path at this time (multipath not supported) */ qc->path = &qc->paths[0]; quic_cc_path_init(qc->path, ipv4, server ? l->bind_conf->max_cwnd : 0, cc_algo ? cc_algo : default_quic_cc_algo, qc); qc->stream_buf_count = 0; memcpy(&qc->local_addr, local_addr, sizeof(qc->local_addr)); memcpy(&qc->peer_addr, peer_addr, sizeof qc->peer_addr); if (server && !qc_lstnr_params_init(qc, &l->bind_conf->quic_params, conn_id->stateless_reset_token, dcid->data, dcid->len, qc->scid.data, qc->scid.len, token_odcid)) goto err; /* Initialize the idle timeout of the connection at the "max_idle_timeout" * value from local transport parameters. */ qc->max_idle_timeout = qc->rx.params.max_idle_timeout; qc->wait_event.tasklet = tasklet_new(); if (!qc->wait_event.tasklet) { TRACE_ERROR("tasklet_new() failed", QUIC_EV_CONN_TXPKT); goto err; } qc->wait_event.tasklet->process = quic_conn_io_cb; qc->wait_event.tasklet->context = qc; qc->wait_event.events = 0; qc->subs = NULL; if (qc_alloc_ssl_sock_ctx(qc) || !quic_conn_init_timer(qc) || !quic_conn_init_idle_timer_task(qc, prx)) goto err; if (!qc_new_isecs(qc, &qc->iel->tls_ctx, qc->original_version, dcid->data, dcid->len, 1)) goto err; /* Counters initialization */ memset(&qc->cntrs, 0, sizeof qc->cntrs); LIST_APPEND(&th_ctx->quic_conns, &qc->el_th_ctx); qc->qc_epoch = HA_ATOMIC_LOAD(&qc_epoch); TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_INIT, qc); return qc; err: quic_conn_release(qc); /* Decrement global counters. Done only for errors happening before or * on pool_head_quic_conn alloc. All other cases are covered by * quic_conn_release(). */ if (next_actconn) _HA_ATOMIC_DEC(&actconn); if (next_sslconn) _HA_ATOMIC_DEC(&global.sslconns); if (next_handshake) _HA_ATOMIC_DEC(&l->rx.quic_curr_handshake); TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_INIT); return NULL; } /* React to a connection migration initiated on by a client with the new * path addresses /. * * Returns 0 on success else non-zero. */ int qc_handle_conn_migration(struct quic_conn *qc, const struct sockaddr_storage *peer_addr, const struct sockaddr_storage *local_addr) { TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_LPKT, qc); /* RFC 9000. Connection Migration * * If the peer sent the disable_active_migration transport parameter, * an endpoint also MUST NOT send packets (including probing packets; * see Section 9.1) from a different local address to the address the peer * used during the handshake, unless the endpoint has acted on a * preferred_address transport parameter from the peer. */ if (qc->li->bind_conf->quic_params.disable_active_migration) { TRACE_ERROR("Active migration was disabled, datagram dropped", QUIC_EV_CONN_LPKT, qc); goto err; } /* RFC 9000 9. Connection Migration * * The design of QUIC relies on endpoints retaining a stable address for * the duration of the handshake. An endpoint MUST NOT initiate * connection migration before the handshake is confirmed, as defined in * Section 4.1.2 of [QUIC-TLS]. */ if (qc->state < QUIC_HS_ST_COMPLETE) { TRACE_STATE("Connection migration during handshake rejected", QUIC_EV_CONN_LPKT, qc); goto err; } /* RFC 9000 9. Connection Migration * * TODO * An endpoint MUST * perform path validation (Section 8.2) if it detects any change to a * peer's address, unless it has previously validated that address. */ /* Update quic-conn owned socket if in used. * TODO try to reuse it instead of closing and opening a new one. */ if (qc_test_fd(qc)) { /* TODO try to reuse socket instead of closing it and opening a new one. */ TRACE_STATE("Connection migration detected, allocate a new connection socket", QUIC_EV_CONN_LPKT, qc); qc_release_fd(qc, 1); /* TODO need to adjust on socket allocation failure. */ qc_alloc_fd(qc, local_addr, peer_addr); } qc->local_addr = *local_addr; qc->peer_addr = *peer_addr; qc->cntrs.conn_migration_done++; TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_LPKT, qc); return 0; err: TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_LPKT, qc); return 1; } /* Update the proxy counters of QUIC connection from its counters */ static inline void quic_conn_prx_cntrs_update(struct quic_conn *qc) { if (!qc->prx_counters) return; HA_ATOMIC_ADD(&qc->prx_counters->dropped_pkt, qc->cntrs.dropped_pkt); HA_ATOMIC_ADD(&qc->prx_counters->dropped_pkt_bufoverrun, qc->cntrs.dropped_pkt_bufoverrun); HA_ATOMIC_ADD(&qc->prx_counters->dropped_parsing, qc->cntrs.dropped_parsing); HA_ATOMIC_ADD(&qc->prx_counters->socket_full, qc->cntrs.socket_full); HA_ATOMIC_ADD(&qc->prx_counters->sendto_err, qc->cntrs.sendto_err); HA_ATOMIC_ADD(&qc->prx_counters->sendto_err_unknown, qc->cntrs.sendto_err_unknown); HA_ATOMIC_ADD(&qc->prx_counters->sent_pkt, qc->cntrs.sent_pkt); /* It is possible that ->path was not initialized. For instance if a * QUIC connection allocation has failed. */ if (qc->path) HA_ATOMIC_ADD(&qc->prx_counters->lost_pkt, qc->path->loss.nb_lost_pkt); HA_ATOMIC_ADD(&qc->prx_counters->conn_migration_done, qc->cntrs.conn_migration_done); /* Stream related counters */ HA_ATOMIC_ADD(&qc->prx_counters->data_blocked, qc->cntrs.data_blocked); HA_ATOMIC_ADD(&qc->prx_counters->stream_data_blocked, qc->cntrs.stream_data_blocked); HA_ATOMIC_ADD(&qc->prx_counters->streams_blocked_bidi, qc->cntrs.streams_blocked_bidi); HA_ATOMIC_ADD(&qc->prx_counters->streams_blocked_uni, qc->cntrs.streams_blocked_uni); } /* Release the quic_conn . The connection is removed from the CIDs tree. * The connection tasklet is killed. * * This function must only be called by the thread responsible of the quic_conn * tasklet. */ void quic_conn_release(struct quic_conn *qc) { struct eb64_node *node; struct quic_rx_packet *pkt, *pktback; struct quic_conn_closed *cc_qc; TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_CLOSE, qc); if (!qc) goto leave; /* We must not free the quic-conn if the MUX is still allocated. */ BUG_ON(qc->mux_state == QC_MUX_READY); cc_qc = NULL; if ((qc->flags & QUIC_FL_CONN_CLOSING) && !(qc->flags & QUIC_FL_CONN_EXP_TIMER) && qc->tx.cc_buf_area) cc_qc = qc_new_cc_conn(qc); if (!cc_qc) { task_destroy(qc->idle_timer_task); qc->idle_timer_task = NULL; tasklet_free(qc->wait_event.tasklet); /* remove the connection from receiver cids trees */ free_quic_conn_cids(qc); pool_free(pool_head_quic_cids, qc->cids); qc->cids = NULL; pool_free(pool_head_quic_cc_buf, qc->tx.cc_buf_area); qc->tx.cc_buf_area = NULL; } if (qc_test_fd(qc)) _HA_ATOMIC_DEC(&jobs); /* Close quic-conn socket fd. */ qc_release_fd(qc, 0); /* in the unlikely (but possible) case the connection was just added to * the accept_list we must delete it from there. */ if (MT_LIST_INLIST(&qc->accept_list)) { MT_LIST_DELETE(&qc->accept_list); BUG_ON(qc->li->rx.quic_curr_accept == 0); HA_ATOMIC_DEC(&qc->li->rx.quic_curr_accept); } /* free remaining stream descriptors */ node = eb64_first(&qc->streams_by_id); while (node) { struct qc_stream_desc *stream; stream = eb64_entry(node, struct qc_stream_desc, by_id); node = eb64_next(node); /* all streams attached to the quic-conn are released, so * qc_stream_desc_free will liberate the stream instance. */ BUG_ON(!stream->release); qc_stream_desc_free(stream, 1); } /* free the SSL sock context */ qc_free_ssl_sock_ctx(&qc->xprt_ctx); /* Purge Rx packet list. */ list_for_each_entry_safe(pkt, pktback, &qc->rx.pkt_list, qc_rx_pkt_list) { LIST_DELETE(&pkt->qc_rx_pkt_list); pool_free(pool_head_quic_rx_packet, pkt); } task_destroy(qc->timer_task); qc->timer_task = NULL; quic_tls_ku_free(qc); if (qc->ael) { struct quic_tls_ctx *actx = &qc->ael->tls_ctx; /* Secrets used by keyupdate */ pool_free(pool_head_quic_tls_secret, actx->rx.secret); pool_free(pool_head_quic_tls_secret, actx->tx.secret); } qc_enc_level_free(qc, &qc->iel); qc_enc_level_free(qc, &qc->eel); qc_enc_level_free(qc, &qc->hel); qc_enc_level_free(qc, &qc->ael); quic_tls_ctx_free(&qc->nictx); quic_pktns_release(qc, &qc->ipktns); quic_pktns_release(qc, &qc->hpktns); quic_pktns_release(qc, &qc->apktns); qc_detach_th_ctx_list(qc, 0); quic_conn_prx_cntrs_update(qc); pool_free(pool_head_quic_conn_rxbuf, qc->rx.buf.area); qc->rx.buf.area = NULL; /* Connection released before peer address validated. */ if (unlikely(!(qc->flags & QUIC_FL_CONN_PEER_VALIDATED_ADDR))) { BUG_ON(!qc->prx_counters->half_open_conn); HA_ATOMIC_DEC(&qc->prx_counters->half_open_conn); } /* Connection released before handshake completion. */ if (unlikely(qc->state < QUIC_HS_ST_COMPLETE)) { if (qc_is_listener(qc)) { BUG_ON(qc->li->rx.quic_curr_handshake == 0); HA_ATOMIC_DEC(&qc->li->rx.quic_curr_handshake); } } pool_free(pool_head_quic_conn, qc); qc = NULL; /* Decrement global counters when quic_conn is deallocated. * quic_conn_closed instances are not accounted as they run for a short * time with limited resources. */ _HA_ATOMIC_DEC(&actconn); _HA_ATOMIC_DEC(&global.sslconns); TRACE_PROTO("QUIC conn. freed", QUIC_EV_CONN_FREED, qc); leave: TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_CLOSE, qc); } /* Initialize the timer task of QUIC connection. * Returns 1 if succeeded, 0 if not. */ static int quic_conn_init_timer(struct quic_conn *qc) { int ret = 0; /* Attach this task to the same thread ID used for the connection */ TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_NEW, qc); qc->timer_task = task_new_here(); if (!qc->timer_task) { TRACE_ERROR("timer task allocation failed", QUIC_EV_CONN_NEW, qc); goto leave; } qc->timer = TICK_ETERNITY; qc->timer_task->process = qc_process_timer; qc->timer_task->context = qc; ret = 1; leave: TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_NEW, qc); return ret; } /* Rearm the idle timer or the ack timer (if not already armde) for QUIC * connection. */ void qc_idle_timer_do_rearm(struct quic_conn *qc, int arm_ack) { unsigned int expire; /* It is possible the idle timer task has been already released. */ if (!qc->idle_timer_task) return; if (qc->flags & (QUIC_FL_CONN_CLOSING|QUIC_FL_CONN_DRAINING)) { /* RFC 9000 10.2. Immediate Close * * The closing and draining connection states exist to ensure that * connections close cleanly and that delayed or reordered packets are * properly discarded. These states SHOULD persist for at least three * times the current PTO interval as defined in [QUIC-RECOVERY]. */ /* Delay is limited to 1s which should cover most of network * conditions. The process should not be impacted by a * connection with a high RTT. */ expire = MIN(3 * quic_pto(qc), 1000); } else { /* RFC 9000 10.1. Idle Timeout * * To avoid excessively small idle timeout periods, endpoints MUST * increase the idle timeout period to be at least three times the * current Probe Timeout (PTO). This allows for multiple PTOs to expire, * and therefore multiple probes to be sent and lost, prior to idle * timeout. */ expire = QUIC_MAX(3 * quic_pto(qc), qc->max_idle_timeout); } qc->idle_expire = tick_add(now_ms, MS_TO_TICKS(expire)); /* Note that the ACK timer is not armed during the handshake. So, * the handshake expiration date is taken into an account only * when is false. */ if (arm_ack) { /* Arm the ack timer only if not already armed. */ if (!tick_isset(qc->ack_expire)) { qc->ack_expire = tick_add(now_ms, MS_TO_TICKS(QUIC_ACK_DELAY)); qc->idle_timer_task->expire = qc->ack_expire; task_queue(qc->idle_timer_task); TRACE_PROTO("ack timer armed", QUIC_EV_CONN_IDLE_TIMER, qc); } } else { qc->idle_timer_task->expire = tick_first(qc->ack_expire, qc->idle_expire); if (qc->state < QUIC_HS_ST_COMPLETE) qc->idle_timer_task->expire = tick_first(qc->hs_expire, qc->idle_expire); task_queue(qc->idle_timer_task); TRACE_PROTO("idle timer armed", QUIC_EV_CONN_IDLE_TIMER, qc); } } /* Rearm the idle timer or ack timer for QUIC connection depending on * and booleans. The former is set to 1 when receiving a packet , * and 0 when sending packet. is set to 1 if this is the ack timer * which must be rearmed. */ void qc_idle_timer_rearm(struct quic_conn *qc, int read, int arm_ack) { TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_IDLE_TIMER, qc); if (read) { qc->flags |= QUIC_FL_CONN_IDLE_TIMER_RESTARTED_AFTER_READ; } else { qc->flags &= ~QUIC_FL_CONN_IDLE_TIMER_RESTARTED_AFTER_READ; } qc_idle_timer_do_rearm(qc, arm_ack); leave: TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_IDLE_TIMER, qc); } /* The task handling the idle timeout */ struct task *qc_idle_timer_task(struct task *t, void *ctx, unsigned int state) { struct quic_conn *qc = ctx; TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_IDLE_TIMER, qc); if ((state & TASK_WOKEN_ANY) == TASK_WOKEN_TIMER && !tick_is_expired(t->expire, now_ms)) goto requeue; if (tick_is_expired(qc->ack_expire, now_ms)) { TRACE_PROTO("ack timer expired", QUIC_EV_CONN_IDLE_TIMER, qc); qc->ack_expire = TICK_ETERNITY; /* Note that ->idle_expire is always set. */ t->expire = qc->idle_expire; /* Do not wakeup the I/O handler in DRAINING state or if the * connection must be killed as soon as possible. */ if (!(qc->flags & (QUIC_FL_CONN_DRAINING|QUIC_FL_CONN_TO_KILL))) { qc->flags |= QUIC_FL_CONN_ACK_TIMER_FIRED; tasklet_wakeup(qc->wait_event.tasklet); } goto requeue; } TRACE_PROTO("idle timer task running", QUIC_EV_CONN_IDLE_TIMER, qc); /* Notify the MUX before settings QUIC_FL_CONN_EXP_TIMER or the MUX * might free the quic-conn too early via quic_close(). */ qc_notify_err(qc); /* If the MUX is still alive, keep the quic-conn. The MUX is * responsible to call quic_close to release it. */ qc->flags |= QUIC_FL_CONN_EXP_TIMER; if (qc->mux_state != QC_MUX_READY) { quic_conn_release(qc); qc = NULL; } else { task_destroy(t); qc->idle_timer_task = NULL; } t = NULL; /* TODO if the quic-conn cannot be freed because of the MUX, we may at * least clean some parts of it such as the tasklet. */ requeue: TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_IDLE_TIMER, qc); return t; } /* Initialize the idle timeout task for . * Returns 1 if succeeded, 0 if not. */ static int quic_conn_init_idle_timer_task(struct quic_conn *qc, struct proxy *px) { int ret = 0; int timeout; TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_NEW, qc); timeout = px->timeout.client_hs ? px->timeout.client_hs : px->timeout.client; qc->idle_timer_task = task_new_here(); if (!qc->idle_timer_task) { TRACE_ERROR("Idle timer task allocation failed", QUIC_EV_CONN_NEW, qc); goto leave; } qc->idle_timer_task->process = qc_idle_timer_task; qc->idle_timer_task->context = qc; qc->ack_expire = TICK_ETERNITY; qc->hs_expire = tick_add_ifset(now_ms, MS_TO_TICKS(timeout)); qc_idle_timer_rearm(qc, 1, 0); task_queue(qc->idle_timer_task); ret = 1; leave: TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_NEW, qc); return ret; } /* Return the QUIC version (quic_version struct) with as version number * if supported or NULL if not. */ const struct quic_version *qc_supported_version(uint32_t version) { int i; if (unlikely(!version)) return &quic_version_VN_reserved; for (i = 0; i < quic_versions_nb; i++) if (quic_versions[i].num == version) return &quic_versions[i]; return NULL; } /* Check if connection ID of length belongs to local * CIDs. This can be used to determine if a datagram is addressed to the right * connection instance. * * Returns a boolean value. */ int qc_check_dcid(struct quic_conn *qc, unsigned char *dcid, size_t dcid_len) { const uchar idx = _quic_cid_tree_idx(dcid); struct quic_connection_id *conn_id; struct ebmb_node *node = NULL; struct quic_cid_tree *tree = &quic_cid_trees[idx]; /* Test against our default CID or client ODCID. */ if ((qc->scid.len == dcid_len && memcmp(qc->scid.data, dcid, dcid_len) == 0) || (qc->odcid.len == dcid_len && memcmp(qc->odcid.data, dcid, dcid_len) == 0)) { return 1; } /* Test against our other CIDs. This can happen if the client has * decided to switch to a new one. * * TODO to avoid locking, loop through qc.cids as an alternative. * * TODO set it to our default CID to avoid this operation next time. */ HA_RWLOCK_RDLOCK(QC_CID_LOCK, &tree->lock); node = ebmb_lookup(&tree->root, dcid, dcid_len); HA_RWLOCK_RDUNLOCK(QC_CID_LOCK, &tree->lock); if (node) { conn_id = ebmb_entry(node, struct quic_connection_id, node); if (qc == conn_id->qc) return 1; } return 0; } /* Wake-up upper layer for sending if all conditions are met : * - room in congestion window or probe packet to sent * - socket FD ready to sent or listener socket used * * Returns 1 if upper layer has been woken up else 0. */ int qc_notify_send(struct quic_conn *qc) { const struct quic_pktns *pktns = qc->apktns; if (qc->subs && qc->subs->events & SUB_RETRY_SEND) { /* RFC 9002 7.5. Probe Timeout * * Probe packets MUST NOT be blocked by the congestion controller. */ if ((quic_cc_path_prep_data(qc->path) || pktns->tx.pto_probe) && (!qc_test_fd(qc) || !fd_send_active(qc->fd))) { tasklet_wakeup(qc->subs->tasklet); qc->subs->events &= ~SUB_RETRY_SEND; if (!qc->subs->events) qc->subs = NULL; return 1; } } return 0; } /* Notify upper layer of a fatal error which forces to close the connection. */ void qc_notify_err(struct quic_conn *qc) { TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_CLOSE, qc); if (qc->mux_state == QC_MUX_READY) { TRACE_STATE("error notified to mux", QUIC_EV_CONN_CLOSE, qc); /* Mark socket as closed. */ qc->conn->flags |= CO_FL_ERROR | CO_FL_SOCK_RD_SH | CO_FL_SOCK_WR_SH; /* TODO quic-conn layer must stay active until MUX is released. * Thus, we have to wake up directly to ensure upper stream * layer will be notified of the error. If a proper separation * is made between MUX and quic-conn layer, wake up could be * conducted only with qc.subs. */ tasklet_wakeup(qc->qcc->wait_event.tasklet); } TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_CLOSE, qc); } /* Move a QUIC connection and its resources from the current thread to the * new one optionally in association with (since it may need * to change when migrating to a thread from a different group, otherwise leave * it NULL). After this call, the connection cannot be dereferenced anymore on * the current thread. * * Returns 0 on success else non-zero. */ int qc_set_tid_affinity(struct quic_conn *qc, uint new_tid, struct listener *new_li) { struct task *t1 = NULL, *t2 = NULL; struct tasklet *t3 = NULL; struct quic_connection_id *conn_id; struct eb64_node *node; TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_SET_AFFINITY, qc); /* Pre-allocate all required resources. This ensures we do not left a * connection with only some of its field rebinded. */ if (((t1 = task_new_on(new_tid)) == NULL) || (qc->timer_task && (t2 = task_new_on(new_tid)) == NULL) || (t3 = tasklet_new()) == NULL) { goto err; } /* Reinit idle timer task. */ task_kill(qc->idle_timer_task); t1->expire = qc->idle_timer_task->expire; qc->idle_timer_task = t1; qc->idle_timer_task->process = qc_idle_timer_task; qc->idle_timer_task->context = qc; /* Reinit timer task if allocated. */ if (qc->timer_task) { task_kill(qc->timer_task); qc->timer_task = t2; qc->timer_task->process = qc_process_timer; qc->timer_task->context = qc; } /* Reinit IO tasklet. */ if (qc->wait_event.tasklet->state & TASK_IN_LIST) qc->flags |= QUIC_FL_CONN_IO_TO_REQUEUE; tasklet_kill(qc->wait_event.tasklet); /* In most cases quic_conn_app_io_cb is used but for 0-RTT quic_conn_io_cb can be still activated. */ t3->process = qc->wait_event.tasklet->process; qc->wait_event.tasklet = t3; qc->wait_event.tasklet->tid = new_tid; qc->wait_event.tasklet->context = qc; qc->wait_event.events = 0; /* Rebind the connection FD. */ if (qc_test_fd(qc)) { /* Reading is reactivated by the new thread. */ fd_migrate_on(qc->fd, new_tid); } /* Remove conn from per-thread list instance. It will be hidden from * "show quic" until rebinding is completed. */ qc_detach_th_ctx_list(qc, 0); node = eb64_first(qc->cids); /* One and only one CID must be present before affinity rebind. * * This could be triggered fairly easily if tasklet is scheduled just * before thread migration for post-handshake state to generate new * CIDs. In this case, QUIC_FL_CONN_IO_TO_REQUEUE should be used * instead of tasklet_wakeup(). */ BUG_ON(!node || eb64_next(node)); conn_id = eb64_entry(node, struct quic_connection_id, seq_num); /* At this point no connection was accounted for yet on this * listener so it's OK to just swap the pointer. */ if (new_li && new_li != qc->li) qc->li = new_li; /* Rebinding is considered done when CID points to the new thread. No * access should be done to quic-conn instance after it. */ qc->flags |= QUIC_FL_CONN_AFFINITY_CHANGED; HA_ATOMIC_STORE(&conn_id->tid, new_tid); qc = NULL; TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_SET_AFFINITY, NULL); return 0; err: task_destroy(t1); task_destroy(t2); tasklet_free(t3); TRACE_DEVEL("leaving on error", QUIC_EV_CONN_SET_AFFINITY, qc); return 1; } /* Must be called after qc_set_tid_affinity() on the new thread. */ void qc_finalize_affinity_rebind(struct quic_conn *qc) { TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_SET_AFFINITY, qc); /* This function must not be called twice after an affinity rebind. */ BUG_ON(!(qc->flags & QUIC_FL_CONN_AFFINITY_CHANGED)); qc->flags &= ~QUIC_FL_CONN_AFFINITY_CHANGED; /* If quic_conn is closing it is unnecessary to migrate it as it will * be soon released. Besides, special care must be taken for CLOSING * connections (using quic_conn_closed and th_ctx.quic_conns_clo list for * instance). This should never occur as CLOSING connections are * skipped by quic_sock_accept_conn(). */ BUG_ON(qc->flags & (QUIC_FL_CONN_CLOSING|QUIC_FL_CONN_DRAINING)); /* Reinsert connection in ha_thread_ctx global list. */ LIST_APPEND(&th_ctx->quic_conns, &qc->el_th_ctx); qc->qc_epoch = HA_ATOMIC_LOAD(&qc_epoch); /* Reactivate FD polling if connection socket is active. */ qc_want_recv(qc); /* Reactivate timer task if needed. */ qc_set_timer(qc); /* Idle timer task is always active. */ task_queue(qc->idle_timer_task); /* Reactivate IO tasklet if needed. */ if (qc->flags & QUIC_FL_CONN_IO_TO_REQUEUE) { tasklet_wakeup(qc->wait_event.tasklet); qc->flags &= ~QUIC_FL_CONN_IO_TO_REQUEUE; } TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_SET_AFFINITY, qc); } /* * Local variables: * c-indent-level: 8 * c-basic-offset: 8 * End: */