#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TRACE_SOURCE &trace_quic /* Salt length used to derive retry token secret */ #define QUIC_RETRY_TOKEN_SALTLEN 16 /* bytes */ /* Copy socket address data into buffer. * This is the responsibility of the caller to check the output buffer is big * enough to contain these socket address data. * Return the number of bytes copied. */ static inline size_t quic_saddr_cpy(unsigned char *buf, const struct sockaddr_storage *saddr) { void *port, *addr; unsigned char *p; size_t port_len, addr_len; p = buf; if (saddr->ss_family == AF_INET6) { port = &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)saddr)->sin6_port; addr = &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)saddr)->sin6_addr; port_len = sizeof ((struct sockaddr_in6 *)saddr)->sin6_port; addr_len = sizeof ((struct sockaddr_in6 *)saddr)->sin6_addr; } else { port = &((struct sockaddr_in *)saddr)->sin_port; addr = &((struct sockaddr_in *)saddr)->sin_addr; port_len = sizeof ((struct sockaddr_in *)saddr)->sin_port; addr_len = sizeof ((struct sockaddr_in *)saddr)->sin_addr; } memcpy(p, port, port_len); p += port_len; memcpy(p, addr, addr_len); p += addr_len; return p - buf; } /* QUIC server only function. * Add AAD to buffer from connection ID and socket address. * This is the responsibility of the caller to check size is big enough * to contain these data. * Return the number of bytes copied to . */ static int quic_generate_retry_token_aad(unsigned char *aad, uint32_t version, const struct quic_cid *cid, const struct sockaddr_storage *addr) { unsigned char *p; p = aad; write_u32(p, htonl(version)); p += sizeof version; p += quic_saddr_cpy(p, addr); memcpy(p, cid->data, cid->len); p += cid->len; return p - aad; } /* QUIC server only function. * Generate the token to be used in Retry packets. The token is written to * with as length. is the original destination connection * ID and is our side destination connection ID (or client source * connection ID). * Returns the length of the encoded token or 0 on error. */ int quic_generate_retry_token(unsigned char *token, size_t len, const uint32_t version, const struct quic_cid *odcid, const struct quic_cid *dcid, struct sockaddr_storage *addr) { int ret = 0; unsigned char *p; unsigned char aad[sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(in_port_t) + sizeof(struct in6_addr) + QUIC_CID_MAXLEN]; size_t aadlen; unsigned char salt[QUIC_RETRY_TOKEN_SALTLEN]; unsigned char key[QUIC_TLS_KEY_LEN]; unsigned char iv[QUIC_TLS_IV_LEN]; const unsigned char *sec = global.cluster_secret; size_t seclen = sizeof global.cluster_secret; EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx = NULL; const EVP_CIPHER *aead = EVP_aes_128_gcm(); uint32_t timestamp = (uint32_t)date.tv_sec; TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_TXPKT); /* The token is made of the token format byte, the ODCID prefixed by its one byte * length, the creation timestamp, an AEAD TAG, and finally * the random bytes used to derive the secret to encrypt the token. */ if (1 + odcid->len + 1 + sizeof(timestamp) + QUIC_TLS_TAG_LEN + QUIC_RETRY_TOKEN_SALTLEN > len) goto err; aadlen = quic_generate_retry_token_aad(aad, version, dcid, addr); /* TODO: RAND_bytes() should be replaced */ if (RAND_bytes(salt, sizeof salt) != 1) { TRACE_ERROR("RAND_bytes()", QUIC_EV_CONN_TXPKT); goto err; } if (!quic_tls_derive_retry_token_secret(EVP_sha256(), key, sizeof key, iv, sizeof iv, salt, sizeof salt, sec, seclen)) { TRACE_ERROR("quic_tls_derive_retry_token_secret() failed", QUIC_EV_CONN_TXPKT); goto err; } if (!quic_tls_tx_ctx_init(&ctx, aead, key)) { TRACE_ERROR("quic_tls_tx_ctx_init() failed", QUIC_EV_CONN_TXPKT); goto err; } /* Token build */ p = token; *p++ = QUIC_TOKEN_FMT_RETRY, *p++ = odcid->len; memcpy(p, odcid->data, odcid->len); p += odcid->len; write_u32(p, htonl(timestamp)); p += sizeof timestamp; /* Do not encrypt the QUIC_TOKEN_FMT_RETRY byte */ if (!quic_tls_encrypt(token + 1, p - token - 1, aad, aadlen, ctx, aead, iv)) { TRACE_ERROR("quic_tls_encrypt() failed", QUIC_EV_CONN_TXPKT); goto err; } p += QUIC_TLS_TAG_LEN; memcpy(p, salt, sizeof salt); p += sizeof salt; EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(ctx); ret = p - token; leave: TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_TXPKT); return ret; err: if (ctx) EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(ctx); goto leave; } /* Parse the Retry token from buffer with a pointer to * one byte past the end of this buffer. This will extract the ODCID * which will be stored into * * Returns 0 on success else non-zero. */ int parse_retry_token(struct quic_conn *qc, const unsigned char *token, const unsigned char *end, struct quic_cid *odcid) { int ret = 0; uint64_t odcid_len; uint32_t timestamp; uint32_t now_sec = (uint32_t)date.tv_sec; TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_LPKT, qc); if (!quic_dec_int(&odcid_len, &token, end)) { TRACE_ERROR("quic_dec_int() error", QUIC_EV_CONN_LPKT, qc); goto leave; } /* RFC 9000 7.2. Negotiating Connection IDs: * When an Initial packet is sent by a client that has not previously * received an Initial or Retry packet from the server, the client * populates the Destination Connection ID field with an unpredictable * value. This Destination Connection ID MUST be at least 8 bytes in length. */ if (odcid_len < QUIC_ODCID_MINLEN || odcid_len > QUIC_CID_MAXLEN) { TRACE_ERROR("wrong ODCID length", QUIC_EV_CONN_LPKT, qc); goto leave; } if (end - token < odcid_len + sizeof timestamp) { TRACE_ERROR("too long ODCID length", QUIC_EV_CONN_LPKT, qc); goto leave; } timestamp = ntohl(read_u32(token + odcid_len)); /* check if elapsed time is +/- QUIC_RETRY_DURATION_SEC * to tolerate token generator is not perfectly time synced */ if ((uint32_t)(now_sec - timestamp) > QUIC_RETRY_DURATION_SEC && (uint32_t)(timestamp - now_sec) > QUIC_RETRY_DURATION_SEC) { TRACE_ERROR("token has expired", QUIC_EV_CONN_LPKT, qc); goto leave; } ret = 1; memcpy(odcid->data, token, odcid_len); odcid->len = odcid_len; leave: TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_LPKT, qc); return !ret; } /* QUIC server only function. * * Check the validity of the Retry token from Initial packet . is * the UDP datagram containing and is the listener instance on which * it was received. If the token is valid, the ODCID of QUIC connection * will be put into . is used to retrieve the QUIC version needed * to validate the token but it can be NULL : in this case the version will be * retrieved from the packet. * * Return 1 if succeeded, 0 if not. */ int quic_retry_token_check(struct quic_rx_packet *pkt, struct quic_dgram *dgram, struct listener *l, struct quic_conn *qc, struct quic_cid *odcid) { struct proxy *prx; struct quic_counters *prx_counters; int ret = 0; unsigned char *token = pkt->token; const uint64_t tokenlen = pkt->token_len; unsigned char buf[128]; unsigned char aad[sizeof(uint32_t) + QUIC_CID_MAXLEN + sizeof(in_port_t) + sizeof(struct in6_addr)]; size_t aadlen; const unsigned char *salt; unsigned char key[QUIC_TLS_KEY_LEN]; unsigned char iv[QUIC_TLS_IV_LEN]; const unsigned char *sec = global.cluster_secret; size_t seclen = sizeof global.cluster_secret; EVP_CIPHER_CTX *ctx = NULL; const EVP_CIPHER *aead = EVP_aes_128_gcm(); const struct quic_version *qv = qc ? qc->original_version : pkt->version; TRACE_ENTER(QUIC_EV_CONN_LPKT, qc); /* The caller must ensure this. */ BUG_ON(!pkt->token_len); prx = l->bind_conf->frontend; prx_counters = EXTRA_COUNTERS_GET(prx->extra_counters_fe, &quic_stats_module); if (*pkt->token != QUIC_TOKEN_FMT_RETRY) { /* TODO: New token check */ TRACE_PROTO("Packet dropped", QUIC_EV_CONN_LPKT, qc, NULL, NULL, pkt->version); goto leave; } if (sizeof buf < tokenlen) { TRACE_ERROR("too short buffer", QUIC_EV_CONN_LPKT, qc); goto err; } /* The token is made of the token format byte, the ODCID prefixed by its one byte * length, the creation timestamp, an AEAD TAG, and finally * the random bytes used to derive the secret to encrypt the token. */ if (tokenlen < 2 + QUIC_ODCID_MINLEN + sizeof(uint32_t) + QUIC_TLS_TAG_LEN + QUIC_RETRY_TOKEN_SALTLEN || tokenlen > 2 + QUIC_CID_MAXLEN + sizeof(uint32_t) + QUIC_TLS_TAG_LEN + QUIC_RETRY_TOKEN_SALTLEN) { TRACE_ERROR("invalid token length", QUIC_EV_CONN_LPKT, qc); goto err; } aadlen = quic_generate_retry_token_aad(aad, qv->num, &pkt->scid, &dgram->saddr); salt = token + tokenlen - QUIC_RETRY_TOKEN_SALTLEN; if (!quic_tls_derive_retry_token_secret(EVP_sha256(), key, sizeof key, iv, sizeof iv, salt, QUIC_RETRY_TOKEN_SALTLEN, sec, seclen)) { TRACE_ERROR("Could not derive retry secret", QUIC_EV_CONN_LPKT, qc); goto err; } if (!quic_tls_rx_ctx_init(&ctx, aead, key)) { TRACE_ERROR("quic_tls_rx_ctx_init() failed", QUIC_EV_CONN_LPKT, qc); goto err; } /* The token is prefixed by a one-byte length format which is not ciphered. */ if (!quic_tls_decrypt2(buf, token + 1, tokenlen - QUIC_RETRY_TOKEN_SALTLEN - 1, aad, aadlen, ctx, aead, key, iv)) { TRACE_ERROR("Could not decrypt retry token", QUIC_EV_CONN_LPKT, qc); goto err; } if (parse_retry_token(qc, buf, buf + tokenlen - QUIC_RETRY_TOKEN_SALTLEN - 1, odcid)) { TRACE_ERROR("Error during Initial token parsing", QUIC_EV_CONN_LPKT, qc); goto err; } EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(ctx); ret = 1; HA_ATOMIC_INC(&prx_counters->retry_validated); leave: TRACE_LEAVE(QUIC_EV_CONN_LPKT, qc); return ret; err: HA_ATOMIC_INC(&prx_counters->retry_error); if (ctx) EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(ctx); goto leave; }