#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Define a new metric for both frontend and backend sides. */ #define ME_NEW_PX(name_f, nature, format, offset_f, cap_f, desc_f) \ { .name = (name_f), .desc = (desc_f), .type = (nature)|(format), \ .metric.offset[0] = offsetof(struct fe_counters, offset_f), \ .metric.offset[1] = offsetof(struct be_counters, offset_f), \ .cap = (cap_f), \ } /* Define a new metric for frontend side only. */ #define ME_NEW_FE(name_f, nature, format, offset_f, cap_f, desc_f) \ { .name = (name_f), .desc = (desc_f), .type = (nature)|(format), \ .metric.offset[0] = offsetof(struct fe_counters, offset_f), \ .cap = (cap_f), \ } /* Define a new metric for backend side only. */ #define ME_NEW_BE(name_f, nature, format, offset_f, cap_f, desc_f) \ { .name = (name_f), .desc = (desc_f), .type = (nature)|(format), \ .metric.offset[1] = offsetof(struct be_counters, offset_f), \ .cap = (cap_f), \ } const struct stat_col stat_cols_px[ST_I_PX_MAX] = { [ST_I_PX_PXNAME] = { .name = "pxname", .desc = "Proxy name" }, [ST_I_PX_SVNAME] = { .name = "svname", .desc = "Server name" }, [ST_I_PX_QCUR] = { .name = "qcur", .desc = "Number of current queued connections" }, [ST_I_PX_QMAX] = { .name = "qmax", .desc = "Highest value of queued connections encountered since process started" }, [ST_I_PX_SCUR] = { .name = "scur", .desc = "Number of current sessions on the frontend, backend or server" }, [ST_I_PX_SMAX] = { .name = "smax", .desc = "Highest value of current sessions encountered since process started" }, [ST_I_PX_SLIM] = { .name = "slim", .desc = "Frontend/listener/server's maxconn, backend's fullconn" }, [ST_I_PX_STOT] = ME_NEW_PX("stot", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, cum_sess, STATS_PX_CAP_LFBS, "Total number of sessions since process started"), [ST_I_PX_BIN] = ME_NEW_PX("bin", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, bytes_in, STATS_PX_CAP_LFBS, "Total number of request bytes since process started"), [ST_I_PX_BOUT] = ME_NEW_PX("bout", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, bytes_out, STATS_PX_CAP_LFBS, "Total number of response bytes since process started"), [ST_I_PX_DREQ] = ME_NEW_PX("dreq", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, denied_req, STATS_PX_CAP_LFB_, "Total number of denied requests since process started"), [ST_I_PX_DRESP] = ME_NEW_PX("dresp", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, denied_resp, STATS_PX_CAP_LFBS, "Total number of denied responses since process started"), [ST_I_PX_EREQ] = ME_NEW_FE("ereq", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, failed_req, STATS_PX_CAP_LF__, "Total number of invalid requests since process started"), [ST_I_PX_ECON] = ME_NEW_BE("econ", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, failed_conns, STATS_PX_CAP___BS, "Total number of failed connections to server since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_ERESP] = ME_NEW_BE("eresp", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, failed_resp, STATS_PX_CAP___BS, "Total number of invalid responses since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_WRETR] = ME_NEW_BE("wretr", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, retries, STATS_PX_CAP___BS, "Total number of server connection retries since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_WREDIS] = ME_NEW_BE("wredis", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, redispatches, STATS_PX_CAP___BS, "Total number of server redispatches due to connection failures since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_STATUS] = { .name = "status", .desc = "Frontend/listen status: OPEN/WAITING/FULL/STOP; backend: UP/DOWN; server: last check status" }, [ST_I_PX_WEIGHT] = { .name = "weight", .desc = "Server's effective weight, or sum of active servers' effective weights for a backend" }, [ST_I_PX_ACT] = { .name = "act", .desc = "Total number of active UP servers with a non-zero weight" }, [ST_I_PX_BCK] = { .name = "bck", .desc = "Total number of backup UP servers with a non-zero weight" }, [ST_I_PX_CHKFAIL] = ME_NEW_BE("chkfail", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, failed_checks, STATS_PX_CAP____S, "Total number of failed individual health checks per server/backend, since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_CHKDOWN] = ME_NEW_BE("chkdown", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, down_trans, STATS_PX_CAP___BS, "Total number of failed checks causing UP to DOWN server transitions, per server/backend, since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_LASTCHG] = ME_NEW_BE("lastchg", FN_AGE, FF_U32, last_change, STATS_PX_CAP___BS, "How long ago the last server state changed, in seconds"), [ST_I_PX_DOWNTIME] = { .name = "downtime", .desc = "Total time spent in DOWN state, for server or backend" }, [ST_I_PX_QLIMIT] = { .name = "qlimit", .desc = "Limit on the number of connections in queue, for servers only (maxqueue argument)" }, [ST_I_PX_PID] = { .name = "pid", .desc = "Relative worker process number (1)" }, [ST_I_PX_IID] = { .name = "iid", .desc = "Frontend or Backend numeric identifier ('id' setting)" }, [ST_I_PX_SID] = { .name = "sid", .desc = "Server numeric identifier ('id' setting)" }, [ST_I_PX_THROTTLE] = { .name = "throttle", .desc = "Throttling ratio applied to a server's maxconn and weight during the slowstart period (0 to 100%)" }, [ST_I_PX_LBTOT] = ME_NEW_BE("lbtot", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, cum_lbconn, STATS_PX_CAP_LFBS, "Total number of requests routed by load balancing since the worker process started (ignores queue pop and stickiness)"), [ST_I_PX_TRACKED] = { .name = "tracked", .desc = "Name of the other server this server tracks for its state" }, [ST_I_PX_TYPE] = { .name = "type", .desc = "Type of the object (Listener, Frontend, Backend, Server)" }, [ST_I_PX_RATE] = ME_NEW_PX("rate", FN_RATE, FF_U32, sess_per_sec, STATS_PX_CAP__FBS, "Total number of sessions processed by this object over the last second (sessions for listeners/frontends, requests for backends/servers)"), [ST_I_PX_RATE_LIM] = { .name = "rate_lim", .desc = "Limit on the number of sessions accepted in a second (frontend only, 'rate-limit sessions' setting)" }, [ST_I_PX_RATE_MAX] = { .name = "rate_max", .desc = "Highest value of sessions per second observed since the worker process started" }, [ST_I_PX_CHECK_STATUS] = { .name = "check_status", .desc = "Status report of the server's latest health check, prefixed with '*' if a check is currently in progress" }, [ST_I_PX_CHECK_CODE] = { .name = "check_code", .desc = "HTTP/SMTP/LDAP status code reported by the latest server health check" }, [ST_I_PX_CHECK_DURATION] = { .name = "check_duration", .desc = "Total duration of the latest server health check, in milliseconds" }, [ST_I_PX_HRSP_1XX] = ME_NEW_PX("hrsp_1xx", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, p.http.rsp[1], STATS_PX_CAP__FBS, "Total number of HTTP responses with status 100-199 returned by this object since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_HRSP_2XX] = ME_NEW_PX("hrsp_2xx", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, p.http.rsp[2], STATS_PX_CAP__FBS, "Total number of HTTP responses with status 200-299 returned by this object since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_HRSP_3XX] = ME_NEW_PX("hrsp_3xx", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, p.http.rsp[3], STATS_PX_CAP__FBS, "Total number of HTTP responses with status 300-399 returned by this object since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_HRSP_4XX] = ME_NEW_PX("hrsp_4xx", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, p.http.rsp[4], STATS_PX_CAP__FBS, "Total number of HTTP responses with status 400-499 returned by this object since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_HRSP_5XX] = ME_NEW_PX("hrsp_5xx", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, p.http.rsp[5], STATS_PX_CAP__FBS, "Total number of HTTP responses with status 500-599 returned by this object since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_HRSP_OTHER] = ME_NEW_PX("hrsp_other", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, p.http.rsp[0], STATS_PX_CAP__FBS, "Total number of HTTP responses with status <100, >599 returned by this object since the worker process started (error -1 included)"), [ST_I_PX_HANAFAIL] = ME_NEW_BE("hanafail", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, failed_hana, STATS_PX_CAP____S, "Total number of failed checks caused by an 'on-error' directive after an 'observe' condition matched"), [ST_I_PX_REQ_RATE] = ME_NEW_FE("req_rate", FN_RATE, FF_U32, req_per_sec, STATS_PX_CAP__F__, "Number of HTTP requests processed over the last second on this object"), [ST_I_PX_REQ_RATE_MAX] = { .name = "req_rate_max", .desc = "Highest value of http requests observed since the worker process started" }, /* Note: ST_I_PX_REQ_TOT is also diplayed on frontend but does not uses a raw counter value, see me_generate_field() for details. */ [ST_I_PX_REQ_TOT] = ME_NEW_BE("req_tot", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, p.http.cum_req, STATS_PX_CAP___BS, "Total number of HTTP requests processed by this object since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_CLI_ABRT] = ME_NEW_BE("cli_abrt", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, cli_aborts, STATS_PX_CAP_LFBS, "Total number of requests or connections aborted by the client since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_SRV_ABRT] = ME_NEW_BE("srv_abrt", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, srv_aborts, STATS_PX_CAP_LFBS, "Total number of requests or connections aborted by the server since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_COMP_IN] = ME_NEW_PX("comp_in", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, comp_in[COMP_DIR_RES], STATS_PX_CAP__FB_, "Total number of bytes submitted to the HTTP compressor for this object since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_COMP_OUT] = ME_NEW_PX("comp_out", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, comp_out[COMP_DIR_RES], STATS_PX_CAP__FB_, "Total number of bytes emitted by the HTTP compressor for this object since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_COMP_BYP] = ME_NEW_PX("comp_byp", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, comp_byp[COMP_DIR_RES], STATS_PX_CAP__FB_, "Total number of bytes that bypassed HTTP compression for this object since the worker process started (CPU/memory/bandwidth limitation)"), [ST_I_PX_COMP_RSP] = ME_NEW_PX("comp_rsp", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, p.http.comp_rsp, STATS_PX_CAP__FB_, "Total number of HTTP responses that were compressed for this object since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_LASTSESS] = ME_NEW_BE("lastsess", FN_AGE, FF_S32, last_sess, STATS_PX_CAP___BS, "How long ago some traffic was seen on this object on this worker process, in seconds"), [ST_I_PX_LAST_CHK] = { .name = "last_chk", .desc = "Short description of the latest health check report for this server (see also check_desc)" }, [ST_I_PX_LAST_AGT] = { .name = "last_agt", .desc = "Short description of the latest agent check report for this server (see also agent_desc)" }, [ST_I_PX_QTIME] = { .name = "qtime", .desc = "Time spent in the queue, in milliseconds, averaged over the 1024 last requests (backend/server)" }, [ST_I_PX_CTIME] = { .name = "ctime", .desc = "Time spent waiting for a connection to complete, in milliseconds, averaged over the 1024 last requests (backend/server)" }, [ST_I_PX_RTIME] = { .name = "rtime", .desc = "Time spent waiting for a server response, in milliseconds, averaged over the 1024 last requests (backend/server)" }, [ST_I_PX_TTIME] = { .name = "ttime", .desc = "Total request+response time (request+queue+connect+response+processing), in milliseconds, averaged over the 1024 last requests (backend/server)" }, [ST_I_PX_AGENT_STATUS] = { .name = "agent_status", .desc = "Status report of the server's latest agent check, prefixed with '*' if a check is currently in progress" }, [ST_I_PX_AGENT_CODE] = { .name = "agent_code", .desc = "Status code reported by the latest server agent check" }, [ST_I_PX_AGENT_DURATION] = { .name = "agent_duration", .desc = "Total duration of the latest server agent check, in milliseconds" }, [ST_I_PX_CHECK_DESC] = { .name = "check_desc", .desc = "Textual description of the latest health check report for this server" }, [ST_I_PX_AGENT_DESC] = { .name = "agent_desc", .desc = "Textual description of the latest agent check report for this server" }, [ST_I_PX_CHECK_RISE] = { .name = "check_rise", .desc = "Number of successful health checks before declaring a server UP (server 'rise' setting)" }, [ST_I_PX_CHECK_FALL] = { .name = "check_fall", .desc = "Number of failed health checks before declaring a server DOWN (server 'fall' setting)" }, [ST_I_PX_CHECK_HEALTH] = { .name = "check_health", .desc = "Current server health check level (0..fall-1=DOWN, fall..rise-1=UP)" }, [ST_I_PX_AGENT_RISE] = { .name = "agent_rise", .desc = "Number of successful agent checks before declaring a server UP (server 'rise' setting)" }, [ST_I_PX_AGENT_FALL] = { .name = "agent_fall", .desc = "Number of failed agent checks before declaring a server DOWN (server 'fall' setting)" }, [ST_I_PX_AGENT_HEALTH] = { .name = "agent_health", .desc = "Current server agent check level (0..fall-1=DOWN, fall..rise-1=UP)" }, [ST_I_PX_ADDR] = { .name = "addr", .desc = "Server's address:port, shown only if show-legends is set, or at levels oper/admin for the CLI" }, [ST_I_PX_COOKIE] = { .name = "cookie", .desc = "Backend's cookie name or Server's cookie value, shown only if show-legends is set, or at levels oper/admin for the CLI" }, [ST_I_PX_MODE] = { .name = "mode", .desc = "'mode' setting (tcp/http/health/cli)" }, [ST_I_PX_ALGO] = { .name = "algo", .desc = "Backend's load balancing algorithm, shown only if show-legends is set, or at levels oper/admin for the CLI" }, [ST_I_PX_CONN_RATE] = ME_NEW_FE("conn_rate", FN_RATE, FF_U32, conn_per_sec, STATS_PX_CAP__F__, "Number of new connections accepted over the last second on the frontend for this worker process"), [ST_I_PX_CONN_RATE_MAX] = { .name = "conn_rate_max", .desc = "Highest value of connections per second observed since the worker process started" }, [ST_I_PX_CONN_TOT] = ME_NEW_FE("conn_tot", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, cum_conn, STATS_PX_CAP_LF__, "Total number of new connections accepted on this frontend since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_INTERCEPTED] = ME_NEW_FE("intercepted", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, intercepted_req, STATS_PX_CAP__F__, "Total number of HTTP requests intercepted on the frontend (redirects/stats/services) since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_DCON] = ME_NEW_FE("dcon", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, denied_conn, STATS_PX_CAP_LF__, "Total number of incoming connections blocked on a listener/frontend by a tcp-request connection rule since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_DSES] = ME_NEW_FE("dses", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, denied_sess, STATS_PX_CAP_LF__, "Total number of incoming sessions blocked on a listener/frontend by a tcp-request connection rule since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_WREW] = ME_NEW_PX("wrew", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, failed_rewrites, STATS_PX_CAP_LFBS, "Total number of failed HTTP header rewrites since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_CONNECT] = ME_NEW_BE("connect", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, connect, STATS_PX_CAP___BS, "Total number of outgoing connection attempts on this backend/server since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_REUSE] = ME_NEW_BE("reuse", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, reuse, STATS_PX_CAP___BS, "Total number of reused connection on this backend/server since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_CACHE_LOOKUPS] = ME_NEW_PX("cache_lookups", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, p.http.cache_lookups, STATS_PX_CAP__FB_, "Total number of HTTP requests looked up in the cache on this frontend/backend since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_CACHE_HITS] = ME_NEW_PX("cache_hits", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, p.http.cache_hits, STATS_PX_CAP__FB_, "Total number of HTTP requests not found in the cache on this frontend/backend since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_SRV_ICUR] = { .name = "srv_icur", .desc = "Current number of idle connections available for reuse on this server" }, [ST_I_PX_SRV_ILIM] = { .name = "src_ilim", .desc = "Limit on the number of available idle connections on this server (server 'pool_max_conn' directive)" }, [ST_I_PX_QT_MAX] = { .name = "qtime_max", .desc = "Maximum observed time spent in the queue, in milliseconds (backend/server)" }, [ST_I_PX_CT_MAX] = { .name = "ctime_max", .desc = "Maximum observed time spent waiting for a connection to complete, in milliseconds (backend/server)" }, [ST_I_PX_RT_MAX] = { .name = "rtime_max", .desc = "Maximum observed time spent waiting for a server response, in milliseconds (backend/server)" }, [ST_I_PX_TT_MAX] = { .name = "ttime_max", .desc = "Maximum observed total request+response time (request+queue+connect+response+processing), in milliseconds (backend/server)" }, [ST_I_PX_EINT] = ME_NEW_PX("eint", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, internal_errors, STATS_PX_CAP_LFBS, "Total number of internal errors since process started"), [ST_I_PX_IDLE_CONN_CUR] = { .name = "idle_conn_cur", .desc = "Current number of unsafe idle connections"}, [ST_I_PX_SAFE_CONN_CUR] = { .name = "safe_conn_cur", .desc = "Current number of safe idle connections"}, [ST_I_PX_USED_CONN_CUR] = { .name = "used_conn_cur", .desc = "Current number of connections in use"}, [ST_I_PX_NEED_CONN_EST] = { .name = "need_conn_est", .desc = "Estimated needed number of connections"}, [ST_I_PX_UWEIGHT] = { .name = "uweight", .desc = "Server's user weight, or sum of active servers' user weights for a backend" }, [ST_I_PX_AGG_SRV_CHECK_STATUS] = { .name = "agg_server_check_status", .desc = "[DEPRECATED] Backend's aggregated gauge of servers' status" }, [ST_I_PX_AGG_SRV_STATUS ] = { .name = "agg_server_status", .desc = "Backend's aggregated gauge of servers' status" }, [ST_I_PX_AGG_CHECK_STATUS] = { .name = "agg_check_status", .desc = "Backend's aggregated gauge of servers' state check status" }, [ST_I_PX_SRID] = { .name = "srid", .desc = "Server id revision, to prevent server id reuse mixups" }, [ST_I_PX_SESS_OTHER] = { .name = "sess_other", .desc = "Total number of sessions other than HTTP since process started" }, [ST_I_PX_H1SESS] = ME_NEW_FE("h1sess", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, cum_sess_ver[0], STATS_PX_CAP__F__, "Total number of HTTP/1 sessions since process started"), [ST_I_PX_H2SESS] = ME_NEW_FE("h2sess", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, cum_sess_ver[1], STATS_PX_CAP__F__, "Total number of HTTP/2 sessions since process started"), [ST_I_PX_H3SESS] = ME_NEW_FE("h3sess", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, cum_sess_ver[2], STATS_PX_CAP__F__, "Total number of HTTP/3 sessions since process started"), [ST_I_PX_REQ_OTHER] = ME_NEW_FE("req_other", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, p.http.cum_req[0], STATS_PX_CAP__F__, "Total number of sessions other than HTTP processed by this object since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_H1REQ] = ME_NEW_FE("h1req", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, p.http.cum_req[1], STATS_PX_CAP__F__, "Total number of HTTP/1 sessions processed by this object since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_H2REQ] = ME_NEW_FE("h2req", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, p.http.cum_req[2], STATS_PX_CAP__F__, "Total number of hTTP/2 sessions processed by this object since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_H3REQ] = ME_NEW_FE("h3req", FN_COUNTER, FF_U64, p.http.cum_req[3], STATS_PX_CAP__F__, "Total number of HTTP/3 sessions processed by this object since the worker process started"), [ST_I_PX_PROTO] = { .name = "proto", .desc = "Protocol" }, }; /* Returns true if column at should be hidden. * This may depends on various internal status. */ static int stcol_hide(enum stat_idx_px idx, enum obj_type *objt) { struct proxy *px; struct server *srv = NULL, *ref; struct listener *li = NULL; switch (obj_type(objt)) { case OBJ_TYPE_PROXY: px = __objt_proxy(objt); break; case OBJ_TYPE_SERVER: srv = __objt_server(objt); px = srv->proxy; break; case OBJ_TYPE_LISTENER: li = __objt_listener(objt); px = li->bind_conf->frontend; break; default: ABORT_NOW(); return 0; } switch (idx) { case ST_I_PX_HRSP_1XX: case ST_I_PX_HRSP_2XX: case ST_I_PX_HRSP_3XX: case ST_I_PX_HRSP_4XX: case ST_I_PX_HRSP_5XX: case ST_I_PX_REQ_TOT: case ST_I_PX_INTERCEPTED: case ST_I_PX_CACHE_LOOKUPS: case ST_I_PX_CACHE_HITS: return px->mode != PR_MODE_HTTP; case ST_I_PX_CHKFAIL: case ST_I_PX_CHKDOWN: return srv && !(srv->check.state & CHK_ST_ENABLED); case ST_I_PX_HANAFAIL: BUG_ON(!srv); /* HANAFAIL is only defined for server scope */ ref = srv->track ? srv->track : srv; while (ref->track) ref = ref->track; return !ref->observe; case ST_I_PX_LASTSESS: if (srv) return !srv->counters.last_sess; else if (px) return !px->be_counters.last_sess; else return 0; default: return 0; } } /* Generate if possible a metric value from . must be set to one of * STATS_PX_CAP_* values to check if the metric is available for this object * type. must be set when dumping stats-file. Metric value will be * extracted from . * * Returns a field metric. */ static struct field me_generate_field(const struct stat_col *col, enum stat_idx_px idx, enum obj_type *objt, const void *counters, uint8_t cap, int stat_file) { enum field_nature fn; struct field value; void *counter = NULL; int wrong_side = 0; /* Only generic stat column must be used as input. */ BUG_ON(!stcol_is_generic(col)); fn = stcol_nature(col); switch (cap) { case STATS_PX_CAP_FE: case STATS_PX_CAP_LI: counter = (char *)counters + col->metric.offset[0]; wrong_side = !(col->cap & (STATS_PX_CAP_FE|STATS_PX_CAP_LI)); break; case STATS_PX_CAP_BE: case STATS_PX_CAP_SRV: counter = (char *)counters + col->metric.offset[1]; wrong_side = !(col->cap & (STATS_PX_CAP_BE|STATS_PX_CAP_SRV)); break; default: /* invalid cap requested */ ABORT_NOW(); } /* TODO Special case needed for ST_I_PX_REQ_TOT. It is defined as a * generic column for backend side. Extra code required to diplay it on * frontend side as an aggregate of values splitted by HTTP version. */ if (idx == ST_I_PX_REQ_TOT && cap == STATS_PX_CAP_FE && !stat_file) { struct proxy *px = __objt_proxy(objt); const size_t nb_reqs = sizeof(px->fe_counters.p.http.cum_req) / sizeof(*px->fe_counters.p.http.cum_req); uint64_t total_req = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < nb_reqs; i++) total_req += px->fe_counters.p.http.cum_req[i]; return mkf_u64(FN_COUNTER, total_req); } if (stat_file) { /* stats-file emits separately frontend and backend stats. * Skip metric if not defined for any object on the cap side. */ if (wrong_side) return (struct field){ .type = FF_EMPTY }; } else { /* Ensure metric is defined for the current cap. */ if (!(col->cap & cap)) return (struct field){ .type = FF_EMPTY }; if (stcol_hide(idx, objt)) { if (fn == FN_AGE) return mkf_s32(FN_AGE, -1); else return (struct field){ .type = FF_EMPTY }; } } if (fn == FN_COUNTER) { switch (stcol_format(col)) { case FF_U64: value = mkf_u64(FN_COUNTER, *(uint64_t *)counter); break; default: /* only FF_U64 counters currently use generic metric calculation */ ABORT_NOW(); } } else if (fn == FN_RATE) { /* freq-ctr always uses FF_U32 */ BUG_ON(stcol_format(col) != FF_U32); value = mkf_u32(FN_RATE, read_freq_ctr(counter)); } else if (fn == FN_AGE) { unsigned long age = *(unsigned long *)counter; if (age) age = ns_to_sec(now_ns) - age; switch (stcol_format(col)) { case FF_U32: value = mkf_u32(FN_AGE, age); break; case FF_S32: value = mkf_s32(FN_AGE, age); break; default: /* only FF_U32/FF+S32 for age as generic stat column */ ABORT_NOW(); } } else { /* No generic column available for other field nature. */ ABORT_NOW(); } return value; } /* Fill with the frontend statistics. is preallocated array of * length . If is != NULL, only fill this one. The length * of the array must be at least ST_I_PX_MAX. If this length is less than * this value, or if the selected field is not implemented for frontends, the * function returns 0, otherwise, it returns 1. */ int stats_fill_fe_line(struct proxy *px, int flags, struct field *line, int len, enum stat_idx_px *index) { enum stat_idx_px i = index ? *index : 0; if (len < ST_I_PX_MAX) return 0; for (; i < ST_I_PX_MAX; i++) { const struct stat_col *col = &stat_cols_px[i]; struct field field = { 0 }; if (stcol_is_generic(col)) { field = me_generate_field(col, i, &px->obj_type, &px->fe_counters, STATS_PX_CAP_FE, flags & STAT_F_FMT_FILE); } else if (!(flags & STAT_F_FMT_FILE)) { switch (i) { case ST_I_PX_PXNAME: field = mkf_str(FO_KEY|FN_NAME|FS_SERVICE, px->id); break; case ST_I_PX_SVNAME: field = mkf_str(FO_KEY|FN_NAME|FS_SERVICE, "FRONTEND"); break; case ST_I_PX_MODE: field = mkf_str(FO_CONFIG|FS_SERVICE, proxy_mode_str(px->mode)); break; case ST_I_PX_SCUR: field = mkf_u32(0, px->feconn); break; case ST_I_PX_SMAX: field = mkf_u32(FN_MAX, px->fe_counters.conn_max); break; case ST_I_PX_SLIM: field = mkf_u32(FO_CONFIG|FN_LIMIT, px->maxconn); break; case ST_I_PX_STATUS: { const char *state; if (px->flags & (PR_FL_DISABLED|PR_FL_STOPPED)) state = "STOP"; else if (px->flags & PR_FL_PAUSED) state = "PAUSED"; else state = "OPEN"; field = mkf_str(FO_STATUS, state); break; } case ST_I_PX_PID: field = mkf_u32(FO_KEY, 1); break; case ST_I_PX_IID: field = mkf_u32(FO_KEY|FS_SERVICE, px->uuid); break; case ST_I_PX_SID: field = mkf_u32(FO_KEY|FS_SERVICE, 0); break; case ST_I_PX_TYPE: field = mkf_u32(FO_CONFIG|FS_SERVICE, STATS_TYPE_FE); break; case ST_I_PX_RATE_LIM: field = mkf_u32(FO_CONFIG|FN_LIMIT, px->fe_sps_lim); break; case ST_I_PX_RATE_MAX: field = mkf_u32(FN_MAX, px->fe_counters.sps_max); break; case ST_I_PX_REQ_RATE_MAX: field = mkf_u32(FN_MAX, px->fe_counters.p.http.rps_max); break; case ST_I_PX_CONN_RATE_MAX: field = mkf_u32(FN_MAX, px->fe_counters.cps_max); break; case ST_I_PX_SESS_OTHER: { int i; uint64_t total_sess; size_t nb_sess = sizeof(px->fe_counters.cum_sess_ver) / sizeof(*px->fe_counters.cum_sess_ver); total_sess = px->fe_counters.cum_sess; for (i = 0; i < nb_sess; i++) total_sess -= px->fe_counters.cum_sess_ver[i]; total_sess = (int64_t)total_sess < 0 ? 0 : total_sess; field = mkf_u64(FN_COUNTER, total_sess); break; } default: /* not used for frontends. If a specific field * is requested, return an error. Otherwise continue. */ if (index) return 0; continue; } } line[i] = field; if (index) break; } return 1; } /* Dumps a frontend's line to chunk ctx buffer for the current proxy and * uses the state from stream connector . The caller is responsible for * clearing chunk ctx buffer if needed. Returns non-zero if it emits anything, * zero otherwise. */ static int stats_dump_fe_line(struct stconn *sc, struct proxy *px) { struct appctx *appctx = __sc_appctx(sc); struct show_stat_ctx *ctx = appctx->svcctx; struct field *line = stat_lines[STATS_DOMAIN_PROXY]; struct stats_module *mod; size_t stats_count = ST_I_PX_MAX; if (!(px->cap & PR_CAP_FE)) return 0; if ((ctx->flags & STAT_F_BOUND) && !(ctx->type & (1 << STATS_TYPE_FE))) return 0; memset(line, 0, sizeof(struct field) * stat_cols_len[STATS_DOMAIN_PROXY]); if (!stats_fill_fe_line(px, ctx->flags, line, ST_I_PX_MAX, NULL)) return 0; list_for_each_entry(mod, &stats_module_list[STATS_DOMAIN_PROXY], list) { void *counters; if (ctx->flags & STAT_F_FMT_FILE) continue; if (!(stats_px_get_cap(mod->domain_flags) & STATS_PX_CAP_FE)) { stats_count += mod->stats_count; continue; } counters = EXTRA_COUNTERS_GET(px->extra_counters_fe, mod); if (!mod->fill_stats(counters, line + stats_count, NULL)) continue; stats_count += mod->stats_count; } return stats_dump_one_line(line, stats_count, appctx); } /* Fill with the listener statistics. is preallocated array of * length . The length of the array must be at least ST_I_PX_MAX. If * this length is less then this value, the function returns 0, otherwise, it * returns 1. If selected_field is != NULL, only fill this one. can * take the value STAT_F_SHLGNDS. */ int stats_fill_li_line(struct proxy *px, struct listener *l, int flags, struct field *line, int len, enum stat_idx_px *selected_field) { enum stat_idx_px i = (selected_field != NULL ? *selected_field : 0); struct buffer *out = get_trash_chunk(); if (len < ST_I_PX_MAX) return 0; if (!l->counters) return 0; chunk_reset(out); for (; i < ST_I_PX_MAX; i++) { const struct stat_col *col = &stat_cols_px[i]; struct field field = { 0 }; if (stcol_is_generic(col)) { field = me_generate_field(col, i, &l->obj_type, l->counters, STATS_PX_CAP_LI, flags & STAT_F_FMT_FILE); } else if (!(flags & STAT_F_FMT_FILE)) { switch (i) { case ST_I_PX_PXNAME: field = mkf_str(FO_KEY|FN_NAME|FS_SERVICE, px->id); break; case ST_I_PX_SVNAME: field = mkf_str(FO_KEY|FN_NAME|FS_SERVICE, l->name); break; case ST_I_PX_MODE: field = mkf_str(FO_CONFIG|FS_SERVICE, proxy_mode_str(px->mode)); break; case ST_I_PX_SCUR: field = mkf_u32(0, l->nbconn); break; case ST_I_PX_SMAX: field = mkf_u32(FN_MAX, l->counters->conn_max); break; case ST_I_PX_SLIM: field = mkf_u32(FO_CONFIG|FN_LIMIT, l->bind_conf->maxconn); break; case ST_I_PX_STATUS: field = mkf_str(FO_STATUS, li_status_st[get_li_status(l)]); break; case ST_I_PX_PID: field = mkf_u32(FO_KEY, 1); break; case ST_I_PX_IID: field = mkf_u32(FO_KEY|FS_SERVICE, px->uuid); break; case ST_I_PX_SID: field = mkf_u32(FO_KEY|FS_SERVICE, l->luid); break; case ST_I_PX_TYPE: field = mkf_u32(FO_CONFIG|FS_SERVICE, STATS_TYPE_SO); break; case ST_I_PX_ADDR: if (flags & STAT_F_SHLGNDS) { char str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; int port; port = get_host_port(&l->rx.addr); switch (addr_to_str(&l->rx.addr, str, sizeof(str))) { case AF_INET: field = mkf_str(FO_CONFIG|FS_SERVICE, chunk_newstr(out)); chunk_appendf(out, "%s:%d", str, port); break; case AF_INET6: field = mkf_str(FO_CONFIG|FS_SERVICE, chunk_newstr(out)); chunk_appendf(out, "[%s]:%d", str, port); break; case AF_UNIX: field = mkf_str(FO_CONFIG|FS_SERVICE, "unix"); break; case -1: field = mkf_str(FO_CONFIG|FS_SERVICE, chunk_newstr(out)); chunk_strcat(out, strerror(errno)); break; default: /* address family not supported */ break; } } break; case ST_I_PX_PROTO: field = mkf_str(FO_STATUS, l->rx.proto->name); break; default: /* not used for listen. If a specific field * is requested, return an error. Otherwise continue. */ if (selected_field != NULL) return 0; continue; } } line[i] = field; if (selected_field != NULL) break; } return 1; } /* Dumps a line for listener and proxy to chunk ctx buffer and uses * the state from stream connector . The caller is responsible for clearing * chunk ctx buffer if needed. Returns non-zero if it emits anything, zero * otherwise. */ static int stats_dump_li_line(struct stconn *sc, struct proxy *px, struct listener *l) { struct appctx *appctx = __sc_appctx(sc); struct show_stat_ctx *ctx = appctx->svcctx; struct field *line = stat_lines[STATS_DOMAIN_PROXY]; struct stats_module *mod; size_t stats_count = ST_I_PX_MAX; memset(line, 0, sizeof(struct field) * stat_cols_len[STATS_DOMAIN_PROXY]); if (!stats_fill_li_line(px, l, ctx->flags, line, ST_I_PX_MAX, NULL)) return 0; list_for_each_entry(mod, &stats_module_list[STATS_DOMAIN_PROXY], list) { void *counters; if (ctx->flags & STAT_F_FMT_FILE) continue; if (!(stats_px_get_cap(mod->domain_flags) & STATS_PX_CAP_LI)) { stats_count += mod->stats_count; continue; } counters = EXTRA_COUNTERS_GET(l->extra_counters, mod); if (!mod->fill_stats(counters, line + stats_count, NULL)) continue; stats_count += mod->stats_count; } return stats_dump_one_line(line, stats_count, appctx); } enum srv_stats_state { SRV_STATS_STATE_DOWN = 0, SRV_STATS_STATE_DOWN_AGENT, SRV_STATS_STATE_GOING_UP, SRV_STATS_STATE_UP_GOING_DOWN, SRV_STATS_STATE_UP, SRV_STATS_STATE_NOLB_GOING_DOWN, SRV_STATS_STATE_NOLB, SRV_STATS_STATE_DRAIN_GOING_DOWN, SRV_STATS_STATE_DRAIN, SRV_STATS_STATE_DRAIN_AGENT, SRV_STATS_STATE_NO_CHECK, SRV_STATS_STATE_COUNT, /* Must be last */ }; static const char *srv_hlt_st[SRV_STATS_STATE_COUNT] = { [SRV_STATS_STATE_DOWN] = "DOWN", [SRV_STATS_STATE_DOWN_AGENT] = "DOWN (agent)", [SRV_STATS_STATE_GOING_UP] = "DOWN %d/%d", [SRV_STATS_STATE_UP_GOING_DOWN] = "UP %d/%d", [SRV_STATS_STATE_UP] = "UP", [SRV_STATS_STATE_NOLB_GOING_DOWN] = "NOLB %d/%d", [SRV_STATS_STATE_NOLB] = "NOLB", [SRV_STATS_STATE_DRAIN_GOING_DOWN] = "DRAIN %d/%d", [SRV_STATS_STATE_DRAIN] = "DRAIN", [SRV_STATS_STATE_DRAIN_AGENT] = "DRAIN (agent)", [SRV_STATS_STATE_NO_CHECK] = "no check" }; /* Compute server state helper */ static void stats_fill_sv_computestate(struct server *sv, struct server *ref, enum srv_stats_state *state) { if (sv->cur_state == SRV_ST_RUNNING || sv->cur_state == SRV_ST_STARTING) { if ((ref->check.state & CHK_ST_ENABLED) && (ref->check.health < ref->check.rise + ref->check.fall - 1)) { *state = SRV_STATS_STATE_UP_GOING_DOWN; } else { *state = SRV_STATS_STATE_UP; } if (sv->cur_admin & SRV_ADMF_DRAIN) { if (ref->agent.state & CHK_ST_ENABLED) *state = SRV_STATS_STATE_DRAIN_AGENT; else if (*state == SRV_STATS_STATE_UP_GOING_DOWN) *state = SRV_STATS_STATE_DRAIN_GOING_DOWN; else *state = SRV_STATS_STATE_DRAIN; } if (*state == SRV_STATS_STATE_UP && !(ref->check.state & CHK_ST_ENABLED)) { *state = SRV_STATS_STATE_NO_CHECK; } } else if (sv->cur_state == SRV_ST_STOPPING) { if ((!(sv->check.state & CHK_ST_ENABLED) && !sv->track) || (ref->check.health == ref->check.rise + ref->check.fall - 1)) { *state = SRV_STATS_STATE_NOLB; } else { *state = SRV_STATS_STATE_NOLB_GOING_DOWN; } } else { /* stopped */ if ((ref->agent.state & CHK_ST_ENABLED) && !ref->agent.health) { *state = SRV_STATS_STATE_DOWN_AGENT; } else if ((ref->check.state & CHK_ST_ENABLED) && !ref->check.health) { *state = SRV_STATS_STATE_DOWN; /* DOWN */ } else if ((ref->agent.state & CHK_ST_ENABLED) || (ref->check.state & CHK_ST_ENABLED)) { *state = SRV_STATS_STATE_GOING_UP; } else { *state = SRV_STATS_STATE_DOWN; /* DOWN, unchecked */ } } } /* Fill with the backend statistics. is preallocated array of * length . If is != NULL, only fill this one. The length * of the array must be at least ST_I_PX_MAX. If this length is less than * this value, or if the selected field is not implemented for servers, the * function returns 0, otherwise, it returns 1. can take the value * STAT_F_SHLGNDS. */ int stats_fill_sv_line(struct proxy *px, struct server *sv, int flags, struct field *line, int len, enum stat_idx_px *index) { enum stat_idx_px i = index ? *index : 0; struct server *via = sv->track ? sv->track : sv; struct server *ref = via; enum srv_stats_state state = 0; char str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; struct buffer *out = get_trash_chunk(); char *fld_status; long long srv_samples_counter; unsigned int srv_samples_window = TIME_STATS_SAMPLES; if (len < ST_I_PX_MAX) return 0; chunk_reset(out); /* compute state for later use */ if (!index || *index == ST_I_PX_STATUS || *index == ST_I_PX_CHECK_RISE || *index == ST_I_PX_CHECK_FALL || *index == ST_I_PX_CHECK_HEALTH || *index == ST_I_PX_HANAFAIL) { /* we have "via" which is the tracked server as described in the configuration, * and "ref" which is the checked server and the end of the chain. */ while (ref->track) ref = ref->track; stats_fill_sv_computestate(sv, ref, &state); } /* compue time values for later use */ if (index == NULL || *index == ST_I_PX_QTIME || *index == ST_I_PX_CTIME || *index == ST_I_PX_RTIME || *index == ST_I_PX_TTIME) { srv_samples_counter = (px->mode == PR_MODE_HTTP) ? sv->counters.p.http.cum_req : sv->counters.cum_lbconn; if (srv_samples_counter < TIME_STATS_SAMPLES && srv_samples_counter > 0) srv_samples_window = srv_samples_counter; } for (; i < ST_I_PX_MAX; i++) { const struct stat_col *col = &stat_cols_px[i]; struct field field = { 0 }; if (stcol_is_generic(col)) { field = me_generate_field(col, i, &sv->obj_type, &sv->counters, STATS_PX_CAP_SRV, flags & STAT_F_FMT_FILE); } else if (!(flags & STAT_F_FMT_FILE)) { switch (i) { case ST_I_PX_PXNAME: field = mkf_str(FO_KEY|FN_NAME|FS_SERVICE, px->id); break; case ST_I_PX_SVNAME: field = mkf_str(FO_KEY|FN_NAME|FS_SERVICE, sv->id); break; case ST_I_PX_MODE: field = mkf_str(FO_CONFIG|FS_SERVICE, proxy_mode_str(px->mode)); break; case ST_I_PX_QCUR: field = mkf_u32(0, sv->queue.length); break; case ST_I_PX_QMAX: field = mkf_u32(FN_MAX, sv->counters.nbpend_max); break; case ST_I_PX_SCUR: field = mkf_u32(0, sv->cur_sess); break; case ST_I_PX_SMAX: field = mkf_u32(FN_MAX, sv->counters.cur_sess_max); break; case ST_I_PX_SLIM: if (sv->maxconn) field = mkf_u32(FO_CONFIG|FN_LIMIT, sv->maxconn); break; case ST_I_PX_SRV_ICUR: field = mkf_u32(0, sv->curr_idle_conns); break; case ST_I_PX_SRV_ILIM: if (sv->max_idle_conns != -1) field = mkf_u32(FO_CONFIG|FN_LIMIT, sv->max_idle_conns); break; case ST_I_PX_IDLE_CONN_CUR: field = mkf_u32(0, sv->curr_idle_nb); break; case ST_I_PX_SAFE_CONN_CUR: field = mkf_u32(0, sv->curr_safe_nb); break; case ST_I_PX_USED_CONN_CUR: field = mkf_u32(0, sv->curr_used_conns); break; case ST_I_PX_NEED_CONN_EST: field = mkf_u32(0, sv->est_need_conns); break; case ST_I_PX_STATUS: fld_status = chunk_newstr(out); if (sv->cur_admin & SRV_ADMF_RMAINT) chunk_appendf(out, "MAINT (resolution)"); else if (sv->cur_admin & SRV_ADMF_IMAINT) chunk_appendf(out, "MAINT (via %s/%s)", via->proxy->id, via->id); else if (sv->cur_admin & SRV_ADMF_MAINT) chunk_appendf(out, "MAINT"); else chunk_appendf(out, srv_hlt_st[state], (ref->cur_state != SRV_ST_STOPPED) ? (ref->check.health - ref->check.rise + 1) : (ref->check.health), (ref->cur_state != SRV_ST_STOPPED) ? (ref->check.fall) : (ref->check.rise)); field = mkf_str(FO_STATUS, fld_status); break; case ST_I_PX_WEIGHT: field = mkf_u32(FN_AVG, (sv->cur_eweight * px->lbprm.wmult + px->lbprm.wdiv - 1) / px->lbprm.wdiv); break; case ST_I_PX_UWEIGHT: field = mkf_u32(FN_AVG, sv->uweight); break; case ST_I_PX_ACT: field = mkf_u32(FO_STATUS, (sv->flags & SRV_F_BACKUP) ? 0 : 1); break; case ST_I_PX_BCK: field = mkf_u32(FO_STATUS, (sv->flags & SRV_F_BACKUP) ? 1 : 0); break; case ST_I_PX_DOWNTIME: if (sv->check.state & CHK_ST_ENABLED) field = mkf_u32(FN_COUNTER, srv_downtime(sv)); break; case ST_I_PX_QLIMIT: if (sv->maxqueue) field = mkf_u32(FO_CONFIG|FS_SERVICE, sv->maxqueue); break; case ST_I_PX_PID: field = mkf_u32(FO_KEY, 1); break; case ST_I_PX_IID: field = mkf_u32(FO_KEY|FS_SERVICE, px->uuid); break; case ST_I_PX_SID: field = mkf_u32(FO_KEY|FS_SERVICE, sv->puid); break; case ST_I_PX_SRID: field = mkf_u32(FN_COUNTER, sv->rid); break; case ST_I_PX_THROTTLE: if (sv->cur_state == SRV_ST_STARTING && !server_is_draining(sv)) field = mkf_u32(FN_AVG, server_throttle_rate(sv)); break; case ST_I_PX_TRACKED: if (sv->track) { char *fld_track = chunk_newstr(out); chunk_appendf(out, "%s/%s", sv->track->proxy->id, sv->track->id); field = mkf_str(FO_CONFIG|FN_NAME|FS_SERVICE, fld_track); } break; case ST_I_PX_TYPE: field = mkf_u32(FO_CONFIG|FS_SERVICE, STATS_TYPE_SV); break; case ST_I_PX_RATE_MAX: field = mkf_u32(FN_MAX, sv->counters.sps_max); break; case ST_I_PX_CHECK_STATUS: if ((sv->check.state & (CHK_ST_ENABLED|CHK_ST_PAUSED)) == CHK_ST_ENABLED) { const char *fld_chksts; fld_chksts = chunk_newstr(out); chunk_strcat(out, "* "); // for check in progress chunk_strcat(out, get_check_status_info(sv->check.status)); if (!(sv->check.state & CHK_ST_INPROGRESS)) fld_chksts += 2; // skip "* " field = mkf_str(FN_OUTPUT, fld_chksts); } break; case ST_I_PX_CHECK_CODE: if ((sv->check.state & (CHK_ST_ENABLED|CHK_ST_PAUSED)) == CHK_ST_ENABLED && sv->check.status >= HCHK_STATUS_L57DATA) field = mkf_u32(FN_OUTPUT, sv->check.code); break; case ST_I_PX_CHECK_DURATION: if ((sv->check.state & (CHK_ST_ENABLED|CHK_ST_PAUSED)) == CHK_ST_ENABLED && sv->check.status >= HCHK_STATUS_CHECKED) field = mkf_u64(FN_DURATION, MAX(sv->check.duration, 0)); break; case ST_I_PX_CHECK_DESC: if ((sv->check.state & (CHK_ST_ENABLED|CHK_ST_PAUSED)) == CHK_ST_ENABLED) field = mkf_str(FN_OUTPUT, get_check_status_description(sv->check.status)); break; case ST_I_PX_LAST_CHK: if ((sv->check.state & (CHK_ST_ENABLED|CHK_ST_PAUSED)) == CHK_ST_ENABLED) field = mkf_str(FN_OUTPUT, sv->check.desc); break; case ST_I_PX_CHECK_RISE: if ((sv->check.state & (CHK_ST_ENABLED|CHK_ST_PAUSED)) == CHK_ST_ENABLED) field = mkf_u32(FO_CONFIG|FS_SERVICE, ref->check.rise); break; case ST_I_PX_CHECK_FALL: if ((sv->check.state & (CHK_ST_ENABLED|CHK_ST_PAUSED)) == CHK_ST_ENABLED) field = mkf_u32(FO_CONFIG|FS_SERVICE, ref->check.fall); break; case ST_I_PX_CHECK_HEALTH: if ((sv->check.state & (CHK_ST_ENABLED|CHK_ST_PAUSED)) == CHK_ST_ENABLED) field = mkf_u32(FO_CONFIG|FS_SERVICE, ref->check.health); break; case ST_I_PX_AGENT_STATUS: if ((sv->agent.state & (CHK_ST_ENABLED|CHK_ST_PAUSED)) == CHK_ST_ENABLED) { const char *fld_chksts; fld_chksts = chunk_newstr(out); chunk_strcat(out, "* "); // for check in progress chunk_strcat(out, get_check_status_info(sv->agent.status)); if (!(sv->agent.state & CHK_ST_INPROGRESS)) fld_chksts += 2; // skip "* " field = mkf_str(FN_OUTPUT, fld_chksts); } break; case ST_I_PX_AGENT_CODE: if ((sv->agent.state & (CHK_ST_ENABLED|CHK_ST_PAUSED)) == CHK_ST_ENABLED && (sv->agent.status >= HCHK_STATUS_L57DATA)) field = mkf_u32(FN_OUTPUT, sv->agent.code); break; case ST_I_PX_AGENT_DURATION: if ((sv->agent.state & (CHK_ST_ENABLED|CHK_ST_PAUSED)) == CHK_ST_ENABLED) field = mkf_u64(FN_DURATION, sv->agent.duration); break; case ST_I_PX_AGENT_DESC: if ((sv->agent.state & (CHK_ST_ENABLED|CHK_ST_PAUSED)) == CHK_ST_ENABLED) field = mkf_str(FN_OUTPUT, get_check_status_description(sv->agent.status)); break; case ST_I_PX_LAST_AGT: if ((sv->agent.state & (CHK_ST_ENABLED|CHK_ST_PAUSED)) == CHK_ST_ENABLED) field = mkf_str(FN_OUTPUT, sv->agent.desc); break; case ST_I_PX_AGENT_RISE: if ((sv->agent.state & (CHK_ST_ENABLED|CHK_ST_PAUSED)) == CHK_ST_ENABLED) field = mkf_u32(FO_CONFIG|FS_SERVICE, sv->agent.rise); break; case ST_I_PX_AGENT_FALL: if ((sv->agent.state & (CHK_ST_ENABLED|CHK_ST_PAUSED)) == CHK_ST_ENABLED) field = mkf_u32(FO_CONFIG|FS_SERVICE, sv->agent.fall); break; case ST_I_PX_AGENT_HEALTH: if ((sv->agent.state & (CHK_ST_ENABLED|CHK_ST_PAUSED)) == CHK_ST_ENABLED) field = mkf_u32(FO_CONFIG|FS_SERVICE, sv->agent.health); break; case ST_I_PX_QTIME: field = mkf_u32(FN_AVG, swrate_avg(sv->counters.q_time, srv_samples_window)); break; case ST_I_PX_CTIME: field = mkf_u32(FN_AVG, swrate_avg(sv->counters.c_time, srv_samples_window)); break; case ST_I_PX_RTIME: field = mkf_u32(FN_AVG, swrate_avg(sv->counters.d_time, srv_samples_window)); break; case ST_I_PX_TTIME: field = mkf_u32(FN_AVG, swrate_avg(sv->counters.t_time, srv_samples_window)); break; case ST_I_PX_QT_MAX: field = mkf_u32(FN_MAX, sv->counters.qtime_max); break; case ST_I_PX_CT_MAX: field = mkf_u32(FN_MAX, sv->counters.ctime_max); break; case ST_I_PX_RT_MAX: field = mkf_u32(FN_MAX, sv->counters.dtime_max); break; case ST_I_PX_TT_MAX: field = mkf_u32(FN_MAX, sv->counters.ttime_max); break; case ST_I_PX_ADDR: if (flags & STAT_F_SHLGNDS) { switch (addr_to_str(&sv->addr, str, sizeof(str))) { case AF_INET: field = mkf_str(FO_CONFIG|FS_SERVICE, chunk_newstr(out)); chunk_appendf(out, "%s:%d", str, sv->svc_port); break; case AF_INET6: field = mkf_str(FO_CONFIG|FS_SERVICE, chunk_newstr(out)); chunk_appendf(out, "[%s]:%d", str, sv->svc_port); break; case AF_UNIX: field = mkf_str(FO_CONFIG|FS_SERVICE, "unix"); break; case -1: field = mkf_str(FO_CONFIG|FS_SERVICE, chunk_newstr(out)); chunk_strcat(out, strerror(errno)); break; default: /* address family not supported */ break; } } break; case ST_I_PX_COOKIE: if (flags & STAT_F_SHLGNDS && sv->cookie) field = mkf_str(FO_CONFIG|FN_NAME|FS_SERVICE, sv->cookie); break; default: /* not used for servers. If a specific field * is requested, return an error. Otherwise continue. */ if (index) return 0; continue; } } line[i] = field; if (index) break; } return 1; } /* Dumps a line for server and proxy to chunk ctx buffer and uses the * state from stream connector , and server state . The caller is * responsible for clearing the chunk ctx buffer if needed. Returns non-zero if * it emits anything, zero otherwise. */ static int stats_dump_sv_line(struct stconn *sc, struct proxy *px, struct server *sv) { struct appctx *appctx = __sc_appctx(sc); struct show_stat_ctx *ctx = appctx->svcctx; struct stats_module *mod; struct field *line = stat_lines[STATS_DOMAIN_PROXY]; size_t stats_count = ST_I_PX_MAX; memset(line, 0, sizeof(struct field) * stat_cols_len[STATS_DOMAIN_PROXY]); if (!stats_fill_sv_line(px, sv, ctx->flags, line, ST_I_PX_MAX, NULL)) return 0; list_for_each_entry(mod, &stats_module_list[STATS_DOMAIN_PROXY], list) { void *counters; if (ctx->flags & STAT_F_FMT_FILE) continue; if (stats_get_domain(mod->domain_flags) != STATS_DOMAIN_PROXY) continue; if (!(stats_px_get_cap(mod->domain_flags) & STATS_PX_CAP_SRV)) { stats_count += mod->stats_count; continue; } counters = EXTRA_COUNTERS_GET(sv->extra_counters, mod); if (!mod->fill_stats(counters, line + stats_count, NULL)) continue; stats_count += mod->stats_count; } return stats_dump_one_line(line, stats_count, appctx); } /* Helper to compute srv values for a given backend */ static void stats_fill_be_computesrv(struct proxy *px, int *nbup, int *nbsrv, int *totuw) { int nbup_tmp, nbsrv_tmp, totuw_tmp; const struct server *srv; nbup_tmp = nbsrv_tmp = totuw_tmp = 0; for (srv = px->srv; srv; srv = srv->next) { if (srv->cur_state != SRV_ST_STOPPED) { nbup_tmp++; if (srv_currently_usable(srv) && (!px->srv_act ^ !(srv->flags & SRV_F_BACKUP))) totuw_tmp += srv->uweight; } nbsrv_tmp++; } HA_RWLOCK_RDLOCK(LBPRM_LOCK, &px->lbprm.lock); if (!px->srv_act && px->lbprm.fbck) totuw_tmp = px->lbprm.fbck->uweight; HA_RWLOCK_RDUNLOCK(LBPRM_LOCK, &px->lbprm.lock); /* use tmp variable then assign result to make gcc happy */ *nbup = nbup_tmp; *nbsrv = nbsrv_tmp; *totuw = totuw_tmp; } /* Fill with the backend statistics. is preallocated array of * length . If is != NULL, only fill this one. The length * of the array must be at least ST_I_PX_MAX. If this length is less than * this value, or if the selected field is not implemented for backends, the * function returns 0, otherwise, it returns 1. can take the value * STAT_F_SHLGNDS. */ int stats_fill_be_line(struct proxy *px, int flags, struct field *line, int len, enum stat_idx_px *index) { enum stat_idx_px i = index ? *index : 0; long long be_samples_counter; unsigned int be_samples_window = TIME_STATS_SAMPLES; struct buffer *out = get_trash_chunk(); int nbup, nbsrv, totuw; char *fld; if (len < ST_I_PX_MAX) return 0; nbup = nbsrv = totuw = 0; /* some srv values compute for later if we either select all fields or * need them for one of the mentioned ones */ if (!index || *index == ST_I_PX_STATUS || *index == ST_I_PX_UWEIGHT) stats_fill_be_computesrv(px, &nbup, &nbsrv, &totuw); /* same here but specific to time fields */ if (!index || *index == ST_I_PX_QTIME || *index == ST_I_PX_CTIME || *index == ST_I_PX_RTIME || *index == ST_I_PX_TTIME) { be_samples_counter = (px->mode == PR_MODE_HTTP) ? px->be_counters.p.http.cum_req : px->be_counters.cum_lbconn; if (be_samples_counter < TIME_STATS_SAMPLES && be_samples_counter > 0) be_samples_window = be_samples_counter; } for (; i < ST_I_PX_MAX; i++) { const struct stat_col *col = &stat_cols_px[i]; struct field field = { 0 }; if (stcol_is_generic(col)) { field = me_generate_field(col, i, &px->obj_type, &px->be_counters, STATS_PX_CAP_BE, flags & STAT_F_FMT_FILE); } else if (!(flags & STAT_F_FMT_FILE)) { switch (i) { case ST_I_PX_PXNAME: field = mkf_str(FO_KEY|FN_NAME|FS_SERVICE, px->id); break; case ST_I_PX_SVNAME: field = mkf_str(FO_KEY|FN_NAME|FS_SERVICE, "BACKEND"); break; case ST_I_PX_MODE: field = mkf_str(FO_CONFIG|FS_SERVICE, proxy_mode_str(px->mode)); break; case ST_I_PX_QCUR: field = mkf_u32(0, px->queue.length); break; case ST_I_PX_QMAX: field = mkf_u32(FN_MAX, px->be_counters.nbpend_max); break; case ST_I_PX_SCUR: field = mkf_u32(0, px->beconn); break; case ST_I_PX_SMAX: field = mkf_u32(FN_MAX, px->be_counters.conn_max); break; case ST_I_PX_SLIM: field = mkf_u32(FO_CONFIG|FN_LIMIT, px->fullconn); break; case ST_I_PX_STATUS: fld = chunk_newstr(out); chunk_appendf(out, "%s", (px->lbprm.tot_weight > 0 || !px->srv) ? "UP" : "DOWN"); if (flags & (STAT_F_HIDE_MAINT|STAT_F_HIDE_DOWN)) chunk_appendf(out, " (%d/%d)", nbup, nbsrv); field = mkf_str(FO_STATUS, fld); break; case ST_I_PX_AGG_SRV_CHECK_STATUS: // DEPRECATED case ST_I_PX_AGG_SRV_STATUS: field = mkf_u32(FN_GAUGE, 0); break; case ST_I_PX_AGG_CHECK_STATUS: field = mkf_u32(FN_GAUGE, 0); break; case ST_I_PX_WEIGHT: field = mkf_u32(FN_AVG, (px->lbprm.tot_weight * px->lbprm.wmult + px->lbprm.wdiv - 1) / px->lbprm.wdiv); break; case ST_I_PX_UWEIGHT: field = mkf_u32(FN_AVG, totuw); break; case ST_I_PX_ACT: field = mkf_u32(0, px->srv_act); break; case ST_I_PX_BCK: field = mkf_u32(0, px->srv_bck); break; case ST_I_PX_DOWNTIME: if (px->srv) field = mkf_u32(FN_COUNTER, be_downtime(px)); break; case ST_I_PX_PID: field = mkf_u32(FO_KEY, 1); break; case ST_I_PX_IID: field = mkf_u32(FO_KEY|FS_SERVICE, px->uuid); break; case ST_I_PX_SID: field = mkf_u32(FO_KEY|FS_SERVICE, 0); break; case ST_I_PX_TYPE: field = mkf_u32(FO_CONFIG|FS_SERVICE, STATS_TYPE_BE); break; case ST_I_PX_RATE_MAX: field = mkf_u32(0, px->be_counters.sps_max); break; case ST_I_PX_COOKIE: if (flags & STAT_F_SHLGNDS && px->cookie_name) field = mkf_str(FO_CONFIG|FN_NAME|FS_SERVICE, px->cookie_name); break; case ST_I_PX_ALGO: if (flags & STAT_F_SHLGNDS) field = mkf_str(FO_CONFIG|FS_SERVICE, backend_lb_algo_str(px->lbprm.algo & BE_LB_ALGO)); break; case ST_I_PX_QTIME: field = mkf_u32(FN_AVG, swrate_avg(px->be_counters.q_time, be_samples_window)); break; case ST_I_PX_CTIME: field = mkf_u32(FN_AVG, swrate_avg(px->be_counters.c_time, be_samples_window)); break; case ST_I_PX_RTIME: field = mkf_u32(FN_AVG, swrate_avg(px->be_counters.d_time, be_samples_window)); break; case ST_I_PX_TTIME: field = mkf_u32(FN_AVG, swrate_avg(px->be_counters.t_time, be_samples_window)); break; case ST_I_PX_QT_MAX: field = mkf_u32(FN_MAX, px->be_counters.qtime_max); break; case ST_I_PX_CT_MAX: field = mkf_u32(FN_MAX, px->be_counters.ctime_max); break; case ST_I_PX_RT_MAX: field = mkf_u32(FN_MAX, px->be_counters.dtime_max); break; case ST_I_PX_TT_MAX: field = mkf_u32(FN_MAX, px->be_counters.ttime_max); break; default: /* not used for backends. If a specific field * is requested, return an error. Otherwise continue. */ if (index) return 0; continue; } } line[i] = field; if (index) break; } return 1; } /* Dumps a line for backend to chunk ctx buffer and uses the state from * stream interface . The caller is responsible for clearing chunk buffer * if needed. Returns non-zero if it emits anything, zero otherwise. */ static int stats_dump_be_line(struct stconn *sc, struct proxy *px) { struct appctx *appctx = __sc_appctx(sc); struct show_stat_ctx *ctx = appctx->svcctx; struct field *line = stat_lines[STATS_DOMAIN_PROXY]; struct stats_module *mod; size_t stats_count = ST_I_PX_MAX; if (!(px->cap & PR_CAP_BE)) return 0; if ((ctx->flags & STAT_F_BOUND) && !(ctx->type & (1 << STATS_TYPE_BE))) return 0; memset(line, 0, sizeof(struct field) * stat_cols_len[STATS_DOMAIN_PROXY]); if (!stats_fill_be_line(px, ctx->flags, line, ST_I_PX_MAX, NULL)) return 0; list_for_each_entry(mod, &stats_module_list[STATS_DOMAIN_PROXY], list) { struct extra_counters *counters; if (ctx->flags & STAT_F_FMT_FILE) continue; if (stats_get_domain(mod->domain_flags) != STATS_DOMAIN_PROXY) continue; if (!(stats_px_get_cap(mod->domain_flags) & STATS_PX_CAP_BE)) { stats_count += mod->stats_count; continue; } counters = EXTRA_COUNTERS_GET(px->extra_counters_be, mod); if (!mod->fill_stats(counters, line + stats_count, NULL)) continue; stats_count += mod->stats_count; } return stats_dump_one_line(line, stats_count, appctx); } /* * Dumps statistics for a proxy. The output is sent to the stream connector's * input buffer. Returns 0 if it had to stop dumping data because of lack of * buffer space, or non-zero if everything completed. This function is used * both by the CLI and the HTTP entry points, and is able to dump the output * in HTML or CSV formats. */ static int stats_dump_proxy_to_buffer(struct stconn *sc, struct buffer *buf, struct htx *htx, struct proxy *px) { struct appctx *appctx = __sc_appctx(sc); struct show_stat_ctx *ctx = appctx->svcctx; struct buffer *chk = &ctx->chunk; struct server *sv, *svs; /* server and server-state, server-state=server or server->track */ struct listener *l; struct uri_auth *uri = NULL; int current_field; int px_st = ctx->px_st; if (ctx->http_px) uri = ctx->http_px->uri_auth; chunk_reset(chk); more: current_field = ctx->field; switch (ctx->px_st) { case STAT_PX_ST_INIT: /* we are on a new proxy */ if (uri && uri->scope) { /* we have a limited scope, we have to check the proxy name */ struct stat_scope *scope; int len; len = strlen(px->id); scope = uri->scope; while (scope) { /* match exact proxy name */ if (scope->px_len == len && !memcmp(px->id, scope->px_id, len)) break; /* match '.' which means 'self' proxy */ if (strcmp(scope->px_id, ".") == 0 && px == ctx->http_px) break; scope = scope->next; } /* proxy name not found : don't dump anything */ if (scope == NULL) return 1; } /* if the user has requested a limited output and the proxy * name does not match, skip it. */ if (ctx->scope_len) { const char *scope_ptr = stats_scope_ptr(appctx); if (strnistr(px->id, strlen(px->id), scope_ptr, ctx->scope_len) == NULL) return 1; } if ((ctx->flags & STAT_F_BOUND) && (ctx->iid != -1) && (px->uuid != ctx->iid)) return 1; ctx->px_st = STAT_PX_ST_TH; __fallthrough; case STAT_PX_ST_TH: if (ctx->flags & STAT_F_FMT_HTML) { stats_dump_html_px_hdr(sc, px); if (!stats_putchk(appctx, buf, htx)) goto full; } ctx->px_st = STAT_PX_ST_FE; __fallthrough; case STAT_PX_ST_FE: /* print the frontend */ if (stats_dump_fe_line(sc, px)) { if (!stats_putchk(appctx, buf, htx)) goto full; ctx->flags |= STAT_F_STARTED; if (ctx->field) goto more; } current_field = 0; ctx->obj2 = px->conf.listeners.n; ctx->px_st = STAT_PX_ST_LI; __fallthrough; case STAT_PX_ST_LI: /* obj2 points to listeners list as initialized above */ for (; ctx->obj2 != &px->conf.listeners; ctx->obj2 = l->by_fe.n) { if (stats_is_full(appctx, buf, htx)) goto full; l = LIST_ELEM(ctx->obj2, struct listener *, by_fe); if (!l->counters) continue; if (ctx->flags & STAT_F_BOUND) { if (!(ctx->type & (1 << STATS_TYPE_SO))) break; if (ctx->sid != -1 && l->luid != ctx->sid) continue; } /* print the frontend */ if (stats_dump_li_line(sc, px, l)) { if (!stats_putchk(appctx, buf, htx)) goto full; ctx->flags |= STAT_F_STARTED; if (ctx->field) goto more; } current_field = 0; } ctx->obj2 = px->srv; /* may be NULL */ ctx->px_st = STAT_PX_ST_SV; __fallthrough; case STAT_PX_ST_SV: /* check for dump resumption */ if (px_st == STAT_PX_ST_SV) { struct server *cur = ctx->obj2; /* re-entrant dump */ BUG_ON(!cur); if (cur->flags & SRV_F_DELETED) { /* the server could have been marked as deleted * between two dumping attempts, skip it. */ cur = cur->next; } srv_drop(ctx->obj2); /* drop old srv taken on last dumping attempt */ ctx->obj2 = cur; /* could be NULL */ /* back to normal */ } /* obj2 points to servers list as initialized above. * * A server may be removed during the stats dumping. * Temporarily increment its refcount to prevent its * anticipated cleaning. Call srv_drop() to release it. */ for (; ctx->obj2 != NULL; ctx->obj2 = srv_drop(sv)) { sv = ctx->obj2; srv_take(sv); if (stats_is_full(appctx, buf, htx)) goto full; if (ctx->flags & STAT_F_BOUND) { if (!(ctx->type & (1 << STATS_TYPE_SV))) { srv_drop(sv); break; } if (ctx->sid != -1 && sv->puid != ctx->sid) continue; } /* do not report disabled servers */ if (ctx->flags & STAT_F_HIDE_MAINT && sv->cur_admin & SRV_ADMF_MAINT) { continue; } svs = sv; while (svs->track) svs = svs->track; /* do not report servers which are DOWN and not changing state */ if ((ctx->flags & STAT_F_HIDE_DOWN) && ((sv->cur_admin & SRV_ADMF_MAINT) || /* server is in maintenance */ (sv->cur_state == SRV_ST_STOPPED && /* server is down */ (!((svs->agent.state | svs->check.state) & CHK_ST_ENABLED) || ((svs->agent.state & CHK_ST_ENABLED) && !svs->agent.health) || ((svs->check.state & CHK_ST_ENABLED) && !svs->check.health))))) { continue; } if (stats_dump_sv_line(sc, px, sv)) { if (!stats_putchk(appctx, buf, htx)) goto full; ctx->flags |= STAT_F_STARTED; if (ctx->field) goto more; } current_field = 0; } /* for sv */ ctx->px_st = STAT_PX_ST_BE; __fallthrough; case STAT_PX_ST_BE: /* print the backend */ if (stats_dump_be_line(sc, px)) { if (!stats_putchk(appctx, buf, htx)) goto full; ctx->flags |= STAT_F_STARTED; if (ctx->field) goto more; } current_field = 0; ctx->px_st = STAT_PX_ST_END; __fallthrough; case STAT_PX_ST_END: if (ctx->flags & STAT_F_FMT_HTML) { stats_dump_html_px_end(sc, px); if (!stats_putchk(appctx, buf, htx)) goto full; } ctx->px_st = STAT_PX_ST_FIN; __fallthrough; case STAT_PX_ST_FIN: return 1; default: /* unknown state, we should put an abort() here ! */ return 1; } full: /* restore previous field */ ctx->field = current_field; return 0; } /* Uses as a pointer to the current proxy and as * a pointer to the current server/listener. */ int stats_dump_proxies(struct stconn *sc, struct buffer *buf, struct htx *htx) { struct appctx *appctx = __sc_appctx(sc); struct show_stat_ctx *ctx = appctx->svcctx; struct proxy *px; /* dump proxies */ while (ctx->obj1) { if (stats_is_full(appctx, buf, htx)) goto full; px = ctx->obj1; /* Skip the global frontend proxies and non-networked ones. * Also skip proxies that were disabled in the configuration * This change allows retrieving stats from "old" proxies after a reload. */ if (!(px->flags & PR_FL_DISABLED) && px->uuid > 0 && (px->cap & (PR_CAP_FE | PR_CAP_BE)) && !(px->cap & PR_CAP_INT)) { if (stats_dump_proxy_to_buffer(sc, buf, htx, px) == 0) return 0; } ctx->obj1 = px->next; ctx->px_st = STAT_PX_ST_INIT; ctx->field = 0; } return 1; full: return 0; } void proxy_stats_clear_counters(int clrall, struct list *stat_modules) { struct proxy *px; struct server *sv; struct listener *li; struct stats_module *mod; for (px = proxies_list; px; px = px->next) { if (clrall) { memset(&px->be_counters, 0, sizeof(px->be_counters)); memset(&px->fe_counters, 0, sizeof(px->fe_counters)); } else { px->be_counters.conn_max = 0; px->be_counters.p.http.rps_max = 0; px->be_counters.sps_max = 0; px->be_counters.cps_max = 0; px->be_counters.nbpend_max = 0; px->be_counters.qtime_max = 0; px->be_counters.ctime_max = 0; px->be_counters.dtime_max = 0; px->be_counters.ttime_max = 0; px->fe_counters.conn_max = 0; px->fe_counters.p.http.rps_max = 0; px->fe_counters.sps_max = 0; px->fe_counters.cps_max = 0; } for (sv = px->srv; sv; sv = sv->next) if (clrall) memset(&sv->counters, 0, sizeof(sv->counters)); else { sv->counters.cur_sess_max = 0; sv->counters.nbpend_max = 0; sv->counters.sps_max = 0; sv->counters.qtime_max = 0; sv->counters.ctime_max = 0; sv->counters.dtime_max = 0; sv->counters.ttime_max = 0; } list_for_each_entry(li, &px->conf.listeners, by_fe) if (li->counters) { if (clrall) memset(li->counters, 0, sizeof(*li->counters)); else li->counters->conn_max = 0; } } list_for_each_entry(mod, stat_modules, list) { if (!mod->clearable && !clrall) continue; for (px = proxies_list; px; px = px->next) { enum stats_domain_px_cap mod_cap = stats_px_get_cap(mod->domain_flags); if (px->cap & PR_CAP_FE && mod_cap & STATS_PX_CAP_FE) { EXTRA_COUNTERS_INIT(px->extra_counters_fe, mod, mod->counters, mod->counters_size); } if (px->cap & PR_CAP_BE && mod_cap & STATS_PX_CAP_BE) { EXTRA_COUNTERS_INIT(px->extra_counters_be, mod, mod->counters, mod->counters_size); } if (mod_cap & STATS_PX_CAP_SRV) { for (sv = px->srv; sv; sv = sv->next) { EXTRA_COUNTERS_INIT(sv->extra_counters, mod, mod->counters, mod->counters_size); } } if (mod_cap & STATS_PX_CAP_LI) { list_for_each_entry(li, &px->conf.listeners, by_fe) { EXTRA_COUNTERS_INIT(li->extra_counters, mod, mod->counters, mod->counters_size); } } } } }