path: root/Process.h
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1 files changed, 328 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Process.h b/Process.h
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index 0000000..3903a40
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+++ b/Process.h
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+#ifndef HEADER_Process
+#define HEADER_Process
+htop - Process.h
+(C) 2004-2015 Hisham H. Muhammad
+(C) 2020 Red Hat, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+Released under the GNU GPLv2+, see the COPYING file
+in the source distribution for its full text.
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include "Object.h"
+#include "RichString.h"
+#include "Row.h"
+#include "RowField.h"
+#define PROCESS_FLAG_IO 0x00000001
+#define PROCESS_FLAG_CWD 0x00000002
+#define PROCESS_FLAG_SCHEDPOL 0x00000004
+/* Core process states (shared by platforms)
+ * NOTE: The enum has an ordering that is important!
+ * See processStateChar in process.c for ProcessSate -> letter mapping */
+typedef enum ProcessState_ {
+ UNKNOWN = 1,
+} ProcessState;
+struct Machine_; // IWYU pragma: keep
+struct Settings_; // IWYU pragma: keep
+/* Holds information about regions of the cmdline that should be
+ * highlighted (e.g. program basename, delimiter, comm). */
+typedef struct ProcessCmdlineHighlight_ {
+ size_t offset; /* first character to highlight */
+ size_t length; /* How many characters to highlight, zero if unused */
+ int attr; /* The attributes used to highlight */
+ int flags; /* Special flags used for selective highlighting, zero for always */
+} ProcessCmdlineHighlight;
+/* ProcessMergedCommand is populated by Process_makeCommandStr: It
+ * contains the merged Command string, and the information needed by
+ * Process_writeCommand to color the string. str will be NULL for kernel
+ * threads and zombies */
+typedef struct ProcessMergedCommand_ {
+ uint64_t lastUpdate; /* Marker based on settings->lastUpdate to track when the rendering needs refreshing */
+ char* str; /* merged Command string */
+ size_t highlightCount; /* how many portions of cmdline to highlight */
+ ProcessCmdlineHighlight highlights[8]; /* which portions of cmdline to highlight */
+} ProcessMergedCommand;
+typedef struct Process_ {
+ /* Super object for emulated OOP */
+ Row super;
+ /* Process group identifier */
+ int pgrp;
+ /* Session identifier */
+ int session;
+ /* Foreground group identifier of the controlling terminal */
+ int tpgid;
+ /* This is a kernel (helper) task */
+ bool isKernelThread;
+ /* This is a userland thread / LWP */
+ bool isUserlandThread;
+ /* This process is running inside a container */
+ bool isRunningInContainer;
+ /* Controlling terminal identifier of the process */
+ unsigned long int tty_nr;
+ /* Controlling terminal name of the process */
+ char* tty_name;
+ /* User identifier */
+ uid_t st_uid;
+ /* User name */
+ const char* user;
+ /* Non root owned process with elevated privileges
+ * Linux:
+ * - from file capabilities
+ * - inherited from the ambient set
+ */
+ bool elevated_priv;
+ /* Process runtime (in hundredth of a second) */
+ unsigned long long int time;
+ /*
+ * Process name including arguments.
+ * Use Process_getCommand() for Command actually displayed.
+ */
+ char* cmdline;
+ /* End Offset in cmdline of the process basename */
+ int cmdlineBasenameEnd;
+ /* Start Offset in cmdline of the process basename */
+ int cmdlineBasenameStart;
+ /* The process' "command" name */
+ char* procComm;
+ /* The main process executable */
+ char* procExe;
+ /* The process/thread working directory */
+ char* procCwd;
+ /* Offset in procExe of the process basename */
+ int procExeBasenameOffset;
+ /* Tells if the executable has been replaced in the filesystem since start */
+ bool procExeDeleted;
+ /* Tells if the process uses replaced shared libraries since start */
+ bool usesDeletedLib;
+ /* CPU number last executed on */
+ int processor;
+ /* CPU usage during last cycle (in percent) */
+ float percent_cpu;
+ /* Memory usage during last cycle (in percent) */
+ float percent_mem;
+ /* Scheduling priority */
+ long int priority;
+ /* Nice value */
+ long int nice;
+ /* Number of threads in this process */
+ long int nlwp;
+ /* Process start time (in seconds elapsed since the Epoch) */
+ time_t starttime_ctime;
+ /* Process start time (cached formatted string) */
+ char starttime_show[8];
+ /* Total program size (in kilobytes) */
+ long m_virt;
+ /* Resident set size (in kilobytes) */
+ long m_resident;
+ /* Number of minor faults the process has made which have not required loading a memory page from disk */
+ unsigned long int minflt;
+ /* Number of major faults the process has made which have required loading a memory page from disk */
+ unsigned long int majflt;
+ /* Process state enum field (platform dependent) */
+ ProcessState state;
+ /* Current scheduling policy */
+ int scheduling_policy;
+ /*
+ * Internal state for merged Command display
+ */
+ ProcessMergedCommand mergedCommand;
+} Process;
+typedef struct ProcessFieldData_ {
+ /* Name (displayed in setup menu) */
+ const char* name;
+ /* Title (display in main screen); must have same width as the printed values */
+ const char* title;
+ /* Description (displayed in setup menu) */
+ const char* description;
+ /* Scan flag to enable scan-method otherwise not run */
+ uint32_t flags;
+ /* Whether the values are process identifiers; adjusts the width of title and values if true */
+ bool pidColumn;
+ /* Whether the column should be sorted in descending order by default */
+ bool defaultSortDesc;
+ /* Whether the column width is dynamically adjusted (the minimum width is determined by the title length) */
+ bool autoWidth;
+} ProcessFieldData;
+typedef int32_t ProcessField; /* see ReservedField list in RowField.h */
+// Implemented in platform-specific code:
+void Process_writeField(const Process* row, RichString* str, ProcessField field);
+int Process_compare(const void* v1, const void* v2);
+int Process_compareByParent(const Row* r1, const Row* v2);
+void Process_delete(Object* cast);
+extern const ProcessFieldData Process_fields[LAST_PROCESSFIELD];
+#define Process_pidDigits Row_pidDigits
+#define Process_uidDigits Row_uidDigits
+typedef Process* (*Process_New)(const struct Machine_*);
+typedef int (*Process_CompareByKey)(const Process*, const Process*, ProcessField);
+typedef struct ProcessClass_ {
+ const RowClass super;
+ const Process_CompareByKey compareByKey;
+} ProcessClass;
+#define As_Process(this_) ((const ProcessClass*)((this_)->super.super.klass))
+#define Process_compareByKey(p1_, p2_, key_) (As_Process(p1_)->compareByKey ? (As_Process(p1_)->compareByKey(p1_, p2_, key_)) : Process_compareByKey_Base(p1_, p2_, key_))
+static inline void Process_setPid(Process* this, pid_t pid) {
+ this-> = pid;
+static inline pid_t Process_getPid(const Process* this) {
+ return (pid_t)this->;
+static inline void Process_setThreadGroup(Process* this, pid_t pid) {
+ this-> = pid;
+static inline pid_t Process_getThreadGroup(const Process* this) {
+ return (pid_t)this->;
+static inline void Process_setParent(Process* this, pid_t pid) {
+ this->super.parent = pid;
+static inline pid_t Process_getParent(const Process* this) {
+ return (pid_t)this->super.parent;
+static inline pid_t Process_getGroupOrParent(const Process* this) {
+ return Row_getGroupOrParent(&this->super);
+static inline bool Process_isKernelThread(const Process* this) {
+ return this->isKernelThread;
+static inline bool Process_isUserlandThread(const Process* this) {
+ return this->isUserlandThread;
+static inline bool Process_isThread(const Process* this) {
+ return Process_isUserlandThread(this) || Process_isKernelThread(this);
+void Process_fillStarttimeBuffer(Process* this);
+void Process_done(Process* this);
+extern const ProcessClass Process_class;
+void Process_init(Process* this, const struct Machine_* host);
+const char* Process_rowGetSortKey(Row* super);
+bool Process_rowSetPriority(Row* super, int priority);
+bool Process_rowChangePriorityBy(Row* super, Arg delta);
+bool Process_rowSendSignal(Row* super, Arg sgn);
+bool Process_rowIsHighlighted(const Row* super);
+bool Process_rowIsVisible(const Row* super, const struct Table_* table);
+bool Process_rowMatchesFilter(const Row* super, const struct Table_* table);
+static inline int Process_pidEqualCompare(const void* v1, const void* v2) {
+ return Row_idEqualCompare(v1, v2);
+int Process_compareByKey_Base(const Process* p1, const Process* p2, ProcessField key);
+const char* Process_getCommand(const Process* this);
+void Process_updateComm(Process* this, const char* comm);
+void Process_updateCmdline(Process* this, const char* cmdline, int basenameStart, int basenameEnd);
+void Process_updateExe(Process* this, const char* exe);
+/* This function constructs the string that is displayed by
+ * Process_writeCommand and also returned by Process_getCommand */
+void Process_makeCommandStr(Process* this, const struct Settings_ *settings);
+void Process_writeCommand(const Process* this, int attr, int baseAttr, RichString* str);
+void Process_updateCPUFieldWidths(float percentage);