define(["../notjQuery"], function ($) { "use strict"; class SearchBar { constructor(form) { this.form = form; this.filterInput = null; } bind() { $(this.form.parentNode).on('click', '[data-search-editor-url]', this.onOpenerClick, this); return this; } refresh(form) { if (form === this.form) { // If the DOM node is still the same, nothing has changed return; } this.form = form; this.bind(); } destroy() { this.form = null; this.filterInput = null; } setFilterInput(filterInput) { this.filterInput = filterInput; return this; } onOpenerClick(event) { let opener = event.currentTarget; let editorUrl = opener.dataset.searchEditorUrl; let filterQueryString = this.filterInput.getQueryString(); let layout = document.getElementById('layout'); editorUrl += (editorUrl.indexOf('?') > -1 ? '&' : '?') + filterQueryString; // Disable pointer events to block further function calls = 'none'; let observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { for (let mutation of mutations) { if (mutation.type === 'childList') { mutation.removedNodes.forEach((node) => { // Remove the pointerEvent none style to make the button clickable again // after the modal has been removed if ( === 'modal') { = ''; observer.disconnect(); } }); } } }); observer.observe(layout, {childList: true}); // The search editor should open in a modal. We simulate a click on an anchor // appropriately prepared so that Icinga Web 2 will handle it natively. let a = document.createElement('a'); a.classList.add('modal-opener'); a.href = editorUrl; a.dataset.noIcingaAjax = ''; a.dataset.icingaModal = ''; opener.parentNode.insertBefore(a, opener.nextSibling);; a.remove(); } } return SearchBar; });