define(["../notjQuery", "../vendor/Sortable"], function ($, Sortable) { "use strict"; class SearchEditor { constructor(form) { this.form = form; } bind() { $(this.form).on('end', this.onRuleDropped, this); this.form.querySelectorAll('ol').forEach(sortable => { let options = { scroll: true, group: 'rules', direction: 'vertical', invertSwap: true, handle: '.drag-initiator' }; Sortable.create(sortable, options); }); return this; } refresh(form) { if (form === this.form) { // If the DOM node is still the same, nothing has changed return; } this.form = form; this.bind(); } destroy() { this.form = null; this.filterInput = null; } onRuleDropped(event) { if ( === event.from && event.newIndex === event.oldIndex) { // The user dropped the rule at its previous position return; } let placement = 'before'; let neighbour =':scope > :nth-child(' + (event.newIndex + 2) + ')'); if (! neighbour) { // User dropped the rule at the end of a group placement = 'after'; neighbour =':scope > :nth-child(' + event.newIndex + ')') if (! neighbour) { // User dropped the rule into an empty group placement = 'to'; neighbour ='[id]'); } } // It's a submit element, the very first one, otherwise Icinga Web 2 sends another "structural-change" this.form.insertBefore( $.render( '' ), this.form.firstChild ); this.form.insertBefore( $.render(''), this.form.firstChild ); $(this.form).trigger('submit'); } } return SearchEditor; });