params->shift('isIframe'); $this->params->shift('showFullscreen'); $this->params->shift('showCompact'); $this->params->shift('renderLayout'); $this->params->shift('_disableLayout'); $this->params->shift('_dev'); if ($this->params->get('view') === 'compact') { $this->params->remove('view'); } $this->document = new HtmlDocument(); $this->document->setSeparator("\n"); $this->controls = new Controls(); $this->controls->setAttribute('id', $this->getRequest()->protectId('controls')); $this->content = new Content(); $this->content->setAttribute('id', $this->getRequest()->protectId('content')); $this->footer = new Footer(); $this->footer->setAttribute('id', $this->getRequest()->protectId('footer')); $this->tabs = new Tabs(); $this->tabs->setAttribute('id', $this->getRequest()->protectId('tabs')); $this->parts = []; $this->view->tabs = $this->tabs; $this->controls->setTabs($this->tabs); ViewRenderer::inject(); $this->view->document = $this->document; } /** * Get the current server request * * @return ServerRequestInterface */ public function getServerRequest() { return ServerRequest::fromGlobals(); } /** * Get the document * * @return HtmlDocument */ public function getDocument() { return $this->document; } /** * Get the tabs * * @return Tabs */ public function getTabs() { return $this->tabs; } /** * Add content * * @param ValidHtml $content * * @return $this */ protected function addContent(ValidHtml $content) { $this->content->add($content); return $this; } /** * Add a control * * @param ValidHtml $control * * @return $this */ protected function addControl(ValidHtml $control) { $this->controls->add($control); if ( $control instanceof PaginationControl || $control instanceof LimitControl || $control instanceof SortControl || $control instanceof SearchBar ) { $this->controls->getAttributes() ->get('class') ->removeValue('default-layout') ->addValue('default-layout'); } return $this; } /** * Add footer * * @param ValidHtml $footer * * @return $this */ protected function addFooter(ValidHtml $footer) { $this->footer->add($footer); return $this; } /** * Add a part to be served as multipart-content * * If an id is passed the element is used as-is as the part's content. * Otherwise (no id given) the element's content is used instead. * * @param ValidHtml $element * @param string $id If not given, this is taken from $element * * @throws InvalidArgumentException If no id is given and the element also does not have one * * @return $this */ protected function addPart(ValidHtml $element, $id = null) { $part = new Multipart(); if ($id === null) { if (! $element instanceof BaseHtmlElement) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('If no id is given, $element must be a BaseHtmlElement'); } $id = $element->getAttributes()->get('id')->getValue(); if (! $id) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Element has no id'); } $part->addFrom($element); } else { $part->add($element); } $this->parts[] = $part->setFor($id); return $this; } /** * Set the given title as the window's title * * @param string $title * @param mixed ...$args * * @return $this */ protected function setTitle($title, ...$args) { if (! empty($args)) { $title = vsprintf($title, $args); } $this->view->title = $title; return $this; } /** * Add an active tab with the given title and set it as the window's title too * * @param string $title * @param mixed ...$args * * @return $this */ protected function addTitleTab($title, ...$args) { $this->setTitle($title, ...$args); $tabName = uniqid(); $this->getTabs()->add($tabName, [ 'label' => $this->view->title, 'url' => $this->getRequest()->getUrl() ])->activate($tabName); return $this; } /** * Create and return the LimitControl * * This automatically shifts the limit URL parameter from {@link $params}. * * @return LimitControl */ public function createLimitControl(): LimitControl { $limitControl = new LimitControl(Url::fromRequest()); $limitControl->setDefaultLimit($this->getPageSize(null)); $this->params->shift($limitControl->getLimitParam()); return $limitControl; } /** * Create and return the PaginationControl * * This automatically shifts the pagination URL parameters from {@link $params}. * * @param Paginatable $paginatable * * @return PaginationControl */ public function createPaginationControl(Paginatable $paginatable): PaginationControl { $paginationControl = new PaginationControl($paginatable, Url::fromRequest()); $paginationControl->setDefaultPageSize($this->getPageSize(null)); $paginationControl->setAttribute('id', $this->getRequest()->protectId('pagination-control')); $this->params->shift($paginationControl->getPageParam()); $this->params->shift($paginationControl->getPageSizeParam()); return $paginationControl->apply(); } /** * Create and return the SortControl * * This automatically shifts the sort URL parameter from {@link $params}. * * @param Query $query * @param array $columns Possible sort columns as sort string-label pairs * @param ?array|string $defaultSort Optional default sort column * * @return SortControl */ public function createSortControl(Query $query, array $columns): SortControl { $sortControl = SortControl::create($columns); $this->params->shift($sortControl->getSortParam()); $sortControl->handleRequest($this->getServerRequest()); $defaultSort = null; if (func_num_args() === 3) { $defaultSort = func_get_args()[2]; } return $sortControl->apply($query, $defaultSort); } /** * Send a multipart update instead of a standard response * * As part of a multipart update, the tabs, content and footer as well as selected controls are * transmitted in a way the client can render them exclusively instead of a full column reload. * * By default the only control included in the response is the pagination control, if added. * * @param BaseHtmlElement ...$additionalControls Additional controls to include * * @throws LogicException In case an additional control has not been added */ public function sendMultipartUpdate(BaseHtmlElement ...$additionalControls) { $searchBar = null; $pagination = null; $redirectUrl = null; foreach ($this->controls->getContent() as $control) { if ($control instanceof PaginationControl) { $pagination = $control; } elseif ($control instanceof SearchBar) { $searchBar = $control; $redirectUrl = $control->getRedirectUrl(); /** @var Url $redirectUrl */ } } if ($searchBar !== null && ($changes = $searchBar->getChanges()) !== null) { $this->addPart(HtmlString::create(json_encode($changes)), 'Behavior:InputEnrichment'); } foreach ($additionalControls as $control) { $this->addPart($control); } if ($searchBar !== null && $this->content->isEmpty() && ! $searchBar->isValid()) { // No content and an invalid search bar? That's it then, further updates are not required return; } if ($this->tabs->count() > 0) { if ($redirectUrl !== null) { $this->tabs->setRefreshUrl($redirectUrl); $this->tabs->getActiveTab()->setUrl($redirectUrl); // As long as we still depend on the legacy tab implementation // there is no other way to influence what the tab extensions // use as url. ( $oldPathInfo = $this->getRequest()->getPathInfo(); $oldQuery = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $this->getRequest()->setPathInfo('/' . $redirectUrl->getPath()); $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $redirectUrl->getParams()->toString(); $this->tabs->ensureAssembled(); $this->getRequest()->setPathInfo($oldPathInfo); $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $oldQuery; } $this->addPart($this->tabs); } if ($pagination !== null) { if ($redirectUrl !== null) { $pagination->setUrl(clone $redirectUrl); } $this->addPart($pagination); } if (! $this->content->isEmpty()) { $this->addPart($this->content); } if (! $this->footer->isEmpty()) { $this->addPart($this->footer); } if ($redirectUrl !== null) { $this->getResponse()->setHeader('X-Icinga-Location-Query', $redirectUrl->getQueryString()); } } /** * Instruct the client to side-load additional updates * * If an item in the given array is indexed by an integer, its value will be used by the client to refresh * the parent of the element identified by it. The value is expected to be a valid CSS selector such * as `.foo`, `#foo`. If indexed by a string, the client will use this index to identify a container (by id) and * will use the value (a URL) to load content into it. Since Icinga Web >= 2.12, the indices can be specified with * or without the `#` indicator. If you require compatibility with older Icinga Web versions, you have to specify * the indices (container ids) without the `#` char. * * @param array $updates * * @return void */ public function sendExtraUpdates(array $updates) { if (empty($updates)) { return; } $extraUpdates = []; foreach ($updates as $key => $value) { if (is_int($key)) { $extraUpdates[] = $value; } else { $extraUpdates[] = sprintf( '%s;%s', $key, $value instanceof Url ? $value->getAbsoluteUrl() : $value ); } } $this->getResponse()->setHeader('X-Icinga-Extra-Updates', join(',', $extraUpdates)); } /** * Close the modal content and refresh the related view * * NOTE: If you use this with older Icinga Web versions (< 2.12), you will need to specify a valid redirect url, * that will produce the same result as using the `__REFRESH__` redirect with the latest Icinga Web version. * * This is supposed to be used in combination with a modal view and closes only the modal, * and refreshes the modal opener (regardless of whether it is col1 or col2). * * @param Url|string $url * @param bool $refreshCol1 Whether to refresh col1 after the redirect. Is just for compatibility reasons and * won't be used with latest Icinga Web versions. * * @return never */ public function closeModalAndRefreshRelatedView($url, bool $refreshCol1 = false) { if (version_compare(Version::VERSION, '2.12.0', '<')) { if (! $url) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('No redirect url provided'); } if ($refreshCol1) { $this->sendExtraUpdates(['#col1']); } $this->redirectNow($url); } else { $this->redirectNow('__REFRESH__'); } } /** * Close the modal content and refresh all the remaining views * * NOTE: If you use this with older Icinga Web versions (< 2.12), you will need to specify a valid redirect url, * that will produce the same result as using the `__REFRESH__` redirect with the latest Icinga Web version. * * This is supposed to be used in combination with a modal view and closes only the modal content. It refreshes * the modal opener (expects to be always col2) and forces a refresh of col1. * * @param Url|string $url * * @return never */ public function closeModalAndRefreshRemainingViews($url) { $this->sendExtraUpdates(['#col1']); $this->closeModalAndRefreshRelatedView($url); } /** * Redirect using `__CLOSE__` * * Change to a single column layout and refresh col1 * * @return never */ public function switchToSingleColumnLayout() { $this->redirectNow('__CLOSE__'); } public function postDispatch() { if (empty($this->parts)) { if (! $this->content->isEmpty()) { $this->document->prepend($this->content); if (! $this->view->compact && ! $this->controls->isEmpty()) { $this->document->prepend($this->controls); } if (! $this->footer->isEmpty()) { $this->document->add($this->footer); } } } else { $partSeparator = base64_encode(random_bytes(16)); $this->getResponse()->setHeader('X-Icinga-Multipart-Content', $partSeparator); $this->document->setSeparator("\n$partSeparator\n"); $this->document->add($this->parts); } parent::postDispatch(); } }