SOCKS5 authentication if (isset($parts['user']) || isset($parts['pass'])) { if ($parts['scheme'] !== 'socks' && $parts['scheme'] !== 'socks5') { // fail if any other protocol version given explicitly throw new InvalidArgumentException('Authentication requires SOCKS5. Consider using protocol version 5 or waive authentication'); } $parts += array('user' => '', 'pass' => ''); $this->setAuth(rawurldecode($parts['user']), rawurldecode($parts['pass'])); } // check for valid protocol version from URI scheme $this->setProtocolVersionFromScheme($parts['scheme']); $this->socksUri = $parts['host'] . ':' . $parts['port']; $this->connector = $connector ?: new Connector(); } private function setProtocolVersionFromScheme($scheme) { if ($scheme === 'socks' || $scheme === 'socks5') { $this->protocolVersion = 5; } elseif ($scheme === 'socks4') { $this->protocolVersion = 4; } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid protocol version given "' . $scheme . '://"'); } } /** * set login data for username/password authentication method (RFC1929) * * @param string $username * @param string $password * @link */ private function setAuth( $username, #[\SensitiveParameter] $password ) { if (strlen($username) > 255 || strlen($password) > 255) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Both username and password MUST NOT exceed a length of 255 bytes each'); } $this->auth = pack('C2', 0x01, strlen($username)) . $username . pack('C', strlen($password)) . $password; } /** * Establish a TCP/IP connection to the given target URI through the SOCKS server * * Many higher-level networking protocols build on top of TCP. It you're dealing * with one such client implementation, it probably uses/accepts an instance * implementing ReactPHP's `ConnectorInterface` (and usually its default `Connector` * instance). In this case you can also pass this `Connector` instance instead * to make this client implementation SOCKS-aware. That's it. * * @param string $uri * @return PromiseInterface Promise */ public function connect($uri) { if (strpos($uri, '://') === false) { $uri = 'tcp://' . $uri; } $parts = parse_url($uri); if (!$parts || !isset($parts['scheme'], $parts['host'], $parts['port']) || $parts['scheme'] !== 'tcp') { return Promise\reject(new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid target URI specified')); } $host = trim($parts['host'], '[]'); $port = $parts['port']; if (strlen($host) > 255 || $port > 65535 || $port < 0 || (string)$port !== (string)(int)$port) { return Promise\reject(new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid target specified')); } // construct URI to SOCKS server to connect to $socksUri = $this->socksUri; // append path from URI if given if (isset($parts['path'])) { $socksUri .= $parts['path']; } // parse query args $args = array(); if (isset($parts['query'])) { parse_str($parts['query'], $args); } // append hostname from URI to query string unless explicitly given if (!isset($args['hostname'])) { $args['hostname'] = $host; } // append query string $socksUri .= '?' . http_build_query($args, '', '&'); // append fragment from URI if given if (isset($parts['fragment'])) { $socksUri .= '#' . $parts['fragment']; } // start TCP/IP connection to SOCKS server $connecting = $this->connector->connect($socksUri); $deferred = new Deferred(function ($_, $reject) use ($uri, $connecting) { $reject(new RuntimeException( 'Connection to ' . $uri . ' cancelled while waiting for proxy (ECONNABORTED)', defined('SOCKET_ECONNABORTED') ? SOCKET_ECONNABORTED : 103 )); // either close active connection or cancel pending connection attempt $connecting->then(function (ConnectionInterface $stream) { $stream->close(); }); $connecting->cancel(); }); // handle SOCKS protocol once connection is ready // resolve plain connection once SOCKS protocol is completed $that = $this; $connecting->then( function (ConnectionInterface $stream) use ($that, $host, $port, $deferred, $uri) { $that->handleConnectedSocks($stream, $host, $port, $deferred, $uri); }, function (Exception $e) use ($uri, $deferred) { $deferred->reject($e = new RuntimeException( 'Connection to ' . $uri . ' failed because connection to proxy failed (ECONNREFUSED)', defined('SOCKET_ECONNREFUSED') ? SOCKET_ECONNREFUSED : 111, $e )); // avoid garbage references by replacing all closures in call stack. // what a lovely piece of code! $r = new \ReflectionProperty('Exception', 'trace'); $r->setAccessible(true); $trace = $r->getValue($e); // Exception trace arguments are not available on some PHP 7.4 installs // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart foreach ($trace as $ti => $one) { if (isset($one['args'])) { foreach ($one['args'] as $ai => $arg) { if ($arg instanceof \Closure) { $trace[$ti]['args'][$ai] = 'Object(' . \get_class($arg) . ')'; } } } } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd $r->setValue($e, $trace); } ); return $deferred->promise(); } /** * Internal helper used to handle the communication with the SOCKS server * * @param ConnectionInterface $stream * @param string $host * @param int $port * @param Deferred $deferred * @param string $uri * @return void * @internal */ public function handleConnectedSocks(ConnectionInterface $stream, $host, $port, Deferred $deferred, $uri) { $reader = new StreamReader(); $stream->on('data', array($reader, 'write')); $stream->on('error', $onError = function (Exception $e) use ($deferred, $uri) { $deferred->reject(new RuntimeException( 'Connection to ' . $uri . ' failed because connection to proxy caused a stream error (EIO)', defined('SOCKET_EIO') ? SOCKET_EIO : 5, $e) ); }); $stream->on('close', $onClose = function () use ($deferred, $uri) { $deferred->reject(new RuntimeException( 'Connection to ' . $uri . ' failed because connection to proxy was lost while waiting for response from proxy (ECONNRESET)', defined('SOCKET_ECONNRESET') ? SOCKET_ECONNRESET : 104) ); }); if ($this->protocolVersion === 5) { $promise = $this->handleSocks5($stream, $host, $port, $reader, $uri); } else { $promise = $this->handleSocks4($stream, $host, $port, $reader, $uri); } $promise->then(function () use ($deferred, $stream, $reader, $onError, $onClose) { $stream->removeListener('data', array($reader, 'write')); $stream->removeListener('error', $onError); $stream->removeListener('close', $onClose); $deferred->resolve($stream); }, function (Exception $error) use ($deferred, $stream, $uri) { // pass custom RuntimeException through as-is, otherwise wrap in protocol error if (!$error instanceof RuntimeException) { $error = new RuntimeException( 'Connection to ' . $uri . ' failed because proxy returned invalid response (EBADMSG)', defined('SOCKET_EBADMSG') ? SOCKET_EBADMSG: 71, $error ); } $deferred->reject($error); $stream->close(); }); } private function handleSocks4(ConnectionInterface $stream, $host, $port, StreamReader $reader, $uri) { // do not resolve hostname. only try to convert to IP $ip = ip2long($host); // send IP or ( if invalid $data = pack('C2nNC', 0x04, 0x01, $port, $ip === false ? 1 : $ip, 0x00); if ($ip === false) { // host is not a valid IP => send along hostname (SOCKS4a) $data .= $host . pack('C', 0x00); } $stream->write($data); return $reader->readBinary(array( 'null' => 'C', 'status' => 'C', 'port' => 'n', 'ip' => 'N' ))->then(function ($data) use ($uri) { if ($data['null'] !== 0x00) { throw new Exception('Invalid SOCKS response'); } if ($data['status'] !== 0x5a) { throw new RuntimeException( 'Connection to ' . $uri . ' failed because proxy refused connection with error code ' . sprintf('0x%02X', $data['status']) . ' (ECONNREFUSED)', defined('SOCKET_ECONNREFUSED') ? SOCKET_ECONNREFUSED : 111 ); } }); } private function handleSocks5(ConnectionInterface $stream, $host, $port, StreamReader $reader, $uri) { // protocol version 5 $data = pack('C', 0x05); $auth = $this->auth; if ($auth === null) { // one method, no authentication $data .= pack('C2', 0x01, 0x00); } else { // two methods, username/password and no authentication $data .= pack('C3', 0x02, 0x02, 0x00); } $stream->write($data); $that = $this; return $reader->readBinary(array( 'version' => 'C', 'method' => 'C' ))->then(function ($data) use ($auth, $stream, $reader, $uri) { if ($data['version'] !== 0x05) { throw new Exception('Version/Protocol mismatch'); } if ($data['method'] === 0x02 && $auth !== null) { // username/password authentication requested and provided $stream->write($auth); return $reader->readBinary(array( 'version' => 'C', 'status' => 'C' ))->then(function ($data) use ($uri) { if ($data['version'] !== 0x01 || $data['status'] !== 0x00) { throw new RuntimeException( 'Connection to ' . $uri . ' failed because proxy denied access with given authentication details (EACCES)', defined('SOCKET_EACCES') ? SOCKET_EACCES : 13 ); } }); } else if ($data['method'] !== 0x00) { // any other method than "no authentication" throw new RuntimeException( 'Connection to ' . $uri . ' failed because proxy denied access due to unsupported authentication method (EACCES)', defined('SOCKET_EACCES') ? SOCKET_EACCES : 13 ); } })->then(function () use ($stream, $reader, $host, $port) { // do not resolve hostname. only try to convert to (binary/packed) IP $ip = @inet_pton($host); $data = pack('C3', 0x05, 0x01, 0x00); if ($ip === false) { // not an IP, send as hostname $data .= pack('C2', 0x03, strlen($host)) . $host; } else { // send as IPv4 / IPv6 $data .= pack('C', (strpos($host, ':') === false) ? 0x01 : 0x04) . $ip; } $data .= pack('n', $port); $stream->write($data); return $reader->readBinary(array( 'version' => 'C', 'status' => 'C', 'null' => 'C', 'type' => 'C' )); })->then(function ($data) use ($reader, $uri) { if ($data['version'] !== 0x05 || $data['null'] !== 0x00) { throw new Exception('Invalid SOCKS response'); } if ($data['status'] !== 0x00) { // map limited list of SOCKS error codes to common socket error conditions // @link if ($data['status'] === Server::ERROR_GENERAL) { throw new RuntimeException( 'Connection to ' . $uri . ' failed because proxy refused connection with general server failure (ECONNREFUSED)', defined('SOCKET_ECONNREFUSED') ? SOCKET_ECONNREFUSED : 111 ); } elseif ($data['status'] === Server::ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED_BY_RULESET) { throw new RuntimeException( 'Connection to ' . $uri . ' failed because proxy denied access due to ruleset (EACCES)', defined('SOCKET_EACCES') ? SOCKET_EACCES : 13 ); } elseif ($data['status'] === Server::ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE) { throw new RuntimeException( 'Connection to ' . $uri . ' failed because proxy reported network unreachable (ENETUNREACH)', defined('SOCKET_ENETUNREACH') ? SOCKET_ENETUNREACH : 101 ); } elseif ($data['status'] === Server::ERROR_HOST_UNREACHABLE) { throw new RuntimeException( 'Connection to ' . $uri . ' failed because proxy reported host unreachable (EHOSTUNREACH)', defined('SOCKET_EHOSTUNREACH') ? SOCKET_EHOSTUNREACH : 113 ); } elseif ($data['status'] === Server::ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED) { throw new RuntimeException( 'Connection to ' . $uri . ' failed because proxy reported connection refused (ECONNREFUSED)', defined('SOCKET_ECONNREFUSED') ? SOCKET_ECONNREFUSED : 111 ); } elseif ($data['status'] === Server::ERROR_TTL) { throw new RuntimeException( 'Connection to ' . $uri . ' failed because proxy reported TTL/timeout expired (ETIMEDOUT)', defined('SOCKET_ETIMEDOUT') ? SOCKET_ETIMEDOUT : 110 ); } elseif ($data['status'] === Server::ERROR_COMMAND_UNSUPPORTED) { throw new RuntimeException( 'Connection to ' . $uri . ' failed because proxy does not support the CONNECT command (EPROTO)', defined('SOCKET_EPROTO') ? SOCKET_EPROTO : 71 ); } elseif ($data['status'] === Server::ERROR_ADDRESS_UNSUPPORTED) { throw new RuntimeException( 'Connection to ' . $uri . ' failed because proxy does not support this address type (EPROTO)', defined('SOCKET_EPROTO') ? SOCKET_EPROTO : 71 ); } throw new RuntimeException( 'Connection to ' . $uri . ' failed because proxy server refused connection with unknown error code ' . sprintf('0x%02X', $data['status']) . ' (ECONNREFUSED)', defined('SOCKET_ECONNREFUSED') ? SOCKET_ECONNREFUSED : 111 ); } if ($data['type'] === 0x01) { // IPv4 address => skip IP and port return $reader->readLength(6); } elseif ($data['type'] === 0x03) { // domain name => read domain name length return $reader->readBinary(array( 'length' => 'C' ))->then(function ($data) use ($reader) { // skip domain name and port return $reader->readLength($data['length'] + 2); }); } elseif ($data['type'] === 0x04) { // IPv6 address => skip IP and port return $reader->readLength(18); } else { throw new Exception('Invalid SOCKS reponse: Invalid address type'); } }); } }