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+# Technical Concepts <a id="technical-concepts"></a>
+This chapter provides technical concepts and design insights
+into specific Icinga 2 components such as:
+* [Application](
+* [Configuration](
+* [Features](
+* [Check Scheduler](
+* [Checks](
+* [Cluster](
+* [TLS Network IO](
+## Application <a id="technical-concepts-application"></a>
+### CLI Commands <a id="technical-concepts-application-cli-commands"></a>
+The Icinga 2 application is managed with different CLI sub commands.
+`daemon` takes care about loading the configuration files, running the
+application as daemon, etc.
+Other sub commands allow to enable features, generate and request
+TLS certificates or enter the debug console.
+The main entry point for each CLI command parses the command line
+parameters and then triggers the required actions.
+### daemon CLI command <a id="technical-concepts-application-cli-commands-daemon"></a>
+This CLI command loads the configuration files, starting with `icinga2.conf`.
+The [configuration compiler]( parses the
+file and detects additional file includes, constants, and any other DSL
+specific declaration.
+At this stage, the configuration will already be checked against the
+defined grammar in the scanner, and custom object validators will also be
+If the user provided `-C/--validate`, the CLI command returns with the
+validation exit code.
+When running as daemon, additional parameters are checked, e.g. whether
+this application was triggered by a reload, needs to daemonize with fork()
+involved and update the object's authority. The latter is important for
+HA-enabled cluster zones.
+## Configuration <a id="technical-concepts-configuration"></a>
+### Lexer <a id="technical-concepts-configuration-lexer"></a>
+The lexer stage does not understand the DSL itself, it only
+maps specific character sequences into identifiers.
+This allows Icinga to detect the beginning of a string with `"`,
+reading the following characters and determining the end of the
+string with again `"`.
+Other parts covered by the lexer a escape sequences insides a string,
+e.g. `"\"abc"`.
+The lexer also identifiers logical operators, e.g. `&` or `in`,
+specific keywords like `object`, `import`, etc. and comment blocks.
+Please check `lib/config/config_lexer.ll` for details.
+Icinga uses [Flex]( in the first stage.
+> Flex (The Fast Lexical Analyzer)
+> Flex is a fast lexical analyser generator. It is a tool for generating programs
+> that perform pattern-matching on text. Flex is a free (but non-GNU) implementation
+> of the original Unix lex program.
+### Parser <a id="technical-concepts-configuration-parser"></a>
+The parser stage puts the identifiers from the lexer into more
+context with flow control and sequences.
+The following comparison is parsed into a left term, an operator
+and a right term.
+x > 5
+The DSL contains many elements which require a specific order,
+and sometimes only a left term for example.
+The parser also takes care of parsing an object declaration for
+example. It already knows from the lexer that `object` marks the
+beginning of an object. It then expects a type string afterwards,
+and the object name - which can be either a string with double quotes
+or a previously defined constant.
+An opening bracket `{` in this specific context starts the object
+scope, which also is stored for later scope specific variable access.
+If there's an apply rule defined, this follows the same principle.
+The config parser detects the scope of an apply rule and generates
+Icinga 2 C++ code for the parsed string tokens.
+assign where host.vars.sla == "24x7"
+is parsed into an assign token identifier, and the string expression
+is compiled into a new `ApplyExpression` object.
+The flow control inside the parser ensures that for example `ignore where`
+can only be defined when a previous `assign where` was given - or when
+inside an apply for rule.
+Another example are specific object types which allow assign expression,
+specifically group objects. Others objects must throw a configuration error.
+Please check `lib/config/config_parser.yy` for more details,
+and the [language reference]( chapter for
+documented DSL keywords and sequences.
+> Icinga uses [Bison]( as parser generator
+> which reads a specification of a context-free language, warns about any parsing
+> ambiguities, and generates a parser in C++ which reads sequences of tokens and
+> decides whether the sequence conforms to the syntax specified by the grammar.
+### Compiler <a id="technical-concepts-configuration-compiler"></a>
+The config compiler initializes the scanner inside the [lexer](
+The configuration files are parsed into memory from inside the [daemon CLI command](
+which invokes the config validation in `ValidateConfigFiles()`. This compiles the
+files into an AST expression which is executed.
+At this stage, the expressions generate so-called "config items" which
+are a pre-stage of the later compiled object.
+`ConfigItem::CommitItems` takes care of committing the items, and doing a
+rollback on failure. It also checks against matching apply rules from the previous run
+and generates statistics about the objects which can be seen by the config validation.
+`ConfigItem::CommitNewItems` collects the registered types and items,
+and checks for a specific required order, e.g. a service object needs
+a host object first.
+The following stages happen then:
+- **Commit**: A workqueue then commits the items in a parallel fashion for this specific type. The object gets its name, and the AST expression is executed. It is then registered into the item into `m_Object` as reference.
+- **OnAllConfigLoaded**: Special signal for each object to pre-load required object attributes, resolve group membership, initialize functions and timers.
+- **CreateChildObjects**: Run apply rules for this specific type.
+- **CommitNewItems**: Apply rules may generate new config items, this is to ensure that they again run through the stages.
+Note that the items are now committed and the configuration is validated and loaded
+into memory. The final config objects are not yet activated though.
+This only happens after the validation, when the application is about to be run
+with `ConfigItem::ActivateItems`.
+Each item has an object created in `m_Object` which is checked in a loop.
+Again, the dependency order of activated objects is important here, e.g. logger features come first, then
+config objects and last the checker, api, etc. features. This is done by sorting the objects
+based on their type specific activation priority.
+The following signals are triggered in the stages:
+- **PreActivate**: Setting the `active` flag for the config object.
+- **Activate**: Calls `Start()` on the object, sets the local HA authority and notifies subscribers that this object is now activated (e.g. for config updates in the DB backend).
+### References <a id="technical-concepts-configuration-references"></a>
+* [The Icinga Config Compiler: An Overview](
+* [A parser/lexer/compiler for the Leonardo language](
+* [I wrote a programming language. Here’s how you can, too.](
+* [](
+* [Writing an Interpreter with Lex, Yacc, and Memphis](
+* [Flex](
+* [GNU Bison](
+## Core <a id="technical-concepts-core"></a>
+### Core: Reload Handling <a id="technical-concepts-core-reload"></a>
+The initial design of the reload state machine looks like this:
+* receive reload signal SIGHUP
+* fork a child process, start configuration validation in parallel work queues
+* parent process continues with old configuration objects and the event scheduling
+(doing checks, replicating cluster events, triggering alert notifications, etc.)
+* validation NOT ok: child process terminates, parent process continues with old configuration state
+* validation ok: child process signals parent process to terminate and save its current state (all events until now) into the icinga2 state file
+* parent process shuts down writing icinga2.state file
+* child process waits for parent process gone, reads the icinga2 state file and synchronizes all historical and status data
+* child becomes the new session leader
+Since Icinga 2.6, there are two processes when checked with `ps aux | grep icinga2` or `pidof icinga2`.
+This was to ensure that feature file descriptors don't leak into the plugin process (e.g. DB IDO MySQL sockets).
+Icinga 2.9 changed the reload handling a bit with SIGUSR2 signals
+and systemd notifies.
+With systemd, it could occur that the tree was broken thus resulting
+in killing all remaining processes on stop, instead of a clean exit.
+You can read the full story [here](
+With 2.11 you'll now see 3 processes:
+- The umbrella process which takes care about signal handling and process spawning/stopping
+- The main process with the check scheduler, notifications, etc.
+- The execution helper process
+During reload, the umbrella process spawns a new reload process which validates the configuration.
+Once successful, the new reload process signals the umbrella process that it is finished.
+The umbrella process forwards the signal and tells the old main process to shutdown.
+The old main process writes the icinga2.state file. The umbrella process signals
+the reload process that the main process terminated.
+The reload process was in idle wait before, and now continues to read the written
+state file and run the event loop (checks, notifications, "events", ...). The reload
+process itself also spawns the execution helper process again.
+## Features <a id="technical-concepts-features"></a>
+Features are implemented in specific libraries and can be enabled
+using CLI commands.
+Features either write specific data or receive data.
+Examples for writing data: [DB IDO](, [Graphite](, [InfluxDB]( [GELF](, etc.
+Examples for receiving data: [REST API](, etc.
+The implementation of features makes use of existing libraries
+and functionality. This makes the code more abstract, but shorter
+and easier to read.
+Features register callback functions on specific events they want
+to handle. For example the `GraphiteWriter` feature subscribes to
+new CheckResult events.
+Each time Icinga 2 receives and processes a new check result, this
+event is triggered and forwarded to all subscribers.
+The GraphiteWriter feature calls the registered function and processes
+the received data. Features which connect Icinga 2 to external interfaces
+normally parse and reformat the received data into an applicable format.
+Since this check result signal is blocking, many of the features include a work queue
+with asynchronous task handling.
+The GraphiteWriter uses a TCP socket to communicate with the carbon cache
+daemon of Graphite. The InfluxDBWriter is instead writing bulk metric messages
+to InfluxDB's HTTP API, similar to Elasticsearch.
+## Check Scheduler <a id="technical-concepts-check-scheduler"></a>
+The check scheduler starts a thread which loops forever. It waits for
+check events being inserted into `m_IdleCheckables`.
+If the current pending check event number is larger than the configured
+max concurrent checks, the thread waits up until it there's slots again.
+In addition, further checks on enabled checks, check periods, etc. are
+performed. Once all conditions have passed, the next check timestamp is
+calculated and updated. This also is the timestamp where Icinga expects
+a new check result ("freshness check").
+The object is removed from idle checkables, and inserted into the
+pending checkables list. This can be seen via REST API metrics for the
+checker component feature as well.
+The actual check execution happens asynchronously using the application's
+thread pool.
+Once the check returns, it is removed from pending checkables and again
+inserted into idle checkables. This ensures that the scheduler takes this
+checkable event into account in the next iteration.
+### Start <a id="technical-concepts-check-scheduler-start"></a>
+When checkable objects get activated during the startup phase,
+the checker feature registers a handler for this event. This is due
+to the fact that the `checker` feature is fully optional, and e.g. not
+used on command endpoint clients.
+Whenever such an object activation signal is triggered, Icinga 2 checks
+whether it is [authoritative for this object](
+This means that inside an HA enabled zone with two endpoints, only non-paused checkable objects are
+actively inserted into the idle checkable list for the check scheduler.
+### Initial Check <a id="technical-concepts-check-scheduler-initial"></a>
+When a new checkable object (host or service) is initially added to the
+configuration, Icinga 2 performs the following during startup:
+* `Checkable::Start()` is called and calculates the first check time
+* With a spread delta, the next check time is actually set.
+If the next check should happen within a time frame of 60 seconds,
+Icinga 2 calculates a delta from a random value. The minimum of `check_interval`
+and 60 seconds is used as basis, multiplied with a random value between 0 and 1.
+In the best case, this check gets immediately executed after application start.
+The worst case scenario is that the check is scheduled 60 seconds after start
+the latest.
+The reasons for delaying and spreading checks during startup is that
+the application typically needs more resources at this time (cluster connections,
+feature warmup, initial syncs, etc.). Immediate check execution with
+thousands of checks could lead into performance problems, and additional
+events for each received check results.
+Therefore the initial check window is 60 seconds on application startup,
+random seed for all checkables. This is not predictable over multiple restarts
+for specific checkable objects, the delta changes every time.
+### Scheduling Offset <a id="technical-concepts-check-scheduler-offset"></a>
+There's a high chance that many checkable objects get executed at the same time
+and interval after startup. The initial scheduling spreads that a little, but
+Icinga 2 also attempts to ensure to keep fixed intervals, even with high check latency.
+During startup, Icinga 2 calculates the scheduling offset from a random number:
+* `Checkable::Checkable()` calls `SetSchedulingOffset()` with `Utility::Random()`
+* The offset is a pseudo-random integral value between `0` and `RAND_MAX`.
+Whenever the next check time is updated with `Checkable::UpdateNextCheck()`,
+the scheduling offset is taken into account.
+Depending on the state type (SOFT or HARD), either the `retry_interval` or `check_interval`
+is used. If the interval is greater than 1 second, the time adjustment is calculated in the
+following way:
+`now * 100 + offset` divided by `interval * 100`, using the remainder (that's what `fmod()` is for)
+and dividing this again onto base 100.
+Example: offset is 6500, interval 300, now is 1542190472.
+1542190472 * 100 + 6500 = 154219053714
+300 * 100 = 30000
+154219053714 / 30000 = 5140635.1238
+(5140635.1238 - 5140635.0) * 30000 = 3714
+3714 / 100 = 37.14
+37.15 seconds as an offset would be far too much, so this is again used as a calculation divider for the
+real offset with the base of 5 times the actual interval.
+Again, the remainder is calculated from the offset and `interval * 5`. This is divided onto base 100 again,
+with an additional 0.5 seconds delay.
+Example: offset is 6500, interval 300.
+6500 / 300 = 21.666666666666667
+(21.666666666666667 - 21.0) * 300 = 200
+200 / 100 = 2
+2 + 0.5 = 2.5
+The minimum value between the first adjustment and the second offset calculation based on the interval is
+taken, in the above example `2.5` wins.
+The actual next check time substracts the adjusted time from the future interval addition to provide
+a more widespread scheduling time among all checkable objects.
+`nextCheck = now - adj + interval`
+You may ask, what other values can happen with this offset calculation. Consider calculating more examples
+with different interval settings.
+Example: offset is 34567, interval 60, now is 1542190472.
+1542190472 * 100 + 34567 = 154219081767
+60 * 100 = 6000
+154219081767 / 6000 = 25703180.2945
+(25703180.2945 - 25703180.0) * 6000 / 100 = 17.67
+34567 / 60 = 576.116666666666667
+(576.116666666666667 - 576.0) * 60 / 100 + 0.5 = 1.2
+`1m` interval starts at `now + 1.2s`.
+Example: offset is 12345, interval 86400, now is 1542190472.
+1542190472 * 100 + 12345 = 154219059545
+86400 * 100 = 8640000
+154219059545 / 8640000 = 17849.428188078703704
+(17849.428188078703704 - 17849) * 8640000 = 3699545
+3699545 / 100 = 36995.45
+12345 / 86400 = 0.142881944444444
+0.142881944444444 * 86400 / 100 + 0.5 = 123.95
+`1d` interval starts at `now + 2m4s`.
+> **Note**
+> In case you have a better algorithm at hand, feel free to discuss this in a PR on GitHub.
+> It needs to fulfill two things: 1) spread and shuffle execution times on each `next_check` update
+> 2) not too narrowed window for both long and short intervals
+> Application startup and initial checks need to be handled with care in a slightly different
+> fashion.
+When `SetNextCheck()` is called, there are signals registered. One of them sits
+inside the `CheckerComponent` class whose handler `CheckerComponent::NextCheckChangedHandler()`
+deletes/inserts the next check event from the scheduling queue. This basically
+is a list with multiple indexes with the keys for scheduling info and the object.
+## Checks<a id="technical-concepts-checks"></a>
+### Check Latency and Execution Time <a id="technical-concepts-checks-latency"></a>
+Each check command execution logs the start and end time where
+Icinga 2 (and the end user) is able to calculate the plugin execution time from it.
+GetExecutionEnd() - GetExecutionStart()
+The higher the execution time, the higher the command timeout must be set. Furthermore
+users and developers are encouraged to look into plugin optimizations to minimize the
+execution time. Sometimes it is better to let an external daemon/script do the checks
+and feed them back via REST API.
+Icinga 2 stores the scheduled start and end time for a check. If the actual
+check execution time differs from the scheduled time, e.g. due to performance
+problems or limited execution slots (concurrent checks), this value is stored
+and computed from inside the check result.
+The difference between the two deltas is called `check latency`.
+(GetScheduleEnd() - GetScheduleStart()) - CalculateExecutionTime()
+### Severity <a id="technical-concepts-checks-severity"></a>
+The severity attribute is introduced with Icinga v2.11 and provides
+a bit mask calculated value from specific checkable object states.
+The severity value is pre-calculated for visualization interfaces
+such as Icinga Web which sorts the problem dashboard by severity by default.
+The higher the severity number is, the more important the problem is.
+However, the formula can change across Icinga 2 releases.
+## Cluster <a id="technical-concepts-cluster"></a>
+This documentation refers to technical roles between cluster
+- The `server` or `parent` role accepts incoming connection attempts and handles requests
+- The `client` role actively connects to remote endpoints receiving config/commands, requesting certificates, etc.
+A client role is not necessarily bound to the Icinga agent.
+It may also be a satellite which actively connects to the
+### Communication <a id="technical-concepts-cluster-communication"></a>
+Icinga 2 uses its own certificate authority (CA) by default. The
+public and private CA keys can be generated on the signing master.
+Each node certificate must be signed by the private CA key.
+Note: The following description uses `parent node` and `child node`.
+This also applies to nodes in the same cluster zone.
+During the connection attempt, a TLS handshake is performed.
+If the public certificate of a child node is not signed by the same
+CA, the child node is not trusted and the connection will be closed.
+If the TLS handshake succeeds, the parent node reads the
+certificate's common name (CN) of the child node and looks for
+a local Endpoint object name configuration.
+If there is no Endpoint object found, further communication
+(runtime and config sync, etc.) is terminated.
+The child node also checks the CN from the parent node's public
+certificate. If the child node does not find any local Endpoint
+object name configuration, it will not trust the parent node.
+Both checks prevent accepting cluster messages from an untrusted
+source endpoint.
+If an Endpoint match was found, there is one additional security
+mechanism in place: Endpoints belong to a Zone hierarchy.
+Several cluster messages can only be sent "top down", others like
+check results are allowed being sent from the child to the parent node.
+Once this check succeeds the cluster messages are exchanged and processed.
+### CSR Signing <a id="technical-concepts-cluster-csr-signing"></a>
+In order to make things easier, Icinga 2 provides built-in methods
+to allow child nodes to request a signed certificate from the
+signing master.
+Icinga 2 v2.8 introduces the possibility to request certificates
+from indirectly connected nodes. This is required for multi level
+cluster environments with masters, satellites and agents.
+CSR Signing in general starts with the master setup. This step
+ensures that the master is in a working CSR signing state with:
+* public and private CA key in `/var/lib/icinga2/ca`
+* private `TicketSalt` constant defined inside the `api` feature
+* Cluster communication is ready and Icinga 2 listens on port 5665
+The child node setup which is run with CLI commands will now
+attempt to connect to the parent node. This is not necessarily
+the signing master instance, but could also be a parent satellite node.
+During this process the child node asks the user to verify the
+parent node's public certificate to prevent MITM attacks.
+There are two methods to request signed certificates:
+* Add the ticket into the request. This ticket was generated on the master
+beforehand and contains hashed details for which client it has been created.
+The signing master uses this information to automatically sign the certificate
+* Do not add a ticket into the request. It will be sent to the signing master
+which stores the pending request. Manual user interaction with CLI commands
+is necessary to sign the request.
+The certificate request is sent as `pki::RequestCertificate` cluster
+message to the parent node.
+If the parent node is not the signing master, it stores the request
+in `/var/lib/icinga2/certificate-requests` and forwards the
+cluster message to its parent node.
+Once the message arrives on the signing master, it first verifies that
+the sent certificate request is valid. This is to prevent unwanted errors
+or modified requests from the "proxy" node.
+After verification, the signing master checks if the request contains
+a valid signing ticket. It hashes the certificate's common name and
+compares the value to the received ticket number.
+If the ticket is valid, the certificate request is immediately signed
+with CA key. The request is sent back to the client inside a `pki::UpdateCertificate`
+cluster message.
+If the child node was not the certificate request origin, it only updates
+the cached request for the child node and send another cluster message
+down to its child node (e.g. from a satellite to an agent).
+If no ticket was specified, the signing master waits until the
+`ca sign` CLI command manually signed the certificate.
+> **Note**
+> Push notifications for manual request signing is not yet implemented (TODO).
+Once the child node reconnects it synchronizes all signed certificate requests.
+This takes some minutes and requires all nodes to reconnect to each other.
+#### CSR Signing: Clients without parent connection <a id="technical-concepts-cluster-csr-signing-clients-no-connection"></a>
+There is an additional scenario: The setup on a child node does
+not necessarily need a connection to the parent node.
+This mode leaves the node in a semi-configured state. You need
+to manually copy the master's public CA key into `/var/lib/icinga2/certs/ca.crt`
+on the client before starting Icinga 2.
+> **Note**
+> The `client` in this case can be either a satellite or an agent.
+The parent node needs to actively connect to the child node.
+Once this connections succeeds, the child node will actively
+request a signed certificate.
+The update procedure works the same way as above.
+### High Availability <a id="technical-concepts-cluster-ha"></a>
+General high availability is automatically enabled between two endpoints in the same
+cluster zone.
+**This requires the same configuration and enabled features on both nodes.**
+HA zone members trust each other and share event updates as cluster messages.
+This includes for example check results, next check timestamp updates, acknowledgements
+or notifications.
+This ensures that both nodes are synchronized. If one node goes away, the
+remaining node takes over and continues as normal.
+#### High Availability: Object Authority <a id="technical-concepts-cluster-ha-object-authority"></a>
+Cluster nodes automatically determine the authority for configuration
+objects. By default, all config objects are set to `HARunEverywhere` and
+as such the object authority is true for any config object on any instance.
+Specific objects can override and influence this setting, e.g. with `HARunOnce`
+instead prior to config object activation.
+This is done when the daemon starts and in a regular interval inside
+the ApiListener class, specifically calling `ApiListener::UpdateObjectAuthority()`.
+The algorithm works like this:
+* Determine whether this instance is assigned to a local zone and endpoint.
+* Collects all endpoints in this zone if they are connected.
+* If there's two endpoints, but only us seeing ourselves and the application start is less than 60 seconds in the past, do nothing (wait for cluster reconnect to take place, grace period).
+* Sort the collected endpoints by name.
+* Iterate over all config types and their respective objects
+ * Ignore !active objects
+ * Ignore objects which are !HARunOnce. This means, they can run multiple times in a zone and don't need an authority update.
+ * If this instance doesn't have a local zone, set authority to true. This is for non-clustered standalone environments where everything belongs to this instance.
+ * Calculate the object authority based on the connected endpoint names.
+ * Set the authority (true or false)
+The object authority calculation works "offline" without any message exchange.
+Each instance alculates the SDBM hash of the config object name, puts that in contrast
+modulo the connected endpoints size.
+This index is used to lookup the corresponding endpoint in the connected endpoints array,
+including the local endpoint. Whether the local endpoint is equal to the selected endpoint,
+or not, this sets the authority to `true` or `false`.
+authority = endpoints[Utility::SDBM(object->GetName()) % endpoints.size()] == my_endpoint;
+`ConfigObject::SetAuthority(bool authority)` triggers the following events:
+* Authority is true and object now paused: Resume the object and set `paused` to `false`.
+* Authority is false, object not paused: Pause the object and set `paused` to true.
+**This results in activated but paused objects on one endpoint.** You can verify
+that by querying the `paused` attribute for all objects via REST API
+or debug console on both endpoints.
+Endpoints inside a HA zone calculate the object authority independent from each other.
+This object authority is important for selected features explained below.
+Since features are configuration objects too, you must ensure that all nodes
+inside the HA zone share the same enabled features. If configured otherwise,
+one might have a checker feature on the left node, nothing on the right node.
+This leads to late check results because one half is not executed by the right
+node which holds half of the object authorities.
+By default, features are enabled to "Run-Everywhere". Specific features which
+support HA awareness, provide the `enable_ha` configuration attribute. When `enable_ha`
+is set to `true` (usually the default), "Run-Once" is set and the feature pauses on one side.
+vim /etc/icinga2/features-enabled/graphite.conf
+object GraphiteWriter "graphite" {
+ ...
+ enable_ha = true
+Once such a feature is paused, there won't be any more event handling, e.g. the Elasticsearch
+feature won't process any checkresults nor write to the Elasticsearch REST API.
+When the cluster connection drops, the feature configuration object is updated with
+the new object authority by the ApiListener timer and resumes its operation. You can see
+that by grepping the log file for `resumed` and `paused`.
+[2018-10-24 13:28:28 +0200] information/GraphiteWriter: 'g-ha' paused.
+[2018-10-24 13:28:28 +0200] information/GraphiteWriter: 'g-ha' resumed.
+Specific features with HA capabilities are explained below.
+#### High Availability: Checker <a id="technical-concepts-cluster-ha-checker"></a>
+The `checker` feature only executes checks for `Checkable` objects (Host, Service)
+where it is authoritative.
+That way each node only executes checks for a segment of the overall configuration objects.
+The cluster message routing ensures that all check results are synchronized
+to nodes which are not authoritative for this configuration object.
+#### High Availability: Notifications <a id="technical-concepts-cluster-notifications"></a>
+The `notification` feature only sends notifications for `Notification` objects
+where it is authoritative.
+That way each node only executes notifications for a segment of all notification objects.
+Notified users and other event details are synchronized throughout the cluster.
+This is required if for example the DB IDO feature is active on the other node.
+#### High Availability: DB IDO <a id="technical-concepts-cluster-ha-ido"></a>
+If you don't have HA enabled for the IDO feature, both nodes will
+write their status and historical data to their own separate database
+In order to avoid data separation and a split view (each node would require its
+own Icinga Web 2 installation on top), the high availability option was added
+to the DB IDO feature. This is enabled by default with the `enable_ha` setting.
+This requires a central database backend. Best practice is to use a MySQL cluster
+with a virtual IP.
+Both Icinga 2 nodes require the connection and credential details configured in
+their DB IDO feature.
+During startup Icinga 2 calculates whether the feature configuration object
+is authoritative on this node or not. The order is an alpha-numeric
+comparison, e.g. if you have `master1` and `master2`, Icinga 2 will enable
+the DB IDO feature on `master2` by default.
+If the connection between endpoints drops, the object authority is re-calculated.
+In order to prevent data duplication in a split-brain scenario where both
+nodes would write into the same database, there is another safety mechanism
+in place.
+The split-brain decision which node will write to the database is calculated
+from a quorum inside the `programstatus` table. Each node
+verifies whether the `endpoint_name` column is not itself on database connect.
+In addition to that the DB IDO feature compares the `last_update_time` column
+against the current timestamp plus the configured `failover_timeout` offset.
+That way only one active DB IDO feature writes to the database, even if they
+are not currently connected in a cluster zone. This prevents data duplication
+in historical tables.
+### Health Checks <a id="technical-concepts-cluster-health-checks"></a>
+#### cluster-zone <a id="technical-concepts-cluster-health-checks-cluster-zone"></a>
+This built-in check provides the possibility to check for connectivity between
+If you for example need to know whether the `master` zone is connected and processing
+messages with the child zone called `satellite` in this example, you can configure
+the [cluster-zone]( check as new service on all `master` zone hosts.
+vim /etc/zones.d/master/host1.conf
+object Service "cluster-zone-satellite" {
+ check_command = "cluster-zone"
+ host_name = "host1"
+ vars.cluster_zone = "satellite"
+The check itself changes to NOT-OK if one or more child endpoints in the child zone
+are not connected to parent zone endpoints.
+In addition to the overall connectivity check, the log lag is calculated based
+on the to-be-sent replay log. Each instance stores that for its configured endpoint
+This health check iterates over the target zone (`cluster_zone`) and their endpoints.
+The log lag is greater than zero if
+* the replay log synchronization is in progress and not yet finished or
+* the endpoint is not connected, and no replay log sync happened (obviously).
+The final log lag value is the worst value detected. If satellite1 has a log lag of
+`1.5` and satellite2 only has `0.5`, the computed value will be `1.5.`.
+You can control the check state by using optional warning and critical thresholds
+for the log lag value.
+If this service exists multiple times, e.g. for each master host object, the log lag
+may differ based on the execution time. This happens for example on restart of
+an instance when the log replay is in progress and a health check is executed at different
+If the endpoint is not connected, both master instances may have saved a different log replay
+position from the last synchronisation.
+The lag value is returned as performance metric key `slave_lag`.
+Icinga 2 v2.9+ adds more performance metrics for these values:
+* `last_messages_sent` and `last_messages_received` as UNIX timestamp
+* `sum_messages_sent_per_second` and `sum_messages_received_per_second`
+* `sum_bytes_sent_per_second` and `sum_bytes_received_per_second`
+### Config Sync <a id="technical-concepts-cluster-config-sync"></a>
+The visible feature for the user is to put configuration files in `/etc/icinga2/zones.d/<zonename>`
+and have them synced automatically to all involved zones and endpoints.
+This not only includes host and service objects being checked
+in a satellite zone, but also additional config objects such as
+commands, groups, timeperiods and also templates.
+Additional thoughts and complexity added:
+- Putting files into zone directory names removes the burden to set the `zone` attribute on each object in this directory. This is done automatically by the config compiler.
+- Inclusion of `zones.d` happens automatically, the user shouldn't be bothered about this.
+- Before the REST API was created, only static configuration files in `/etc/icinga2/zones.d` existed. With the addition of config packages, additional `zones.d` targets must be registered (e.g. used by the Director)
+- Only one config master is allowed. This one identifies itself with configuration files in `/etc/icinga2/zones.d`. This is not necessarily the zone master seen in the debug logs, that one is important for message routing internally.
+- Objects and templates which cannot be bound into a specific zone (e.g. hosts in the satellite zone) must be made available "globally".
+- Users must be able to deny the synchronisation of specific zones, e.g. for security reasons.
+#### Config Sync: Config Master <a id="technical-concepts-cluster-config-sync-config-master"></a>
+All zones must be configured and included in the `zones.conf` config file beforehand.
+The zone names are the identifier for the directories underneath the `/etc/icinga2/zones.d`
+directory. If a zone is not configured, it will not be included in the config sync - keep this
+in mind for troubleshooting.
+When the config master starts, the content of `/etc/icinga2/zones.d` is automatically
+included. There's no need for an additional entry in `icinga2.conf` like `conf.d`.
+You can verify this by running the config validation on debug level:
+icinga2 daemon -C -x debug | grep 'zones.d'
+[2019-06-19 15:16:19 +0200] notice/ConfigCompiler: Compiling config file: /etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/commands.conf
+Once the config validation succeeds, the startup routine for the daemon
+copies the files into the "production" directory in `/var/lib/icinga2/api/zones`.
+This directory is used for all endpoints where Icinga stores the received configuration.
+With the exception of the config master retrieving this from `/etc/icinga2/zones.d` instead.
+These operations are logged for better visibility.
+[2019-06-19 15:26:38 +0200] information/ApiListener: Copying 1 zone configuration files for zone 'global-templates' to '/var/lib/icinga2/api/zones/global-templates'.
+[2019-06-19 15:26:38 +0200] information/ApiListener: Updating configuration file: /var/lib/icinga2/api/zones/global-templates//_etc/commands.conf
+The master is finished at this point. Depending on the cluster configuration,
+the next iteration is a connected endpoint after successful TLS handshake and certificate
+It calls `SendConfigUpdate(client)` which sends the [config::Update](
+JSON-RPC message including all required zones and their configuration file content.
+#### Config Sync: Receive Config <a id="technical-concepts-cluster-config-sync-receive-config"></a>
+The secondary master endpoint and endpoints in a child zone will be connected to the config
+master. The endpoint receives the [config::Update](
+JSON-RPC message and processes the content in `ConfigUpdateHandler()`. This method checks
+whether config should be accepted. In addition to that, it locks a local mutex to avoid race conditions
+with multiple syncs in parallel.
+After that, the received configuration content is analysed.
+> **Note**
+> The cluster design allows that satellite endpoints may connect to the secondary master first.
+> There is no immediate need to always connect to the config master first, especially since
+> the satellite endpoints don't know that.
+> The secondary master not only stores the master zone config files, but also all child zones.
+> This is also the case for any HA enabled zone with more than one endpoint.
+2.11 puts the received configuration files into a staging directory in
+`/var/lib/icinga2/api/zones-stage`. Previous versions directly wrote the
+files into production which could have led to broken configuration on the
+next manual restart.
+[2019-06-19 16:08:29 +0200] information/ApiListener: New client connection for identity 'master1' to []:5665
+[2019-06-19 16:08:30 +0200] information/ApiListener: Applying config update from endpoint 'master1' of zone 'master'.
+[2019-06-19 16:08:30 +0200] information/ApiListener: Received configuration for zone 'agent' from endpoint 'master1'. Comparing the checksums.
+[2019-06-19 16:08:30 +0200] information/ApiListener: Stage: Updating received configuration file '/var/lib/icinga2/api/zones-stage/agent//_etc/host.conf' for zone 'agent'.
+[2019-06-19 16:08:30 +0200] information/ApiListener: Applying configuration file update for path '/var/lib/icinga2/api/zones-stage/agent' (176 Bytes).
+[2019-06-19 16:08:30 +0200] information/ApiListener: Received configuration for zone 'master' from endpoint 'master1'. Comparing the checksums.
+[2019-06-19 16:08:30 +0200] information/ApiListener: Applying configuration file update for path '/var/lib/icinga2/api/zones-stage/master' (17 Bytes).
+[2019-06-19 16:08:30 +0200] information/ApiListener: Received configuration from endpoint 'master1' is different to production, triggering validation and reload.
+It then validates the received configuration in its own config stage. There is
+an parameter override in place which disables the automatic inclusion of the production
+config in `/var/lib/icinga2/api/zones`.
+Once completed, the reload is triggered. This follows the same configurable timeout
+as with the global reload.
+[2019-06-19 16:52:26 +0200] information/ApiListener: Config validation for stage '/var/lib/icinga2/api/zones-stage/' was OK, replacing into '/var/lib/icinga2/api/zones/' and triggering reload.
+[2019-06-19 16:52:27 +0200] information/Application: Got reload command: Started new instance with PID '19945' (timeout is 300s).
+[2019-06-19 16:52:28 +0200] information/Application: Reload requested, letting new process take over.
+Whenever the staged configuration validation fails, Icinga logs this including a reference
+to the startup log file which includes additional errors.
+[2019-06-19 15:45:27 +0200] critical/ApiListener: Config validation failed for staged cluster config sync in '/var/lib/icinga2/api/zones-stage/'. Aborting. Logs: '/var/lib/icinga2/api/zones-stage//startup.log'
+#### Config Sync: Changes and Reload <a id="technical-concepts-cluster-config-sync-changes-reload"></a>
+Whenever a new configuration is received, it is validated and upon success, the
+daemon automatically reloads. While the daemon continues with checks, the reload
+cannot hand over open TCP connections. That being said, reloading the daemon everytime
+a configuration is synchronized would lead into many not connected endpoints.
+Therefore the cluster config sync checks whether the configuration files actually
+changed, and will only trigger a reload when such a change happened.
+2.11 calculates a checksum from each file content and compares this to the
+production configuration. Previous versions used additional metadata with timestamps from
+files which sometimes led to problems with asynchronous dates.
+> **Note**
+> For compatibility reasons, the timestamp metadata algorithm is still intact, e.g.
+> when the client is 2.11 already, but the parent endpoint is still on 2.10.
+Icinga logs a warning when this happens.
+Received configuration update without checksums from parent endpoint satellite1. This behaviour is deprecated. Please upgrade the parent endpoint to 2.11+
+The debug log provides more details on the actual checksums and checks. Future output
+may change, use this solely for troubleshooting and debugging whenever the cluster
+config sync fails.
+[2019-06-19 16:13:16 +0200] information/ApiListener: Received configuration for zone 'agent' from endpoint 'master1'. Comparing the checksums.
+[2019-06-19 16:13:16 +0200] debug/ApiListener: Checking for config change between stage and production. Old (3): '{"/.checksums":"7ede1276a9a32019c1412a52779804a976e163943e268ec4066e6b6ec4d15d73","/.timestamp":"ec4354b0eca455f7c2ca386fddf5b9ea810d826d402b3b6ac56ba63b55c2892c","/_etc/host.conf":"35d4823684d83a5ab0ca853c9a3aa8e592adfca66210762cdf2e54339ccf0a44"}' vs. new (3): '{"/.checksums":"84a586435d732327e2152e7c9b6d85a340cc917b89ae30972042f3dc344ea7cf","/.timestamp":"0fd6facf35e49ab1b2a161872fa7ad794564eba08624373d99d31c32a7a4c7d3","/_etc/host.conf":"0d62075e89be14088de1979644b40f33a8f185fcb4bb6ff1f7da2f63c7723fcb"}'.
+[2019-06-19 16:13:16 +0200] debug/ApiListener: Checking /_etc/host.conf for checksum: 35d4823684d83a5ab0ca853c9a3aa8e592adfca66210762cdf2e54339ccf0a44
+[2019-06-19 16:13:16 +0200] debug/ApiListener: Path '/_etc/host.conf' doesn't match old checksum '0d62075e89be14088de1979644b40f33a8f185fcb4bb6ff1f7da2f63c7723fcb' with new checksum '35d4823684d83a5ab0ca853c9a3aa8e592adfca66210762cdf2e54339ccf0a44'.
+#### Config Sync: Trust <a id="technical-concepts-cluster-config-sync-trust"></a>
+The config sync follows the "top down" approach, where the master endpoint in the master
+zone is allowed to synchronize configuration to the child zone, e.g. the satellite zone.
+Endpoints in the same zone, e.g. a secondary master, receive configuration for the same
+zone and all child zones.
+Endpoints in the satellite zone trust the parent zone, and will accept the pushed
+configuration via JSON-RPC cluster messages. By default, this is disabled and must
+be enabled with the `accept_config` attribute in the ApiListener feature (manually or with CLI
+The satellite zone will not only accept zone configuration for its own zone, but also
+all configured child zones. That is why it is important to configure the zone hierarchy
+on the satellite as well.
+Child zones are not allowed to sync configuration up to the parent zone. Each Icinga instance
+evaluates this in startup and knows on endpoint connect which config zones need to be synced.
+Global zones have a special trust relationship: They are synced to all child zones, be it
+a satellite zone or agent zone. Since checkable objects such as a Host or a Service object
+must have only one endpoint as authority, they cannot be put into a global zone (denied by
+the config compiler).
+Apply rules and templates are allowed, since they are evaluated in the endpoint which received
+the synced configuration. Keep in mind that there may be differences on the master and the satellite
+when e.g. hostgroup membership is used for assign where expressions, but the groups are only
+available on the master.
+### Cluster: Message Routing <a id="technical-concepts-cluster-message-routing"></a>
+One fundamental part of the cluster message routing is the MessageOrigin object.
+This is created when a new JSON-RPC message is received in `JsonRpcConnection::MessageHandler()`.
+It contains
+- FromZone being extracted from the endpoint object which owns the JsonRpcConnection
+- FromClient being the JsonRpcConnection bound to the endpoint object
+These attributes are checked in message receive api handlers for security access. E.g. whether a
+message origin is from a child zone which is not allowed, etc.
+This is explained in the [JSON-RPC messages]( chapter.
+Whenever such a message is processed on the client, it may trigger additional cluster events
+which are sent back to other endpoints. Therefore it is key to always pass the MessageOrigin
+`origin` when processing these messages locally.
+- Client receives a CheckResult from another endpoint in the same zone, call it `sender` for now
+- Calls ProcessCheckResult() to store the CR and calculcate states, notifications, etc.
+- Calls the OnNewCheckResult() signal to trigger IDO updates
+OnNewCheckResult() also calls a registered cluster handler which forwards the CheckResult to other cluster members.
+Without any origin details, this CheckResult would be relayed to the `sender` endpoint again.
+Which processes the message, ProcessCheckResult(), OnNewCheckResult(), sends back and so on.
+That creates a loop which our cluster protocol needs to prevent at all cost.
+RelayMessageOne() takes care of the routing. This involves fetching the targetZone for this message and its endpoints.
+- Don't relay messages to ourselves.
+- Don't relay messages to disconnected endpoints.
+- Don't relay the message to the zone through more than one endpoint unless this is our own zone.
+- Don't relay messages back to the endpoint which we got the message from. **THIS**
+- Don't relay messages back to the zone which we got the message from.
+- Only relay message to the zone master if we're not currently the zone master.
+ e1 is zone master, e2 and e3 are zone members.
+ Message is sent from e2 or e3:
+ !isMaster == true
+ targetEndpoint e1 is zone master -> send the message
+ targetEndpoint e3 is not zone master -> skip it, avoid routing loops
+ Message is sent from e1:
+ !isMaster == false -> send the messages to e2 and e3 being the zone routing master.
+With passing the `origin` the following condition prevents sending a message back to sender:
+if (origin && origin->FromClient && targetEndpoint == origin->FromClient->GetEndpoint()) {
+This message then simply gets skipped for this specific Endpoint and is never sent.
+This analysis originates from a long-lasting [downtime loop bug](
+## TLS Network IO <a id="technical-concepts-tls-network-io"></a>
+### TLS Connection Handling <a id="technical-concepts-tls-network-io-connection-handling"></a>
+Icinga supports two connection directions, controlled via the `host` attribute
+inside the Endpoint objects:
+* Outgoing connection attempts
+* Incoming connection handling
+Once the connection is established, higher layers can exchange JSON-RPC and
+HTTP messages. It doesn't matter which direction these message go.
+This offers a big advantage over single direction connections, just like
+polling via HTTP only. Also, connections are kept alive as long as data
+is transmitted.
+When the master connects to the child zone member(s), this requires more
+resources there. Keep this in mind when endpoints are not reachable, the
+TCP timeout blocks other resources. Moving a satellite zone in the middle
+between masters and agents helps to split the tasks - the master
+processes and stores data, deploys configuration and serves the API. The
+satellites schedule the checks, connect to the agents and receive
+check results.
+Agents/Clients can also connect to the parent endpoints - be it a master or
+a satellite. This is the preferred way out of a DMZ, and also reduces the
+overhead with connecting to e.g. 2000 agents on the master. You can
+benchmark this when TCP connections are broken and timeouts are encountered.
+#### Master Processes Incoming Connection <a id="technical-concepts-tls-network-io-connection-handling-incoming"></a>
+* The node starts a new ApiListener, this invokes `AddListener()`
+ * Setup TLS Context (SslContext)
+ * Initialize global I/O engine and create a TCP acceptor
+ * Resolve bind host/port (optional)
+ * Listen on IPv4 and IPv6
+ * Re-use socket address and port
+ * Listen on port 5665 with `INT_MAX` possible sockets
+* Spawn a new Coroutine which listens for new incoming connections as 'TCP server' pattern
+ * Accept new connections asynchronously
+ * Spawn a new Coroutine which handles the new client connection in a different context, Role: Server
+#### Master Connects Outgoing <a id="technical-concepts-tls-network-io-connection-handling-outgoing"></a>
+* The node starts a timer in a 10 seconds interval with `ApiReconnectTimerHandler()` as callback
+ * Loop over all configured zones, exclude global zones and not direct parent/child zones
+ * Get the endpoints configured in the zones, exclude: local endpoint, no 'host' attribute, already connected or in progress
+ * Call `AddConnection()`
+* Spawn a new Coroutine after making the TLS context
+ * Use the global I/O engine for socket I/O
+ * Create TLS stream
+ * Connect to endpoint host/port details
+ * Handle the client connection, Role: Client
+#### TLS Handshake <a id="technical-concepts-tls-network-io-connection-handling-handshake"></a>
+* Create a TLS connection in sslConn and perform an asynchronous TLS handshake
+* Get the peer certificate
+* Verify the presented certificate: `ssl::verify_peer` and `ssl::verify_client_once`
+* Get the certificate CN and compare it against the endpoint name - if not matching, return and close the connection
+#### Data Exchange <a id="technical-concepts-tls-network-io-connection-data-exchange"></a>
+Everything runs through TLS, we don't use any "raw" connections nor plain message handling.
+HTTP and JSON-RPC messages share the same port and API, so additional handling is required.
+On a new connection and successful TLS handshake, the first byte is read. This either
+is a JSON-RPC message in Netstring format starting with a number, or plain HTTP.
+Depending on this, `ClientJsonRpc` or `ClientHttp` are assigned.
+* Create a new JsonRpcConnection object
+ * When the endpoint object is configured, spawn a Coroutine which takes care of syncing the client (file and runtime config, replay log, etc.)
+ * No endpoint treats this connection as anonymous client, with a configurable limit. This client may send a CSR signing request for example.
+ * Start the JsonRpcConnection - this spawns Coroutines to HandleIncomingMessages, WriteOutgoingMessages, HandleAndWriteHeartbeats and CheckLiveness
+* Create a new HttpServerConnection
+ * Start the HttpServerConnection - this spawns Coroutines to ProcessMessages and CheckLiveness
+All the mentioned Coroutines run asynchronously using the global I/O engine's context.
+More details on this topic can be found in [this blogpost](
+The lower levels of context switching and sharing or event polling are
+hidden in Boost ASIO, Beast, Coroutine and Context libraries.
+#### Data Exchange: Coroutines and I/O Engine <a id="technical-concepts-tls-network-io-connection-data-exchange-coroutines"></a>
+Light-weight and fast operations such as connection handling or TLS handshakes
+are performed in the default `IoBoundWorkSlot` pool inside the I/O engine.
+The I/O engine has another pool available: `CpuBoundWork`.
+This is used for processing CPU intensive tasks, such as handling a HTTP request.
+Depending on the available CPU cores, this is limited to `std::thread::hardware_concurrency() * 3u / 2u`.
+1 core * 3 / 2 = 1
+2 cores * 3 / 2 = 3
+8 cores * 3 / 2 = 12
+16 cores * 3 / 2 = 24
+The I/O engine itself is used with all network I/O in Icinga, not only the cluster
+and the REST API. Features such as Graphite, InfluxDB, etc. also consume its functionality.
+There are 2 * CPU cores threads available which run the event loop
+in the I/O engine. This polls the I/O service with `;`
+and triggers an asynchronous event progress for waiting coroutines.
+## REST API <a id="technical-concepts-rest-api"></a>
+Icinga 2 provides its own HTTP server which shares the port 5665 with
+the JSON-RPC cluster protocol.
+## JSON-RPC Message API <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages"></a>
+**The JSON-RPC message API is not a public API for end users.** In case you want
+to interact with Icinga, use the [REST API](
+This section describes the internal cluster messages exchanged between endpoints.
+> **Tip**
+> Debug builds with `icinga2 daemon -DInternal.DebugJsonRpc=1` unveils the JSON-RPC messages.
+### Registered Handler Functions
+Functions by example:
+Event Sender: `Checkable::OnNewCheckResult`
+Event Receiver (Client): `CheckResultAPIHandler` in `REGISTER_APIFUNCTION`
+### Messages
+#### icinga::Hello <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-icinga-hello"></a>
+> Location: `apilistener.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | icinga::Hello
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+capabilities | Number | Bitmask, see `lib/remote/apilistener.hpp`.
+version | Number | Icinga 2 version, e.g. 21300 for v2.13.0.
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: When a new client connects in `NewClientHandlerInternal()`.
+Event Receiver: `HelloAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+None, this is a required message.
+#### event::Heartbeat <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-event-heartbeat"></a>
+> Location: `jsonrpcconnection-heartbeat.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::Heartbeat
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+timeout | Number | Heartbeat timeout, sender sets 120s.
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `JsonRpcConnection::HeartbeatTimerHandler`
+Event Receiver: `HeartbeatAPIHandler`
+Both sender and receiver exchange this heartbeat message. If the sender detects
+that a client endpoint hasn't sent anything in the updated timeout span, it disconnects
+the client. This is to avoid stale connections with no message processing.
+##### Permissions
+None, this is a required message.
+#### event::CheckResult <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-event-checkresult"></a>
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::CheckResult
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name
+service | String | Service name
+cr | Serialized CR | Check result
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Checkable::OnNewCheckResult`
+Event Receiver: `CheckResultAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Hosts/services do not exist
+* Origin is a remote command endpoint different to the configured, and whose zone is not allowed to access this checkable.
+#### event::SetNextCheck <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-event-setnextcheck"></a>
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::SetNextCheck
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name
+service | String | Service name
+next\_check | Timestamp | Next scheduled time as UNIX timestamp.
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Checkable::OnNextCheckChanged`
+Event Receiver: `NextCheckChangedAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Checkable does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint's zone is not allowed to access this checkable.
+#### event::SetLastCheckStarted <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-event-setlastcheckstarted"></a>
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::SetLastCheckStarted
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name
+service | String | Service name
+last\_check\_started | Timestamp | Last check's start time as UNIX timestamp.
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Checkable::OnLastCheckStartedChanged`
+Event Receiver: `LastCheckStartedChangedAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Checkable does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint's zone is not allowed to access this checkable.
+#### event::SetStateBeforeSuppression <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-event-setstatebeforesuppression"></a>
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::SetStateBeforeSuppression
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name
+service | String | Service name
+state\_before\_suppression | Number | Checkable state before the current suppression
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Checkable::OnStateBeforeSuppressionChanged`
+Event Receiver: `StateBeforeSuppressionChangedAPIHandler`
+Used to sync the checkable state from before a notification suppression (for example
+because the checkable is in a downtime) started within the same HA zone.
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Checkable does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint is not within the local zone.
+#### event::SetSuppressedNotifications <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-event-setsupressednotifications"></a>
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::SetSuppressedNotifications
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name
+service | String | Service name
+supressed\_notifications | Number | Bitmask for suppressed notifications.
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Checkable::OnSuppressedNotificationsChanged`
+Event Receiver: `SuppressedNotificationsChangedAPIHandler`
+Used to sync the notification state of a host or service object within the same HA zone.
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Checkable does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint is not within the local zone.
+#### event::SetSuppressedNotificationTypes <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-event-setsuppressednotificationtypes"></a>
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::SetSuppressedNotificationTypes
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+notification | String | Notification name
+supressed\_notifications | Number | Bitmask for suppressed notifications.
+Used to sync the state of a notification object within the same HA zone.
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Notification::OnSuppressedNotificationsChanged`
+Event Receiver: `SuppressedNotificationTypesChangedAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Notification does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint is not within the local zone.
+#### event::SetNextNotification <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-event-setnextnotification"></a>
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::SetNextNotification
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name
+service | String | Service name
+notification | String | Notification name
+next\_notification | Timestamp | Next scheduled notification time as UNIX timestamp.
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Notification::OnNextNotificationChanged`
+Event Receiver: `NextNotificationChangedAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Notification does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint's zone is not allowed to access this checkable.
+#### event::UpdateLastNotifiedStatePerUser <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-event-updatelastnotifiedstateperuser"></a>
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::UpdateLastNotifiedStatePerUser
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+notification | String | Notification name
+user | String | User name
+state | Number | Checkable state the user just got a problem notification for
+Used to sync the state of a notification object within the same HA zone.
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Notification::OnLastNotifiedStatePerUserUpdated`
+Event Receiver: `LastNotifiedStatePerUserUpdatedAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Notification does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint is not within the local zone.
+#### event::ClearLastNotifiedStatePerUser <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-event-clearlastnotifiedstateperuser"></a>
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::ClearLastNotifiedStatePerUser
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+notification | String | Notification name
+Used to sync the state of a notification object within the same HA zone.
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Notification::OnLastNotifiedStatePerUserCleared`
+Event Receiver: `LastNotifiedStatePerUserClearedAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Notification does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint is not within the local zone.
+#### event::SetForceNextCheck <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-event-setforcenextcheck"></a>
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::SetForceNextCheck
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name
+service | String | Service name
+forced | Boolean | Forced next check (execute now)
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Checkable::OnForceNextCheckChanged`
+Event Receiver: `ForceNextCheckChangedAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Checkable does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint's zone is not allowed to access this checkable.
+#### event::SetForceNextNotification <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-event-setforcenextnotification"></a>
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::SetForceNextNotification
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name
+service | String | Service name
+forced | Boolean | Forced next check (execute now)
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Checkable::SetForceNextNotification`
+Event Receiver: `ForceNextNotificationChangedAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Checkable does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint's zone is not allowed to access this checkable.
+#### event::SetAcknowledgement <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-event-setacknowledgement"></a>
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::SetAcknowledgement
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name
+service | String | Service name
+author | String | Acknowledgement author name.
+comment | String | Acknowledgement comment content.
+acktype | Number | Acknowledgement type (0=None, 1=Normal, 2=Sticky)
+notify | Boolean | Notification should be sent.
+persistent | Boolean | Whether the comment is persistent.
+expiry | Timestamp | Optional expire time as UNIX timestamp.
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Checkable::OnForceNextCheckChanged`
+Event Receiver: `ForceNextCheckChangedAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Checkable does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint's zone is not allowed to access this checkable.
+#### event::ClearAcknowledgement <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-event-clearacknowledgement"></a>
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::ClearAcknowledgement
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name
+service | String | Service name
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Checkable::OnAcknowledgementCleared`
+Event Receiver: `AcknowledgementClearedAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Checkable does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint's zone is not allowed to access this checkable.
+#### event::SendNotifications <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-event-sendnotifications"></a>
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::SendNotifications
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name
+service | String | Service name
+cr | Serialized CR | Check result
+type | Number | enum NotificationType, same as `types` for notification objects.
+author | String | Author name
+text | String | Notification text
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Checkable::OnNotificationsRequested`
+Event Receiver: `SendNotificationsAPIHandler`
+Signals that notifications have to be sent within the same HA zone. This is relevant if the checkable and its
+notifications are active on different endpoints.
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Checkable does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint is not within the local zone.
+#### event::NotificationSentUser <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-event-notificationsentuser"></a>
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::NotificationSentUser
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name
+service | String | Service name
+notification | String | Notification name.
+user | String | Notified user name.
+type | Number | enum NotificationType, same as `types` in Notification objects.
+cr | Serialized CR | Check result.
+author | String | Notification author (for specific types)
+text | String | Notification text (for specific types)
+command | String | Notification command name.
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Checkable::OnNotificationSentToUser`
+Event Receiver: `NotificationSentUserAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Checkable does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint's zone the same as the receiver. This binds notification messages to the HA zone.
+#### event::NotificationSentToAllUsers <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-event-notificationsenttoallusers"></a>
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::NotificationSentToAllUsers
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name
+service | String | Service name
+notification | String | Notification name.
+users | Array of String | Notified user names.
+type | Number | enum NotificationType, same as `types` in Notification objects.
+cr | Serialized CR | Check result.
+author | String | Notification author (for specific types)
+text | String | Notification text (for specific types)
+last\_notification | Timestamp | Last notification time as UNIX timestamp.
+next\_notification | Timestamp | Next scheduled notification time as UNIX timestamp.
+notification\_number | Number | Current notification number in problem state.
+last\_problem\_notification | Timestamp | Last problem notification time as UNIX timestamp.
+no\_more\_notifications | Boolean | Whether to send future notifications when this notification becomes active on this HA node.
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `Checkable::OnNotificationSentToAllUsers`
+Event Receiver: `NotificationSentToAllUsersAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Checkable does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint's zone the same as the receiver. This binds notification messages to the HA zone.
+#### event::ExecuteCommand <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-event-executecommand"></a>
+> Location: `clusterevents-check.cpp` and `checkable-check.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::ExecuteCommand
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name.
+service | String | Service name.
+command\_type | String | `check_command` or `event_command`.
+command | String | CheckCommand or EventCommand name.
+check\_timeout | Number | Check timeout of the checkable object, if specified as `check_timeout` attribute.
+macros | Dictionary | Command arguments as key/value pairs for remote execution.
+endpoint | String | The endpoint to execute the command on.
+deadline | Number | A Unix timestamp indicating the execution deadline
+source | String | The execution UUID
+##### Functions
+**Event Sender:** This gets constructed directly in `Checkable::ExecuteCheck()`, `Checkable::ExecuteEventHandler()` or `ApiActions::ExecuteCommand()` when a remote command endpoint is configured.
+* `Get{CheckCommand,EventCommand}()->Execute()` simulates an execution and extracts all command arguments into the `macro` dictionary (inside lib/methods tasks).
+* When the endpoint is connected, the message is constructed and sent directly.
+* When the endpoint is not connected and not syncing replay logs and 5m after application start, generate an UNKNOWN check result for the user ("not connected").
+**Event Receiver:** `ExecuteCommandAPIHandler`
+Special handling, calls `ClusterEvents::EnqueueCheck()` for command endpoint checks.
+This function enqueues check tasks into a queue which is controlled in `RemoteCheckThreadProc()`.
+If the `endpoint` parameter is specified and is not equal to the local endpoint then the message is forwarded to the correct endpoint zone.
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Origin endpoint's zone is not a parent zone of the receiver endpoint.
+* `accept_commands = false` in the `api` feature configuration sends back an UNKNOWN check result to the sender.
+The receiver constructs a virtual host object and looks for the local CheckCommand object.
+Returns UNKNOWN as check result to the sender
+* when the CheckCommand object does not exist.
+* when there was an exception triggered from check execution, e.g. the plugin binary could not be executed or similar.
+The returned messages are synced directly to the sender's endpoint, no cluster broadcast.
+> **Note**: EventCommand errors are just logged on the remote endpoint.
+#### event::UpdateExecutions <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-event-updateexecutions"></a>
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::UpdateExecutions
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name.
+service | String | Service name.
+executions | Dictionary | Executions to be updated
+##### Functions
+**Event Sender:** `ClusterEvents::ExecutedCommandAPIHandler`, `ClusterEvents::UpdateExecutionsAPIHandler`, `ApiActions::ExecuteCommand`
+**Event Receiver:** `ClusterEvents::UpdateExecutionsAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Checkable does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint's zone is not allowed to access this checkable.
+#### event::ExecutedCommand <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-event-executedcommand"></a>
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::ExecutedCommand
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+host | String | Host name.
+service | String | Service name.
+execution | String | The execution ID executed.
+exitStatus | Number | The command exit status.
+output | String | The command output.
+start | Number | The unix timestamp at the start of the command execution
+end | Number | The unix timestamp at the end of the command execution
+##### Functions
+**Event Sender:** `ClusterEvents::ExecuteCheckFromQueue`, `ClusterEvents::ExecuteCommandAPIHandler`
+**Event Receiver:** `ClusterEvents::ExecutedCommandAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Checkable does not exist.
+* Origin endpoint's zone is not allowed to access this checkable.
+#### event::SetRemovalInfo <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-event-setremovalinfo"></a>
+> Location: `clusterevents.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | event::SetRemovalInfo
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+object\_type | String | Object type (`"Comment"` or `"Downtime"`)
+object\_name | String | Object name
+removed\_by | String | Name of the removal requestor
+remove\_time | Timestamp | Time of the remove operation
+##### Functions
+**Event Sender**: `Comment::OnRemovalInfoChanged` and `Downtime::OnRemovalInfoChanged`
+**Event Receiver**: `SetRemovalInfoAPIHandler`
+This message is used to synchronize information about manual comment and downtime removals before deleting the
+corresponding object.
+##### Permissions
+This message is only accepted from the local zone and from parent zones.
+#### config::Update <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-config-update"></a>
+> Location: `apilistener-filesync.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | config::Update
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+update | Dictionary | Config file paths and their content.
+update\_v2 | Dictionary | Additional meta config files introduced in 2.4+ for compatibility reasons.
+##### Functions
+**Event Sender:** `SendConfigUpdate()` called in `ApiListener::SyncClient()` when a new client endpoint connects.
+**Event Receiver:** `ConfigUpdateHandler` reads the config update content and stores them in `/var/lib/icinga2/api`.
+When it detects a configuration change, the function requests and application restart.
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* The origin sender is not in a parent zone of the receiver.
+* `api` feature does not accept config.
+Config updates will be ignored when:
+* The zone is not configured on the receiver endpoint.
+* The zone is authoritative on this instance (this only happens on a master which has `/etc/icinga2/zones.d` populated, and prevents sync loops)
+#### config::UpdateObject <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-config-updateobject"></a>
+> Location: `apilistener-configsync.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | config::UpdateObject
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+name | String | Object name.
+type | String | Object type name.
+version | Number | Object version.
+config | String | Config file content for `_api` packages.
+modified\_attributes | Dictionary | Modified attributes at runtime as key value pairs.
+original\_attributes | Array | Original attributes as array of keys.
+##### Functions
+**Event Sender:** Either on client connect (full sync), or runtime created/updated object
+`ApiListener::SendRuntimeConfigObjects()` gets called when a new endpoint is connected
+and runtime created config objects need to be synced. This invokes a call to `UpdateConfigObject()`
+to only sync this JsonRpcConnection client.
+`ConfigObject::OnActiveChanged` (created or deleted) or `ConfigObject::OnVersionChanged` (updated)
+also call `UpdateConfigObject()`.
+**Event Receiver:** `ConfigUpdateObjectAPIHandler` calls `ConfigObjectUtility::CreateObject()` in order
+to create the object if it is not already existing. Afterwards, all modified attributes are applied
+and in case, original attributes are restored. The object version is set as well, keeping it in sync
+with the sender.
+##### Permissions
+###### Sender
+Client receiver connects:
+The sender only syncs config object updates to a client which can access
+the config object, in `ApiListener::SendRuntimeConfigObjects()`.
+In addition to that, the client endpoint's zone is checked whether this zone may access
+the config object.
+Runtime updated object:
+Only if the config object belongs to the `_api` package.
+###### Receiver
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Origin sender endpoint's zone is in a child zone.
+* `api` feature does not accept config
+* The received config object type does not exist (this is to prevent failures with older nodes and new object types).
+Error handling:
+* Log an error if `CreateObject` fails (only if the object does not already exist)
+* Local object version is newer than the received version, object will not be updated.
+* Compare modified and original attributes and restore any type of change here.
+#### config::DeleteObject <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-config-deleteobject"></a>
+> Location: `apilistener-configsync.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | config::DeleteObject
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+name | String | Object name.
+type | String | Object type name.
+version | Number | Object version.
+##### Functions
+**Event Sender:**
+`ConfigObject::OnActiveChanged` (created or deleted) or `ConfigObject::OnVersionChanged` (updated)
+call `DeleteConfigObject()`.
+**Event Receiver:** `ConfigDeleteObjectAPIHandler`
+##### Permissions
+###### Sender
+Runtime deleted object:
+Only if the config object belongs to the `_api` package.
+###### Receiver
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.
+Message updates will be dropped when:
+* Origin sender endpoint's zone is in a child zone.
+* `api` feature does not accept config
+* The received config object type does not exist (this is to prevent failures with older nodes and new object types).
+* The object in question was not created at runtime, it does not belong to the `_api` package.
+Error handling:
+* Log an error if `DeleteObject` fails (only if the object does not already exist)
+#### pki::RequestCertificate <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-pki-requestcertificate"></a>
+> Location: `jsonrpcconnection-pki.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | pki::RequestCertificate
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+ticket | String | Own ticket, or as satellite in CA proxy from local store.
+cert\_request | String | Certificate request content from local store, optional.
+##### Functions
+Event Sender: `RequestCertificateHandler`
+Event Receiver: `RequestCertificateHandler`
+##### Permissions
+This is an anonymous request, and the number of anonymous clients can be configured
+in the `api` feature.
+Only valid certificate request messages are processed, and valid signed certificates
+won't be signed again.
+#### pki::UpdateCertificate <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-pki-updatecertificate"></a>
+> Location: `jsonrpcconnection-pki.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | pki::UpdateCertificate
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+status\_code | Number | Status code, 0=ok.
+cert | String | Signed certificate content.
+ca | String | Public CA certificate content.
+fingerprint\_request | String | Certificate fingerprint from the CSR.
+##### Functions
+**Event Sender:**
+* When a client requests a certificate in `RequestCertificateHandler` and the satellite
+already has a signed certificate, the `pki::UpdateCertificate` message is constructed and sent back.
+* When the endpoint holding the master's CA private key (and TicketSalt private key) is able to sign
+the request, the `pki::UpdateCertificate` message is constructed and sent back.
+**Event Receiver:** `UpdateCertificateHandler`
+##### Permissions
+Message updates are dropped when
+* The origin sender is not in a parent zone of the receiver.
+* The certificate fingerprint is in an invalid format.
+#### log::SetLogPosition <a id="technical-concepts-json-rpc-messages-log-setlogposition"></a>
+> Location: `apilistener.cpp` and `jsonrpcconnection.cpp`
+##### Message Body
+Key | Value
+jsonrpc | 2.0
+method | log::SetLogPosition
+params | Dictionary
+##### Params
+Key | Type | Description
+log\_position | Timestamp | The endpoint's log position as UNIX timestamp.
+##### Functions
+**Event Sender:**
+During log replay to a client endpoint in `ApiListener::ReplayLog()`, each processed
+file generates a message which updates the log position timestamp.
+`ApiListener::ApiTimerHandler()` invokes a check to keep all connected endpoints and
+their log position in sync during replay log.
+**Event Receiver:** `SetLogPositionHandler`
+##### Permissions
+The receiver will not process messages from not configured endpoints.