name: AUTHORS file on: pull_request: { } jobs: authors-file: name: AUTHORS file runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout HEAD uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Check whether ./AUTHORS is up-to-date run: | set -exo pipefail sort -uo AUTHORS AUTHORS git add AUTHORS git log --format='format:%aN <%aE>' "$( git merge-base "origin/$GITHUB_BASE_REF" "origin/$GITHUB_HEAD_REF" )..origin/$GITHUB_HEAD_REF" >> AUTHORS sort -uo AUTHORS AUTHORS git diff AUTHORS >> AUTHORS.diff - name: Complain if ./AUTHORS isn't up-to-date run: | if [ -s AUTHORS.diff ]; then cat <<'EOF' >&2 There are the following new authors. If the commit author data is correct, either add them to the AUTHORS file or update .mailmap. See gitmailmap(5) or: Don't hesitate to ask us for help if necessary. EOF cat AUTHORS.diff exit 1 fi