/* Icinga 2 | (c) 2012 Icinga GmbH | GPLv2+ */ template CheckCommand "icingacli" { command = [ PrefixDir + "/bin/icingacli" ] } object CheckCommand "icingacli-businessprocess" { import "icingacli" command += [ "businessprocess", "process", "check" ] arguments = { "--ack-is-ok" = { set_if = "$icingacli_businessprocess_ackisok$" description = "Treat acknowledged hosts/services always as UP/OK" } "--blame" = { set_if = "$icingacli_businessprocess_blame$" description = "Show problem details as a tree reduced to the nodes which have the same state as the business process" } "--colors" = { set_if = "$icingacli_businessprocess_colors$" description = "Show colored output" } "--config" = { value = "$icingacli_businessprocess_config$" description = "Configuration file containing your business process without file extension" } "--details" = { set_if = "$icingacli_businessprocess_details$" description = "Get details for root cause analysis" } "--state-type" = { value = "$icingacli_businessprocess_statetype$" description = "Define which state type to look at. Could be either soft or hard, overrides an eventually configured default" } "--downtime-is-ok" = { set_if = "$icingacli_businessprocess_downtimeisok$" description = "Treat hosts/services in downtime always as UP/OK" } "--process" = { value = "$icingacli_businessprocess_process$" description = "Business process to monitor" skip_key = true required = true order = -1 } "--root-cause" = { set_if = "$icingacli_businessprocess_rootcause$" description = "Used in combination with --blame. Only shows the paths of the nodes which are responsible for the state of the business process" } } vars.icingacli_businessprocess_ackisok = false vars.icingacli_businessprocess_blame = false vars.icingacli_businessprocess_colors = false vars.icingacli_businessprocess_details = false vars.icingacli_businessprocess_downtimeisok = false vars.icingacli_businessprocess_rootcause = false } object CheckCommand "icingacli-director" { import "icingacli" command += [ "director", "health", "check" ] arguments = { "--check" = { value = "$icingacli_director_check$" description = "Run only a specific test suite" } "--db" = { value = "$icingacli_director_db$" description = "Use a specific Icinga Web DB resource" } } } object CheckCommand "icingacli-elasticsearch" { import "icingacli" command += [ "elasticsearch", "check" ] arguments = { "--instance" = { value = "$icingacli_elasticsearch_instance$" description = "Elasticsearch instance to connect to" } "--crit" = { value = "$icingacli_elasticsearch_critical$" description = "Critical threshold" } "--warn" = { value = "$icingacli_elasticsearch_warning$" description = "Warning threshold" } "--index" = { value = "$icingacli_elasticsearch_index$" description = "Index pattern to use when searching" } "--filter" = { value = "$icingacli_elasticsearch_filter$" description = "Filter for events" } "--from" = { value = "$icingacli_elasticsearch_from$" description = "Negative value of time to search from now" } } } object CheckCommand "icingacli-x509" { import "icingacli" command += [ "x509", "check", "host" ] arguments = { "--ip" = { value = "$icingacli_x509_ip$" description = "A hosts IP address" } "--host" = { value = "$icingacli_x509_host$" description = "A hosts name" } "--port" = { value = "$icingacli_x509_port$" description = "The port to check in particular" } "--warning" = { value = "$icingacli_x509_warning$" description = "Less remaining time results in state WARNING" } "--critical" = { value = "$icingacli_x509_critical$" description = "Less remaining time results in state CRITICAL" } "--allow-self-signed" = { set_if = "$icingacli_x509_allow_self_signed$" description = "Ignore if a certificate or its issuer has been self-signed" } } }