/* Icinga 2 | (c) 2012 Icinga GmbH | GPLv2+ */ #include "remote/zone.hpp" #include "remote/apilistener.hpp" #include "base/configtype.hpp" #include "base/utility.hpp" #include "base/convert.hpp" using namespace icinga; std::atomic ApiListener::m_UpdatedObjectAuthority (false); void ApiListener::UpdateObjectAuthority() { /* Always run this, even if there is no 'api' feature enabled. */ if (auto listener = ApiListener::GetInstance()) { Log(LogNotice, "ApiListener") << "Updating object authority for objects at endpoint '" << listener->GetIdentity() << "'."; } else { Log(LogNotice, "ApiListener") << "Updating object authority for local objects."; } Zone::Ptr my_zone = Zone::GetLocalZone(); std::vector endpoints; Endpoint::Ptr my_endpoint; if (my_zone) { my_endpoint = Endpoint::GetLocalEndpoint(); int num_total = 0; for (const Endpoint::Ptr& endpoint : my_zone->GetEndpoints()) { num_total++; if (endpoint != my_endpoint && !endpoint->GetConnected()) continue; endpoints.push_back(endpoint); } double startTime = Application::GetStartTime(); /* 30 seconds cold startup, don't update any authority to give the secondary endpoint time to reconnect. */ if (num_total > 1 && endpoints.size() <= 1 && (startTime == 0 || Utility::GetTime() - startTime < 30)) return; std::sort(endpoints.begin(), endpoints.end(), [](const ConfigObject::Ptr& a, const ConfigObject::Ptr& b) { return a->GetName() < b->GetName(); } ); } for (const Type::Ptr& type : Type::GetAllTypes()) { auto *dtype = dynamic_cast(type.get()); if (!dtype) continue; for (const ConfigObject::Ptr& object : dtype->GetObjects()) { if (!object->IsActive() || object->GetHAMode() != HARunOnce) continue; bool authority; if (!my_zone) authority = true; else authority = endpoints[Utility::SDBM(object->GetName()) % endpoints.size()] == my_endpoint; #ifdef I2_DEBUG // //Enable on demand, causes heavy logging on each run. // Log(LogDebug, "ApiListener") // << "Setting authority '" << Convert::ToString(authority) << "' for object '" << object->GetName() << "' of type '" << object->GetReflectionType()->GetName() << "'."; #endif /* I2_DEBUG */ object->SetAuthority(authority); } } m_UpdatedObjectAuthority.store(true); }