/* Icinga 2 | (c) 2012 Icinga GmbH | GPLv2+ */ #include "base/dictionary.hpp" #include "base/function.hpp" #include "base/namespace.hpp" #include "base/array.hpp" #include "base/objectlock.hpp" #include "base/json.hpp" #include #include using namespace icinga; BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(base_json) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(encode) { Dictionary::Ptr input (new Dictionary({ { "array", new Array({ new Namespace() }) }, { "false", false }, { "float", -1.25 }, { "fx", new Function("", []() {}) }, { "int", -42 }, { "null", Value() }, { "string", "LF\nTAB\tAUml\xC3\xA4Ill\xC3" }, { "true", true }, { "uint", 23u } })); String output (R"EOF({ "array": [ {} ], "false": false, "float": -1.25, "fx": "Object of type 'Function'", "int": -42, "null": null, "string": "LF\nTAB\tAUml\u00e4Ill\ufffd", "true": true, "uint": 23 } )EOF"); BOOST_CHECK(JsonEncode(input, true) == output); boost::algorithm::replace_all(output, " ", ""); boost::algorithm::replace_all(output, "Objectoftype'Function'", "Object of type 'Function'"); boost::algorithm::replace_all(output, "\n", ""); BOOST_CHECK(JsonEncode(input, false) == output); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(decode) { String input (R"EOF({ "array": [ {} ], "false": false, "float": -1.25, "int": -42, "null": null, "string": "LF\nTAB\tAUmlIll", "true": true, "uint": 23 } )EOF"); boost::algorithm::replace_all(input, "AUml", "AUml\xC3\xA4"); boost::algorithm::replace_all(input, "Ill", "Ill\xC3"); auto output ((Dictionary::Ptr)JsonDecode(input)); BOOST_CHECK(output->GetKeys() == std::vector({"array", "false", "float", "int", "null", "string", "true", "uint"})); auto array ((Array::Ptr)output->Get("array")); BOOST_CHECK(array->GetLength() == 1u); auto array0 ((Dictionary::Ptr)array->Get(0)); BOOST_CHECK(array0->GetKeys() == std::vector()); auto fAlse (output->Get("false")); BOOST_CHECK(fAlse.IsBoolean() && !fAlse.ToBool()); auto fLoat (output->Get("float")); BOOST_CHECK(fLoat.IsNumber() && fLoat.Get() == -1.25); auto iNt (output->Get("int")); BOOST_CHECK(iNt.IsNumber() && iNt.Get() == -42.0); BOOST_CHECK(output->Get("null").IsEmpty()); auto string (output->Get("string")); BOOST_CHECK(string.IsString() && string.Get() == "LF\nTAB\tAUml\xC3\xA4Ill\xEF\xBF\xBD"); auto tRue (output->Get("true")); BOOST_CHECK(tRue.IsBoolean() && tRue.ToBool()); auto uint (output->Get("uint")); BOOST_CHECK(uint.IsNumber() && uint.Get() == 23.0); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(invalid1) { BOOST_CHECK_THROW(JsonDecode("\"1.7"), std::exception); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(JsonDecode("{8: \"test\"}"), std::exception); BOOST_CHECK_THROW(JsonDecode("{\"test\": \"test\""), std::exception); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END()