# Icinga 2 | (c) 2012 Icinga GmbH | GPLv2+ define_property( SOURCE PROPERTY EXCLUDE_UNITY_BUILD BRIEF_DOCS "Whether to exclude the source file from unity builds" FULL_DOCS "Specified whether a source file should be excluded from unity builds and should be built separately" ) if(ICINGA2_UNITY_BUILD) set(mkunity_SOURCES mkunity.c ) add_executable(mkunity ${mkunity_SOURCES}) set_target_properties ( mkunity PROPERTIES FOLDER Bin ) function(MKUNITY_TARGET Target Prefix UnityInputRef) set(UnityInput ${${UnityInputRef}}) set(UnityOutput ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${Target}_unity.cpp) set(RealSources "") set(UnitySources "") foreach(UnitySource ${UnityInput}) get_property(SourceExcluded SOURCE ${UnitySource} PROPERTY EXCLUDE_UNITY_BUILD) if(SourceExcluded MATCHES TRUE OR NOT ${UnitySource} MATCHES "\\.(cpp|cxx|cc)\$") list(APPEND RealSources ${UnitySource}) else() list(APPEND UnitySources ${UnitySource}) endif() endforeach() add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${UnityOutput} COMMAND mkunity ARGS ${Prefix} ${UnitySources} > ${UnityOutput}.tmp COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ARGS -E copy ${UnityOutput}.tmp ${UnityOutput} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} DEPENDS mkunity ${UnitySources} ) list(APPEND RealSources ${UnityOutput}) set(${UnityInputRef} ${RealSources} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() endif()