path: root/application/controllers/DowntimesController.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'application/controllers/DowntimesController.php')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/application/controllers/DowntimesController.php b/application/controllers/DowntimesController.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c045ffb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/application/controllers/DowntimesController.php
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+/* Icinga DB Web | (c) 2020 Icinga GmbH | GPLv2 */
+namespace Icinga\Module\Icingadb\Controllers;
+use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\ServerRequest;
+use Icinga\Module\Icingadb\Common\Links;
+use Icinga\Module\Icingadb\Forms\Command\Object\DeleteDowntimeForm;
+use Icinga\Module\Icingadb\Model\Downtime;
+use Icinga\Module\Icingadb\Web\Control\SearchBar\ObjectSuggestions;
+use Icinga\Module\Icingadb\Web\Controller;
+use Icinga\Module\Icingadb\Widget\ItemList\DowntimeList;
+use Icinga\Module\Icingadb\Web\Control\ViewModeSwitcher;
+use Icinga\Module\Icingadb\Widget\ShowMore;
+use ipl\Web\Control\LimitControl;
+use ipl\Web\Control\SortControl;
+use ipl\Web\Url;
+class DowntimesController extends Controller
+ public function indexAction()
+ {
+ $this->addTitleTab(t('Downtimes'));
+ $compact = $this->view->compact;
+ $db = $this->getDb();
+ $downtimes = Downtime::on($db)->with([
+ 'host',
+ 'host.state',
+ 'service',
+ '',
+ '',
+ 'service.state'
+ ]);
+ $limitControl = $this->createLimitControl();
+ $paginationControl = $this->createPaginationControl($downtimes);
+ $sortControl = $this->createSortControl(
+ $downtimes,
+ [
+ 'downtime.is_in_effect desc, downtime.start_time desc' => t('Is In Effect'),
+ 'downtime.entry_time' => t('Entry Time'),
+ 'host.display_name' => t('Host'),
+ 'service.display_name' => t('Service'),
+ '' => t('Author'),
+ 'downtime.start_time desc' => t('Start Time'),
+ 'downtime.end_time desc' => t('End Time'),
+ 'downtime.scheduled_start_time desc' => t('Scheduled Start Time'),
+ 'downtime.scheduled_end_time desc' => t('Scheduled End Time'),
+ 'downtime.duration desc' => t('Duration')
+ ]
+ );
+ $viewModeSwitcher = $this->createViewModeSwitcher($paginationControl, $limitControl);
+ $searchBar = $this->createSearchBar($downtimes, [
+ $limitControl->getLimitParam(),
+ $sortControl->getSortParam(),
+ $viewModeSwitcher->getViewModeParam()
+ ]);
+ if ($searchBar->hasBeenSent() && ! $searchBar->isValid()) {
+ if ($searchBar->hasBeenSubmitted()) {
+ $filter = $this->getFilter();
+ } else {
+ $this->addControl($searchBar);
+ $this->sendMultipartUpdate();
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $filter = $searchBar->getFilter();
+ }
+ $this->filter($downtimes, $filter);
+ $downtimes->peekAhead($compact);
+ yield $this->export($downtimes);
+ $this->addControl($paginationControl);
+ $this->addControl($sortControl);
+ $this->addControl($limitControl);
+ $this->addControl($viewModeSwitcher);
+ $this->addControl($searchBar);
+ $continueWith = $this->createContinueWith(Links::downtimesDetails(), $searchBar);
+ $results = $downtimes->execute();
+ $this->addContent((new DowntimeList($results))->setViewMode($viewModeSwitcher->getViewMode()));
+ if ($compact) {
+ $this->addContent(
+ (new ShowMore($results, Url::fromRequest()->without(['showCompact', 'limit', 'view'])))
+ ->setBaseTarget('_next')
+ ->setAttribute('title', sprintf(
+ t('Show all %d downtimes'),
+ $downtimes->count()
+ ))
+ );
+ }
+ if (! $searchBar->hasBeenSubmitted() && $searchBar->hasBeenSent()) {
+ $this->sendMultipartUpdate($continueWith);
+ }
+ $this->setAutorefreshInterval(10);
+ }
+ public function deleteAction()
+ {
+ $this->setTitle(t('Cancel Downtimes'));
+ $db = $this->getDb();
+ $downtimes = Downtime::on($db)->with([
+ 'host',
+ 'host.state',
+ 'service',
+ '',
+ '',
+ 'service.state'
+ ]);
+ $this->filter($downtimes);
+ $form = (new DeleteDowntimeForm())
+ ->setObjects($downtimes)
+ ->setRedirectUrl(Links::downtimes()->getAbsoluteUrl())
+ ->on(DeleteDowntimeForm::ON_SUCCESS, function ($form) {
+ // This forces the column to reload nearly instantly after the redirect
+ // and ensures the effect of the command is visible to the user asap
+ $this->getResponse()->setAutoRefreshInterval(1);
+ $this->redirectNow($form->getRedirectUrl());
+ })
+ ->handleRequest(ServerRequest::fromGlobals());
+ $this->addContent($form);
+ }
+ public function detailsAction()
+ {
+ $this->addTitleTab(t('Downtimes'));
+ $db = $this->getDb();
+ $downtimes = Downtime::on($db)->with([
+ 'host',
+ 'host.state',
+ 'service',
+ '',
+ '',
+ 'service.state'
+ ]);
+ $downtimes->limit(3)->peekAhead();
+ $this->filter($downtimes);
+ yield $this->export($downtimes);
+ $rs = $downtimes->execute();
+ $this->addControl((new DowntimeList($rs))->setViewMode('minimal'));
+ $this->addControl(new ShowMore(
+ $rs,
+ Links::downtimes()->setFilter($this->getFilter()),
+ sprintf(t('Show all %d downtimes'), $downtimes->count())
+ ));
+ $this->addContent(
+ (new DeleteDowntimeForm())
+ ->setObjects($downtimes)
+ ->setAction(
+ Links::downtimesDelete()
+ ->setFilter($this->getFilter())
+ ->getAbsoluteUrl()
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ public function completeAction()
+ {
+ $suggestions = new ObjectSuggestions();
+ $suggestions->setModel(Downtime::class);
+ $suggestions->forRequest(ServerRequest::fromGlobals());
+ $this->getDocument()->add($suggestions);
+ }
+ public function searchEditorAction()
+ {
+ $editor = $this->createSearchEditor(Downtime::on($this->getDb()), [
+ ]);
+ $this->getDocument()->add($editor);
+ $this->setTitle(t('Adjust Filter'));
+ }