on(self::ON_SUCCESS, function () { if ($this->errorOccurred) { return; } $countObjects = count($this->getObjects()); if (iterable_value_first($this->getObjects()) instanceof Host) { $message = sprintf(tp( 'Submitted passive check result successfully', 'Submitted passive check result for %d hosts successfully', $countObjects ), $countObjects); } else { $message = sprintf(tp( 'Submitted passive check result successfully', 'Submitted passive check result for %d services successfully', $countObjects ), $countObjects); } Notification::success($message); }); } protected function assembleElements() { $this->addHtml(new HtmlElement( 'div', Attributes::create(['class' => 'form-description']), new Icon('info-circle', ['class' => 'form-description-icon']), new HtmlElement( 'ul', null, new HtmlElement( 'li', null, Text::create(t('This command is used to submit passive host or service check results.')) ) ) )); $decorator = new IcingaFormDecorator(); /** @var Model $object */ $object = iterable_value_first($this->getObjects()); $this->addElement( 'select', 'status', [ 'required' => true, 'label' => t('Status'), 'description' => t('The state this check result should report'), 'options' => $object instanceof Host ? [ ProcessCheckResultCommand::HOST_UP => t('UP', 'icinga.state'), ProcessCheckResultCommand::HOST_DOWN => t('DOWN', 'icinga.state') ] : [ ProcessCheckResultCommand::SERVICE_OK => t('OK', 'icinga.state'), ProcessCheckResultCommand::SERVICE_WARNING => t('WARNING', 'icinga.state'), ProcessCheckResultCommand::SERVICE_CRITICAL => t('CRITICAL', 'icinga.state'), ProcessCheckResultCommand::SERVICE_UNKNOWN => t('UNKNOWN', 'icinga.state') ] ] ); $decorator->decorate($this->getElement('status')); $this->addElement( 'text', 'output', [ 'required' => true, 'label' => t('Output'), 'description' => t('The plugin output of this check result') ] ); $decorator->decorate($this->getElement('output')); $this->addElement( 'text', 'perfdata', [ 'allowEmpty' => true, 'label' => t('Performance Data'), 'description' => t( 'The performance data of this check result. Leave empty' . ' if this check result has no performance data' ) ] ); $decorator->decorate($this->getElement('perfdata')); } protected function assembleSubmitButton() { $this->addElement( 'submit', 'btn_submit', [ 'required' => true, 'label' => tp( 'Submit Passive Check Result', 'Submit Passive Check Results', count($this->getObjects()) ) ] ); (new IcingaFormDecorator())->decorate($this->getElement('btn_submit')); } protected function getCommands(Traversable $objects): Traversable { $granted = (function () use ($objects): Generator { foreach ($this->filterGrantedOn('icingadb/command/process-check-result', $objects) as $object) { if ($object->passive_checks_enabled) { yield $object; } } })(); if ($granted->valid()) { $command = new ProcessCheckResultCommand(); $command->setObjects($granted); $command->setStatus($this->getValue('status')); $command->setOutput($this->getValue('output')); $command->setPerformanceData($this->getValue('perfdata')); yield $command; } } }