# Configuration If Icinga Web has been installed but not yet set up, please visit Icinga Web and follow the web-based setup wizard. For Icinga Web setups already running, log in to Icinga Web with a privileged user and follow the steps below to configure Icinga DB Web: If you have previously used the monitoring module, there is an option to [migrate](10-Migration.md) some settings. ## Database Configuration Connection configuration for the database to which Icinga DB synchronizes monitoring data. 1. Create a new resource for the Icinga DB database via the `Configuration → Application → Resources` menu. 2. Configure the resource you just created as the database connection for the Icinga DB Web module using the `Configuration → Modules → icingadb → Database` menu. ## Redis Configuration Connection configuration for the Redis server where Icinga 2 writes check results. This data is used to display the latest state information in Icinga DB Web. 1. Configure the connection to the Redis server through the `Configuration → Modules → icingadb → Redis` menu. !!! info If you are running a high-availability Icinga 2 setup, also configure the secondary master's Redis connection details. Icinga DB Web then uses this connection if the primary one is not available. ## Command Transport Configuration In order to acknowledge problems, force checks, schedule downtimes, etc., Icinga DB Web needs access to the Icinga 2 API. For this you need an `ApiUser` object with at least the following permissions on the Icinga 2 side: * `actions/*` * `objects/query/*` * `objects/modify/*` * `status/query` !!! tip For single-node setups it is recommended to manage API credentials in the `/etc/icinga2/conf.d/api-users.conf` file. If you are running a high-availability Icinga 2 setup, please manage the credentials in the master zone. 1. Please add the following Icinga 2 configuration and change the password accordingly: ``` object ApiUser "icingadb-web" { password = "CHANGEME" permissions = [ "actions/*", "objects/modify/*", "objects/query/*", "status/query" ] } ``` 2. Restart Icinga 2 for these changes to take effect. 3. Then configure a command transport for Icinga DB Web using the credentials you just created via the `Configuration → Modules → icingadb → Command Transports` menu. !!! info If you are running a high-availability Icinga 2 setup, also configure the secondary master's API command transport. Icinga DB Web then uses this transport if the primary one is not available. ## Security To grant users permissions to run commands and restrict them to specific views, see the [Security](04-Security.md) documentation for the necessary steps.