getTableName(); $uniqueId = $for->{$for->getKeyName()}; if (! isset($uniqueId)) { return false; } if (! isset(self::$knownGrants[$tableName][$uniqueId])) { $self->loadGrants( get_class($for), Filter::equal($for->getKeyName(), $uniqueId), $uniqueId, false ); } return $self->checkGrants($permission, self::$knownGrants[$tableName][$uniqueId]); } /** * Check whether the permission is granted on objects matching the type and filter * * The check will be performed on every object matching the filter. Though the result * only allows to determine whether the permission is granted on **any** or *none* * of the objects in question. Any subsequent call to {@see ObjectAuthorization::grantsOn} * will make use of the underlying results the check has determined in order to avoid * unnecessary queries. * * @param string $permission * @param string $type * @param Filter\Rule $filter * @param bool $cache Pass `false` to not perform the check on every object * * @return bool */ public static function grantsOnType(string $permission, string $type, Filter\Rule $filter, bool $cache = true): bool { switch ($type) { case 'host': $for = Host::class; break; case 'service': $for = Service::class; break; default: throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown type "%s"', $type)); } $self = new static(); $uniqueId = spl_object_hash($filter); if (! isset(self::$knownGrants[$type][$uniqueId])) { $self->loadGrants($for, $filter, $uniqueId, $cache); } return $self->checkGrants($permission, self::$knownGrants[$type][$uniqueId]); } /** * Check whether the given filter matches on the given object * * @param string $queryString * @param Model $object * * @return bool */ public static function matchesOn(string $queryString, Model $object): bool { $self = new static(); $uniqueId = $object->{$object->getKeyName()}; if (! isset(self::$matchedFilters[$queryString][$uniqueId])) { $restriction = 'icingadb/filter/services'; if ($object instanceof Host) { $restriction = 'icingadb/filter/hosts'; } $filter = $self->parseRestriction($queryString, $restriction); $query = $object::on($self->getDb()); $query ->filter($filter) ->filter(Filter::equal($object->getKeyName(), $uniqueId)) ->columns([new Expression('1')]); $result = $query->execute()->hasResult(); self::$matchedFilters[$queryString][$uniqueId] = $result; return $result; } return self::$matchedFilters[$queryString][$uniqueId]; } /** * Load all the user's roles that grant access to at least one object matching the filter * * @param string $model The class path to the object model * @param Filter\Rule $filter * @param string $cacheKey * @param bool $cache Pass `false` to not populate the cache with the matching objects * * @return void */ protected function loadGrants(string $model, Filter\Rule $filter, string $cacheKey, bool $cache = true) { /** @var Model $model */ $query = $model::on($this->getDb()); $tableName = $query->getModel()->getTableName(); $inspectedRoles = []; $roleExpressions = []; $rolesWithoutRestrictions = []; foreach ($this->getAuth()->getUser()->getRoles() as $role) { $roleFilter = Filter::all(); if (($restriction = $role->getRestrictions('icingadb/filter/objects'))) { $roleFilter->add($this->parseRestriction($restriction, 'icingadb/filter/objects')); } if ($tableName === 'host' || $tableName === 'service') { if (($restriction = $role->getRestrictions('icingadb/filter/hosts'))) { $roleFilter->add($this->parseRestriction($restriction, 'icingadb/filter/hosts')); } } if ($tableName === 'service' && ($restriction = $role->getRestrictions('icingadb/filter/services'))) { $roleFilter->add($this->parseRestriction($restriction, 'icingadb/filter/services')); } if ($roleFilter->isEmpty()) { $rolesWithoutRestrictions[] = $role->getName(); continue; } $roleName = str_replace('.', '_', $role->getName()); $inspectedRoles[$roleName] = $role->getName(); $roleName = $this->getDb()->quoteIdentifier($roleName); if ($cache) { FilterProcessor::apply($roleFilter, $query); $where = $query->getSelectBase()->getWhere(); $query->getSelectBase()->resetWhere(); $values = []; $rendered = $this->getDb()->getQueryBuilder()->buildCondition($where, $values); $roleExpressions[$roleName] = new Expression($rendered, null, ...$values); } else { $subQuery = clone $query; $roleExpressions[$roleName] = $subQuery ->columns([new Expression('1')]) ->filter($roleFilter) ->filter($filter) ->limit(1) ->assembleSelect() ->resetOrderBy(); } } $rolesWithRestrictions = []; if (! empty($roleExpressions)) { if ($cache) { $query->columns('id')->withColumns($roleExpressions); $query->filter($filter); } else { $query = [$this->getDb()->fetchOne((new Select())->columns($roleExpressions))]; } foreach ($query as $row) { $roles = $rolesWithoutRestrictions; foreach ($inspectedRoles as $alias => $roleName) { if ($row->$alias) { $rolesWithRestrictions[$roleName] = true; $roles[] = $roleName; } } if ($cache) { self::$knownGrants[$tableName][$row->id] = $roles; } } } self::$knownGrants[$tableName][$cacheKey] = array_merge( $rolesWithoutRestrictions, array_keys($rolesWithRestrictions) ); } /** * Check if any of the given roles grants the permission * * @param string $permission * @param array $roles * * @return bool */ protected function checkGrants(string $permission, array $roles): bool { if (empty($roles)) { return false; } $granted = false; foreach ($this->getAuth()->getUser()->getRoles() as $role) { if ($role->denies($permission)) { return false; } elseif ($granted || ! $role->grants($permission)) { continue; } $granted = in_array($role->getName(), $roles, true); } return $granted; } }