', '', '', '', '', '', '@@@@@@' ]; /** @var string[] Patterns to be replaced in html plugin output */ const HTML_PATTERNS = [ '~\\\t~', '~\\\n~' ]; /** @var string[] Replacements for {@see PluginOutput::HTML_PATTERNS} */ const HTML_REPLACEMENTS = [ "\t", "\n" ]; /** @var string Already rendered output */ protected $renderedOutput; /** @var bool Whether the output contains HTML */ protected $isHtml; /** @var int The maximum amount of characters to process */ protected $characterLimit = 1000; /** @var bool Whether output will be enriched */ protected $enrichOutput = true; /** @var string The name of the command that produced the output */ protected $commandName; /** * Get whether the output contains HTML * * Requires the output being already rendered. * * @return bool * * @throws LogicException In case the output hasn't been rendered yet */ public function isHtml(): bool { if ($this->isHtml === null) { if (empty($this->getContent())) { // "Nothing" can't be HTML return false; } throw new LogicException('Output not rendered yet'); } return $this->isHtml; } /** * Set the maximum amount of characters to process * * @param int $limit * * @return $this */ public function setCharacterLimit(int $limit): self { $this->characterLimit = $limit; return $this; } /** * Set whether the output should be enriched * * @param bool $state * * @return $this */ public function setEnrichOutput(bool $state = true): self { $this->enrichOutput = $state; return $this; } /** * Set name of the command that produced the output * * @param string $name * * @return $this */ public function setCommandName(string $name): self { $this->commandName = $name; return $this; } /** * Render plugin output of the given object * * @param Host|Service $object * * @return static * * @throws InvalidArgumentException If $object is neither a host nor a service */ public static function fromObject(Model $object): self { if (! $object instanceof Host && ! $object instanceof Service) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( sprintf('Object is not a host or service, got %s instead', get_class($object)) ); } return (new static($object->state->output . "\n" . $object->state->long_output)) ->setCommandName($object->checkcommand_name); } public function render() { if ($this->renderedOutput !== null) { return $this->renderedOutput; } $output = parent::render(); if (empty($output)) { return ''; } if ($this->commandName !== null) { $output = PluginOutputHook::processOutput($output, $this->commandName, $this->enrichOutput); } if (preg_match('~<\w+(?>\s\w+=[^>]*)?>~', $output)) { // HTML $output = HtmlPurifier::process(preg_replace( self::HTML_PATTERNS, self::HTML_REPLACEMENTS, $output )); $this->isHtml = true; } else { // Plaintext $output = preg_replace( self::TEXT_PATTERNS, self::TEXT_REPLACEMENTS, htmlspecialchars($output, ENT_COMPAT | ENT_SUBSTITUTE | ENT_HTML5, null, false) ); $this->isHtml = false; } $output = trim($output); // Add zero-width space after commas which are not followed by a whitespace character // in oder to help browsers to break words in plugin output $output = preg_replace('/,(?=[^\s])/', ',​', $output); if ($this->enrichOutput && $this->isHtml) { $output = $this->processHtml($output); } if ($this->characterLimit) { $output = substr($output, 0, $this->characterLimit); } $this->renderedOutput = $output; return $output; } /** * Replace color state information, if any * * @param string $html * * @todo Do we really need to create a DOM here? Or is a preg_replace like we do it for text also feasible? * @return string */ protected function processHtml(string $html): string { $pattern = '/[([](OK|WARNING|CRITICAL|UNKNOWN|UP|DOWN)[)\]]/'; $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadXML('
' . $html . '
', LIBXML_NOERROR | LIBXML_NOWARNING); $dom = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new DomNodeIterator($doc), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); $nodesToRemove = []; foreach ($dom as $node) { /** @var DOMNode $node */ if ($node->nodeType !== XML_TEXT_NODE) { continue; } $start = 0; while (preg_match($pattern, $node->nodeValue, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $start)) { $offsetLeft = $match[0][1]; $matchLength = strlen($match[0][0]); $leftLength = $offsetLeft - $start; // if there is text before the match if ($leftLength) { // create node for leading text $text = new DOMText(substr($node->nodeValue, $start, $leftLength)); $node->parentNode->insertBefore($text, $node); } // create the state ball for the match $span = $doc->createElement('span'); $span->setAttribute( 'class', 'state-ball ball-size-m state-' . strtolower($match[1][0]) ); $node->parentNode->insertBefore($span, $node); // start for next match $start = $offsetLeft + $matchLength; } if ($start) { // is there text left? if (strlen($node->nodeValue) > $start) { // create node for trailing text $text = new DOMText(substr($node->nodeValue, $start)); $node->parentNode->insertBefore($text, $node); } // delete the old node later $nodesToRemove[] = $node; } } foreach ($nodesToRemove as $node) { /** @var DOMNode $node */ $node->parentNode->removeChild($node); } return substr($doc->saveHTML(), 5, -7); } }