'quick-actions']; public function __construct($type, $summary) { $this->summary = $summary; $this->type = $type; } protected function assemble() { $unacknowledged = "{$this->type}s_problems_unacknowledged"; $acks = "{$this->type}s_acknowledged"; $activeChecks = "{$this->type}s_active_checks_enabled"; if ( $this->summary->$unacknowledged > $this->summary->$acks && $this->isGrantedOnType( 'icingadb/command/acknowledge-problem', $this->type, $this->getBaseFilter(), false ) ) { $this->assembleAction( 'acknowledge', t('Acknowledge'), 'check-circle', t('Acknowledge this problem, suppress all future notifications for it and tag it as being handled') ); } if ( $this->summary->$acks > 0 && $this->isGrantedOnType( 'icingadb/command/remove-acknowledgement', $this->type, $this->getBaseFilter(), false ) ) { $removeAckForm = (new RemoveAcknowledgementForm()) ->setAction($this->getLink('removeAcknowledgement')) // TODO: This is a hack as for the button label the count of objects is used. setCount? setMultiple? ->setObjects(array_fill(0, $this->summary->$acks, null)); $this->add(Html::tag('li', $removeAckForm)); } if ( $this->isGrantedOnType('icingadb/command/schedule-check', $this->type, $this->getBaseFilter(), false) || ( $this->summary->$activeChecks > 0 && $this->isGrantedOnType( 'icingadb/command/schedule-check/active-only', $this->type, $this->getBaseFilter(), false ) ) ) { $this->add(Html::tag('li', (new CheckNowForm())->setAction($this->getLink('checkNow')))); } if ($this->isGrantedOnType('icingadb/command/comment/add', $this->type, $this->getBaseFilter(), false)) { $this->assembleAction( 'addComment', t('Comment'), 'comment', t('Add a new comment') ); } if ( $this->isGrantedOnType( 'icingadb/command/send-custom-notification', $this->type, $this->getBaseFilter(), false ) ) { $this->assembleAction( 'sendCustomNotification', t('Notification'), 'bell', t('Send a custom notification') ); } if ( $this->isGrantedOnType( 'icingadb/command/downtime/schedule', $this->type, $this->getBaseFilter(), false ) ) { $this->assembleAction( 'scheduleDowntime', t('Downtime'), 'plug', t('Schedule a downtime to suppress all problem notifications within a specific period of time') ); } if ( $this->isGrantedOnType('icingadb/command/schedule-check', $this->type, $this->getBaseFilter(), false) || ( $this->summary->$activeChecks > 0 && $this->isGrantedOnType( 'icingadb/command/schedule-check/active-only', $this->type, $this->getBaseFilter(), false ) ) ) { $this->assembleAction( 'scheduleCheck', t('Reschedule'), 'calendar', t('Schedule the next active check at a different time than the current one') ); } if ( $this->isGrantedOnType( 'icingadb/command/process-check-result', $this->type, $this->getBaseFilter(), false ) ) { $this->assembleAction( 'processCheckresult', t('Process check result'), 'edit', t('Submit passive check result') ); } } protected function assembleAction(string $action, string $label, string $icon, string $title) { $link = Html::tag( 'a', [ 'href' => $this->getLink($action), 'class' => 'action-link', 'title' => $title, 'data-icinga-modal' => true, 'data-no-icinga-ajax' => true ], [ new Icon($icon), $label ] ); $this->add(Html::tag('li', $link)); } protected function getLink(string $action): string { return Url::fromPath("icingadb/{$this->type}s/$action") ->setFilter($this->getBaseFilter()) ->getAbsoluteUrl(); } }