DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS get_sla_ok_percent; DELIMITER // CREATE FUNCTION get_sla_ok_percent( in_host_id binary(20), in_service_id binary(20), in_start_time bigint unsigned, in_end_time bigint unsigned ) RETURNS decimal(7, 4) READS SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE result decimal(7, 4); DECLARE row_event_time bigint unsigned; DECLARE row_event_type enum('state_change', 'downtime_start', 'downtime_end', 'end'); DECLARE row_event_prio int; DECLARE row_hard_state tinyint unsigned; DECLARE row_previous_hard_state tinyint unsigned; DECLARE last_event_time bigint unsigned; DECLARE last_hard_state tinyint unsigned; DECLARE active_downtimes int unsigned; DECLARE problem_time bigint unsigned; DECLARE total_time bigint unsigned; DECLARE done int; DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR ( -- all downtime_start events before the end of the SLA interval -- for downtimes that overlap the SLA interval in any way SELECT GREATEST(downtime_start, in_start_time) AS event_time, 'downtime_start' AS event_type, 1 AS event_prio, NULL AS hard_state, NULL AS previous_hard_state FROM sla_history_downtime d WHERE d.host_id = in_host_id AND ((in_service_id IS NULL AND d.service_id IS NULL) OR d.service_id = in_service_id) AND d.downtime_start < in_end_time AND d.downtime_end >= in_start_time ) UNION ALL ( -- all downtime_end events before the end of the SLA interval -- for downtimes that overlap the SLA interval in any way SELECT downtime_end AS event_time, 'downtime_end' AS event_type, 2 AS event_prio, NULL AS hard_state, NULL AS previous_hard_state FROM sla_history_downtime d WHERE d.host_id = in_host_id AND ((in_service_id IS NULL AND d.service_id IS NULL) OR d.service_id = in_service_id) AND d.downtime_start < in_end_time AND d.downtime_end >= in_start_time AND d.downtime_end < in_end_time ) UNION ALL ( -- all state events strictly in interval SELECT event_time, 'state_change' AS event_type, 0 AS event_prio, hard_state, previous_hard_state FROM sla_history_state s WHERE s.host_id = in_host_id AND ((in_service_id IS NULL AND s.service_id IS NULL) OR s.service_id = in_service_id) AND s.event_time > in_start_time AND s.event_time < in_end_time ) UNION ALL ( -- end event to keep loop simple, values are not used SELECT in_end_time AS event_time, 'end' AS event_type, 3 AS event_prio, NULL AS hard_state, NULL AS previous_hard_state ) ORDER BY event_time, event_prio; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = 1; IF in_end_time <= in_start_time THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'end time must be greater than start time'; END IF; -- Use the latest event at or before the beginning of the SLA interval as the initial state. SELECT hard_state INTO last_hard_state FROM sla_history_state s WHERE s.host_id = in_host_id AND ((in_service_id IS NULL AND s.service_id IS NULL) OR s.service_id = in_service_id) AND s.event_time <= in_start_time ORDER BY s.event_time DESC LIMIT 1; -- If this does not exist, use the previous state from the first event after the beginning of the SLA interval. IF last_hard_state IS NULL THEN SELECT previous_hard_state INTO last_hard_state FROM sla_history_state s WHERE s.host_id = in_host_id AND ((in_service_id IS NULL AND s.service_id IS NULL) OR s.service_id = in_service_id) AND s.event_time > in_start_time ORDER BY s.event_time ASC LIMIT 1; END IF; -- If this also does not exist, use the current host/service state. IF last_hard_state IS NULL THEN IF in_service_id IS NULL THEN SELECT hard_state INTO last_hard_state FROM host_state s WHERE s.host_id = in_host_id; ELSE SELECT hard_state INTO last_hard_state FROM service_state s WHERE s.host_id = in_host_id AND s.service_id = in_service_id; END IF; END IF; IF last_hard_state IS NULL THEN SET last_hard_state = 0; END IF; SET problem_time = 0; SET total_time = in_end_time - in_start_time; SET last_event_time = in_start_time; SET active_downtimes = 0; SET done = 0; OPEN cur; read_loop: LOOP FETCH cur INTO row_event_time, row_event_type, row_event_prio, row_hard_state, row_previous_hard_state; IF done THEN LEAVE read_loop; END IF; IF row_previous_hard_state = 99 THEN SET total_time = total_time - (row_event_time - last_event_time); ELSEIF ((in_service_id IS NULL AND last_hard_state > 0) OR (in_service_id IS NOT NULL AND last_hard_state > 1)) AND last_hard_state != 99 AND active_downtimes = 0 THEN SET problem_time = problem_time + row_event_time - last_event_time; END IF; SET last_event_time = row_event_time; IF row_event_type = 'state_change' THEN SET last_hard_state = row_hard_state; ELSEIF row_event_type = 'downtime_start' THEN SET active_downtimes = active_downtimes + 1; ELSEIF row_event_type = 'downtime_end' THEN SET active_downtimes = active_downtimes - 1; END IF; END LOOP; CLOSE cur; SET result = 100 * (total_time - problem_time) / total_time; RETURN result; END// DELIMITER ; ALTER TABLE hostgroup DROP INDEX idx_hostroup_name, ADD INDEX idx_hostgroup_name (name) COMMENT 'Host/service/host group list filtered by host group name'; ALTER TABLE notification_history MODIFY `text` longtext NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE host_state ADD COLUMN previous_soft_state tinyint unsigned NOT NULL AFTER hard_state, CHANGE attempt check_attempt tinyint unsigned NOT NULL, CHANGE timeout check_timeout int unsigned DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE service_state ADD COLUMN previous_soft_state tinyint unsigned NOT NULL AFTER hard_state, CHANGE attempt check_attempt tinyint unsigned NOT NULL, CHANGE timeout check_timeout int unsigned DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE checkcommand_argument ADD COLUMN `separator` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL AFTER set_if; ALTER TABLE eventcommand_argument ADD COLUMN `separator` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL AFTER set_if; ALTER TABLE notificationcommand_argument ADD COLUMN `separator` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL AFTER set_if; ALTER TABLE notification_history ADD INDEX idx_notification_history_env_send_time (environment_id, send_time) COMMENT 'Filter for history retention'; ALTER TABLE acknowledgement_history ADD INDEX idx_acknowledgement_history_env_clear_time (environment_id, clear_time) COMMENT 'Filter for history retention'; ALTER TABLE comment_history ADD INDEX idx_comment_history_env_remove_time (environment_id, remove_time) COMMENT 'Filter for history retention'; ALTER TABLE downtime_history ADD INDEX idx_downtime_history_env_end_time (environment_id, end_time) COMMENT 'Filter for history retention'; ALTER TABLE flapping_history ADD INDEX idx_flapping_history_env_end_time (environment_id, end_time) COMMENT 'Filter for history retention'; ALTER TABLE state_history ADD INDEX idx_state_history_env_event_time (environment_id, event_time) COMMENT 'Filter for history retention', CHANGE attempt check_attempt tinyint unsigned NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE icon_image DROP PRIMARY KEY, MODIFY id binary(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'sha1(environment.id + icon_image)', ADD PRIMARY KEY (id); ALTER TABLE action_url DROP PRIMARY KEY, MODIFY id binary(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'sha1(environment.id + action_url)', ADD PRIMARY KEY (id); ALTER TABLE notes_url DROP PRIMARY KEY, MODIFY id binary(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'sha1(environment.id + notes_url)', ADD PRIMARY KEY (id); ALTER TABLE customvar MODIFY name varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE customvar_flat MODIFY flatname varchar(512) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'Path converted with `.` and `[ ]`'; ALTER TABLE host CHANGE checkcommand checkcommand_name varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'checkcommand.name', CHANGE check_timeperiod check_timeperiod_name varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'timeperiod.name', CHANGE eventcommand eventcommand_name varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'eventcommand.name', CHANGE zone zone_name varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'zone.name', CHANGE command_endpoint command_endpoint_name varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'endpoint.name'; ALTER TABLE service CHANGE checkcommand checkcommand_name varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'checkcommand.name', CHANGE check_timeperiod check_timeperiod_name varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'timeperiod.name', CHANGE eventcommand eventcommand_name varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'eventcommand.name', CHANGE zone zone_name varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'zone.name', CHANGE command_endpoint command_endpoint_name varchar(255) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'endpoint.name'; CREATE TABLE sla_history_state ( id binary(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'state_history.id (may reference already deleted rows)', environment_id binary(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'environment.id', endpoint_id binary(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'endpoint.id', object_type enum('host', 'service') NOT NULL, host_id binary(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'host.id', service_id binary(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'service.id', event_time bigint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'unix timestamp the event occurred', hard_state TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'hard state after this event', previous_hard_state TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'hard state before this event', PRIMARY KEY (id), INDEX idx_sla_history_state_event (host_id, service_id, event_time) COMMENT 'Filter for calculating the sla reports', INDEX idx_sla_history_state_env_event_time (environment_id, event_time) COMMENT 'Filter for sla history retention' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; INSERT INTO sla_history_state (id, environment_id, endpoint_id, object_type, host_id, service_id, event_time, hard_state, previous_hard_state) SELECT id, environment_id, endpoint_id, object_type, host_id, service_id, event_time, hard_state, previous_hard_state FROM state_history WHERE state_type = 'hard' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE sla_history_state.id = sla_history_state.id; CREATE TABLE sla_history_downtime ( environment_id binary(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'environment.id', endpoint_id binary(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'endpoint.id', object_type enum('host', 'service') NOT NULL, host_id binary(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'host.id', service_id binary(20) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'service.id', downtime_id binary(20) NOT NULL COMMENT 'downtime.id (may reference already deleted rows)', downtime_start BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'start time of the downtime', downtime_end BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'end time of the downtime', PRIMARY KEY (downtime_id), INDEX idx_sla_history_downtime_event (host_id, service_id, downtime_start, downtime_end) COMMENT 'Filter for calculating the sla reports', INDEX idx_sla_history_downtime_env_downtime_end (environment_id, downtime_end) COMMENT 'Filter for sla history retention' ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; INSERT INTO sla_history_downtime (environment_id, endpoint_id, object_type, host_id, service_id, downtime_id, downtime_start, downtime_end) SELECT environment_id, endpoint_id, object_type, host_id, service_id, downtime_id, start_time AS downtime_start, IF(has_been_cancelled = 'y', cancel_time, end_time) AS downtime_end FROM downtime_history ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE sla_history_downtime.downtime_id = sla_history_downtime.downtime_id; INSERT INTO icingadb_schema (version, TIMESTAMP) VALUES (3, UNIX_TIMESTAMP() * 1000);