package icingadb_test import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" "" "math" "net/http" "testing" "time" ) func TestSla(t *testing.T) { rdb := getDatabase(t) r := it.RedisServerT(t) i := it.Icinga2NodeT(t, "master") i.EnableIcingaDb(r) err := i.Reload() require.NoError(t, err, "icinga2 should reload without error") it.IcingaDbInstanceT(t, r, rdb) client := i.ApiClient() t.Run("StateEvents", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() hostname := utils.UniqueName(t, "host") client.CreateHost(t, hostname, map[string]interface{}{ "attrs": map[string]interface{}{ "enable_active_checks": false, "enable_passive_checks": true, "check_command": "dummy", "max_check_attempts": 3, }, }) type StateChange struct { Time float64 State int } var stateChanges []StateChange processCheckResult := func(exitStatus int, isHard bool) *ObjectsHostsResponse { time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond) // ensure there is a bit of difference in ms resolution output := utils.UniqueName(t, "output") data := ActionsProcessCheckResultRequest{ Type: "Host", Filter: fmt.Sprintf(``, hostname), ExitStatus: exitStatus, PluginOutput: output, } dataJson, err := json.Marshal(data) require.NoError(t, err, "marshal request") response, err := client.PostJson("/v1/actions/process-check-result", bytes.NewBuffer(dataJson)) require.NoError(t, err, "process-check-result") require.Equal(t, 200, response.StatusCode, "process-check-result") response, err = client.GetJson("/v1/objects/hosts/" + hostname) require.NoError(t, err, "get host: request") require.Equal(t, 200, response.StatusCode, "get host: request") var hosts ObjectsHostsResponse err = json.NewDecoder(response.Body).Decode(&hosts) require.NoError(t, err, "get host: parse response") require.Equal(t, 1, len(hosts.Results), "there must be one host in the response") host := hosts.Results[0] require.Equal(t, output, host.Attrs.LastCheckResult.Output, "last check result should be visible in host object") require.Equal(t, exitStatus, host.Attrs.State, "soft state should match check result") if isHard { require.Equal(t, exitStatus, host.Attrs.LastHardState, "hard state should match check result") if len(stateChanges) > 0 { require.Greater(t, host.Attrs.LastHardStateChange, stateChanges[len(stateChanges)-1].Time, "last_hard_state_change_time of host should have changed") } stateChanges = append(stateChanges, StateChange{ Time: host.Attrs.LastHardStateChange, State: exitStatus, }) } else { require.NotEmpty(t, stateChanges, "there should be a hard state change prior to a soft one") require.Equal(t, stateChanges[len(stateChanges)-1].Time, host.Attrs.LastHardStateChange, "check result should not lead to a hard state change, i.e. last_hard_state_change should not change") } return &hosts } processCheckResult(0, true) // hard (UNKNOWN -> UP) processCheckResult(1, false) // soft processCheckResult(1, false) // soft processCheckResult(1, true) // hard (UP -> DOWN) processCheckResult(1, false) // hard processCheckResult(0, true) // hard (DOWN -> UP) processCheckResult(0, false) // hard assert.Equal(t, 3, len(stateChanges), "there should be three hard state changes") db, err := sqlx.Connect(rdb.Driver(), rdb.DSN()) require.NoError(t, err, "connecting to database") defer func() { _ = db.Close() }() type Row struct { Time int64 `db:"event_time"` State int `db:"hard_state"` } eventually.Assert(t, func(t require.TestingT) { var rows []Row err = db.Select(&rows, db.Rebind("SELECT s.event_time, s.hard_state FROM sla_history_state s "+ "JOIN host ON = s.host_id WHERE = ? ORDER BY event_time ASC"), hostname) require.NoError(t, err, "select sla_history_state") assert.Equal(t, len(stateChanges), len(rows), "number of sla_history_state entries") for i := range rows { assert.WithinDuration(t, time.UnixMilli(int64(stateChanges[i].Time*1000)), time.UnixMilli(rows[i].Time), time.Millisecond, "event time should match state change time") assert.Equal(t, stateChanges[i].State, rows[i].State, "hard state should match") } }, 5*time.Second, 200*time.Millisecond) redis := r.Open() defer func() { _ = redis.Close() }() logger := it.Logger(t) logger.Debug("redis state history", zap.Bool("before", true)) eventually.Assert(t, func(t require.TestingT) { result, err := redis.XRange(context.Background(), "icinga:history:stream:state", "-", "+").Result() require.NoError(t, err, "reading state history stream should not fail") logger.Debug("redis state history", zap.Any("values", result)) assert.Empty(t, result, "redis state history stream should be drained") }, 5*time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) logger.Debug("redis state history", zap.Bool("after", true)) }) t.Run("DowntimeEvents", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() type Options struct { Fixed bool // Whether to schedule a fixed or flexible downtime. Cancel bool // Whether to cancel the downtime or let it expire. } downtimeTest := func(t *testing.T, o Options) { hostname := utils.UniqueName(t, "host") client.CreateHost(t, hostname, map[string]interface{}{ "attrs": map[string]interface{}{ "enable_active_checks": false, "enable_passive_checks": true, "check_command": "dummy", "max_check_attempts": 1, }, }) processCheckResult := func(status int) time.Time { output := utils.RandomString(8) reqBody, err := json.Marshal(ActionsProcessCheckResultRequest{ Type: "Host", Filter: fmt.Sprintf(``, hostname), ExitStatus: status, PluginOutput: output, }) require.NoError(t, err, "marshal request") response, err := client.PostJson("/v1/actions/process-check-result", bytes.NewBuffer(reqBody)) require.NoError(t, err, "process-check-result") require.Equal(t, 200, response.StatusCode, "process-check-result") response, err = client.GetJson("/v1/objects/hosts/" + hostname) require.NoError(t, err, "get host: request") require.Equal(t, 200, response.StatusCode, "get host: request") var hosts ObjectsHostsResponse err = json.NewDecoder(response.Body).Decode(&hosts) require.NoError(t, err, "get host: parse response") require.Equal(t, 1, len(hosts.Results), "there must be one host in the response") host := hosts.Results[0] require.Equal(t, output, host.Attrs.LastCheckResult.Output, "last check result should be visible in host object") require.Equal(t, 1, host.Attrs.StateType, "host should be in hard state") require.Equal(t, status, host.Attrs.State, "state should match check result") sec, nsec := math.Modf(host.Attrs.LastCheckResult.ExecutionEnd) return time.Unix(int64(sec), int64(nsec*1e9)) } // Ensure that host is in UP state. processCheckResult(0) refTime := time.Now().Truncate(time.Second) // Schedule the downtime start in the past so that we would notice if Icinga 2/DB would // use the current time somewhere where we expect the scheduled start time. downtimeStart := refTime.Add(-1 * time.Hour) var downtimeEnd time.Time if o.Cancel || !o.Fixed { // Downtimes we will cancel can expire long in the future as we don't have to wait for it. // Same for flexible downtimes as for these, we don't have to wait until the scheduled end but only // for their duration. downtimeEnd = refTime.Add(1 * time.Hour) } else { // Let all other downtimes expire soon (fixed downtimes where we wait for expiry). downtimeEnd = refTime.Add(5 * time.Second) } var duration time.Duration if !o.Fixed { duration = 10 * time.Second } req, err := json.Marshal(ActionsScheduleDowntimeRequest{ Type: "Host", Filter: fmt.Sprintf(``, hostname), StartTime: downtimeStart.Unix(), EndTime: downtimeEnd.Unix(), Fixed: o.Fixed, Duration: duration.Seconds(), Author: utils.RandomString(8), Comment: utils.RandomString(8), }) require.NoError(t, err, "marshal request") response, err := client.PostJson("/v1/actions/schedule-downtime", bytes.NewBuffer(req)) require.NoError(t, err, "schedule-downtime") require.Equal(t, 200, response.StatusCode, "schedule-downtime") var scheduleResponse ActionsScheduleDowntimeResponse err = json.NewDecoder(response.Body).Decode(&scheduleResponse) require.NoError(t, err, "decode schedule-downtime response") require.Equal(t, 1, len(scheduleResponse.Results), "schedule-downtime should return 1 result") require.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, scheduleResponse.Results[0].Code, "schedule-downtime should return 1 result") downtimeName := scheduleResponse.Results[0].Name type Row struct { Start int64 `db:"downtime_start"` End int64 `db:"downtime_end"` } db, err := sqlx.Connect(rdb.Driver(), rdb.DSN()) require.NoError(t, err, "connecting to database") defer func() { _ = db.Close() }() if !o.Fixed { // Give Icinga 2 and Icinga DB some time that if they would generate an SLA history event in error, // they have a chance to do so before we check for its absence. time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) var count int err = db.Get(&count, db.Rebind("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sla_history_downtime s "+ "JOIN host ON = s.host_id WHERE = ?"), hostname) require.NoError(t, err, "select sla_history_state") assert.Zero(t, count, "there should be no event in sla_history_downtime when scheduling a flexible downtime on an UP host") } // Bring host into DOWN state. criticalTime := processCheckResult(1) eventually.Assert(t, func(t require.TestingT) { var rows []Row err = db.Select(&rows, db.Rebind("SELECT s.downtime_start, s.downtime_end FROM sla_history_downtime s "+ "JOIN host ON = s.host_id WHERE = ?"), hostname) require.NoError(t, err, "select sla_history_state") require.Equal(t, 1, len(rows), "there should be exactly one sla_history_downtime row") if o.Fixed { assert.Equal(t, downtimeStart, time.UnixMilli(rows[0].Start), "downtime_start should match scheduled start time") assert.Equal(t, downtimeEnd, time.UnixMilli(rows[0].End), "downtime_end should match scheduled end time") } else { assert.WithinDuration(t, criticalTime, time.UnixMilli(rows[0].Start), time.Second, "downtime_start should match time of host state change") assert.Equal(t, duration, time.UnixMilli(rows[0].End).Sub(time.UnixMilli(rows[0].Start)), "downtime_end - downtime_start duration should match scheduled duration") } }, 5*time.Second, 200*time.Millisecond) redis := r.Open() defer func() { _ = redis.Close() }() eventually.Assert(t, func(t require.TestingT) { result, err := redis.XRange(context.Background(), "icinga:history:stream:downtime", "-", "+").Result() require.NoError(t, err, "reading downtime history stream should not fail") assert.Empty(t, result, "redis downtime history stream should be drained") }, 5*time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) if o.Cancel { req, err = json.Marshal(ActionsRemoveDowntimeRequest{ Downtime: downtimeName, }) require.NoError(t, err, "marshal remove-downtime request") response, err = client.PostJson("/v1/actions/remove-downtime", bytes.NewBuffer(req)) require.NoError(t, err, "remove-downtime") require.Equal(t, 200, response.StatusCode, "remove-downtime") } downtimeCancel := time.Now() if !o.Cancel { // Wait for downtime to expire + a few extra seconds. The row should not be updated, give // enough time to have a chance catching if Icinga DB updates it nonetheless. if !o.Fixed { time.Sleep(duration + 5*time.Second) } else { d := time.Until(downtimeEnd) + 5*time.Second require.Less(t, d, time.Minute, "bug in tests: don't wait too long") time.Sleep(d) } } eventually.Assert(t, func(t require.TestingT) { var rows []Row err = db.Select(&rows, db.Rebind("SELECT s.downtime_start, s.downtime_end FROM sla_history_downtime s "+ "JOIN host ON = s.host_id WHERE = ?"), hostname) require.NoError(t, err, "select sla_history_state") require.Equal(t, 1, len(rows), "there should be exactly one sla_history_downtime row") if o.Fixed { assert.Equal(t, downtimeStart, time.UnixMilli(rows[0].Start), "downtime_start should match scheduled start") } else { assert.WithinDuration(t, criticalTime, time.UnixMilli(rows[0].Start), time.Second, "downtime_start should match critical time") } if o.Cancel { // Allow more delta for the end time after cancel as we did not choose the exact time. assert.WithinDuration(t, downtimeCancel, time.UnixMilli(rows[0].End), time.Second, "downtime_end should match cancel time") } else if o.Fixed { assert.Equal(t, downtimeEnd, time.UnixMilli(rows[0].End), "downtime_start should match scheduled end") } else { assert.Equal(t, duration, time.UnixMilli(rows[0].End).Sub(time.UnixMilli(rows[0].Start)), "downtime_end - downtime_start duration should match scheduled duration") } }, 5*time.Second, 200*time.Millisecond) eventually.Assert(t, func(t require.TestingT) { result, err := redis.XRange(context.Background(), "icinga:history:stream:downtime", "-", "+").Result() require.NoError(t, err, "reading downtime history stream should not fail") assert.Empty(t, result, "redis downtime history stream should be drained") }, 5*time.Second, 10*time.Millisecond) } t.Run("Fixed", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() t.Run("Cancel", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() downtimeTest(t, Options{Fixed: true, Cancel: true}) }) t.Run("Expire", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() downtimeTest(t, Options{Fixed: true, Cancel: false}) }) }) t.Run("Flexible", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() t.Run("Cancel", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() downtimeTest(t, Options{Fixed: false, Cancel: true}) }) t.Run("Expire", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() downtimeTest(t, Options{Fixed: false, Cancel: false}) }) }) }) }