# Operators Every Business Process requires an Operator. This operator defines its behaviour and specifies how its very own state is going to be calculated. ## AND The `AND` operator selects the **WORST** state of its child nodes: ![And Operator](screenshot/09_operators/0901_and-operator.png) ## OR The `OR` operator selects the **BEST** state of its child nodes: ![Or Operator](screenshot/09_operators/0902_or-operator.png) ![Or Operator #2](screenshot/09_operators/0903_or-operator-without-ok.png) ## XOR The `XOR` operator shows OK if only one of n children is OK at the same time. In all other cases the parent node is CRITICAL. Useful for a service on n servers, only one of which may be running. If both were running, race conditions and duplication of data could occur. ![Xor Operator](screenshot/09_operators/0906_xor-operator.png) ![Xor Operator #2](screenshot/09_operators/0907_xor-operator-not-ok.png) ## DEGRADED The `DEGRADED` operator behaves like an `AND`, but if the resulting state is **CRITICAL** it transforms it into a **WARNING**. Refer to the table below for the case-by-case analysis of the statuses. ![Degraded Operator](screenshot/09_operators/0905_deg-operator.jpg) ## MIN n The `MIN` operator selects the **WORST** state out of the **BEST n** child node states: ![MIN](screenshot/09_operators/0904_min-operator.png)