config; $htmlId = $bp->getHtmlId(); $tree = Html::tag( 'ul', [ 'id' => $htmlId, 'class' => ['bp', 'sortable', $this->wantsRootNodes() ? '' : 'process'], 'data-sortable-disabled' => $this->isLocked() || $this->appliesCustomSorting() ? 'true' : 'false', 'data-sortable-data-id-attr' => 'id', 'data-sortable-direction' => 'vertical', 'data-sortable-group' => json_encode([ 'name' => $this->wantsRootNodes() ? 'root' : $htmlId, 'put' => 'function:rowPutAllowed' ]), 'data-sortable-invert-swap' => 'true', 'data-csrf-token' => CsrfToken::generate() ], $this->renderBp($bp) ); if ($this->wantsRootNodes()) { $tree->getAttributes()->add( 'data-action-url', $this->getUrl()->with(['config' => $bp->getName()])->getAbsoluteUrl() ); if (version_compare(Version::VERSION, self::NEW_COLLAPSIBLE_IMPLEMENTATION_SINCE, '<')) { $tree->getAttributes()->add('data-is-root-config', true); } } else { $nodeName = $this->parent instanceof ImportedNode ? $this->parent->getNodeName() : $this->parent->getName(); $tree->getAttributes() ->add('data-node-name', $nodeName) ->add('data-action-url', $this->getUrl() ->with([ 'config' => $this->parent->getBpConfig()->getName(), 'node' => $nodeName ]) ->getAbsoluteUrl()); } $this->addHtml($tree); } /** * @param BpConfig $bp * @return array */ public function renderBp(BpConfig $bp) { $html = []; if ($this->wantsRootNodes()) { $nodes = $bp->getRootNodes(); } else { $nodes = $this->parent->getChildren(); } foreach ($this->sort($nodes) as $name => $node) { if ($node instanceof BpNode) { $html[] = $this->renderNode($bp, $node); } else { $html[] = $this->renderChild($bp, $this->parent, $node); } } return $html; } protected function getStateClassNames(Node $node) { $state = strtolower($node->getStateName()); if ($node->isMissing()) { return array('missing'); } elseif ($state === 'ok') { if ($node->hasMissingChildren()) { return array('ok', 'missing-children'); } else { return array('ok'); } } else { return array('problem', $state); } } /** * @param Node $node * @param array $path * @param BpNode $parent * @return BaseHtmlElement[] */ public function getNodeIcons(Node $node, array $path = null, BpNode $parent = null) { $icons = []; if (empty($path) && $node instanceof BpNode) { $icons[] = new Icon('sitemap'); } else { $icons[] = $node->getIcon(); } $state = strtolower($node->getStateName($parent !== null ? $parent->getChildState($node) : null)); if ($node->isHandled()) { $state = $state . ' handled'; } $icons[] = (new StateBall($state, StateBall::SIZE_MEDIUM))->addAttributes([ 'title' => sprintf( '%s %s', $state, DateFormatter::timeSince($node->getLastStateChange()) ) ]); if ($node->isAcknowledged()) { $icons[] = new Icon('check'); } elseif ($node->isInDowntime()) { $icons[] = new Icon('plug'); } return $icons; } public function getOverriddenState($fakeState, Node $node) { $overriddenState = Html::tag('div', ['class' => 'overridden-state']); $overriddenState->add( (new StateBall(strtolower($node->getStateName()), StateBall::SIZE_MEDIUM)) ->addAttributes([ 'title' => sprintf( '%s', $node->getStateName() ) ]) ); $overriddenState->add(new Icon('arrow-right')); $overriddenState->add( (new StateBall(strtolower($node->getStateName($fakeState)), StateBall::SIZE_MEDIUM)) ->addAttributes([ 'title' => sprintf( '%s', $node->getStateName($fakeState) ), 'class' => 'last' ]) ); return $overriddenState; } /** * @param BpConfig $bp * @param Node $node * @param array $path * * @return string */ public function renderNode(BpConfig $bp, Node $node, $path = array()) { $htmlId = $this->getId($node, $path); $li = Html::tag( 'li', [ 'id' => $htmlId, 'class' => ['bp', 'movable', $node->getObjectClassName()], 'data-node-name' => $node instanceof ImportedNode ? $node->getNodeName() : $node->getName() ] ); $attributes = $li->getAttributes(); $attributes->add('class', $this->getStateClassNames($node)); if ($node->isHandled()) { $attributes->add('class', 'handled'); } if ($node instanceof BpNode) { $attributes->add('class', 'operator'); } else { $attributes->add('class', 'node'); } $details = new HtmlElement('details', Attributes::create(['open' => true])); $summary = new HtmlElement('summary'); if (version_compare(Version::VERSION, self::NEW_COLLAPSIBLE_IMPLEMENTATION_SINCE, '>=')) { $details->getAttributes()->add('class', 'collapsible'); $summary->getAttributes()->add('class', 'collapsible-control'); // Helps JS, improves performance a bit } $summary->addHtml( new Icon('caret-down', ['class' => 'collapse-icon']), new Icon('caret-right', ['class' => 'expand-icon']) ); $summary->add($this->getNodeIcons($node, $path)); $summary->add(Html::tag('span', null, $node->getAlias())); if ($node instanceof BpNode) { $summary->add(Html::tag('span', ['class' => 'op'], $node->operatorHtml())); } if ($node instanceof BpNode && $node->hasInfoUrl()) { $summary->add($this->createInfoAction($node)); } $differentConfig = $node->getBpConfig()->getName() !== $this->getBusinessProcess()->getName(); if (! $this->isLocked() && !$differentConfig) { $summary->add($this->getActionIcons($bp, $node)); } elseif ($differentConfig) { $summary->add($this->actionIcon( 'share', $node->getBpConfig()->isFaulty() ? $this->getBaseUrl()->setParam('config', $node->getBpConfig()->getName()) : $this->getSourceUrl($node)->addParams(['mode' => 'tree'])->getAbsoluteUrl(), mt('businessprocess', 'Show this process as part of its original configuration') )->addAttributes(['data-base-target' => '_next'])); } $ul = Html::tag('ul', [ 'class' => ['bp', 'sortable'], 'data-sortable-disabled' => ($this->isLocked() || $differentConfig || $this->appliesCustomSorting()) ? 'true' : 'false', 'data-sortable-invert-swap' => 'true', 'data-sortable-data-id-attr' => 'id', 'data-sortable-draggable' => '.movable', 'data-sortable-direction' => 'vertical', 'data-sortable-group' => json_encode([ 'name' => $htmlId, // Unique, so that the function below is the only deciding factor 'put' => 'function:rowPutAllowed' ]), 'data-csrf-token' => CsrfToken::generate(), 'data-action-url' => $this->getUrl() ->with([ 'config' => $node->getBpConfig()->getName(), 'node' => $node instanceof ImportedNode ? $node->getNodeName() : $node->getName() ]) ->getAbsoluteUrl() ]); $path[] = $differentConfig ? $node->getIdentifier() : $node->getName(); foreach ($this->sort($node->getChildren()) as $name => $child) { if ($child instanceof BpNode) { $ul->add($this->renderNode($bp, $child, $path)); } else { $ul->add($this->renderChild($bp, $node, $child, $path)); } } $details->addHtml($summary); $details->addHtml($ul); $li->addHtml($details); return $li; } protected function renderChild($bp, BpNode $parent, Node $node, $path = null) { $li = Html::tag('li', [ 'class' => 'movable', 'id' => $this->getId($node, $path ?: []), 'data-node-name' => $node->getName() ]); $li->add($this->getNodeIcons($node, $path, $parent)); $link = $node->getLink(); $link->getAttributes()->set('data-base-target', '_next'); $li->add($link); if (($overriddenState = $parent->getChildState($node)) !== $node->getState()) { $li->add($this->getOverriddenState($overriddenState, $node)); } if (! $this->isLocked() && $node->getBpConfig()->getName() === $this->getBusinessProcess()->getName()) { $li->add($this->getActionIcons($bp, $node)); } return $li; } protected function getActionIcons(BpConfig $bp, Node $node) { if ($node instanceof BpNode) { if ($bp->getMetadata()->canModify()) { return [$this->createEditAction($bp, $node), $this->renderAddNewNode($node)]; } else { return ''; } } else { return $this->createSimulationAction($bp, $node); } } protected function createEditAction(BpConfig $bp, BpNode $node) { return $this->actionIcon( 'edit', $this->getUrl()->with(array( 'action' => 'edit', 'editnode' => $node->getName() )), mt('businessprocess', 'Modify this node') ); } protected function createSimulationAction(BpConfig $bp, Node $node) { return $this->actionIcon( 'wand-magic-sparkles', $this->getUrl()->with(array( //'config' => $bp->getName(), 'action' => 'simulation', 'simulationnode' => $node->getName() )), mt('businessprocess', 'Simulate a specific state') ); } protected function createInfoAction(BpNode $node) { $url = $node->getInfoUrl(); return $this->actionIcon( 'question', $url, sprintf('%s: %s', mt('businessprocess', 'More information'), $url) )->addAttributes(['target' => '_blank']); } protected function actionIcon($icon, $url, $title) { return Html::tag( 'a', [ 'href' => $url, 'title' => $title, 'class' => 'action-link' ], new Icon($icon) ); } protected function renderAddNewNode($parent) { return $this->actionIcon( 'plus', $this->getUrl() ->with('action', 'add') ->with('node', $parent->getName()), mt('businessprocess', 'Add a new business process node') ); } }