getMetadata(); if ($renderer instanceof TreeRenderer) { $link = Html::tag( 'a', [ 'href' => $url->with('mode', 'tile'), 'title' => mt('businessprocess', 'Switch to Tile view') ] ); } else { $link = Html::tag( 'a', [ 'href' => $url->with('mode', 'tree'), 'title' => mt('businessprocess', 'Switch to Tree view') ] ); } $link->add([ new Icon('grip', ['class' => $renderer instanceof TreeRenderer ? null : 'active']), new Icon('sitemap', ['class' => $renderer instanceof TreeRenderer ? 'active' : null]) ]); $this->add( Html::tag('div', ['class' => 'view-toggle']) ->add(Html::tag('span', null, mt('businessprocess', 'View'))) ->add($link) ); $this->add(Html::tag( 'a', [ 'data-base-target' => '_main', 'href' => $url->with('showFullscreen', true), 'title' => mt('businessprocess', 'Switch to fullscreen mode'), ], [ new Icon('maximize'), mt('businessprocess', 'Fullscreen') ] )); $hasChanges = $config->hasSimulations() || $config->hasBeenChanged(); if ($renderer->isLocked()) { if (! $renderer->wantsRootNodes() && $renderer->rendersImportedNode()) { $span = Html::tag('span', [ 'class' => 'disabled', 'title' => mt( 'businessprocess', 'Imported processes can only be changed in their original configuration' ) ]); $span->add([new Icon('lock'), mt('businessprocess', 'Editing Locked')]); $this->add($span); } else { $this->add(Html::tag( 'a', [ 'href' => $url->with('unlocked', true), 'title' => mt('businessprocess', 'Click to unlock editing for this process'), ], [ new Icon('lock'), mt('businessprocess', 'Unlock Editing') ] )); } } elseif (! $hasChanges) { $this->add(Html::tag( 'a', [ 'href' => $url->without('unlocked')->without('action'), 'title' => mt('businessprocess', 'Click to lock editing for this process'), ], [ new Icon('lock-open'), mt('businessprocess', 'Lock Editing') ] )); } if (($hasChanges || ! $renderer->isLocked()) && $meta->canModify()) { if ($renderer->wantsRootNodes()) { $this->add(Html::tag( 'a', [ 'data-base-target' => '_next', 'href' => Url::fromPath('businessprocess/process/config', $this->currentProcessParams($url)), 'title' => mt('businessprocess', 'Modify this process'), ], [ new Icon('wrench'), mt('businessprocess', 'Config') ] )); } else { $this->add(Html::tag( 'a', [ 'href' => $url->with([ 'action' => 'edit', 'editnode' => $url->getParam('node') ])->getAbsoluteUrl(), 'title' => mt('businessprocess', 'Modify this process'), ], [ new Icon('wrench'), mt('businessprocess', 'Config') ] )); } } if (($hasChanges || (! $renderer->isLocked())) && $meta->canModify()) { $this->add(Html::tag( 'a', [ 'href' => $url->with('action', 'add'), 'title' => mt('businessprocess', 'Add a new business process node'), 'class' => 'button-link' ], [ new Icon('plus'), mt('businessprocess', 'Add Node') ] )); } } protected function currentProcessParams(Url $url) { $urlParams = $url->getParams(); $params = array(); foreach (array('config', 'node') as $name) { if ($value = $urlParams->get($name)) { $params[$name] = $value; } } return $params; } }