getModuleManager(); if (! $m->hasLoaded('monitoring') && $m->hasInstalled('monitoring')) { $m->loadModule('monitoring'); } $this->controls(); $this->content(); $this->url(); $this->view->showFullscreen = $this->showFullscreen = (bool) $this->_helper->layout()->showFullscreen; $this->setViewScript('default'); } /** * @return Url */ protected function url() { if ($this->url === null) { $this->url = Url::fromPath( $this->getRequest()->getUrl()->getPath() )->setParams($this->getRequest()->getUrl()->getParams()); } return $this->url; } /** * @return ActionBar */ protected function actions() { if ($this->view->actions === null) { $this->view->actions = new ActionBar(); } return $this->view->actions; } /** * @return Controls */ protected function controls() { if ($this->view->controls === null) { $controls = $this->view->controls = new Controls(); if ($this->view->compact) { $controls->getAttributes()->add('class', 'compact'); } } return $this->view->controls; } /** * @return Content */ protected function content() { if ($this->view->content === null) { $content = $this->view->content = new Content(); if ($this->view->compact) { $content->getAttributes()->add('class', 'compact'); } } return $this->view->content; } /** * @param $label * @return Tabs */ protected function singleTab($label) { return $this->tabs()->add( 'tab', array( 'label' => $label, 'url' => $this->getRequest()->getUrl() ) )->activate('tab'); } /** * @return Tabs */ protected function defaultTab() { return $this->singleTab($this->translate('Business Process')); } /** * @return Tabs */ protected function overviewTab() { return $this->tabs()->add( 'overview', array( 'label' => $this->translate('Business Process'), 'url' => 'businessprocess' ) )->activate('overview'); } /** * @return Tabs */ protected function tabs() { // Todo: do not add to view once all of them render controls() if ($this->mytabs === null) { $tabs = new Tabs(); //$this->controls()->add($tabs); $this->mytabs = $tabs; } return $this->mytabs; } protected function session() { return $this->Window()->getSessionNamespace('businessprocess'); } protected function setViewScript($name) { $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoController(true); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setScriptAction($name); return $this; } protected function addTitle($title) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); $this->view->title = vsprintf($title, $args); $this->controls()->add(Html::tag('h1', null, $this->view->title)); return $this; } protected function loadModifiedBpConfig() { $bp = $this->loadBpConfig(); $changes = ProcessChanges::construct($bp, $this->session()); if ($this->params->get('dismissChanges')) { Notification::success( sprintf( $this->translate('%d pending change(s) have been dropped'), $changes->count() ) ); $changes->clear(); $this->redirectNow($this->url()->without('dismissChanges')->without('unlocked')); } $bp->applyChanges($changes); return $bp; } protected function doNotRender() { $this->_helper->layout()->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true); return $this; } protected function loadBpConfig() { $name = $this->params->get('config'); /** @var LegacyStorage $storage */ $storage = $this->storage(); if (! $storage->hasProcess($name)) { $this->httpNotFound( $this->translate('No such process config: "%s"'), $name ); } $modifications = $this->session()->get('modifications', array()); if (array_key_exists($name, $modifications)) { $bp = $storage->loadFromString($name, $modifications[$name]); } else { $bp = $storage->loadProcess($name); } // allow URL parameter to override configured state type if (null !== ($stateType = $this->params->get('state_type'))) { if ($stateType === 'soft') { $bp->useSoftStates(); } if ($stateType === 'hard') { $bp->useHardStates(); } } $this->view->bpconfig = $this->bp = $bp; $this->view->configName = $bp->getName(); return $bp; } public function loadForm($name) { return FormLoader::load($name, $this->Module()); } /** * @return LegacyStorage */ protected function storage() { if ($this->storage === null) { $this->storage = LegacyStorage::getInstance(); } return $this->storage; } }