null, 'uuid' => null, 'object_name' => null, 'object_type' => null, 'disabled' => 'n', 'display_name' => null, 'host_id' => null, 'service_set_id' => null, 'check_command_id' => null, 'max_check_attempts' => null, 'check_period_id' => null, 'check_interval' => null, 'retry_interval' => null, 'check_timeout' => null, 'enable_notifications' => null, 'enable_active_checks' => null, 'enable_passive_checks' => null, 'enable_event_handler' => null, 'enable_flapping' => null, 'enable_perfdata' => null, 'event_command_id' => null, 'flapping_threshold_high' => null, 'flapping_threshold_low' => null, 'volatile' => null, 'zone_id' => null, 'command_endpoint_id' => null, 'notes' => null, 'notes_url' => null, 'action_url' => null, 'icon_image' => null, 'icon_image_alt' => null, 'use_agent' => null, 'apply_for' => null, 'use_var_overrides' => null, 'assign_filter' => null, 'template_choice_id' => null, ]; protected $relations = [ 'host' => 'IcingaHost', 'service_set' => 'IcingaServiceSet', 'check_command' => 'IcingaCommand', 'event_command' => 'IcingaCommand', 'check_period' => 'IcingaTimePeriod', 'command_endpoint' => 'IcingaEndpoint', 'zone' => 'IcingaZone', 'template_choice' => 'IcingaTemplateChoiceService', ]; protected $booleans = [ 'enable_notifications' => 'enable_notifications', 'enable_active_checks' => 'enable_active_checks', 'enable_passive_checks' => 'enable_passive_checks', 'enable_event_handler' => 'enable_event_handler', 'enable_flapping' => 'enable_flapping', 'enable_perfdata' => 'enable_perfdata', 'volatile' => 'volatile', 'use_agent' => 'use_agent', 'use_var_overrides' => 'use_var_overrides', ]; protected $intervalProperties = [ 'check_interval' => 'check_interval', 'check_timeout' => 'check_timeout', 'retry_interval' => 'retry_interval', ]; protected $supportsGroups = true; protected $supportsCustomVars = true; protected $supportsFields = true; protected $supportsImports = true; protected $supportsApplyRules = true; protected $supportsSets = true; protected $supportsChoices = true; protected $supportedInLegacy = true; protected $keyName = ['host_id', 'service_set_id', 'object_name']; protected $prioritizedProperties = ['host_id']; protected $propertiesNotForRendering = [ 'id', 'object_name', 'object_type', 'apply_for' ]; /** @var ServiceGroupMembershipResolver */ protected $servicegroupMembershipResolver; /** * @return IcingaCommand * @throws IcingaException * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ public function getCheckCommand() { $id = $this->getSingleResolvedProperty('check_command_id'); return IcingaCommand::loadWithAutoIncId( $id, $this->getConnection() ); } /** * @return bool */ public function isApplyRule() { if ($this->hasBeenAssignedToHostTemplate()) { return true; } return $this->hasProperty('object_type') && $this->get('object_type') === 'apply'; } /** * @return bool */ public function usesVarOverrides() { return $this->get('use_var_overrides') === 'y'; } public function getUniqueIdentifier() { if ($this->isTemplate()) { return $this->getObjectName(); } else { throw new RuntimeException( 'getUniqueIdentifier() is supported by Service Templates only' ); } } /** * @return object * @deprecated please use \Icinga\Module\Director\Data\Exporter * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ public function export() { // TODO: ksort in toPlainObject? $props = (array) $this->toPlainObject(); $props['fields'] = $this->loadFieldReferences(); ksort($props); return (object) $props; } /** * @param $plain * @param Db $db * @param bool $replace * @return IcingaService * @throws DuplicateKeyException * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ public static function import($plain, Db $db, $replace = false) { $properties = (array) $plain; $name = $properties['object_name']; if ($properties['object_type'] !== 'template') { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Can import only Templates, got "%s" for "%s"', $properties['object_type'], $name )); } $key = [ 'object_type' => 'template', 'object_name' => $name ]; if ($replace && static::exists($key, $db)) { $object = static::load($key, $db); } elseif (static::exists($key, $db)) { throw new DuplicateKeyException( 'Service Template "%s" already exists', $name ); } else { $object = static::create([], $db); } // $object->newFields = $properties['fields']; unset($properties['fields']); $object->setProperties($properties); return $object; } /** * @deprecated please use \Icinga\Module\Director\Data\FieldReferenceLoader * @return array */ protected function loadFieldReferences() { $db = $this->getDb(); $res = $db->fetchAll( $db->select()->from([ 'sf' => 'icinga_service_field' ], [ 'sf.datafield_id', 'sf.is_required', 'sf.var_filter', ])->join(['df' => 'director_datafield'], ' = sf.datafield_id', []) ->where('service_id = ?', $this->get('id')) ->order('varname ASC') ); if (empty($res)) { return []; } else { foreach ($res as $field) { $field->datafield_id = (int) $field->datafield_id; } return $res; } } /** * @param string $key * @return $this */ protected function setKey($key) { if (is_int($key)) { $this->set('id', $key); } elseif (is_array($key)) { foreach (['id', 'host_id', 'service_set_id', 'object_name'] as $k) { if (array_key_exists($k, $key)) { $this->set($k, $key[$k]); } } } else { parent::setKey($key); } return $this; } /** * @param $name * @return $this * @codingStandardsIgnoreStart */ protected function setObject_Name($name) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd if ($name === null && $this->isApplyRule()) { $name = ''; } return $this->reallySet('object_name', $name); } /** * Render host_id as host_name * * Avoid complaints for method names with underscore: * @codingStandardsIgnoreStart * * @return string */ public function renderHost_id() { if ($this->hasBeenAssignedToHostTemplate()) { return ''; } return $this->renderRelationProperty('host', $this->get('host_id'), 'host_name'); } /** * @codingStandardsIgnoreStart */ protected function renderLegacyHost_id($value) { // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd if (is_array($value)) { $blacklisted = $this->getBlacklistedHostnames(); $c = c1::renderKeyValue('host_name', c1::renderArray(array_diff($value, $blacklisted))); // blacklisted in this (zoned) scope? $bl = array_intersect($blacklisted, $value); if (! empty($bl)) { $c .= c1::renderKeyValue('# ignored on', c1::renderArray($bl)); } return $c; } else { return parent::renderLegacyHost_id($value); } } /** * @param IcingaConfig $config * @throws IcingaException */ public function renderToLegacyConfig(IcingaConfig $config) { if ($this->get('service_set_id') !== null) { return; } elseif ($this->isApplyRule()) { $this->renderLegacyApplyToConfig($config); } else { parent::renderToLegacyConfig($config); } } /** * @param IcingaConfig $config * @throws IcingaException */ protected function renderLegacyApplyToConfig(IcingaConfig $config) { $conn = $this->getConnection(); $assign_filter = $this->get('assign_filter'); $filter = Filter::fromQueryString($assign_filter); $hostnames = HostApplyMatches::forFilter($filter, $conn); $this->set('object_type', 'object'); foreach ($this->mapHostsToZones($hostnames) as $zone => $names) { $blacklisted = $this->getBlacklistedHostnames(); $zoneNames = array_diff($names, $blacklisted); $disabled = []; foreach ($zoneNames as $name) { if (IcingaHost::load($name, $this->getConnection())->isDisabled()) { $disabled[] = $name; } } $zoneNames = array_diff($zoneNames, $disabled); if (empty($zoneNames)) { continue; } $this->set('host_id', $zoneNames); $config->configFile('director/' . $zone . '/service_apply', '.cfg') ->addLegacyObject($this); } } /** * @return string */ public function toLegacyConfigString() { if ($this->get('service_set_id') !== null) { return ''; } $str = parent::toLegacyConfigString(); if (! $this->isDisabled() && $this->get('host_id') && $this->getRelated('host')->isDisabled() ) { return "# --- This services host has been disabled ---\n" . preg_replace('~^~m', '# ', trim($str)) . "\n\n"; } else { return $str; } } /** * @return string */ public function toConfigString() { if ($this->get('service_set_id')) { return ''; } $str = parent::toConfigString(); if (! $this->isDisabled() && $this->get('host_id') && $this->getRelated('host')->isDisabled() ) { return "/* --- This services host has been disabled ---\n" // Do not allow strings to break our comment . str_replace('*/', "* /", $str) . "*/\n"; } else { return $str; } } /** * @return string */ protected function renderObjectHeader() { if ($this->isApplyRule() && !$this->hasBeenAssignedToHostTemplate() && $this->get('apply_for') !== null ) { $name = $this->getObjectName(); $extraName = ''; if (c::stringHasMacro($name)) { $extraName = c::renderKeyValue('name', c::renderStringWithVariables($name)); $name = ''; } elseif ($name !== '') { $name = ' ' . c::renderString($name); } return sprintf( "%s %s%s for (config in %s) {\n", $this->getObjectTypeName(), $this->getType(), $name, $this->get('apply_for') ) . $extraName; } return parent::renderObjectHeader(); } /** * @return string */ protected function getLegacyObjectKeyName() { if ($this->isTemplate()) { return 'name'; } else { return 'service_description'; } } /** * @return bool */ public function hasBeenAssignedToHostTemplate() { // Branches would fail if ($this->properties['host_id'] === null) { return null; } $hostId = $this->get('host_id'); return $hostId && $this->getRelatedObject( 'host', $hostId )->isTemplate(); } /** * @return string * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError * @throws \Icinga\Module\Director\Exception\NestingError */ protected function renderSuffix() { $suffix = ''; if ($this->isApplyRule()) { $zoneName = $this->getRenderingZone(); if (!IcingaZone::zoneNameIsGlobal($zoneName, $this->connection)) { $suffix .= c::renderKeyValue('zone', c::renderString($zoneName)); } } if ($this->isApplyRule() || $this->usesVarOverrides()) { $suffix .= $this->renderImportHostVarOverrides(); } return $suffix . parent::renderSuffix(); } /** * @return string */ protected function renderImportHostVarOverrides() { if (! $this->connection) { throw new RuntimeException( 'Cannot render services without an assigned DB connection' ); } return "\n import DirectorOverrideTemplate\n"; } /** * @return string * @throws \Icinga\Exception\NotFoundError */ protected function renderCustomExtensions() { $output = ''; if ($this->hasBeenAssignedToHostTemplate()) { // TODO: use assignment renderer? $filter = sprintf( 'assign where %s in host.templates', c::renderString($this->get('host')) ); $output .= "\n " . $filter . "\n"; } $blacklist = $this->getBlacklistedHostnames(); $blacklistedTemplates = []; $blacklistedHosts = []; foreach ($blacklist as $hostname) { if (IcingaHost::load($hostname, $this->connection)->isTemplate()) { $blacklistedTemplates[] = $hostname; } else { $blacklistedHosts[] = $hostname; } } foreach ($blacklistedTemplates as $template) { $output .= sprintf( " ignore where %s in host.templates\n", c::renderString($template) ); } if (! empty($blacklistedHosts)) { if (count($blacklistedHosts) === 1) { $output .= sprintf( " ignore where == %s\n", c::renderString($blacklistedHosts[0]) ); } else { $output .= sprintf( " ignore where in %s\n", c::renderArray($blacklistedHosts) ); } } // A hand-crafted command endpoint overrides use_agent if ($this->get('command_endpoint_id') !== null) { return $output; } if ($this->get('use_agent') === 'y') { // When feature flag feature_custom_endpoint is enabled, render additional code if ($this->connection->settings()->get('feature_custom_endpoint') === 'y') { return $output . " // Set command_endpoint dynamically with Director if (!host) { var host = get_host(host_name) } if (host.vars._director_custom_endpoint_name) { command_endpoint = host.vars._director_custom_endpoint_name } else { command_endpoint = host_name } "; } else { return $output . c::renderKeyValue('command_endpoint', 'host_name'); } } elseif ($this->get('use_agent') === 'n') { return $output . c::renderKeyValue('command_endpoint', c::renderPhpValue(null)); } else { return $output; } } /** * @return array */ public function getBlacklistedHostnames() { // Hint: if ($this->isApplyRule()) would be nice, but apply rules are // not enough, one might want to blacklist single services from Sets // assigned to single Hosts. if (PrefetchCache::shouldBeUsed()) { $lookup = PrefetchCache::instance()->hostServiceBlacklist(); } else { $lookup = new HostServiceBlacklist($this->getConnection()); } return $lookup->getBlacklistedHostnamesForService($this); } /** * Do not render internal property * * Avoid complaints for method names with underscore: * @codingStandardsIgnoreStart * * @return string */ public function renderUse_agent() { return ''; } public function renderUse_var_overrides() { return ''; } protected function renderTemplate_choice_id() { return ''; } protected function renderLegacyDisplay_Name() { // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd return c1::renderKeyValue('display_name', $this->get('display_name')); } public function hasCheckCommand() { return $this->getSingleResolvedProperty('check_command_id') !== null; } public function getOnDeleteUrl() { if ($this->get('host_id')) { return 'director/host/services?name=' . rawurlencode($this->get('host')); } elseif ($this->get('service_set_id')) { return 'director/serviceset/services?name=' . rawurlencode($this->get('service_set')); } else { return parent::getOnDeleteUrl(); } } protected function getDefaultZone(IcingaConfig $config = null) { if ($this->get('host_id') === null) { return parent::getDefaultZone(); } else { return $this->getRelatedObject('host', $this->get('host_id')) ->getRenderingZone($config); } } /** * @return string */ public function createWhere() { $where = parent::createWhere(); if (! $this->hasBeenLoadedFromDb()) { if (null === $this->get('service_set_id') && null === $this->get('host_id') && null === $this->get('id') ) { $where .= " AND object_type = 'template'"; } } return $where; } /** * TODO: Duplicate code, clean this up, split it into multiple methods * @param Db|null $connection * @param string $prefix * @param null $filter * @return array */ public static function enumProperties( Db $connection = null, $prefix = '', $filter = null ) { $serviceProperties = []; if ($filter === null) { $filter = new PropertiesFilter(); } $realProperties = static::create()->listProperties(); sort($realProperties); if ($filter->match(PropertiesFilter::$SERVICE_PROPERTY, 'name')) { $serviceProperties[$prefix . 'name'] = 'name'; } foreach ($realProperties as $prop) { if (!$filter->match(PropertiesFilter::$SERVICE_PROPERTY, $prop)) { continue; } if (substr($prop, -3) === '_id') { if ($prop === 'template_choice_id') { continue; } $prop = substr($prop, 0, -3); } $serviceProperties[$prefix . $prop] = $prop; } $serviceVars = []; if ($connection !== null) { foreach ($connection->fetchDistinctServiceVars() as $var) { if ($filter->match(PropertiesFilter::$CUSTOM_PROPERTY, $var->varname, $var)) { if ($var->datatype) { $serviceVars[$prefix . 'vars.' . $var->varname] = sprintf( '%s (%s)', $var->varname, $var->caption ); } else { $serviceVars[$prefix . 'vars.' . $var->varname] = $var->varname; } } } } //$properties['vars.*'] = 'Other custom variable'; ksort($serviceVars); $props = mt('director', 'Service properties'); $vars = mt('director', 'Custom variables'); $properties = []; if (!empty($serviceProperties)) { $properties[$props] = $serviceProperties; $properties[$props][$prefix . 'groups'] = 'Groups'; } if (!empty($serviceVars)) { $properties[$vars] = $serviceVars; } $hostProps = mt('director', 'Host properties'); $hostVars = mt('director', 'Host Custom variables'); $hostProperties = IcingaHost::enumProperties($connection, 'host.'); if (array_key_exists($hostProps, $hostProperties)) { $p = $hostProperties[$hostProps]; if (!empty($p)) { $properties[$hostProps] = $p; } } if (array_key_exists($vars, $hostProperties)) { $p = $hostProperties[$vars]; if (!empty($p)) { $properties[$hostVars] = $p; } } return $properties; } protected function beforeStore() { parent::beforeStore(); if ($this->isObject() && $this->get('service_set_id') === null && $this->get('host_id') === null ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Cannot store a Service object without a related host or set: ' . $this->getObjectName() ); } } protected function notifyResolvers() { $resolver = $this->getServiceGroupMembershipResolver(); $resolver->addObject($this); $resolver->refreshDb(); return $this; } protected function getServiceGroupMembershipResolver() { if ($this->servicegroupMembershipResolver === null) { $this->servicegroupMembershipResolver = new ServiceGroupMembershipResolver( $this->getConnection() ); } return $this->servicegroupMembershipResolver; } public function setServiceGroupMembershipResolver(ServiceGroupMembershipResolver $resolver) { $this->servicegroupMembershipResolver = $resolver; return $this; } }