setType($type); return $table; } public function setType($type) { $this->type = $type; return $this; } public function setBaseObjectUrl($url) { $this->baseObjectUrl = $url; return $this; } public function createLinksWithNames($linksWithName = true) { $this->linkWithName = (bool) $linksWithName; return $this; } public function getType() { return $this->type; } public function getColumnsToBeRendered() { return ['Name', 'assign where'/*, 'Actions'*/]; } public function renderRow($row) { $row->uuid = DbUtil::binaryResult($row->uuid); if ($this->linkWithName) { $params = ['name' => $row->object_name]; } else { $params = ['uuid' => Uuid::fromBytes($row->uuid)->toString()]; } $url = Url::fromPath("director/{$this->baseObjectUrl}/edit", $params); $assignWhere = $this->renderApplyFilter($row->assign_filter); if (! empty($row->apply_for)) { $assignWhere = sprintf('apply for %s / %s', $row->apply_for, $assignWhere); } $tr = static::tr([ static::td(Link::create($row->object_name, $url)), static::td($assignWhere), // NOT (YET) static::td($this->createActionLinks($row))->setSeparator(' ') ]); $classes = $this->getRowClasses($row); if ($row->disabled === 'y') { $classes[] = 'disabled'; } $tr->getAttributes()->add('class', $classes); return $tr; } /** * Should be triggered from renderRow, still unused. * * @param IcingaObject $template * @param string $inheritance * @return $this * @throws \Icinga\Exception\ProgrammingError */ public function filterTemplate( IcingaObject $template, $inheritance = IcingaObjectFilterHelper::INHERIT_DIRECT ) { IcingaObjectFilterHelper::filterByTemplate( $this->getQuery(), $template, 'o', $inheritance, $this->branchUuid ); return $this; } protected function renderApplyFilter($assignFilter) { try { $string = AssignRenderer::forFilter( Filter::fromQueryString($assignFilter) )->renderAssign(); // Do not prefix it $string = preg_replace('/^assign where /', '', $string); } catch (IcingaException $e) { // ignore errors in filter rendering $string = 'Error in Filter rendering: ' . $e->getMessage(); } return $string; } public function createActionLinks($row) { $params = ['uuid' => Uuid::fromBytes($row->uuid)->toString()]; $baseUrl = 'director/' . $this->baseObjectUrl; $links = []; $links[] = Link::create( Icon::create('sitemap'), "{$baseUrl}template/applytargets", ['id' => $row->id], ['title' => $this->translate('Show affected Objects')] ); $links[] = Link::create( Icon::create('edit'), "$baseUrl/edit", $params, ['title' => $this->translate('Modify this Apply Rule')] ); $links[] = Link::create( Icon::create('doc-text'), "$baseUrl/render", $params, ['title' => $this->translate('Apply Rule rendering preview')] ); $links[] = Link::create( Icon::create('history'), "$baseUrl/history", $params, ['title' => $this->translate('Apply rule history')] ); return $links; } protected function applyRestrictions(ZfSelect $query) { $auth = Auth::getInstance(); $type = $this->type; // TODO: Centralize this logic if ($type === 'scheduledDowntime') { $type = 'scheduled-downtime'; } $restrictions = $auth->getRestrictions("director/$type/apply/filter-by-name"); if (empty($restrictions)) { return $query; } $filter = Filter::matchAny(); foreach ($restrictions as $restriction) { $filter->addFilter(Filter::where('o.object_name', $restriction)); } return FilterRenderer::applyToQuery($filter, $query); } protected function getRowClasses($row) { // TODO: remove isset, to figure out where it is missing if (isset($row->branch_uuid) && $row->branch_uuid !== null) { return ['branch_modified']; } return []; } /** * @return IcingaObject */ protected function getDummyObject() { if ($this->dummyObject === null) { $type = $this->type; $this->dummyObject = IcingaObject::createByType($type); } return $this->dummyObject; } public function prepareQuery() { $table = $this->getDummyObject()->getTableName(); $columns = [ 'id' => '', 'uuid' => 'o.uuid', 'object_name' => 'o.object_name', 'object_type' => 'o.object_type', 'disabled' => 'o.disabled', 'assign_filter' => 'o.assign_filter', 'apply_for' => '(NULL)', ]; if ($table === 'icinga_service') { $columns['apply_for'] = 'o.apply_for'; } $conn = $this->connection(); $query = $this->db()->select()->from( ['o' => $table], $columns )->order('o.object_name'); if ($this->branchUuid) { $columns = $this->branchifyColumns($columns); $columns['branch_uuid'] = 'bo.branch_uuid'; if ($conn->isPgsql()) { $columns['imports'] = 'CONCAT(\'[\', ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG' . '(CONCAT(\'"\', sub_o.object_name, \'"\')), \',\'), \']\')'; } else { $columns['imports'] = 'CONCAT(\'[\', ' . 'GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(\'"\', sub_o.object_name, \'"\')), \']\')'; } $this->stripSearchColumnAliases(); $query->reset('columns'); $right = clone($query); $query->columns($columns) ->joinLeft( ['oi' => $table . '_inheritance'], ' = oi.' . $this->getType() . '_id', [] )->joinLeft( ['sub_o' => $table], ' = oi.parent_' . $this->getType() . '_id', [] )->group(['', 'bo.uuid', 'bo.branch_uuid']); $query->joinLeft( ['bo' => "branched_$table"], // TODO: PgHexFunc $this->db()->quoteInto( 'bo.uuid = o.uuid AND bo.branch_uuid = ?', DbUtil::quoteBinaryLegacy($this->branchUuid->getBytes(), $this->db()) ), [] )->where("(bo.branch_deleted IS NULL OR bo.branch_deleted = 'n')"); if ($this->type === 'service') { $query->where('o.service_set_id IS NULL AND bo.service_set IS NULL'); } $columns['imports'] = 'bo.imports'; $right->columns($columns) ->joinRight( ['bo' => "branched_$table"], 'bo.uuid = o.uuid', [] ) ->where('o.uuid IS NULL') ->where('bo.branch_uuid = ?', $conn->quoteBinary($this->branchUuid->getBytes())); $query = $this->db()->select()->union([ 'l' => new DbSelectParenthesis($query), 'r' => new DbSelectParenthesis($right), ]); $query = $this->db()->select()->from(['u' => $query]); $query->order('object_name')->limit(100); } else { if ($this->type === 'service') { $query->where('service_set_id IS NULL'); } } $query->where( "object_type = 'apply'" ); $this->applyRestrictions($query); return $this->applyRestrictions($query); } /** * @return Db */ public function connection() { return parent::connection(); } }