= strtoupper($event->getPriority()) ?>
= $this->icon($event->getTypeIcon(), $event->getType()) ?> ack) { echo $this->icon('ok', $this->translate('Acknowledged')); } ?> group_autoclear) { echo $this->icon('reschedule', $this->translate('Auto-Clear')); } ?> | = $this->column('host_name', $event, array('selectable')) ?>
= $this->translate('Details') ?>
= $this->translate('Message') ?>
= $this->translate('Actions') ?>
= $this->translate('Other events for') ?> | = $this->qlink( $this->translate('Host'), 'eventdb/events', array('host_name' => $event->host_name), array( 'icon' => 'search', 'class' => 'action-link' ) ) ?> program): ?> = $this->qlink( $this->translate('Program'), 'eventdb/events', array( 'program' => $event->program, ), array( 'icon' => 'search', 'class' => 'action-link' ) ) ?> = $this->qlink( $this->translate('Program and Host'), 'eventdb/events', array( 'host_name' => $event->host_name, 'program' => $event->program, ), array( 'icon' => 'search', 'class' => 'action-link' ) ) ?> |
= $this->translate('Monitoring') ?> | = $this->qlink( $this->translate('Host service status'), 'eventdb/event/host', array('host' => $event->host_name), array( 'icon' => 'search', 'class' => 'action-link' ) ) ?> |
= $this->translate('Add comment / acknowledge') ?>
group_autoclear): ?>
= $this->translate('This event is set to auto-clear.') ?>
= $this->translate('Please only acknowledge manually, if you know what that means.') ?>
= $commentForm ?>
= $this->translate('Comments') ?>
hasResult()): ?>= $this->translate('No comments recorded for this event yet.') ?>
= $this->timeAgo(strtotime($comment->created)) ?> | = $commentIcons[$comment->type] ?> | = $this->escape($comment->user) ?> |
= $this->translate('Grouped Events') ?>
= strtoupper($groupedEvent->getPriority()) ?>
= $this->icon($groupedEvent->getTypeIcon(), $groupedEvent->getType()) ?> ack) { echo $this->icon('ok', $this->translate('Acknowledged')); } ?> group_autoclear) { $autoClear = true; echo $this->icon('reschedule', $this->translate('Auto-Clear')); } ?> | = $this->column('host_name', $groupedEvent) ?> = $this->column('program', $groupedEvent) ?> = $this->column('message', $groupedEvent) ?>