[$metricFilter, $function], ...] * * @var MacroTemplate[][] */ protected $curves = []; /** * All curves to show in a chart by name with full Graphite Web metric filters and Graphite functions * * [$curve => [$metricFilter, $function], ...] * * @var MacroTemplate[][] */ protected $fullCurves; /** * Additional URL parameters for rendering via Graphite Web * * [$key => $value, ...] * * @var MacroTemplate[] */ protected $urlParams = []; /** * Constructor */ public function __construct() { } /** * Get all charts based on this template and applicable to the metrics * from the given data source restricted by the given filter * * @param MetricsDataSource $dataSource * @param MonitoredObject|Model $object The object to render the graphs for * @param string[] $filter * @param MacroTemplate[] $excludeMetrics * * @return Chart[] */ public function getCharts( MetricsDataSource $dataSource, $object, array $filter, array &$excludeMetrics = [] ) { $metrics = []; $metricsUsed = 0; $metricsExcluded = 0; foreach ($this->getFullCurves() as $curveName => $curve) { $fullMetricTemplate = $curve[0]; $query = $dataSource->select()->setObject($object)->from($fullMetricTemplate); foreach ($filter as $key => $value) { $query->where($key, $value); } foreach ($query->fetchColumn() as $metric) { foreach ($excludeMetrics as $excludeMetric) { if ($excludeMetric->reverseResolve($metric) !== false) { ++$metricsExcluded; continue 2; } } $vars = $curve[0]->reverseResolve($metric); if ($vars !== false) { $metrics[$curveName][$metric] = $vars; ++$metricsUsed; } } } switch (count($metrics)) { case 0: $metricsCombinations = []; break; case 1: $metricsCombinations = []; foreach ($metrics as $curveName => & $curveMetrics) { foreach ($curveMetrics as $metric => & $_) { $metricsCombinations[] = [$curveName => $metric]; } unset($_); } unset($curveMetrics); break; default: $possibleCombinations = []; $handledCurves = []; foreach ($metrics as $curveName1 => & $metrics1) { $handledCurves[$curveName1] = true; foreach ($metrics as $curveName2 => & $metrics2) { if (! isset($handledCurves[$curveName2])) { foreach ($metrics1 as $metric1 => & $vars1) { foreach ($metrics2 as $metric2 => & $vars2) { if ( count(array_intersect_assoc($vars1, $vars2)) === count(array_intersect_key($vars1, $vars2)) ) { $possibleCombinations[$curveName1][$curveName2][$metric1][$metric2] = true; } } unset($vars2); } unset($vars1); } } unset($metrics2); } unset($metrics1); $metricsCombinations = []; $this->combineMetrics($metrics, $possibleCombinations, $metricsCombinations); } $charts = []; foreach ($metricsCombinations as $metricsCombination) { $charts[] = new Chart($dataSource->getClient(), $this, $metricsCombination); } IPT::recordf('Excluded %s metric(s)', $metricsExcluded); IPT::recordf('Combined %s metric(s) to %s chart(s)', $metricsUsed, count($charts)); return $charts; } /** * Fill the given metrics combinations from the given metrics as restricted by the given possible combinations * * @param string[][][] $metrics * @param bool[][][][] $possibleCombinations * @param string[][] $metricsCombinations * @param string[] $currentCombination */ protected function combineMetrics( array &$metrics, array &$possibleCombinations, array &$metricsCombinations, array $currentCombination = [] ) { if (empty($currentCombination)) { foreach ($metrics as $curveName => & $curveMetrics) { foreach ($curveMetrics as $metric => & $_) { $this->combineMetrics( $metrics, $possibleCombinations, $metricsCombinations, [$curveName => $metric] ); } unset($_); break; } unset($curveMetrics); } elseif (count($currentCombination) === count($metrics)) { $metricsCombinations[] = $currentCombination; } else { foreach ($metrics as $nextCurveName => & $_) { if (! isset($currentCombination[$nextCurveName])) { break; } } unset($_); $allowedNextCurveMetricsPerCurrentCurveName = []; foreach ($currentCombination as $currentCurveName => $currentCurveMetric) { $allowedNextCurveMetricsPerCurrentCurveName[$currentCurveName] = $possibleCombinations[$currentCurveName][$nextCurveName][$currentCurveMetric]; } $allowedNextCurveMetrics = $allowedNextCurveMetricsPerCurrentCurveName[$currentCurveName]; unset($allowedNextCurveMetricsPerCurrentCurveName[$currentCurveName]); foreach ($allowedNextCurveMetricsPerCurrentCurveName as & $allowedMetrics) { $allowedNextCurveMetrics = array_intersect_key($allowedNextCurveMetrics, $allowedMetrics); } unset($allowedMetrics); foreach ($allowedNextCurveMetrics as $allowedNextCurveMetric => $_) { $nextCombination = $currentCombination; $nextCombination[$nextCurveName] = $allowedNextCurveMetric; $this->combineMetrics($metrics, $possibleCombinations, $metricsCombinations, $nextCombination); } } } /** * Get curves to show in a chart by name with Graphite Web metric filters and Graphite functions * * @return MacroTemplate[][] */ public function getCurves() { return $this->curves; } /** * Get curves to show in a chart by name with full Graphite Web metric filters and Graphite functions * * @return MacroTemplate[][] */ public function getFullCurves() { if ($this->fullCurves === null) { $curves = $this->curves; foreach ($curves as &$curve) { $curve[0] = new MacroTemplate($curve[0]->resolve([ 'host_name_template' => static::getHostNameTemplate(), 'service_name_template' => static::getServiceNameTemplate(), '' => '$$' ])); } unset($curve); $this->fullCurves = $curves; } return $this->fullCurves; } /** * Set curves to show in a chart by name with Graphite Web metric filters and Graphite functions * * @param MacroTemplate[][] $curves * * @return $this */ public function setCurves(array $curves) { $this->curves = $curves; return $this; } /** * Get additional URL parameters for Graphite Web * * @return MacroTemplate[] */ public function getUrlParams() { return $this->urlParams; } /** * Set additional URL parameters for Graphite Web * * @param MacroTemplate[] $urlParams * * @return $this */ public function setUrlParams(array $urlParams) { $this->urlParams = $urlParams; return $this; } /** * Get {@link hostNameTemplate} * * @return MacroTemplate * * @throws ConfigurationError If the configuration is invalid */ protected static function getHostNameTemplate() { if (static::$hostNameTemplate === null) { $config = Config::module('graphite'); $template = $config->get( 'icinga', 'graphite_writer_host_name_template', 'icinga2.$host.name$.host.$host.check_command$' ); try { static::$hostNameTemplate = new MacroTemplate($template); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { throw new ConfigurationError( 'Bad icinga.graphite_writer_host_name_template in "%s": %s', $config->getConfigFile(), $e->getMessage() ); } } return static::$hostNameTemplate; } /** * Get {@link serviceNameTemplate} * * @return MacroTemplate * * @throws ConfigurationError If the configuration is invalid */ protected static function getServiceNameTemplate() { if (static::$serviceNameTemplate === null) { $config = Config::module('graphite'); $template = $config->get( 'icinga', 'graphite_writer_service_name_template', 'icinga2.$host.name$.services.$service.name$.$service.check_command$' ); try { static::$serviceNameTemplate = new MacroTemplate($template); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { throw new ConfigurationError( 'Bad icinga.graphite_writer_service_name_template in "%s": %s', $config->getConfigFile(), $e->getMessage() ); } } return static::$serviceNameTemplate; } }