Config(); $map = null; $mapConfig = null; // try to load stored map if ($this->params->has("load")) { $map = $this->params->get("load"); if (!preg_match("/^[\w]+$/", $map)) { throw new FilterException("Invalid character in map name. Allow characters: a-zA-Z0-9_"); } $mapConfig = $this->Config("maps"); if (!$mapConfig->hasSection($map)) { throw new FilterException("Could not find stored map with name = " . $map); } } $this->view->id = uniqid(); $this->view->host = $this->params->get("showHost"); $this->view->expand = $this->params->get("expand"); $this->view->fullscreen = ($this->params->get("showFullscreen") == 1); $parameterDefaults = array( "default_zoom" => "4", "default_long" => '13.377485', "default_lat" => '52.515855', "min_zoom" => "2", "max_zoom" => "19", "max_native_zoom" => "19", "disable_cluster_at_zoom" => null, // should be by default: max_zoom - 1 "cluster_problem_count" => 0, "tile_url" => "//{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png", ); /* * 1. url * 2. stored map * 3. user config * 4. config */ $userPreferences = $this->Auth()->getUser()->getPreferences(); if ($userPreferences->has("map")) { $config->getSection("map")->merge($userPreferences->get("map")); } foreach ($parameterDefaults as $parameter => $default) { if ($this->params->has($parameter)) { $this->view->$parameter = $this->params->get($parameter); } elseif (isset($map) && $mapConfig->getSection($map)->offsetExists($parameter)) { $this->view->$parameter = $mapConfig->get($map, $parameter); } else { $this->view->$parameter = $config->get("map", $parameter, $default); } } if (!$this->view->disable_cluster_at_zoom) { $this->view->disable_cluster_at_zoom = $this->view->max_zoom - 1; } $pattern = "/^([_]{0,1}(host|service))|\(|(object|state)Type/"; $urlParameters = $this->filterArray($this->getAllParams(), $pattern); if (isset($map)) { $mapParameters = $this->filterArray($mapConfig->getSection($map)->toArray(), $pattern); $urlParameters = array_merge($mapParameters, $urlParameters); } array_walk($urlParameters, function (&$a, $b) { $a = $b . "=" . $a; }); $this->view->url_parameters = join('&', $urlParameters); $this->view->dashletHeight = $config->get('map', 'dashlet_height', '300'); } function filterArray($array, $pattern) { $matches = preg_grep($pattern, array_keys($array)); return array_intersect_key($array, array_flip($matches)); } }