import {LayerGroup} from './LayerGroup'; import {FeatureGroup} from './FeatureGroup'; import * as Util from '../core/Util'; import {Marker} from './marker/Marker'; import {Circle} from './vector/Circle'; import {CircleMarker} from './vector/CircleMarker'; import {Polyline} from './vector/Polyline'; import {Polygon} from './vector/Polygon'; import {LatLng} from '../geo/LatLng'; import * as LineUtil from '../geometry/LineUtil'; /* * @class GeoJSON * @aka L.GeoJSON * @inherits FeatureGroup * * Represents a GeoJSON object or an array of GeoJSON objects. Allows you to parse * GeoJSON data and display it on the map. Extends `FeatureGroup`. * * @example * * ```js * L.geoJSON(data, { * style: function (feature) { * return {color:}; * } * }).bindPopup(function (layer) { * return; * }).addTo(map); * ``` */ export var GeoJSON = FeatureGroup.extend({ /* @section * @aka GeoJSON options * * @option pointToLayer: Function = * * A `Function` defining how GeoJSON points spawn Leaflet layers. It is internally * called when data is added, passing the GeoJSON point feature and its `LatLng`. * The default is to spawn a default `Marker`: * ```js * function(geoJsonPoint, latlng) { * return L.marker(latlng); * } * ``` * * @option style: Function = * * A `Function` defining the `Path options` for styling GeoJSON lines and polygons, * called internally when data is added. * The default value is to not override any defaults: * ```js * function (geoJsonFeature) { * return {} * } * ``` * * @option onEachFeature: Function = * * A `Function` that will be called once for each created `Feature`, after it has * been created and styled. Useful for attaching events and popups to features. * The default is to do nothing with the newly created layers: * ```js * function (feature, layer) {} * ``` * * @option filter: Function = * * A `Function` that will be used to decide whether to include a feature or not. * The default is to include all features: * ```js * function (geoJsonFeature) { * return true; * } * ``` * Note: dynamically changing the `filter` option will have effect only on newly * added data. It will _not_ re-evaluate already included features. * * @option coordsToLatLng: Function = * * A `Function` that will be used for converting GeoJSON coordinates to `LatLng`s. * The default is the `coordsToLatLng` static method. */ initialize: function (geojson, options) { Util.setOptions(this, options); this._layers = {}; if (geojson) { this.addData(geojson); } }, // @method addData( data ): this // Adds a GeoJSON object to the layer. addData: function (geojson) { var features = Util.isArray(geojson) ? geojson : geojson.features, i, len, feature; if (features) { for (i = 0, len = features.length; i < len; i++) { // only add this if geometry or geometries are set and not null feature = features[i]; if (feature.geometries || feature.geometry || feature.features || feature.coordinates) { this.addData(feature); } } return this; } var options = this.options; if (options.filter && !options.filter(geojson)) { return this; } var layer = geometryToLayer(geojson, options); if (!layer) { return this; } layer.feature = asFeature(geojson); layer.defaultOptions = layer.options; this.resetStyle(layer); if (options.onEachFeature) { options.onEachFeature(geojson, layer); } return this.addLayer(layer); }, // @method resetStyle( layer ): this // Resets the given vector layer's style to the original GeoJSON style, useful for resetting style after hover events. resetStyle: function (layer) { // reset any custom styles layer.options = Util.extend({}, layer.defaultOptions); this._setLayerStyle(layer,; return this; }, // @method setStyle( style ): this // Changes styles of GeoJSON vector layers with the given style function. setStyle: function (style) { return this.eachLayer(function (layer) { this._setLayerStyle(layer, style); }, this); }, _setLayerStyle: function (layer, style) { if (typeof style === 'function') { style = style(layer.feature); } if (layer.setStyle) { layer.setStyle(style); } } }); // @section // There are several static functions which can be called without instantiating L.GeoJSON: // @function geometryToLayer(featureData: Object, options?: GeoJSON options): Layer // Creates a `Layer` from a given GeoJSON feature. Can use a custom // [`pointToLayer`](#geojson-pointtolayer) and/or [`coordsToLatLng`](#geojson-coordstolatlng) // functions if provided as options. export function geometryToLayer(geojson, options) { var geometry = geojson.type === 'Feature' ? geojson.geometry : geojson, coords = geometry ? geometry.coordinates : null, layers = [], pointToLayer = options && options.pointToLayer, _coordsToLatLng = options && options.coordsToLatLng || coordsToLatLng, latlng, latlngs, i, len; if (!coords && !geometry) { return null; } switch (geometry.type) { case 'Point': latlng = _coordsToLatLng(coords); return pointToLayer ? pointToLayer(geojson, latlng) : new Marker(latlng); case 'MultiPoint': for (i = 0, len = coords.length; i < len; i++) { latlng = _coordsToLatLng(coords[i]); layers.push(pointToLayer ? pointToLayer(geojson, latlng) : new Marker(latlng)); } return new FeatureGroup(layers); case 'LineString': case 'MultiLineString': latlngs = coordsToLatLngs(coords, geometry.type === 'LineString' ? 0 : 1, _coordsToLatLng); return new Polyline(latlngs, options); case 'Polygon': case 'MultiPolygon': latlngs = coordsToLatLngs(coords, geometry.type === 'Polygon' ? 1 : 2, _coordsToLatLng); return new Polygon(latlngs, options); case 'GeometryCollection': for (i = 0, len = geometry.geometries.length; i < len; i++) { var layer = geometryToLayer({ geometry: geometry.geometries[i], type: 'Feature', properties: }, options); if (layer) { layers.push(layer); } } return new FeatureGroup(layers); default: throw new Error('Invalid GeoJSON object.'); } } // @function coordsToLatLng(coords: Array): LatLng // Creates a `LatLng` object from an array of 2 numbers (longitude, latitude) // or 3 numbers (longitude, latitude, altitude) used in GeoJSON for points. export function coordsToLatLng(coords) { return new LatLng(coords[1], coords[0], coords[2]); } // @function coordsToLatLngs(coords: Array, levelsDeep?: Number, coordsToLatLng?: Function): Array // Creates a multidimensional array of `LatLng`s from a GeoJSON coordinates array. // `levelsDeep` specifies the nesting level (0 is for an array of points, 1 for an array of arrays of points, etc., 0 by default). // Can use a custom [`coordsToLatLng`](#geojson-coordstolatlng) function. export function coordsToLatLngs(coords, levelsDeep, _coordsToLatLng) { var latlngs = []; for (var i = 0, len = coords.length, latlng; i < len; i++) { latlng = levelsDeep ? coordsToLatLngs(coords[i], levelsDeep - 1, _coordsToLatLng) : (_coordsToLatLng || coordsToLatLng)(coords[i]); latlngs.push(latlng); } return latlngs; } // @function latLngToCoords(latlng: LatLng, precision?: Number): Array // Reverse of [`coordsToLatLng`](#geojson-coordstolatlng) export function latLngToCoords(latlng, precision) { precision = typeof precision === 'number' ? precision : 6; return latlng.alt !== undefined ? [Util.formatNum(latlng.lng, precision), Util.formatNum(, precision), Util.formatNum(latlng.alt, precision)] : [Util.formatNum(latlng.lng, precision), Util.formatNum(, precision)]; } // @function latLngsToCoords(latlngs: Array, levelsDeep?: Number, closed?: Boolean): Array // Reverse of [`coordsToLatLngs`](#geojson-coordstolatlngs) // `closed` determines whether the first point should be appended to the end of the array to close the feature, only used when `levelsDeep` is 0. False by default. export function latLngsToCoords(latlngs, levelsDeep, closed, precision) { var coords = []; for (var i = 0, len = latlngs.length; i < len; i++) { coords.push(levelsDeep ? latLngsToCoords(latlngs[i], levelsDeep - 1, closed, precision) : latLngToCoords(latlngs[i], precision)); } if (!levelsDeep && closed) { coords.push(coords[0]); } return coords; } export function getFeature(layer, newGeometry) { return layer.feature ? Util.extend({}, layer.feature, {geometry: newGeometry}) : asFeature(newGeometry); } // @function asFeature(geojson: Object): Object // Normalize GeoJSON geometries/features into GeoJSON features. export function asFeature(geojson) { if (geojson.type === 'Feature' || geojson.type === 'FeatureCollection') { return geojson; } return { type: 'Feature', properties: {}, geometry: geojson }; } var PointToGeoJSON = { toGeoJSON: function (precision) { return getFeature(this, { type: 'Point', coordinates: latLngToCoords(this.getLatLng(), precision) }); } }; // @namespace Marker // @method toGeoJSON(): Object // Returns a [`GeoJSON`]( representation of the marker (as a GeoJSON `Point` Feature). Marker.include(PointToGeoJSON); // @namespace CircleMarker // @method toGeoJSON(): Object // Returns a [`GeoJSON`]( representation of the circle marker (as a GeoJSON `Point` Feature). Circle.include(PointToGeoJSON); CircleMarker.include(PointToGeoJSON); // @namespace Polyline // @method toGeoJSON(): Object // Returns a [`GeoJSON`]( representation of the polyline (as a GeoJSON `LineString` or `MultiLineString` Feature). Polyline.include({ toGeoJSON: function (precision) { var multi = !LineUtil.isFlat(this._latlngs); var coords = latLngsToCoords(this._latlngs, multi ? 1 : 0, false, precision); return getFeature(this, { type: (multi ? 'Multi' : '') + 'LineString', coordinates: coords }); } }); // @namespace Polygon // @method toGeoJSON(): Object // Returns a [`GeoJSON`]( representation of the polygon (as a GeoJSON `Polygon` or `MultiPolygon` Feature). Polygon.include({ toGeoJSON: function (precision) { var holes = !LineUtil.isFlat(this._latlngs), multi = holes && !LineUtil.isFlat(this._latlngs[0]); var coords = latLngsToCoords(this._latlngs, multi ? 2 : holes ? 1 : 0, true, precision); if (!holes) { coords = [coords]; } return getFeature(this, { type: (multi ? 'Multi' : '') + 'Polygon', coordinates: coords }); } }); // @namespace LayerGroup LayerGroup.include({ toMultiPoint: function (precision) { var coords = []; this.eachLayer(function (layer) { coords.push(layer.toGeoJSON(precision).geometry.coordinates); }); return getFeature(this, { type: 'MultiPoint', coordinates: coords }); }, // @method toGeoJSON(): Object // Returns a [`GeoJSON`]( representation of the layer group (as a GeoJSON `FeatureCollection`, `GeometryCollection`, or `MultiPoint`). toGeoJSON: function (precision) { var type = this.feature && this.feature.geometry && this.feature.geometry.type; if (type === 'MultiPoint') { return this.toMultiPoint(precision); } var isGeometryCollection = type === 'GeometryCollection', jsons = []; this.eachLayer(function (layer) { if (layer.toGeoJSON) { var json = layer.toGeoJSON(precision); if (isGeometryCollection) { jsons.push(json.geometry); } else { var feature = asFeature(json); // Squash nested feature collections if (feature.type === 'FeatureCollection') { jsons.push.apply(jsons, feature.features); } else { jsons.push(feature); } } } }); if (isGeometryCollection) { return getFeature(this, { geometries: jsons, type: 'GeometryCollection' }); } return { type: 'FeatureCollection', features: jsons }; } }); // @namespace GeoJSON // @factory L.geoJSON(geojson?: Object, options?: GeoJSON options) // Creates a GeoJSON layer. Optionally accepts an object in // [GeoJSON format]( to display on the map // (you can alternatively add it later with `addData` method) and an `options` object. export function geoJSON(geojson, options) { return new GeoJSON(geojson, options); } // Backward compatibility. export var geoJson = geoJSON;