# Configuration Icinga Reporting is configured via the web interface. Below you will find an overview of the necessary settings. ## Backend Icinga Reporting stores all its configuration in the database, therefore you need to create and configure a database resource for it. 1. Create a new resource for Icinga Reporting via the `Configuration -> Application -> Resources` menu. 2. Configure the resource you just created as the database connection for Icinga Reporting using the `Configuration → Modules → reporting → Backend` menu. If you've used `reporting` as name for the resource, this is optional. ## Mail At `Configuration -> Modules -> reporting -> Mail` you can configure the address that is used as the sender's address (From) in E-mails. ## Permissions There are four permissions that can be used to control what can be managed by whom. | Permission | Applies to | |----------------------|-----------------------------------| | reporting/reports | Reports (create, edit, delete) | | reporting/schedules | Schedules (create, edit, delete) | | reporting/templates | Templates (create, edit, delete) | | reporting/timeframes | Timeframes (create, edit, delete) | ## Icinga Reporting Daemon There is a daemon for generating and distributing reports on a schedule if configured: ``` icingacli reporting schedule run ``` This command schedules the execution of all applicable reports. The `systemd` service of this module uses this command as well. To configure this as a `systemd` service, copy the example service definition from `/usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/reporting/config/systemd/icinga-reporting.service` to `/etc/systemd/system/icinga-reporting.service`. You can run the following command to enable and start the daemon. ``` systemctl enable --now icinga-reporting.service ```