# Upgrading Icinga Reporting Upgrading Icinga Reporting is straightforward. Usually the only manual steps involved are schema updates for the database. ## Upgrading to Version 1.0.0 Icinga Reporting version 1.0.0 requires a schema update for the database. If you're already using Icinga Web version `>= 2.12`, then you don't need to perform any of these steps manually. Icinga Web provides you the ability to perform such migrations in a simple way. You may be familiar with such an automation if you're an Icinga Director user. For those who are not using the latest version of Icinga Web, please follow the instructions below. > **Note** > > If you're not using Icinga Web migration automation, you may need to [populate](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/time-zone-support.html#time-zone-installation) > all the system named time zone information into your MSQL/MariaDB server. Otherwise, the migration may not succeed. You may use the following command to apply the database schema upgrade file: **Note:** If you haven't installed this module from packages, then please adapt the schema path to the correct installation path. ``` # mysql -u root -p reporting /usr/share/icingaweb2/modules/reporting/schema/mysql-upgrades/1.0.0.sql ``` ## Upgrading to Version 0.10.0 Icinga Reporting version 0.10.0 requires a schema update for the database. A new table `template`, linked to table `report`, has been introduced. Please find the upgrade script in **schema/mysql-upgrades**. You may use the following command to apply the database schema upgrade file: ``` # mysql -u root -p reporting