CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION unix_timestamp(timestamp with time zone DEFAULT NOW()) RETURNS bigint AS 'SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM $1)::bigint' LANGUAGE SQL; CREATE TYPE frequency AS ENUM ('minutely', 'hourly', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly'); CREATE TABLE template ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, author varchar(255) NOT NULL, name varchar(128) NOT NULL, settings text NOT NULL, ctime bigint NOT NULL, mtime bigint NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE timeframe ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(128) NOT NULL UNIQUE, title varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, start varchar(255) NOT NULL, "end" varchar(255) NOT NULL, ctime bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT unix_timestamp() * 1000, mtime bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT unix_timestamp() * 1000 ); INSERT INTO timeframe (name, title, start, "end") VALUES ('4 Hours', null, '-4 hours', 'now'), ('25 Hours', null, '-25 hours', 'now'), ('One Week', null, '-1 week', 'now'), ('One Month', null, '-1 month', 'now'), ('One Year', null, '-1 year', 'now'), ('Current Day', null, 'midnight', 'now'), ('Last Day', null, 'yesterday midnight', 'yesterday 23:59:59'), ('Current Week', null, 'monday this week midnight', 'sunday this week 23:59:59'), ('Last Week', null, 'monday last week midnight', 'sunday last week 23:59:59'), ('Current Month', null, 'first day of this month midnight', 'now'), ('Last Month', null, 'first day of last month midnight', 'last day of last month 23:59:59'), ('Current Year', null, 'first day of January this year midnight', 'now'), ('Last Year', null, 'first day of January last year midnight', 'last day of December last year 23:59:59'); CREATE TABLE report ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, timeframe_id int NOT NULL, template_id int NULL DEFAULT NULL, author varchar(255) NOT NULL, name varchar(128) NOT NULL UNIQUE, ctime bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT unix_timestamp() * 1000, mtime bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT unix_timestamp() * 1000, CONSTRAINT report_timeframe FOREIGN KEY (timeframe_id) REFERENCES timeframe (id), CONSTRAINT report_template FOREIGN KEY (template_id) REFERENCES template (id) ); CREATE TABLE reportlet ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, report_id int NOT NULL, class varchar(255) NOT NULL, ctime bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT unix_timestamp() * 1000, mtime bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT unix_timestamp() * 1000, CONSTRAINT reportlet_report FOREIGN KEY (report_id) REFERENCES report (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE config ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, reportlet_id int NOT NULL, name varchar(255) NOT NULL, value text DEFAULT NULL, ctime bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT unix_timestamp() * 1000, mtime bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT unix_timestamp() * 1000, CONSTRAINT config_reportlet FOREIGN KEY (reportlet_id) REFERENCES reportlet (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ); CREATE TABLE schedule ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, report_id int NOT NULL, author varchar(255) NOT NULL, start bigint NOT NULL, frequency frequency, action varchar(255) NOT NULL, config text DEFAULT NULL, ctime bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT unix_timestamp() * 1000, mtime bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT unix_timestamp() * 1000, CONSTRAINT schedule_report FOREIGN KEY (report_id) REFERENCES report (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE );