requiresSetup()) && $icinga->setupTokenExists()) { $this->redirectNow(Url::fromPath('setup')); } $form = new LoginForm(); if (RememberMe::hasCookie() && $this->hasDb()) { $authenticated = false; try { $rememberMeOld = RememberMe::fromCookie(); $authenticated = $rememberMeOld->authenticate(); if ($authenticated) { $rememberMe = $rememberMeOld->renew(); $this->getResponse()->setCookie($rememberMe->getCookie()); $rememberMe->persist($rememberMeOld->getAesCrypt()->getIV()); } } catch (RuntimeException $e) { Logger::error("Can't authenticate user via remember me cookie: %s", $e->getMessage()); } catch (AuthenticationException $e) { Logger::error($e); } if (! $authenticated) { $this->getResponse()->setCookie(RememberMe::forget()); } } if ($this->Auth()->isAuthenticated()) { // Call provided AuthenticationHook(s) when login action is called // but icinga web user is already authenticated AuthenticationHook::triggerLogin($this->Auth()->getUser()); $redirect = $this->params->get('redirect'); if ($redirect) { $redirectUrl = Url::fromPath($redirect, [], $this->getRequest()); if ($redirectUrl->isExternal()) { $this->httpBadRequest('nope'); } } else { $redirectUrl = $form->getRedirectUrl(); } $this->redirectNow($redirectUrl); } if (! $requiresSetup) { $cookies = new CookieHelper($this->getRequest()); if (! $cookies->isSupported()) { $this ->getResponse() ->setBody("Cookies must be enabled to run this application.\n") ->setHttpResponseCode(403) ->sendResponse(); exit; } $form->handleRequest(); } $this->view->form = $form; $this->view->defaultTitle = $this->translate('Icinga Web 2 Login'); $this->view->requiresSetup = $requiresSetup; } /** * Log out the current user */ public function logoutAction() { $auth = $this->Auth(); if (! $auth->isAuthenticated()) { $this->redirectToLogin(); } // Get info whether the user is externally authenticated before removing authorization which destroys the // session and the user object $isExternalUser = $auth->getUser()->isExternalUser(); // Call provided AuthenticationHook(s) when logout action is called AuthenticationHook::triggerLogout($auth->getUser()); $auth->removeAuthorization(); if ($isExternalUser) { $this->view->layout()->setLayout('external-logout'); $this->getResponse()->setHttpResponseCode(401); } else { if (RememberMe::hasCookie() && $this->hasDb()) { $this->getResponse()->setCookie(RememberMe::forget()); } $this->redirectToLogin(); } } }