backends = $backends; return $this; } /** * Set the username to create memberships for * * @param string $userName * * @return $this */ public function setUsername($userName) { $this->userName = $userName; return $this; } /** * Create and add elements to this form * * @param array $formData The data sent by the user */ public function createElements(array $formData) { $query = $this->createDataSource()->select()->from('group', array('group_name', 'backend_name')); $options = array(); foreach ($query as $row) { $options[$row->backend_name . ';' . $row->group_name] = $row->group_name . ' (' . $row->backend_name . ')'; } $this->addElement( 'multiselect', 'groups', array( 'required' => true, 'multiOptions' => $options, 'label' => $this->translate('Groups'), 'description' => sprintf( $this->translate('Select one or more groups where to add %s as member'), $this->userName ), 'class' => 'grant-permissions' ) ); $this->setTitle(sprintf($this->translate('Create memberships for %s'), $this->userName)); $this->setSubmitLabel($this->translate('Create')); } /** * Instantly redirect back in case the user is already a member of all groups */ public function onRequest() { if ($this->createDataSource()->select()->from('group')->count() === 0) { Notification::info(sprintf($this->translate('User %s is already a member of all groups'), $this->userName)); $this->getResponse()->redirectAndExit($this->getRedirectUrl()); } } /** * Create the memberships for the user * * @return bool */ public function onSuccess() { $backendMap = array(); foreach ($this->backends as $backend) { $backendMap[$backend->getName()] = $backend; } $single = null; $groupName = null; foreach ($this->getValue('groups') as $backendAndGroup) { list($backendName, $groupName) = explode(';', $backendAndGroup, 2); try { $backendMap[$backendName]->insert( 'group_membership', array( 'group_name' => $groupName, 'user_name' => $this->userName ) ); } catch (Exception $e) { Notification::error(sprintf( $this->translate('Failed to add "%s" as group member for "%s"'), $this->userName, $groupName )); $this->error($e->getMessage()); return false; } $single = $single === null; } if ($single) { Notification::success( sprintf($this->translate('Membership for group %s created successfully'), $groupName) ); } else { Notification::success($this->translate('Memberships created successfully')); } return true; } /** * Create and return a data source to fetch all groups from all backends where the user is not already a member of * * @return ArrayDatasource */ protected function createDataSource() { $groups = $failures = array(); foreach ($this->backends as $backend) { try { $memberships = $backend ->select() ->from('group_membership', array('group_name')) ->where('user_name', $this->userName) ->fetchColumn(); foreach ($backend->select(array('group_name')) as $row) { if (! in_array($row->group_name, $memberships)) { // TODO(jom): Apply this as native query filter $row->backend_name = $backend->getName(); $groups[] = $row; } } } catch (Exception $e) { $failures[] = array($backend->getName(), $e); } } if (empty($groups) && !empty($failures)) { // In case there are only failures, throw the very first exception again throw $failures[0][1]; } elseif (! empty($failures)) { foreach ($failures as $failure) { Logger::error($failure[1]); Notification::warning(sprintf( $this->translate('Failed to fetch any groups from backend %s. Please check your log'), $failure[0] )); } } return new ArrayDatasource($groups); } }