translate( 'Welcome to Icinga Web 2. For users of the screen reader Jaws full and expectant compliant' . ' accessibility is possible only with use of the Firefox browser. VoiceOver on Mac OS X is tested on' . ' Chrome, Safari and Firefox.' ) ?>

translate( 'It appears that you did not configure Icinga Web 2 yet so it\'s not possible to log in without any defined ' . 'authentication method. Please define a authentication method by following the instructions in the' . ' %1$sdocumentation%3$s or by using our %2$sweb-based setup-wizard%3$s.' ), '', '', '' ) ?>

form ?>
img('img/orb-analytics.png'); ?>
img('img/orb-automation.png'); ?>
img('img/orb-cloud.png'); ?>
img('img/orb-icinga.png'); ?>
img('img/orb-infrastructure.png'); ?>
img('img/orb-metrics.png'); ?>
img('img/orb-notifications.png'); ?>