newInstanceArgs($args); } /** * Return the given exception formatted as one-liner * * The format used is: %class% in %path%:%line% with message: %message% * * @param Throwable $exception * * @return string */ public static function describe(Throwable $exception) { return sprintf( '%s in %s:%d with message: %s', get_class($exception), $exception->getFile(), $exception->getLine(), $exception->getMessage() ); } /** * Return the same as {@link Exception::getTraceAsString()} for the given exception, * but show only the types of scalar arguments * * @param Throwable $exception * * @return string */ public static function getConfidentialTraceAsString(Throwable $exception) { $trace = array(); $index = 0; foreach ($exception->getTrace() as $index => $frame) { $trace[] = isset($frame['file']) ? "#{$index} {$frame['file']}({$frame['line']}): " : "#{$index} [internal function]: "; if (isset($frame['class'])) { $trace[] = $frame['class']; } if (isset($frame['type'])) { $trace[] = $frame['type']; } $trace[] = "{$frame['function']}("; if (isset($frame['args'])) { $args = array(); foreach ($frame['args'] as $arg) { $type = gettype($arg); $args[] = $type === 'object' ? 'Object(' . get_class($arg) . ')' : ucfirst($type); } $trace[] = implode(', ', $args); } $trace[] = ")\n"; } $trace[] = '#' . ($index + 1) . ' {main}'; return implode($trace); } }