{TABS} {DROPDOWN} {REFRESH} {CLOSE} EOT; /** * Template used for the tabs dropdown * * @var string */ private $dropdownTpl = <<< 'EOT' EOT; /** * Template used for the close-button * * @var string */ private $closeTpl = <<< 'EOT'
  • EOT; /** * Template used for the refresh icon * * @var string */ private $refreshTpl = <<< 'EOT'
  • EOT; /** * This is where single tabs added to this container will be stored * * @var array */ private $tabs = array(); /** * The name of the currently activated tab * * @var string */ private $active; /** * Array of tab names which should be displayed in a dropdown * * @var array */ private $dropdownTabs = array(); /** * Whether only the close-button should by rendered for this tab * * @var bool */ private $closeButtonOnly = false; /** * Whether the tabs should contain a close-button * * @var bool */ private $closeTab = true; /** * CSS class name(s) for the <ul> element * * @var string */ private $tab_class; /** * Set whether the current tab is closable */ public function hideCloseButton() { $this->closeTab = false; } /** * Activate the tab with the given name * * If another tab is currently active it will be deactivated * * @param string $name Name of the tab going to be activated * * @return $this * * @throws HttpNotFoundException When the tab w/ the given name does not exist * */ public function activate($name) { if (! $this->has($name)) { throw new HttpNotFoundException('Can\'t activate tab %s. Tab does not exist', $name); } if ($this->active !== null) { $this->tabs[$this->active]->setActive(false); } $this->get($name)->setActive(); $this->active = $name; return $this; } /** * Return the name of the active tab * * @return string */ public function getActiveName() { return $this->active; } /** * Set the CSS class name(s) for the <ul> element * * @param string $name CSS class name(s) * * @return $this */ public function setClass($name) { $this->tab_class = $name; return $this; } /** * Whether the given tab name exists * * @param string $name Tab name * * @return bool */ public function has($name) { return array_key_exists($name, $this->tabs); } /** * Whether the given tab name exists * * @param string $name The tab you're interested in * * @return Tab * * @throws ProgrammingError When the given tab name doesn't exist */ public function get($name) { if (!$this->has($name)) { return null; } return $this->tabs[$name]; } /** * Add a new tab * * A unique tab name is required, the Tab itself can either be an array * with tab properties or an instance of an existing Tab * * @param string $name The new tab name * @param array|Tab $tab The tab itself of its properties * * @return $this * * @throws ProgrammingError When the tab name already exists */ public function add($name, $tab) { if ($this->has($name)) { throw new ProgrammingError( 'Cannot add a tab named "%s" twice"', $name ); } return $this->set($name, $tab); } /** * Set a tab * * A unique tab name is required, will be replaced in case it already * exists. The tab can either be an array with tab properties or an instance * of an existing Tab * * @param string $name The new tab name * @param array|Tab $tab The tab itself of its properties * * @return $this */ public function set($name, $tab) { if ($tab instanceof Tab) { $this->tabs[$name] = $tab; } else { $this->tabs[$name] = new Tab($tab + array('name' => $name)); } return $this; } /** * Remove a tab * * @param string $name * * @return $this */ public function remove($name) { if ($this->has($name)) { unset($this->tabs[$name]); if (($dropdownIndex = array_search($name, $this->dropdownTabs, true)) !== false) { array_splice($this->dropdownTabs, $dropdownIndex, 1); } } return $this; } /** * Add a tab to the dropdown on the right side of the tab-bar. * * @param $name * @param $tab */ public function addAsDropdown($name, $tab) { $this->set($name, $tab); $this->dropdownTabs[] = $name; $this->dropdownTabs = array_unique($this->dropdownTabs); } /** * Render the dropdown area with its tabs and return the resulting HTML * * @return mixed|string */ private function renderDropdownTabs() { if (empty($this->dropdownTabs)) { return ''; } $tabs = ''; foreach ($this->dropdownTabs as $tabname) { $tab = $this->get($tabname); if ($tab === null) { continue; } $tabs .= $tab; } return str_replace(array('{TABS}', '{TITLE}'), array($tabs, t('Dropdown menu')), $this->dropdownTpl); } /** * Render all tabs, except the ones in dropdown area and return the resulting HTML * * @return string */ private function renderTabs() { $tabs = ''; foreach ($this->tabs as $name => $tab) { // ignore tabs added to dropdown if (in_array($name, $this->dropdownTabs)) { continue; } $tabs .= $tab; } return $tabs; } private function renderCloseTab() { return str_replace('{TITLE}', t('Close container'), $this->closeTpl); } private function renderRefreshTab() { $url = Url::fromRequest(); $tab = $this->get($this->getActiveName()); if ($tab !== null) { $label = $this->view()->escape( $tab->getLabel() ); } if (! empty($label)) { $caption = $label; } else { $caption = t('Content'); } $label = sprintf(t('Refresh the %s'), $caption); $title = $label; $tpl = str_replace( array( '{URL}', '{TITLE}', '{LABEL}' ), array( $this->view()->escape($url->getAbsoluteUrl()), $title, $label ), $this->refreshTpl ); return $tpl; } /** * Render to HTML * * @see Widget::render */ public function render() { if (empty($this->tabs) || true === $this->closeButtonOnly) { $tabs = ''; $drop = ''; } else { $tabs = $this->renderTabs(); $drop = $this->renderDropdownTabs(); } $close = $this->closeTab ? $this->renderCloseTab() : ''; $refresh = $this->renderRefreshTab(); return str_replace( array( '{TABS}', '{DROPDOWN}', '{REFRESH}', '{CLOSE}' ), array( $tabs, $drop, $refresh, $close ), $this->baseTpl ); } public function __toString() { try { $html = $this->render(); } catch (Exception $e) { return htmlspecialchars($e->getMessage()); } return $html; } /** * Return the number of tabs * * @return int * * @see Countable */ public function count(): int { return count($this->tabs); } /** * Return all tabs contained in this tab panel * * @return array */ public function getTabs() { return $this->tabs; } /** * Whether to hide all elements except of the close button * * @param bool $value * @return Tabs fluent interface */ public function showOnlyCloseButton($value = true) { $this->closeButtonOnly = $value; return $this; } /** * Apply a Tabextension on this tabs object * * @param Tabextension $tabextension * * @return $this */ public function extend(Tabextension $tabextension) { $tabextension->apply($this); return $this; } }