path: root/src/display/drawing-item.h
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Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/display/drawing-item.h b/src/display/drawing-item.h
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+++ b/src/display/drawing-item.h
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+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ * @file
+ * Canvas item belonging to an SVG drawing element.
+ *//*
+ * Authors:
+ * Krzysztof KosiƄski <>
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 Authors
+ * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information.
+ */
+#include <memory>
+#include <list>
+#include <exception>
+#include <boost/operators.hpp>
+#include <boost/utility.hpp>
+#include <boost/intrusive/list.hpp>
+#include <2geom/rect.h>
+#include <2geom/affine.h>
+#include "style-enums.h"
+#include "tags.h"
+namespace Glib { class ustring; }
+class SPStyle;
+class SPItem;
+namespace Inkscape {
+class Drawing;
+class DrawingCache;
+class DrawingItem;
+class DrawingPattern;
+class DrawingContext;
+namespace Filters { class Filter; }
+struct RenderContext
+ uint32_t outline_color;
+struct UpdateContext
+ Geom::Affine ctm;
+struct CacheData;
+struct CacheRecord : boost::totally_ordered<CacheRecord>
+ bool operator<(CacheRecord const &other) const { return score < other.score; }
+ bool operator==(CacheRecord const &other) const { return score == other.score; }
+ operator DrawingItem*() const { return item; }
+ double score;
+ size_t cache_size;
+ DrawingItem *item;
+using CacheList = std::list<CacheRecord>;
+struct InvalidItemException : std::exception
+ char const *what() const noexcept override { return "Invalid item in drawing"; }
+class DrawingItem
+ enum RenderFlags
+ {
+ RENDER_OUTLINE = 1 << 3,
+ };
+ enum StateFlags
+ {
+ STATE_BBOX = 1 << 0, // bounding boxes are up-to-date
+ STATE_CACHE = 1 << 1, // cache extents and clean area are up-to-date
+ STATE_PICK = 1 << 2, // can process pick requests
+ STATE_RENDER = 1 << 3, // can be rendered
+ STATE_BACKGROUND = 1 << 4, // filter background data is up to date
+ STATE_ALL = (1 << 5) - 1,
+ STATE_TOTAL_INV = 1 << 5, // used as a reset flag only
+ };
+ enum PickFlags
+ {
+ PICK_NORMAL = 0, // normal pick
+ PICK_STICKY = 1 << 0, // sticky pick - ignore visibility and sensitivity
+ PICK_AS_CLIP = 1 << 1, // pick with no stroke and opaque fill regardless of item style
+ PICK_OUTLINE = 1 << 2 // pick in outline mode
+ };
+ DrawingItem(Drawing &drawing);
+ DrawingItem(DrawingItem const &) = delete;
+ DrawingItem &operator=(DrawingItem const &) = delete;
+ void unlink(); /// Unlink this node and its subtree from the rendering tree and destroy.
+ virtual int tag() const { return tag_of<decltype(*this)>; }
+ Geom::OptIntRect const &bbox() const { return _bbox; }
+ Geom::OptIntRect const &drawbox() const { return _drawbox; }
+ Geom::OptRect const &itemBounds() const { return _item_bbox; }
+ Geom::Affine const &ctm() const { return _ctm; }
+ Geom::Affine transform() const { return _transform ? *_transform : Geom::identity(); }
+ Drawing &drawing() const { return _drawing; }
+ DrawingItem *parent() const { return _parent; }
+ bool isAncestorOf(DrawingItem const *item) const;
+ int getUpdateComplexity() const { return _update_complexity; }
+ bool unisolatedBlend() const;
+ void appendChild(DrawingItem *item);
+ void prependChild(DrawingItem *item);
+ void clearChildren();
+ bool visible() const { return _visible; }
+ void setVisible(bool visible);
+ bool sensitive() const { return _sensitive; }
+ void setSensitive(bool sensitive);
+ virtual void setStyle(SPStyle const *style, SPStyle const *context_style = nullptr);
+ virtual void setChildrenStyle(SPStyle const *context_style);
+ void setOpacity(float opacity);
+ void setAntialiasing(unsigned antialias);
+ unsigned antialiasing() const { return _antialias; }
+ void setIsolation(bool isolation); // CSS Compositing and Blending
+ void setBlendMode(SPBlendMode blend_mode);
+ void setTransform(Geom::Affine const &trans);
+ void setClip(DrawingItem *item);
+ void setMask(DrawingItem *item);
+ void setFillPattern(DrawingPattern *pattern);
+ void setStrokePattern(DrawingPattern *pattern);
+ void setZOrder(unsigned zorder);
+ void setItemBounds(Geom::OptRect const &bounds);
+ void setFilterRenderer(std::unique_ptr<Filters::Filter> renderer);
+ void setKey(unsigned key) { _key = key; }
+ unsigned key() const { return _key; }
+ void setItem(SPItem *item) { _item = item; }
+ SPItem *getItem() const { return _item; } // SPItem
+ void update(Geom::IntRect const &area = Geom::IntRect::infinite(), UpdateContext const &ctx = UpdateContext(), unsigned flags = STATE_ALL, unsigned reset = 0);
+ unsigned render(DrawingContext &dc, RenderContext &rc, Geom::IntRect const &area, unsigned flags = 0, DrawingItem const *stop_at = nullptr) const;
+ unsigned render(DrawingContext &dc, Geom::IntRect const &area, unsigned flags = 0) const;
+ void clip(DrawingContext &dc, RenderContext &rc, Geom::IntRect const &area) const;
+ DrawingItem *pick(Geom::Point const &p, double delta, unsigned flags = 0);
+ Glib::ustring name() const; // For debugging
+ void recursivePrintTree(unsigned level = 0) const; // For debugging
+ enum class ChildType : unsigned char
+ {
+ ORPHAN = 0, // No parent - implies !parent.
+ NORMAL = 1, // Contained in children of parent.
+ CLIP = 2, // Referenced by clip of parent.
+ MASK = 3, // Referenced by mask of parent.
+ FILL = 4, // Referenced by fill pattern of parent.
+ STROKE = 5, // Referenced by stroke pattern of parent.
+ ROOT = 6 // Referenced by root of drawing.
+ };
+ enum RenderResult
+ {
+ RENDER_OK = 0,
+ };
+ virtual ~DrawingItem(); // Private to prevent deletion of items that are still in use by a snapshot.
+ void _renderOutline(DrawingContext &dc, RenderContext &rc, Geom::IntRect const &area, unsigned flags) const;
+ void _markForUpdate(unsigned state, bool propagate);
+ void _markForRendering();
+ void _invalidateFilterBackground(Geom::IntRect const &area);
+ double _cacheScore();
+ Geom::OptIntRect _cacheRect() const;
+ void _setCached(bool cached, bool persistent = false);
+ virtual unsigned _updateItem(Geom::IntRect const &area, UpdateContext const &ctx, unsigned flags, unsigned reset) { return 0; }
+ virtual unsigned _renderItem(DrawingContext &dc, RenderContext &rc, Geom::IntRect const &area, unsigned flags, DrawingItem const *stop_at) const { return RENDER_OK; }
+ virtual void _clipItem(DrawingContext &dc, RenderContext &rc, Geom::IntRect const &area) const {}
+ virtual DrawingItem *_pickItem(Geom::Point const &p, double delta, unsigned flags) { return nullptr; }
+ virtual bool _canClip() const { return false; }
+ virtual void _dropPatternCache() {}
+ Drawing &_drawing;
+ DrawingItem *_parent;
+ using ListHook = boost::intrusive::list_member_hook<>;
+ ListHook _child_hook;
+ using ChildrenList = boost::intrusive::list<
+ DrawingItem,
+ boost::intrusive::member_hook<DrawingItem, ListHook, &DrawingItem::_child_hook>
+ >;
+ ChildrenList _children;
+ // Todo: Try to get rid of all of these variables, moving them into the object tree.
+ unsigned _key; ///< Auxiliary key used by the object tree for showing clips/masks/patterns.
+ SPItem *_item; ///< Used to associate DrawingItems with SPItems that created them
+ SPStyle const *_style; // Not used by DrawingGlyphs
+ SPStyle const *_context_style; // Used for 'context-fill', 'context-stroke'
+ float _opacity;
+ std::unique_ptr<Geom::Affine> _transform; ///< Incremental transform from parent to this item's coords
+ Geom::Affine _ctm; ///< Total transform from item coords to display coords
+ Geom::OptIntRect _bbox; ///< Bounding box in display (pixel) coords including stroke
+ Geom::OptIntRect _drawbox; ///< Full visual bounding box - enlarged by filters, shrunk by clips and masks
+ Geom::OptRect _item_bbox; ///< Geometric bounding box in item's user space.
+ /// This is used to compute the filter effect region and render in
+ /// objectBoundingBox units.
+ DrawingItem *_clip;
+ DrawingItem *_mask;
+ DrawingPattern *_fill_pattern;
+ DrawingPattern *_stroke_pattern;
+ std::unique_ptr<Inkscape::Filters::Filter> _filter;
+ std::unique_ptr<CacheData> _cache;
+ int _update_complexity = 0;
+ bool _contains_unisolated_blend : 1;
+ CacheList::iterator _cache_iterator;
+ bool style_vector_effect_size : 1;
+ bool style_vector_effect_rotate : 1;
+ bool style_vector_effect_fixed : 1;
+ unsigned _state : 8;
+ unsigned _propagate_state : 8;
+ ChildType _child_type : 3;
+ unsigned _background_new : 1; ///< Whether enable-background: new is set for this element
+ unsigned _background_accumulate : 1; ///< Whether this element accumulates background
+ /// (has any ancestor with enable-background: new)
+ unsigned _visible : 1;
+ unsigned _sensitive : 1; ///< Whether this item responds to events
+ unsigned _cached_persistent : 1; ///< If set, will always be cached regardless of score
+ unsigned _has_cache_iterator : 1; ///< If set, _cache_iterator is valid
+ unsigned _pick_children : 1; ///< For groups: if true, children are returned from pick(),
+ /// otherwise the group is returned
+ unsigned _antialias : 2; ///< antialiasing level (NONE/FAST/GOOD(DEFAULT)/BEST)
+ bool _isolation : 1;
+ SPBlendMode _blend_mode;
+ template<typename F>
+ void defer(F &&f)
+ {
+ // Introduce artificial dependence on a template parameter to allow definition with Drawing forward-declared.
+ auto &drawing = static_cast<std::enable_if_t<(sizeof(F) > 0), Drawing&>>(_drawing);
+ drawing.defer(std::forward<F>(f));
+ }
+ friend class Drawing;
+/// Apply antialias setting to Cairo.
+void apply_antialias(DrawingContext &dc, int antialias);
+} // namespace Inkscape
+ Local Variables:
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+ End:
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