path: root/src/layer-manager.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/layer-manager.cpp')
1 files changed, 575 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/layer-manager.cpp b/src/layer-manager.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..364f106
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layer-manager.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ * Inkscape::LayerManager
+ *
+ * Owned by the Desktop, this manager tracks layer objects as
+ * distinct entities from groups, providing a comprehensive set
+ * of utilities, signals and other Layer based organisation.
+ *
+ * Refactored from LayerManager and layer-fns in 2021.
+ *
+ * Copyright 2001 Ximian, Inc.
+ * 2002 Lauris Kaplinski <>
+ * 2006 John Bintz <>
+ * 2006 MenTaLguY <>
+ * 2007 Jon A. Cruz <>
+ * 2008 Johan Engelen <>
+ * 2010 Abhishek Sharma
+ * 2021 Martin Owens <>
+ *
+ * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information.
+ */
+#include <set>
+#include <sigc++/functors/mem_fun.h>
+#include <sigc++/adaptors/hide.h>
+#include "desktop.h"
+#include "document.h"
+#include "layer-manager.h"
+#include "selection.h"
+#include "object-hierarchy.h"
+#include "object/sp-defs.h"
+#include "object/sp-root.h"
+#include "object/sp-item-group.h"
+#include "xml/node-observer.h"
+namespace Inkscape {
+LayerManager::LayerManager(SPDesktop *desktop)
+ : _desktop(desktop)
+ , _document(nullptr)
+ _layer_hierarchy = std::make_unique<Inkscape::ObjectHierarchy>(nullptr);
+ _layer_hierarchy->connectAdded(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LayerManager::_layer_activated));
+ _layer_hierarchy->connectRemoved(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LayerManager::_layer_deactivated));
+ _layer_hierarchy->connectChanged(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LayerManager::_selectedLayerChanged));
+ _document_connection = desktop->connectDocumentReplaced(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LayerManager::_setDocument));
+ _setDocument(desktop, desktop->doc());
+ _layer_connection.disconnect();
+ _activate_connection.disconnect();
+ _deactivate_connection.disconnect();
+ _document_connection.disconnect();
+ _resource_connection.disconnect();
+ _document = nullptr;
+void LayerManager::_setDocument(SPDesktop *, SPDocument *document) {
+ _layer_hierarchy->clear();
+ _resource_connection.disconnect();
+ _document = document;
+ if (document) {
+ _resource_connection = document->connectResourcesChanged("layer", sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LayerManager::_rebuild));
+ _layer_hierarchy->setTop(document->getRoot());
+ }
+ _rebuild();
+void LayerManager::_layer_activated(SPObject *layer)
+ if (auto group = cast<SPGroup>(layer)) {
+ group->setLayerDisplayMode(_desktop->dkey, SPGroup::LAYER);
+ }
+void LayerManager::_layer_deactivated(SPObject *layer)
+ if (auto group = cast<SPGroup>(layer)) {
+ group->setLayerDisplayMode(_desktop->dkey, SPGroup::GROUP);
+ }
+ * Returns current root (=bottom) layer.
+ */
+SPGroup *LayerManager::currentRoot() const
+ return cast<SPGroup>(_layer_hierarchy->top());
+ * Returns current top layer.
+ */
+SPGroup *LayerManager::currentLayer() const
+ return cast<SPGroup>(_layer_hierarchy->bottom());
+ * Resets the bottom layer to the current root
+ */
+void LayerManager::reset() {
+ _layer_hierarchy->setBottom(currentRoot());
+ * Return a unique layer name similar to param label
+ * A unique name is made by substituting or appending the label's number suffix with
+ * the next unique larger number suffix not already used for any layer name
+ */
+Glib::ustring LayerManager::getNextLayerName( SPObject* obj, gchar const *label)
+ Glib::ustring incoming( label ? label : "Layer 1" );
+ Glib::ustring result(incoming);
+ Glib::ustring base(incoming);
+ Glib::ustring split(" ");
+ guint startNum = 1;
+ gint pos = base.length()-1;
+ while (pos >= 0 && g_ascii_isdigit(base[pos])) {
+ pos-- ;
+ }
+ gchar* numpart = g_strdup(base.substr(pos+1).c_str());
+ if ( numpart ) {
+ gchar* endPtr = nullptr;
+ guint64 val = g_ascii_strtoull( numpart, &endPtr, 10);
+ if ( ((val > 0) || (endPtr != numpart)) && (val < 65536) ) {
+ base.erase( pos+1);
+ result = incoming;
+ startNum = static_cast<int>(val);
+ split = "";
+ }
+ g_free(numpart);
+ }
+ std::set<Glib::ustring> currentNames;
+ std::vector<SPObject *> layers = _document->getResourceList("layer");
+ if (currentRoot()) {
+ for (auto layer : layers) {
+ if (layer != obj)
+ currentNames.insert(layer->label() ? Glib::ustring(layer->label()) : Glib::ustring());
+ }
+ }
+ // Not sure if we need to cap it, but we'll just be paranoid for the moment
+ // Intentionally unsigned
+ guint endNum = startNum + 3000;
+ for ( guint i = startNum; (i < endNum) && (currentNames.find(result) != currentNames.end()); i++ ) {
+ result = Glib::ustring::format(base, split, i);
+ }
+ return result;
+void LayerManager::renameLayer( SPObject* obj, gchar const *label, bool uniquify )
+ Glib::ustring incoming( label ? label : "" );
+ Glib::ustring result(incoming);
+ if (uniquify) {
+ result = getNextLayerName(obj, label);
+ }
+ obj->setLabel( result.c_str() );
+ * Sets the current layer of the desktop.
+ *
+ * Make \a object the top layer.
+ */
+void LayerManager::setCurrentLayer(SPObject *object, bool clear) {
+ if (auto root = currentRoot()) {
+ if (root != object && !root->isAncestorOf(object))
+ return;
+ g_return_if_fail(is<SPGroup>(object));
+ _layer_hierarchy->setBottom(object);
+ Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
+ if (clear && prefs->getBool("/options/selection/layerdeselect", true)) {
+ _desktop->getSelection()->clear();
+ }
+ }
+std::list<SPItem *> LayerManager::getAllLayers()
+ std::list<SPItem *> layers;
+ for (SPObject *obj = Inkscape::previous_layer(currentRoot(), currentRoot()); obj;
+ obj = Inkscape::previous_layer(currentRoot(), obj)) {
+ auto item = cast<SPItem>(obj);
+ layers.push_back(item);
+ }
+ return layers;
+void LayerManager::toggleHideAllLayers(bool hide) {
+ for ( SPObject* obj = Inkscape::previous_layer(currentRoot(), currentRoot()); obj; obj = Inkscape::previous_layer(currentRoot(), obj) ) {
+ cast<SPItem>(obj)->setHidden(hide);
+ }
+void LayerManager::toggleLockAllLayers(bool lock) {
+ for ( SPObject* obj = Inkscape::previous_layer(currentRoot(), currentRoot()); obj; obj = Inkscape::previous_layer(currentRoot(), obj) ) {
+ cast<SPItem>(obj)->setLocked(lock);
+ }
+void LayerManager::_rebuild() {
+// Debug::EventTracker<DebugLayerRebuild> tracker1();
+ _clear();
+ if (!_document || !_desktop)
+ return;
+ std::vector<SPObject *> layers = _document->getResourceList("layer");
+ if (auto root = _desktop->layerManager().currentRoot()) {
+ _addOne(root);
+ std::set<SPGroup *> layersToAdd;
+ for (auto &layer : layers) {
+ bool needsAdd = false;
+ std::set<SPGroup *> additional;
+ if (root->isAncestorOf(layer)) {
+ needsAdd = true;
+ for (SPObject* curr = layer; curr && (curr != root) && needsAdd; curr = curr->parent) {
+ if (auto group = cast<SPGroup>(curr)) {
+ if (group->isLayer()) {
+ // If we have a layer-group as the one or a parent, ensure it is listed as a valid layer.
+ needsAdd &= ( std::find(layers.begin(),layers.end(),curr) != layers.end() );
+ // XML Tree being used here directly while it shouldn't be...
+ if ( (!(group->getRepr())) || (!(group->getRepr()->parent())) ) {
+ needsAdd = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If a non-layer group is a parent of layer groups, then show it also as a layer.
+ // TODO add the magic Inkscape group mode?
+ // XML Tree being used directly while it shouldn't be...
+ if ( group->getRepr() && group->getRepr()->parent() ) {
+ additional.insert(group);
+ } else {
+ needsAdd = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (needsAdd) {
+ if (!includes(layer)) {
+ layersToAdd.insert(cast<SPGroup>(layer));
+ }
+ for (auto it : additional) {
+ if (!includes(it)) {
+ layersToAdd.insert(it);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto layer : layersToAdd) {
+ // Filter out objects in the middle of being deleted
+ // Such may have been the cause of bug 1339397.
+ // See
+ SPObject const *higher = layer;
+ while ( higher && (higher->parent != root) ) {
+ higher = higher->parent;
+ }
+ Inkscape::XML::Node const* node = higher ? higher->getRepr() : nullptr;
+ if ( node && node->parent() ) {
+ _addOne(layer);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static bool is_layer(SPObject &object) {
+ return is<SPGroup>(&object) &&
+ cast<SPGroup>(&object)->layerMode() == SPGroup::LAYER;
+void LayerManager::_selectedLayerChanged(SPObject *top, SPObject *bottom)
+ if (auto group = cast<SPGroup>(bottom)) {
+ _layer_changed_signal.emit(group);
+ }
+/** Finds the next sibling layer for a \a layer
+ *
+ * @returns NULL if there are no further layers under a parent
+ */
+static SPObject *next_sibling_layer(SPObject *layer) {
+ if (layer->parent == nullptr) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ SPObject::ChildrenList &list = layer->parent->children;
+ auto l = std::find_if(++list.iterator_to(*layer), list.end(), &is_layer);
+ return l != list.end() ? &*l : nullptr;
+/** Finds the previous sibling layer for a \a layer
+ *
+ * @returns NULL if there are no further layers under a parent
+ */
+static SPObject *previous_sibling_layer(SPObject *layer) {
+ SPObject::ChildrenList &list = layer->parent->children;
+ auto start = SPObject::ChildrenList::reverse_iterator(list.iterator_to(*layer));
+ auto l = std::find_if(start, list.rend(), &is_layer);
+ return l != list.rend() ? &*l : nullptr;
+/** Finds the first child of a \a layer
+ *
+ * @returns the layer itself if layer has no sublayers
+ */
+static SPObject *first_descendant_layer(SPObject *layer) {
+ while (true) {
+ auto first_descendant = std::find_if(layer->children.begin(), layer->children.end(), &is_layer);
+ if (first_descendant == layer->children.end()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ layer = &*first_descendant;
+ }
+ return layer;
+/** Finds the last (topmost) child of a \a layer
+ *
+ * @returns NULL if layer has no sublayers
+ */
+static SPObject *last_child_layer(SPObject *layer) {
+ auto& list = layer->children;
+ auto l = std::find_if(list.rbegin(), list.rend(), &is_layer);
+ return l != list.rend() ? &*l : nullptr;
+static SPObject *last_elder_layer(SPObject *root, SPObject *layer) {
+ SPObject *result = nullptr;
+ while ( layer != root ) {
+ SPObject *sibling(previous_sibling_layer(layer));
+ if (sibling) {
+ result = sibling;
+ break;
+ }
+ layer = layer->parent;
+ }
+ return result;
+/** Finds the next layer under \a root, relative to \a layer in
+ * depth-first order.
+ *
+ * @returns NULL if there are no further layers under \a root
+ */
+SPObject *next_layer(SPObject *root, SPObject *layer) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(layer != nullptr, NULL);
+ SPObject *result = nullptr;
+ SPObject *sibling = next_sibling_layer(layer);
+ if (sibling) {
+ result = first_descendant_layer(sibling);
+ } else if ( layer->parent != root ) {
+ result = layer->parent;
+ }
+ return result;
+/** Finds the previous layer under \a root, relative to \a layer in
+ * depth-first order.
+ *
+ * @returns NULL if there are no prior layers under \a root.
+ */
+SPObject *previous_layer(SPObject *root, SPObject *layer) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(layer != nullptr, NULL);
+ SPObject *result = nullptr;
+ SPObject *child = last_child_layer(layer);
+ if (child) {
+ result = child;
+ } else if ( layer != root ) {
+ SPObject *sibling = previous_sibling_layer(layer);
+ if (sibling) {
+ result = sibling;
+ } else {
+ result = last_elder_layer(root, layer->parent);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+* Creates a new layer. Advances to the next layer id indicated
+ * by the string "layerNN", then creates a new group object of
+ * that id with attribute inkscape:groupmode='layer', and finally
+ * appends the new group object to \a root after object \a layer.
+ *
+ * \pre \a root should be either \a layer or an ancestor of it
+ */
+SPObject *create_layer(SPObject *root, SPObject *layer, LayerRelativePosition position) {
+ SPDocument *document = root->document;
+ static int layer_suffix=1;
+ gchar *id=nullptr;
+ do {
+ g_free(id);
+ id = g_strdup_printf("layer%d", layer_suffix++);
+ } while (document->getObjectById(id));
+ Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc = document->getReprDoc();
+ Inkscape::XML::Node *repr = xml_doc->createElement("svg:g");
+ repr->setAttribute("inkscape:groupmode", "layer");
+ repr->setAttribute("id", id);
+ g_free(id);
+ if ( LPOS_CHILD == position ) {
+ root = layer;
+ SPObject *child_layer = Inkscape::last_child_layer(layer);
+ if ( nullptr != child_layer ) {
+ layer = child_layer;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( root == layer ) {
+ root->getRepr()->appendChild(repr);
+ } else {
+ Inkscape::XML::Node *layer_repr = layer->getRepr();
+ layer_repr->parent()->addChild(repr, layer_repr);
+ if ( LPOS_BELOW == position ) {
+ cast<SPItem>(document->getObjectByRepr(repr))->lowerOne();
+ }
+ }
+ return document->getObjectByRepr(repr);
+std::vector<SPItem*> get_layers_to_toggle(SPObject* layer, SPObject* current_root) {
+ std::vector<SPItem*> layers;
+ if (!is<SPGroup>(layer) ||
+ !(current_root == layer || (current_root && current_root->isAncestorOf(layer)))) {
+ g_warning("Bogus input to get_layers_to_toggle_toggle");
+ return layers;
+ }
+ for (; layer->parent; layer = layer->parent) {
+ for (auto &sibling : layer->parent->children) {
+ auto sibling_group = cast<SPGroup>(&sibling);
+ if (sibling_group && sibling_group != layer && sibling_group->isLayer()) {
+ layers.push_back(sibling_group);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return layers;
+ * Toggle the sensitivity of every layer except the given layer.
+ */
+void LayerManager::toggleLockOtherLayers(SPObject *object, bool force_lock) {
+ auto layers = get_layers_to_toggle(object, currentRoot());
+ if (layers.empty()) return;
+ bool othersLocked = force_lock ? true : std::any_of(layers.begin(), layers.end(), [](SPItem* l){ return !l->isLocked(); });
+ if (auto item = cast<SPItem>(object)) {
+ if (item->isLocked()) {
+ item->setLocked(false);
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto layer : layers) {
+ if (layer->isLocked() != othersLocked) {
+ layer->setLocked(othersLocked);
+ }
+ }
+ * Toggle the visibility of every layer except the given layer.
+ */
+void LayerManager::toggleLayerSolo(SPObject *object, bool force_hide) {
+ auto layers = get_layers_to_toggle(object, currentRoot());
+ if (layers.empty()) return;
+ bool othersShowing = force_hide ? true : std::any_of(layers.begin(), layers.end(), [](SPItem* l){ return !l->isHidden(); });
+ if (auto item = cast<SPItem>(object)) {
+ if (item->isHidden()) {
+ item->setHidden(false);
+ }
+ }
+ for (auto & layer : layers) {
+ if (layer->isHidden() != othersShowing) {
+ layer->setHidden(othersShowing);
+ }
+ }
+ * Return layer that contains \a object.
+ */
+SPObject *LayerManager::layerForObject(SPObject *object) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(object != nullptr, NULL);
+ if (isLayer(object)) {
+ return object;
+ }
+ SPObject *root=currentRoot();
+ object = object->parent;
+ while ( object && object != root && !isLayer(object) ) {
+ // Objects in defs have no layer and are NOT in the root layer
+ if(is<SPDefs>(object))
+ return nullptr;
+ object = object->parent;
+ }
+ return object;
+ * True if object is a layer.
+ */
+bool LayerManager::isLayer(SPObject *object) const
+ if (auto group = cast<SPGroup>(object)) {
+ return group->effectiveLayerMode(_desktop->dkey) == SPGroup::LAYER;
+ }
+ return false;
+ * Return the SPGroup if we have a layer object.
+ */
+SPGroup *LayerManager::asLayer(SPObject *object)
+ if (auto group = cast<SPGroup>(object)) {
+ return group->isLayer() ? group : nullptr;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ Local Variables:
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+ c-file-style:"stroustrup"
+ c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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+ End:
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