path: root/src/ui/tools/text-tool.cpp
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1 files changed, 1905 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ui/tools/text-tool.cpp b/src/ui/tools/text-tool.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aaffa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/tools/text-tool.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1905 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+ * TextTool
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ * Lauris Kaplinski <>
+ * bulia byak <>
+ * Jon A. Cruz <>
+ * Abhishek Sharma
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1999-2005 authors
+ * Copyright (C) 2001 Ximian, Inc.
+ *
+ * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information.
+ */
+#include <cmath>
+#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
+#include <gtkmm/clipboard.h>
+#include <glibmm/i18n.h>
+#include <glibmm/regex.h>
+#include "text-tool.h"
+#include "context-fns.h"
+#include "desktop-style.h"
+#include "desktop.h"
+#include "document-undo.h"
+#include "document.h"
+#include "include/macros.h"
+#include "inkscape.h"
+#include "message-context.h"
+#include "message-stack.h"
+#include "rubberband.h"
+#include "selection-chemistry.h"
+#include "selection.h"
+#include "style.h"
+#include "text-editing.h"
+#include "display/control/canvas-item-curve.h"
+#include "display/control/canvas-item-quad.h"
+#include "display/control/canvas-item-rect.h"
+#include "display/control/canvas-item-bpath.h"
+#include "display/curve.h"
+#include "livarot/Path.h"
+#include "livarot/Shape.h"
+#include "object/sp-flowtext.h"
+#include "object/sp-namedview.h"
+#include "object/sp-text.h"
+#include "object/sp-textpath.h"
+#include "object/sp-rect.h"
+#include "object/sp-shape.h"
+#include "object/sp-ellipse.h"
+#include "ui/knot/knot-holder.h"
+#include "ui/icon-names.h"
+#include "ui/shape-editor.h"
+#include "ui/widget/canvas.h"
+#include "ui/event-debug.h"
+#include "xml/attribute-record.h"
+#include "xml/sp-css-attr.h"
+using Inkscape::DocumentUndo;
+namespace Inkscape {
+namespace UI {
+namespace Tools {
+static void sp_text_context_validate_cursor_iterators(TextTool *tc);
+static void sp_text_context_update_cursor(TextTool *tc, bool scroll_to_see = true);
+static void sp_text_context_update_text_selection(TextTool *tc);
+static gint sp_text_context_timeout(TextTool *tc);
+static void sp_text_context_forget_text(TextTool *tc);
+static gint sptc_focus_in(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventFocus *event, TextTool *tc);
+static gint sptc_focus_out(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventFocus *event, TextTool *tc);
+static void sptc_commit(GtkIMContext *imc, gchar *string, TextTool *tc);
+TextTool::TextTool(SPDesktop *desktop)
+ : ToolBase(desktop, "/tools/text", "text.svg")
+ GtkSettings* settings = gtk_settings_get_default();
+ gint timeout = 0;
+ g_object_get( settings, "gtk-cursor-blink-time", &timeout, nullptr );
+ if (timeout < 0) {
+ timeout = 200;
+ } else {
+ timeout /= 2;
+ }
+ cursor = make_canvasitem<CanvasItemCurve>(desktop->getCanvasControls());
+ cursor->set_stroke(0x000000ff);
+ cursor->hide();
+ // The rectangle box tightly wrapping text object when selected or under cursor.
+ indicator = make_canvasitem<CanvasItemRect>(desktop->getCanvasControls());
+ indicator->set_stroke(0x0000ff7f);
+ indicator->set_shadow(0xffffff7f, 1);
+ indicator->hide();
+ // The shape that the text is flowing into
+ frame = make_canvasitem<CanvasItemBpath>(desktop->getCanvasControls());
+ frame->set_fill(0x00 /* zero alpha */, SP_WIND_RULE_NONZERO);
+ frame->set_stroke(0x0000ff7f);
+ frame->hide();
+ // A second frame for showing the padding of the above frame
+ padding_frame = make_canvasitem<CanvasItemBpath>(desktop->getCanvasControls());
+ padding_frame->set_fill(0x00 /* zero alpha */, SP_WIND_RULE_NONZERO);
+ padding_frame->set_stroke(0xccccccdf);
+ padding_frame->hide();
+ this->timeout = g_timeout_add(timeout, (GSourceFunc) sp_text_context_timeout, this);
+ this->imc = gtk_im_multicontext_new();
+ if (this->imc) {
+ GtkWidget *canvas = GTK_WIDGET(desktop->getCanvas()->gobj());
+ /* im preedit handling is very broken in inkscape for
+ * multi-byte characters. See bug 1086769.
+ * We need to let the IM handle the preediting, and
+ * just take in the characters when they're finished being
+ * entered.
+ */
+ gtk_im_context_set_use_preedit(this->imc, FALSE);
+ gtk_im_context_set_client_window(this->imc,
+ gtk_widget_get_window (canvas));
+ g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(canvas), "focus_in_event", G_CALLBACK(sptc_focus_in), this);
+ g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(canvas), "focus_out_event", G_CALLBACK(sptc_focus_out), this);
+ g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(this->imc), "commit", G_CALLBACK(sptc_commit), this);
+ if (gtk_widget_has_focus(canvas)) {
+ sptc_focus_in(canvas, nullptr, this);
+ }
+ }
+ this->shape_editor = new ShapeEditor(desktop);
+ SPItem *item = desktop->getSelection()->singleItem();
+ if (item && (is<SPFlowtext>(item) || is<SPText>(item))) {
+ this->shape_editor->set_item(item);
+ }
+ this->sel_changed_connection = _desktop->getSelection()->connectChangedFirst(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &TextTool::_selectionChanged)
+ );
+ this->sel_modified_connection = _desktop->getSelection()->connectModifiedFirst(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &TextTool::_selectionModified)
+ );
+ this->style_set_connection = _desktop->connectSetStyle(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &TextTool::_styleSet)
+ );
+ this->style_query_connection = _desktop->connectQueryStyle(
+ sigc::mem_fun(*this, &TextTool::_styleQueried)
+ );
+ _selectionChanged(desktop->getSelection());
+ Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
+ if (prefs->getBool("/tools/text/selcue")) {
+ this->enableSelectionCue();
+ }
+ if (prefs->getBool("/tools/text/gradientdrag")) {
+ this->enableGrDrag();
+ }
+ if (_desktop) {
+ sp_signal_disconnect_by_data(_desktop->getCanvas()->gobj(), this);
+ }
+ this->enableGrDrag(false);
+ this->style_set_connection.disconnect();
+ this->style_query_connection.disconnect();
+ this->sel_changed_connection.disconnect();
+ this->sel_modified_connection.disconnect();
+ sp_text_context_forget_text(SP_TEXT_CONTEXT(this));
+ if (this->imc) {
+ g_object_unref(G_OBJECT(this->imc));
+ this->imc = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (this->timeout) {
+ g_source_remove(this->timeout);
+ this->timeout = 0;
+ }
+ cursor.reset();
+ indicator.reset();
+ frame.reset();
+ padding_frame.reset();
+ text_selection_quads.clear();
+ delete this->shape_editor;
+ this->shape_editor = nullptr;
+ ungrabCanvasEvents();
+ Inkscape::Rubberband::get(_desktop)->stop();
+void TextTool::deleteSelected()
+ Inkscape::UI::Tools::sp_text_delete_selection(_desktop->event_context);
+ DocumentUndo::done(_desktop->getDocument(), _("Delete text"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text"));
+bool TextTool::item_handler(SPItem* item, GdkEvent* event) {
+ SPItem *item_ungrouped;
+ gint ret = FALSE;
+ sp_text_context_validate_cursor_iterators(this);
+ Inkscape::Text::Layout::iterator old_start = this->text_sel_start;
+ switch (event->type) {
+ if (event->button.button == 1) {
+ // this var allow too much lees subbselection queries
+ // reducing it to cursor iteracion, mouseup and down
+ // find out clicked item, disregarding groups
+ item_ungrouped = _desktop->getItemAtPoint(Geom::Point(event->button.x, event->button.y), TRUE);
+ if (is<SPText>(item_ungrouped) || is<SPFlowtext>(item_ungrouped)) {
+ _desktop->getSelection()->set(item_ungrouped);
+ if (this->text) {
+ // find out click point in document coordinates
+ Geom::Point p = _desktop->w2d(Geom::Point(event->button.x, event->button.y));
+ // set the cursor closest to that point
+ if (event->button.state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) {
+ this->text_sel_start = old_start;
+ this->text_sel_end = sp_te_get_position_by_coords(this->text, p);
+ } else {
+ this->text_sel_start = this->text_sel_end = sp_te_get_position_by_coords(this->text, p);
+ }
+ // update display
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(this);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(this);
+ this->dragging = 1;
+ }
+ ret = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ if (event->button.button == 1 && this->text && this->dragging) {
+ Inkscape::Text::Layout const *layout = te_get_layout(this->text);
+ if (layout) {
+ if (!layout->isStartOfWord(this->text_sel_start))
+ this->text_sel_start.prevStartOfWord();
+ if (!layout->isEndOfWord(this->text_sel_end))
+ this->text_sel_end.nextEndOfWord();
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(this);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(this);
+ this->dragging = 2;
+ ret = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ if (event->button.button == 1 && this->text && this->dragging) {
+ this->text_sel_start.thisStartOfLine();
+ this->text_sel_end.thisEndOfLine();
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(this);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(this);
+ this->dragging = 3;
+ ret = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (event->button.button == 1 && this->dragging) {
+ this->dragging = 0;
+ this->discard_delayed_snap_event();
+ ret = TRUE;
+ _desktop->emit_text_cursor_moved(this, this);
+ }
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!ret) {
+ ret = ToolBase::item_handler(item, event);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static void sp_text_context_setup_text(TextTool *tc)
+ SPDesktop *desktop = tc->getDesktop();
+ /* Create <text> */
+ Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc = desktop->doc()->getReprDoc();
+ Inkscape::XML::Node *rtext = xml_doc->createElement("svg:text");
+ rtext->setAttribute("xml:space", "preserve"); // we preserve spaces in the text objects we create
+ /* Set style */
+ sp_desktop_apply_style_tool(desktop, rtext, "/tools/text", true);
+ rtext->setAttributeSvgDouble("x", tc->pdoc[Geom::X]);
+ rtext->setAttributeSvgDouble("y", tc->pdoc[Geom::Y]);
+ /* Create <tspan> */
+ Inkscape::XML::Node *rtspan = xml_doc->createElement("svg:tspan");
+ rtspan->setAttribute("sodipodi:role", "line"); // otherwise, why bother creating the tspan?
+ rtext->addChild(rtspan, nullptr);
+ Inkscape::GC::release(rtspan);
+ /* Create TEXT */
+ Inkscape::XML::Node *rstring = xml_doc->createTextNode("");
+ rtspan->addChild(rstring, nullptr);
+ Inkscape::GC::release(rstring);
+ auto text_item = cast<SPItem>(tc->currentLayer()->appendChildRepr(rtext));
+ /* fixme: Is selection::changed really immediate? */
+ /* yes, it's immediate .. why does it matter? */
+ desktop->getSelection()->set(text_item);
+ Inkscape::GC::release(rtext);
+ text_item->transform = tc->currentLayer()->i2doc_affine().inverse();
+ text_item->updateRepr();
+ text_item->doWriteTransform(text_item->transform, nullptr, true);
+ DocumentUndo::done(desktop->getDocument(), _("Create text"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text"));
+ * Insert the character indicated by tc.uni to replace the current selection,
+ * and reset tc.uni/tc.unipos to empty string.
+ *
+ * \pre tc.uni/tc.unipos non-empty.
+ */
+static void insert_uni_char(TextTool *const tc)
+ g_return_if_fail(tc->unipos
+ && tc->unipos < sizeof(tc->uni)
+ && tc->uni[tc->unipos] == '\0');
+ unsigned int uv;
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << std::hex << tc->uni;
+ ss >> uv;
+ tc->unipos = 0;
+ tc->uni[tc->unipos] = '\0';
+ if ( !g_unichar_isprint(static_cast<gunichar>(uv))
+ && !(g_unichar_validate(static_cast<gunichar>(uv)) && (g_unichar_type(static_cast<gunichar>(uv)) == G_UNICODE_PRIVATE_USE) ) ) {
+ // This may be due to bad input, so it goes to statusbar.
+ tc->getDesktop()->messageStack()->flash(Inkscape::ERROR_MESSAGE,
+ _("Non-printable character"));
+ } else {
+ if (!tc->text) { // printable key; create text if none (i.e. if nascent_object)
+ sp_text_context_setup_text(tc);
+ tc->nascent_object = false; // we don't need it anymore, having created a real <text>
+ }
+ gchar u[10];
+ guint const len = g_unichar_to_utf8(uv, u);
+ u[len] = '\0';
+ tc->text_sel_start = tc->text_sel_end = sp_te_replace(tc->text, tc->text_sel_start, tc->text_sel_end, u);
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(tc);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(tc);
+ DocumentUndo::done(tc->getDesktop()->getDocument(), _("Insert Unicode character"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text"));
+ }
+static void hex_to_printable_utf8_buf(char const *const ehex, char *utf8)
+ unsigned int uv;
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << std::hex << ehex;
+ ss >> uv;
+ if (!g_unichar_isprint((gunichar) uv)) {
+ uv = 0xfffd;
+ }
+ guint const len = g_unichar_to_utf8(uv, utf8);
+ utf8[len] = '\0';
+static void show_curr_uni_char(TextTool *const tc)
+ g_return_if_fail(tc->unipos < sizeof(tc->uni)
+ && tc->uni[tc->unipos] == '\0');
+ if (tc->unipos) {
+ char utf8[10];
+ hex_to_printable_utf8_buf(tc->uni, utf8);
+ /* Status bar messages are in pango markup, so we need xml escaping. */
+ if (utf8[1] == '\0') {
+ switch(utf8[0]) {
+ case '<': strcpy(utf8, "&lt;"); break;
+ case '>': strcpy(utf8, "&gt;"); break;
+ case '&': strcpy(utf8, "&amp;"); break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ }
+ tc->defaultMessageContext()->setF(Inkscape::NORMAL_MESSAGE,
+ _("Unicode (<b>Enter</b> to finish): %s: %s"), tc->uni, utf8);
+ } else {
+ tc->defaultMessageContext()->set(Inkscape::NORMAL_MESSAGE, _("Unicode (<b>Enter</b> to finish): "));
+ }
+bool TextTool::root_handler(GdkEvent* event) {
+ ui_dump_event(reinterpret_cast<GdkEvent *>(event), "TextTool::root_handler");
+ indicator->hide();
+ sp_text_context_validate_cursor_iterators(this);
+ Inkscape::Preferences *prefs = Inkscape::Preferences::get();
+ tolerance = prefs->getIntLimited("/options/dragtolerance/value", 0, 0, 100);
+ switch (event->type) {
+ if (event->button.button == 1) {
+ if (Inkscape::have_viable_layer(_desktop, _desktop->getMessageStack()) == false) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ // save drag origin
+ this->xp = (gint) event->button.x;
+ this->yp = (gint) event->button.y;
+ this->within_tolerance = true;
+ Geom::Point const button_pt(event->button.x, event->button.y);
+ Geom::Point button_dt(_desktop->w2d(button_pt));
+ SnapManager &m = _desktop->namedview->snap_manager;
+ m.setup(_desktop);
+ m.freeSnapReturnByRef(button_dt, Inkscape::SNAPSOURCE_NODE_HANDLE);
+ m.unSetup();
+ this->p0 = button_dt;
+ Inkscape::Rubberband::get(_desktop)->start(_desktop, this->p0);
+ grabCanvasEvents();
+ this->creating = true;
+ /* Processed */
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (this->creating && (event->motion.state & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK)) {
+ if ( this->within_tolerance
+ && ( abs( (gint) event->motion.x - this->xp ) < this->tolerance )
+ && ( abs( (gint) event->motion.y - this->yp ) < this->tolerance ) ) {
+ break; // do not drag if we're within tolerance from origin
+ }
+ // Once the user has moved farther than tolerance from the original location
+ // (indicating they intend to draw, not click), then always process the
+ // motion notify coordinates as given (no snapping back to origin)
+ this->within_tolerance = false;
+ Geom::Point const motion_pt(event->motion.x, event->motion.y);
+ Geom::Point p = _desktop->w2d(motion_pt);
+ SnapManager &m = _desktop->namedview->snap_manager;
+ m.setup(_desktop);
+ m.freeSnapReturnByRef(p, Inkscape::SNAPSOURCE_NODE_HANDLE);
+ m.unSetup();
+ Inkscape::Rubberband::get(_desktop)->move(p);
+ gobble_motion_events(GDK_BUTTON1_MASK);
+ // status text
+ Inkscape::Util::Quantity x_q = Inkscape::Util::Quantity(fabs((p - this->p0)[Geom::X]), "px");
+ Inkscape::Util::Quantity y_q = Inkscape::Util::Quantity(fabs((p - this->p0)[Geom::Y]), "px");
+ Glib::ustring xs = x_q.string(_desktop->namedview->display_units);
+ Glib::ustring ys = y_q.string(_desktop->namedview->display_units);
+ this->message_context->setF(Inkscape::IMMEDIATE_MESSAGE, _("<b>Flowed text frame</b>: %s &#215; %s"), xs.c_str(), ys.c_str());
+ } else if (!this->sp_event_context_knot_mouseover()) {
+ SnapManager &m = _desktop->namedview->snap_manager;
+ m.setup(_desktop);
+ Geom::Point const motion_w(event->motion.x, event->motion.y);
+ Geom::Point motion_dt(_desktop->w2d(motion_w));
+ m.preSnap(Inkscape::SnapCandidatePoint(motion_dt, Inkscape::SNAPSOURCE_OTHER_HANDLE));
+ m.unSetup();
+ }
+ if ((event->motion.state & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK) && this->dragging) {
+ Inkscape::Text::Layout const *layout = te_get_layout(this->text);
+ if (!layout)
+ break;
+ // find out click point in document coordinates
+ Geom::Point p = _desktop->w2d(Geom::Point(event->button.x, event->button.y));
+ // set the cursor closest to that point
+ Inkscape::Text::Layout::iterator new_end = sp_te_get_position_by_coords(this->text, p);
+ if (this->dragging == 2) {
+ // double-click dragging: go by word
+ if (new_end < this->text_sel_start) {
+ if (!layout->isStartOfWord(new_end))
+ new_end.prevStartOfWord();
+ } else if (!layout->isEndOfWord(new_end))
+ new_end.nextEndOfWord();
+ } else if (this->dragging == 3) {
+ // triple-click dragging: go by line
+ if (new_end < this->text_sel_start)
+ new_end.thisStartOfLine();
+ else
+ new_end.thisEndOfLine();
+ }
+ // update display
+ if (this->text_sel_end != new_end) {
+ this->text_sel_end = new_end;
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(this);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(this);
+ }
+ gobble_motion_events(GDK_BUTTON1_MASK);
+ break;
+ }
+ // find out item under mouse, disregarding groups
+ SPItem *item_ungrouped =
+ _desktop->getItemAtPoint(Geom::Point(event->button.x, event->button.y), TRUE, nullptr);
+ if (is<SPText>(item_ungrouped) || is<SPFlowtext>(item_ungrouped)) {
+ Inkscape::Text::Layout const *layout = te_get_layout(item_ungrouped);
+ if (layout->inputTruncated()) {
+ indicator->set_stroke(0xff0000ff);
+ } else {
+ indicator->set_stroke(0x0000ff7f);
+ }
+ Geom::OptRect ibbox = item_ungrouped->desktopVisualBounds();
+ if (ibbox) {
+ indicator->set_rect(*ibbox);
+ }
+ indicator->show();
+ this->set_cursor("text-insert.svg");
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(this);
+ if (is<SPText>(item_ungrouped)) {
+ _desktop->event_context->defaultMessageContext()->set(
+ _("<b>Click</b> to edit the text, <b>drag</b> to select part of the text."));
+ } else {
+ _desktop->event_context->defaultMessageContext()->set(
+ _("<b>Click</b> to edit the flowed text, <b>drag</b> to select part of the text."));
+ }
+ this->over_text = true;
+ } else {
+ // update cursor and statusbar: we are not over a text object now
+ this->set_cursor("text.svg");
+ _desktop->event_context->defaultMessageContext()->clear();
+ this->over_text = false;
+ }
+ } break;
+ if (event->button.button == 1) {
+ this->discard_delayed_snap_event();
+ Geom::Point p1 = _desktop->w2d(Geom::Point(event->button.x, event->button.y));
+ SnapManager &m = _desktop->namedview->snap_manager;
+ m.setup(_desktop);
+ m.freeSnapReturnByRef(p1, Inkscape::SNAPSOURCE_NODE_HANDLE);
+ m.unSetup();
+ ungrabCanvasEvents();
+ Inkscape::Rubberband::get(_desktop)->stop();
+ if (this->creating && this->within_tolerance) {
+ /* Button 1, set X & Y & new item */
+ _desktop->getSelection()->clear();
+ this->pdoc = _desktop->dt2doc(p1);
+ this->show = TRUE;
+ this->phase = true;
+ this->nascent_object = true; // new object was just created
+ /* Cursor */
+ cursor->show();
+ // Cursor height is defined by the new text object's font size; it needs to be set
+ // artificially here, for the text object does not exist yet:
+ double cursor_height = sp_desktop_get_font_size_tool(_desktop);
+ auto const y_dir = _desktop->yaxisdir();
+ Geom::Point const cursor_size(0, y_dir * cursor_height);
+ cursor->set_coords(p1, p1 - cursor_size);
+ if (this->imc) {
+ GdkRectangle im_cursor;
+ Geom::Point const top_left = _desktop->get_display_area().corner(0);
+ Geom::Point const im_d0 = _desktop->d2w(p1 - top_left);
+ Geom::Point const im_d1 = _desktop->d2w(p1 - cursor_size - top_left);
+ Geom::Rect const im_rect(im_d0, im_d1);
+ im_cursor.x = (int) floor(im_rect.left());
+ im_cursor.y = (int) floor(;
+ im_cursor.width = (int) floor(im_rect.width());
+ im_cursor.height = (int) floor(im_rect.height());
+ gtk_im_context_set_cursor_location(this->imc, &im_cursor);
+ }
+ this->message_context->set(Inkscape::NORMAL_MESSAGE, _("Type text; <b>Enter</b> to start new line.")); // FIXME:: this is a copy of a string from _update_cursor below, do not desync
+ this->within_tolerance = false;
+ } else if (this->creating) {
+ double cursor_height = sp_desktop_get_font_size_tool(_desktop);
+ if (fabs(p1[Geom::Y] - this->p0[Geom::Y]) > cursor_height) {
+ // otherwise even one line won't fit; most probably a slip of hand (even if bigger than tolerance)
+ if (prefs->getBool("/tools/text/use_svg2", true)) {
+ // SVG 2 text
+ SPItem *text = create_text_with_rectangle (_desktop, this->p0, p1);
+ _desktop->getSelection()->set(text);
+ } else {
+ // SVG 1.2 text
+ SPItem *ft = create_flowtext_with_internal_frame (_desktop, this->p0, p1);
+ _desktop->getSelection()->set(ft);
+ }
+ _desktop->messageStack()->flash(Inkscape::NORMAL_MESSAGE, _("Flowed text is created."));
+ DocumentUndo::done(_desktop->getDocument(), _("Create flowed text"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text"));
+ } else {
+ _desktop->messageStack()->flash(Inkscape::ERROR_MESSAGE, _("The frame is <b>too small</b> for the current font size. Flowed text not created."));
+ }
+ }
+ this->creating = false;
+ _desktop->emit_text_cursor_moved(this, this);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case GDK_KEY_PRESS: {
+ guint const group0_keyval = get_latin_keyval(&event->key);
+ if (group0_keyval == GDK_KEY_KP_Add ||
+ group0_keyval == GDK_KEY_KP_Subtract) {
+ if (!(event->key.state & GDK_MOD2_MASK)) // mod2 is NumLock; if on, type +/- keys
+ break; // otherwise pass on keypad +/- so they can zoom
+ }
+ if ((this->text) || (this->nascent_object)) {
+ // there is an active text object in this context, or a new object was just created
+ // Input methods often use Ctrl+Shift+U for preediting (unimode).
+ // Override it so we can use our unimode.
+ bool preedit_activation = (MOD__CTRL(event) && MOD__SHIFT(event) && !MOD__ALT(event))
+ && (group0_keyval == GDK_KEY_U || group0_keyval == GDK_KEY_u);
+ if (this->unimode || !this->imc || preedit_activation
+ || !gtk_im_context_filter_keypress(this->imc, (GdkEventKey*) event)) {
+ // IM did not consume the key, or we're in unimode
+ if (!MOD__CTRL_ONLY(event) && this->unimode) {
+ /* TODO: ISO 14755 (section 3 Definitions) says that we should also
+ accept the first 6 characters of alphabets other than the latin
+ alphabet "if the Latin alphabet is not used". The below is also
+ reasonable (viz. hope that the user's keyboard includes latin
+ characters and force latin interpretation -- just as we do for our
+ keyboard shortcuts), but differs from the ISO 14755
+ recommendation. */
+ switch (group0_keyval) {
+ case GDK_KEY_space:
+ case GDK_KEY_KP_Space: {
+ if (this->unipos) {
+ insert_uni_char(this);
+ }
+ /* Stay in unimode. */
+ show_curr_uni_char(this);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ case GDK_KEY_BackSpace: {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(this->unipos < sizeof(this->uni), TRUE);
+ if (this->unipos) {
+ this->uni[--this->unipos] = '\0';
+ }
+ show_curr_uni_char(this);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ case GDK_KEY_Return:
+ case GDK_KEY_KP_Enter: {
+ if (this->unipos) {
+ insert_uni_char(this);
+ }
+ /* Exit unimode. */
+ this->unimode = false;
+ this->defaultMessageContext()->clear();
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ case GDK_KEY_Escape: {
+ // Cancel unimode.
+ this->unimode = false;
+ gtk_im_context_reset(this->imc);
+ this->defaultMessageContext()->clear();
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ case GDK_KEY_Shift_L:
+ case GDK_KEY_Shift_R:
+ break;
+ default: {
+ guint32 xdigit = gdk_keyval_to_unicode(group0_keyval);
+ if (xdigit <= 255 && g_ascii_isxdigit(xdigit)) {
+ g_return_val_if_fail(this->unipos < sizeof(this->uni) - 1, TRUE);
+ this->uni[this->unipos++] = xdigit;
+ this->uni[this->unipos] = '\0';
+ if (this->unipos == 8) {
+ /* This behaviour is partly to allow us to continue to
+ use a fixed-length buffer for tc->uni. Reason for
+ choosing the number 8 is that it's the length of
+ ``canonical form'' mentioned in the ISO 14755 spec.
+ An advantage over choosing 6 is that it allows using
+ backspace for typos & misremembering when entering a
+ 6-digit number. */
+ insert_uni_char(this);
+ }
+ show_curr_uni_char(this);
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ /* The intent is to ignore but consume characters that could be
+ typos for hex digits. Gtk seems to ignore & consume all
+ non-hex-digits, and we do similar here. Though note that some
+ shortcuts (like keypad +/- for zoom) get processed before
+ reaching this code. */
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Inkscape::Text::Layout::iterator old_start = this->text_sel_start;
+ Inkscape::Text::Layout::iterator old_end = this->text_sel_end;
+ bool cursor_moved = false;
+ int screenlines = 1;
+ if (this->text) {
+ double spacing = sp_te_get_average_linespacing(this->text);
+ Geom::Rect const d = _desktop->get_display_area().bounds();
+ screenlines = (int) floor(fabs(d.min()[Geom::Y] - d.max()[Geom::Y])/spacing) - 1;
+ if (screenlines <= 0)
+ screenlines = 1;
+ }
+ /* Neither unimode nor IM consumed key; process text tool shortcuts */
+ switch (group0_keyval) {
+ case GDK_KEY_x:
+ case GDK_KEY_X:
+ if (MOD__ALT_ONLY(event)) {
+ _desktop->setToolboxFocusTo("TextFontFamilyAction_entry");
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case GDK_KEY_space:
+ if (MOD__CTRL_ONLY(event)) {
+ /* No-break space */
+ if (!this->text) { // printable key; create text if none (i.e. if nascent_object)
+ sp_text_context_setup_text(this);
+ this->nascent_object = false; // we don't need it anymore, having created a real <text>
+ }
+ this->text_sel_start = this->text_sel_end = sp_te_replace(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, "\302\240");
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(this);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(this);
+ _desktop->messageStack()->flash(Inkscape::NORMAL_MESSAGE, _("No-break space"));
+ DocumentUndo::done(_desktop->getDocument(), _("Insert no-break space"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text"));
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case GDK_KEY_U:
+ case GDK_KEY_u:
+ if (MOD__CTRL_ONLY(event) || (MOD__CTRL(event) && MOD__SHIFT(event))) {
+ if (this->unimode) {
+ this->unimode = false;
+ this->defaultMessageContext()->clear();
+ } else {
+ this->unimode = true;
+ this->unipos = 0;
+ this->defaultMessageContext()->set(Inkscape::NORMAL_MESSAGE, _("Unicode (<b>Enter</b> to finish): "));
+ }
+ if (this->imc) {
+ gtk_im_context_reset(this->imc);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case GDK_KEY_B:
+ case GDK_KEY_b:
+ if (MOD__CTRL_ONLY(event) && this->text) {
+ SPStyle const *style = sp_te_style_at_position(this->text, std::min(this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end));
+ SPCSSAttr *css = sp_repr_css_attr_new();
+ if (style->font_weight.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL
+ || style->font_weight.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_100
+ || style->font_weight.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_200
+ || style->font_weight.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_300
+ || style->font_weight.computed == SP_CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_400)
+ sp_repr_css_set_property(css, "font-weight", "bold");
+ else
+ sp_repr_css_set_property(css, "font-weight", "normal");
+ sp_te_apply_style(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, css);
+ sp_repr_css_attr_unref(css);
+ DocumentUndo::done(_desktop->getDocument(), _("Make bold"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text"));
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(this);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(this);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case GDK_KEY_I:
+ case GDK_KEY_i:
+ if (MOD__CTRL_ONLY(event) && this->text) {
+ SPStyle const *style = sp_te_style_at_position(this->text, std::min(this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end));
+ SPCSSAttr *css = sp_repr_css_attr_new();
+ if (style->font_style.computed != SP_CSS_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL)
+ sp_repr_css_set_property(css, "font-style", "normal");
+ else
+ sp_repr_css_set_property(css, "font-style", "italic");
+ sp_te_apply_style(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, css);
+ sp_repr_css_attr_unref(css);
+ DocumentUndo::done(_desktop->getDocument(), _("Make italic"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text"));
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(this);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(this);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case GDK_KEY_A:
+ case GDK_KEY_a:
+ if (MOD__CTRL_ONLY(event) && this->text) {
+ Inkscape::Text::Layout const *layout = te_get_layout(this->text);
+ if (layout) {
+ this->text_sel_start = layout->begin();
+ this->text_sel_end = layout->end();
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(this);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(this);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case GDK_KEY_Return:
+ case GDK_KEY_KP_Enter:
+ {
+ if (!this->text) { // printable key; create text if none (i.e. if nascent_object)
+ sp_text_context_setup_text(this);
+ this->nascent_object = false; // we don't need it anymore, having created a real <text>
+ }
+ auto text_element = cast<SPText>(text);
+ if (text_element && (text_element->has_shape_inside() || text_element->has_inline_size())) {
+ // Handle new line like any other character.
+ this->text_sel_start = this->text_sel_end = sp_te_insert(this->text, this->text_sel_start, "\n");
+ } else {
+ // Replace new line by either <tspan sodipodi:role="line" or <flowPara>.
+ iterator_pair enter_pair;
+ bool success = sp_te_delete(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, enter_pair);
+ (void)success; // TODO cleanup
+ this->text_sel_start = this->text_sel_end = enter_pair.first;
+ this->text_sel_start = this->text_sel_end = sp_te_insert_line(this->text, this->text_sel_start);
+ }
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(this);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(this);
+ DocumentUndo::done(_desktop->getDocument(), _("New line"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text"));
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ case GDK_KEY_BackSpace:
+ if (this->text) { // if nascent_object, do nothing, but return TRUE; same for all other delete and move keys
+ bool noSelection = false;
+ if (MOD__CTRL(event)) {
+ this->text_sel_start = this->text_sel_end;
+ }
+ if (this->text_sel_start == this->text_sel_end) {
+ if (MOD__CTRL(event)) {
+ this->text_sel_start.prevStartOfWord();
+ } else {
+ this->text_sel_start.prevCursorPosition();
+ }
+ noSelection = true;
+ }
+ iterator_pair bspace_pair;
+ bool success = sp_te_delete(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, bspace_pair);
+ if (noSelection) {
+ if (success) {
+ this->text_sel_start = this->text_sel_end = bspace_pair.first;
+ } else { // nothing deleted
+ this->text_sel_start = this->text_sel_end = bspace_pair.second;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (success) {
+ this->text_sel_start = this->text_sel_end = bspace_pair.first;
+ } else { // nothing deleted
+ this->text_sel_start = bspace_pair.first;
+ this->text_sel_end = bspace_pair.second;
+ }
+ }
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(this);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(this);
+ DocumentUndo::done(_desktop->getDocument(), _("Backspace"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text"));
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ case GDK_KEY_Delete:
+ case GDK_KEY_KP_Delete:
+ if (this->text) {
+ bool noSelection = false;
+ if (MOD__CTRL(event)) {
+ this->text_sel_start = this->text_sel_end;
+ }
+ if (this->text_sel_start == this->text_sel_end) {
+ if (MOD__CTRL(event)) {
+ this->text_sel_end.nextEndOfWord();
+ } else {
+ this->text_sel_end.nextCursorPosition();
+ }
+ noSelection = true;
+ }
+ iterator_pair del_pair;
+ bool success = sp_te_delete(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, del_pair);
+ if (noSelection) {
+ this->text_sel_start = this->text_sel_end = del_pair.first;
+ } else {
+ if (success) {
+ this->text_sel_start = this->text_sel_end = del_pair.first;
+ } else { // nothing deleted
+ this->text_sel_start = del_pair.first;
+ this->text_sel_end = del_pair.second;
+ }
+ }
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(this);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(this);
+ DocumentUndo::done(_desktop->getDocument(), _("Delete"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text"));
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ case GDK_KEY_Left:
+ case GDK_KEY_KP_Left:
+ case GDK_KEY_KP_4:
+ if (this->text) {
+ if (MOD__ALT(event)) {
+ gint mul = 1 + gobble_key_events(
+ get_latin_keyval(&event->key), 0); // with any mask
+ if (MOD__SHIFT(event))
+ sp_te_adjust_kerning_screen(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, _desktop, Geom::Point(mul*-10, 0));
+ else
+ sp_te_adjust_kerning_screen(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, _desktop, Geom::Point(mul*-1, 0));
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(this);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(this);
+ DocumentUndo::maybeDone(_desktop->getDocument(), "kern:left", _("Kern to the left"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text"));
+ } else {
+ if (MOD__CTRL(event))
+ this->text_sel_end.cursorLeftWithControl();
+ else
+ this->text_sel_end.cursorLeft();
+ cursor_moved = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ case GDK_KEY_Right:
+ case GDK_KEY_KP_Right:
+ case GDK_KEY_KP_6:
+ if (this->text) {
+ if (MOD__ALT(event)) {
+ gint mul = 1 + gobble_key_events(
+ get_latin_keyval(&event->key), 0); // with any mask
+ if (MOD__SHIFT(event))
+ sp_te_adjust_kerning_screen(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, _desktop, Geom::Point(mul*10, 0));
+ else
+ sp_te_adjust_kerning_screen(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, _desktop, Geom::Point(mul*1, 0));
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(this);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(this);
+ DocumentUndo::maybeDone(_desktop->getDocument(), "kern:right", _("Kern to the right"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text"));
+ } else {
+ if (MOD__CTRL(event))
+ this->text_sel_end.cursorRightWithControl();
+ else
+ this->text_sel_end.cursorRight();
+ cursor_moved = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ case GDK_KEY_Up:
+ case GDK_KEY_KP_Up:
+ case GDK_KEY_KP_8:
+ if (this->text) {
+ if (MOD__ALT(event)) {
+ gint mul = 1 + gobble_key_events(
+ get_latin_keyval(&event->key), 0); // with any mask
+ if (MOD__SHIFT(event))
+ sp_te_adjust_kerning_screen(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, _desktop, Geom::Point(0, mul*-10));
+ else
+ sp_te_adjust_kerning_screen(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, _desktop, Geom::Point(0, mul*-1));
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(this);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(this);
+ DocumentUndo::maybeDone(_desktop->getDocument(), "kern:up", _("Kern up"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text"));
+ } else {
+ if (MOD__CTRL(event))
+ this->text_sel_end.cursorUpWithControl();
+ else
+ this->text_sel_end.cursorUp();
+ cursor_moved = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ case GDK_KEY_Down:
+ case GDK_KEY_KP_Down:
+ case GDK_KEY_KP_2:
+ if (this->text) {
+ if (MOD__ALT(event)) {
+ gint mul = 1 + gobble_key_events(
+ get_latin_keyval(&event->key), 0); // with any mask
+ if (MOD__SHIFT(event))
+ sp_te_adjust_kerning_screen(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, _desktop, Geom::Point(0, mul*10));
+ else
+ sp_te_adjust_kerning_screen(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, _desktop, Geom::Point(0, mul*1));
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(this);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(this);
+ DocumentUndo::maybeDone(_desktop->getDocument(), "kern:down", _("Kern down"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text"));
+ } else {
+ if (MOD__CTRL(event))
+ this->text_sel_end.cursorDownWithControl();
+ else
+ this->text_sel_end.cursorDown();
+ cursor_moved = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ case GDK_KEY_Home:
+ case GDK_KEY_KP_Home:
+ if (this->text) {
+ if (MOD__CTRL(event))
+ this->text_sel_end.thisStartOfShape();
+ else
+ this->text_sel_end.thisStartOfLine();
+ cursor_moved = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ case GDK_KEY_End:
+ case GDK_KEY_KP_End:
+ if (this->text) {
+ if (MOD__CTRL(event))
+ this->text_sel_end.nextStartOfShape();
+ else
+ this->text_sel_end.thisEndOfLine();
+ cursor_moved = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ case GDK_KEY_Page_Down:
+ case GDK_KEY_KP_Page_Down:
+ if (this->text) {
+ this->text_sel_end.cursorDown(screenlines);
+ cursor_moved = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ case GDK_KEY_Page_Up:
+ case GDK_KEY_KP_Page_Up:
+ if (this->text) {
+ this->text_sel_end.cursorUp(screenlines);
+ cursor_moved = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ case GDK_KEY_Escape:
+ if (this->creating) {
+ this->creating = false;
+ ungrabCanvasEvents();
+ Inkscape::Rubberband::get(_desktop)->stop();
+ } else {
+ _desktop->getSelection()->clear();
+ }
+ this->nascent_object = FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+ case GDK_KEY_bracketleft:
+ if (this->text) {
+ if (MOD__ALT(event) || MOD__CTRL(event)) {
+ if (MOD__ALT(event)) {
+ if (MOD__SHIFT(event)) {
+ // FIXME: alt+shift+[] does not work, don't know why
+ sp_te_adjust_rotation_screen(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, _desktop, -10);
+ } else {
+ sp_te_adjust_rotation_screen(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, _desktop, -1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ sp_te_adjust_rotation(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, _desktop, -90);
+ }
+ DocumentUndo::maybeDone(_desktop->getDocument(), "textrot:ccw", _("Rotate counterclockwise"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text"));
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(this);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(this);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case GDK_KEY_bracketright:
+ if (this->text) {
+ if (MOD__ALT(event) || MOD__CTRL(event)) {
+ if (MOD__ALT(event)) {
+ if (MOD__SHIFT(event)) {
+ // FIXME: alt+shift+[] does not work, don't know why
+ sp_te_adjust_rotation_screen(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, _desktop, 10);
+ } else {
+ sp_te_adjust_rotation_screen(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, _desktop, 1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ sp_te_adjust_rotation(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, _desktop, 90);
+ }
+ DocumentUndo::maybeDone(_desktop->getDocument(), "textrot:cw", _("Rotate clockwise"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text"));
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(this);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(this);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case GDK_KEY_less:
+ case GDK_KEY_comma:
+ if (this->text) {
+ if (MOD__ALT(event)) {
+ if (MOD__CTRL(event)) {
+ if (MOD__SHIFT(event))
+ sp_te_adjust_linespacing_screen(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, _desktop, -10);
+ else
+ sp_te_adjust_linespacing_screen(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, _desktop, -1);
+ DocumentUndo::maybeDone(_desktop->getDocument(), "linespacing:dec", _("Contract line spacing"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text"));
+ } else {
+ if (MOD__SHIFT(event))
+ sp_te_adjust_tspan_letterspacing_screen(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, _desktop, -10);
+ else
+ sp_te_adjust_tspan_letterspacing_screen(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, _desktop, -1);
+ DocumentUndo::maybeDone(_desktop->getDocument(), "letterspacing:dec", _("Contract letter spacing"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text"));
+ }
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(this);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(this);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case GDK_KEY_greater:
+ case GDK_KEY_period:
+ if (this->text) {
+ if (MOD__ALT(event)) {
+ if (MOD__CTRL(event)) {
+ if (MOD__SHIFT(event))
+ sp_te_adjust_linespacing_screen(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, _desktop, 10);
+ else
+ sp_te_adjust_linespacing_screen(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, _desktop, 1);
+ DocumentUndo::maybeDone(_desktop->getDocument(), "linespacing:inc", _("Expand line spacing"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text"));
+ } else {
+ if (MOD__SHIFT(event))
+ sp_te_adjust_tspan_letterspacing_screen(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, _desktop, 10);
+ else
+ sp_te_adjust_tspan_letterspacing_screen(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, _desktop, 1);
+ DocumentUndo::maybeDone(_desktop->getDocument(), "letterspacing:inc", _("Expand letter spacing"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text"));
+ }
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(this);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(this);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (cursor_moved) {
+ if (!MOD__SHIFT(event))
+ this->text_sel_start = this->text_sel_end;
+ if (old_start != this->text_sel_start || old_end != this->text_sel_end) {
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(this);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(this);
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ } else return TRUE; // return the "I took care of it" value if it was consumed by the IM
+ } else { // do nothing if there's no object to type in - the key will be sent to parent context,
+ // except up/down that are swallowed to prevent the zoom field from activation
+ if ((group0_keyval == GDK_KEY_Up ||
+ group0_keyval == GDK_KEY_Down ||
+ group0_keyval == GDK_KEY_KP_Up ||
+ group0_keyval == GDK_KEY_KP_Down )
+ && !MOD__CTRL_ONLY(event)) {
+ return TRUE;
+ } else if (group0_keyval == GDK_KEY_Escape) { // cancel rubberband
+ if (this->creating) {
+ this->creating = false;
+ ungrabCanvasEvents();
+ Inkscape::Rubberband::get(_desktop)->stop();
+ }
+ } else if ((group0_keyval == GDK_KEY_x || group0_keyval == GDK_KEY_X) && MOD__ALT_ONLY(event)) {
+ _desktop->setToolboxFocusTo("TextFontFamilyAction_entry");
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!this->unimode && this->imc && gtk_im_context_filter_keypress(this->imc, (GdkEventKey*) event)) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ // if nobody consumed it so far
+// if ((SP_EVENT_CONTEXT_CLASS(sp_text_context_parent_class))->root_handler) { // and there's a handler in parent context,
+// return (SP_EVENT_CONTEXT_CLASS(sp_text_context_parent_class))->root_handler(event_context, event); // send event to parent
+// } else {
+// return FALSE; // return "I did nothing" value so that global shortcuts can be activated
+// }
+ return ToolBase::root_handler(event);
+ Attempts to paste system clipboard into the currently edited text, returns true on success
+ */
+bool sp_text_paste_inline(ToolBase *ec)
+ if (!SP_IS_TEXT_CONTEXT(ec))
+ return false;
+ TextTool *tc = SP_TEXT_CONTEXT(ec);
+ if ((tc->text) || (tc->nascent_object)) {
+ // there is an active text object in this context, or a new object was just created
+ Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Clipboard> refClipboard = Gtk::Clipboard::get();
+ Glib::ustring const clip_text = refClipboard->wait_for_text();
+ if (!clip_text.empty()) {
+ bool is_svg2 = false;
+ auto textitem = cast<SPText>(tc->text);
+ if (textitem) {
+ is_svg2 = textitem->has_shape_inside() /*|| textitem->has_inline_size()*/; // Do now since hiding messes this up.
+ textitem->hide_shape_inside();
+ }
+ auto flowtext = cast<SPFlowtext>(tc->text);
+ if (flowtext) {
+ flowtext->fix_overflow_flowregion(false);
+ }
+ // Fix for 244940
+ // The XML standard defines the following as valid characters
+ // (Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fourth Edition) paragraph 2.2)
+ // char ::= #x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF]
+ // Since what comes in off the paste buffer will go right into XML, clean
+ // the text here.
+ Glib::ustring text(clip_text);
+ Glib::ustring::iterator itr = text.begin();
+ gunichar paste_string_uchar;
+ while(itr != text.end())
+ {
+ paste_string_uchar = *itr;
+ // Make sure we don't have a control character. We should really check
+ // for the whole range above... Add the rest of the invalid cases from
+ // above if we find additional issues
+ if(paste_string_uchar >= 0x00000020 ||
+ paste_string_uchar == 0x00000009 ||
+ paste_string_uchar == 0x0000000A ||
+ paste_string_uchar == 0x0000000D) {
+ ++itr;
+ } else {
+ itr = text.erase(itr);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!tc->text) { // create text if none (i.e. if nascent_object)
+ sp_text_context_setup_text(tc);
+ tc->nascent_object = false; // we don't need it anymore, having created a real <text>
+ }
+ // using indices is slow in ustrings. Whatever.
+ Glib::ustring::size_type begin = 0;
+ for ( ; ; ) {
+ Glib::ustring::size_type end = text.find('\n', begin);
+ if (end == Glib::ustring::npos || is_svg2) {
+ // Paste everything
+ if (begin != text.length())
+ tc->text_sel_start = tc->text_sel_end = sp_te_replace(tc->text, tc->text_sel_start, tc->text_sel_end, text.substr(begin).c_str());
+ break;
+ }
+ // Paste up to new line, add line, repeat.
+ tc->text_sel_start = tc->text_sel_end = sp_te_replace(tc->text, tc->text_sel_start, tc->text_sel_end, text.substr(begin, end - begin).c_str());
+ tc->text_sel_start = tc->text_sel_end = sp_te_insert_line(tc->text, tc->text_sel_start);
+ begin = end + 1;
+ }
+ if (textitem) {
+ textitem->show_shape_inside();
+ }
+ if (flowtext) {
+ flowtext->fix_overflow_flowregion(true);
+ }
+ DocumentUndo::done(ec->getDesktop()->getDocument(), _("Paste text"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text"));
+ return true;
+ }
+ } // FIXME: else create and select a new object under cursor!
+ return false;
+ Gets the raw characters that comprise the currently selected text, converting line
+ breaks into lf characters.
+Glib::ustring sp_text_get_selected_text(ToolBase const *ec)
+ if (!SP_IS_TEXT_CONTEXT(ec))
+ return "";
+ TextTool const *tc = SP_TEXT_CONTEXT(ec);
+ if (tc->text == nullptr)
+ return "";
+ return sp_te_get_string_multiline(tc->text, tc->text_sel_start, tc->text_sel_end);
+SPCSSAttr *sp_text_get_style_at_cursor(ToolBase const *ec)
+ if (!SP_IS_TEXT_CONTEXT(ec))
+ return nullptr;
+ TextTool const *tc = SP_TEXT_CONTEXT(ec);
+ if (tc->text == nullptr)
+ return nullptr;
+ SPObject const *obj = sp_te_object_at_position(tc->text, tc->text_sel_end);
+ if (obj) {
+ return take_style_from_item(const_cast<SPObject*>(obj));
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+// this two functions are commented because are used on clipboard
+// and because slow the text pastinbg and usage a lot
+// and couldn't get it working properly we miss font size font style or never work
+// and user usually want paste as plain text and get the position context
+// style. Anyway I retain for further usage.
+/* static bool css_attrs_are_equal(SPCSSAttr const *first, SPCSSAttr const *second)
+// Inkscape::Util::List<Inkscape::XML::AttributeRecord const> attrs = first->attributeList();
+ for ( ; attrs ; attrs++) {
+ gchar const *other_attr = second->attribute(g_quark_to_string(attrs->key));
+ if (other_attr == nullptr || strcmp(attrs->value, other_attr))
+ return false;
+ }
+ attrs = second->attributeList();
+ for ( ; attrs ; attrs++) {
+ gchar const *other_attr = first->attribute(g_quark_to_string(attrs->key));
+ if (other_attr == nullptr || strcmp(attrs->value, other_attr))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+std::vector<SPCSSAttr*> sp_text_get_selected_style(ToolBase const *ec, unsigned *k, int *b, std::vector<unsigned>
+ std::vector<SPCSSAttr*> vec;
+ SPCSSAttr *css, *css_new;
+ TextTool *tc = SP_TEXT_CONTEXT(ec);
+ Inkscape::Text::Layout::iterator i = std::min(tc->text_sel_start, tc->text_sel_end);
+ SPObject const *obj = sp_te_object_at_position(tc->text, i);
+ if (obj) {
+ css = take_style_from_item(const_cast<SPObject*>(obj));
+ }
+ vec.push_back(css);
+ positions->push_back(0);
+ i.nextCharacter();
+ *k = 1;
+ *b = 1;
+ while (i != std::max(tc->text_sel_start, tc->text_sel_end))
+ {
+ obj = sp_te_object_at_position(tc->text, i);
+ if (obj) {
+ css_new = take_style_from_item(const_cast<SPObject*>(obj));
+ }
+ if(!css_attrs_are_equal(css, css_new))
+ {
+ vec.push_back(css_new);
+ css = sp_repr_css_attr_new();
+ sp_repr_css_merge(css, css_new);
+ positions->push_back(*k);
+ (*b)++;
+ }
+ i.nextCharacter();
+ (*k)++;
+ }
+ positions->push_back(*k);
+ return vec;
+ */
+ Deletes the currently selected characters. Returns false if there is no
+ text selection currently.
+bool sp_text_delete_selection(ToolBase *ec)
+ if (!SP_IS_TEXT_CONTEXT(ec))
+ return false;
+ TextTool *tc = SP_TEXT_CONTEXT(ec);
+ if (tc->text == nullptr)
+ return false;
+ if (tc->text_sel_start == tc->text_sel_end)
+ return false;
+ iterator_pair pair;
+ bool success = sp_te_delete(tc->text, tc->text_sel_start, tc->text_sel_end, pair);
+ if (success) {
+ tc->text_sel_start = tc->text_sel_end = pair.first;
+ } else { // nothing deleted
+ tc->text_sel_start = pair.first;
+ tc->text_sel_end = pair.second;
+ }
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(tc);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(tc);
+ return true;
+ * \param selection Should not be NULL.
+ */
+void TextTool::_selectionChanged(Inkscape::Selection *selection)
+ g_assert(selection != nullptr);
+ SPItem *item = selection->singleItem();
+ if (this->text && (item != this->text)) {
+ sp_text_context_forget_text(this);
+ }
+ this->text = nullptr;
+ shape_editor->unset_item();
+ if (is<SPText>(item) || is<SPFlowtext>(item)) {
+ shape_editor->set_item(item);
+ this->text = item;
+ Inkscape::Text::Layout const *layout = te_get_layout(this->text);
+ if (layout)
+ this->text_sel_start = this->text_sel_end = layout->end();
+ } else {
+ this->text = nullptr;
+ }
+ // we update cursor without scrolling, because this position may not be final;
+ // item_handler moves cusros to the point of click immediately
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(this, false);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(this);
+void TextTool::_selectionModified(Inkscape::Selection */*selection*/, guint /*flags*/)
+ bool scroll = !this->shape_editor->has_knotholder() ||
+ !this->shape_editor->knotholder->is_dragging();
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(this, scroll);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(this);
+bool TextTool::_styleSet(SPCSSAttr const *css)
+ if (this->text == nullptr)
+ return false;
+ if (this->text_sel_start == this->text_sel_end)
+ return false; // will get picked up by the parent and applied to the whole text object
+ sp_te_apply_style(this->text, this->text_sel_start, this->text_sel_end, css);
+ // This is a bandaid fix... whenever a style is changed it might cause the text layout to
+ // change which requires rewriting the 'x' and 'y' attributes of the tpsans for Inkscape
+ // multi-line text (with sodipodi:role="line"). We need to rewrite the repr after this is
+ // done. rebuldLayout() will be called a second time unnecessarily.
+ auto sptext = cast<SPText>(text);
+ if (sptext) {
+ sptext->rebuildLayout();
+ sptext->updateRepr();
+ }
+ DocumentUndo::done(_desktop->getDocument(), _("Set text style"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text"));
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(this);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(this);
+ return true;
+int TextTool::_styleQueried(SPStyle *style, int property)
+ if (this->text == nullptr) {
+ }
+ const Inkscape::Text::Layout *layout = te_get_layout(this->text);
+ if (layout == nullptr) {
+ }
+ sp_text_context_validate_cursor_iterators(this);
+ std::vector<SPItem*> styles_list;
+ Inkscape::Text::Layout::iterator begin_it, end_it;
+ if (this->text_sel_start < this->text_sel_end) {
+ begin_it = this->text_sel_start;
+ end_it = this->text_sel_end;
+ } else {
+ begin_it = this->text_sel_end;
+ end_it = this->text_sel_start;
+ }
+ if (begin_it == end_it) {
+ if (!begin_it.prevCharacter()) {
+ end_it.nextCharacter();
+ }
+ }
+ for (Inkscape::Text::Layout::iterator it = begin_it ; it < end_it ; it.nextStartOfSpan()) {
+ SPObject *pos_obj = nullptr;
+ layout->getSourceOfCharacter(it, &pos_obj);
+ if (!pos_obj) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (! pos_obj->parent) // the string is not in the document anymore (deleted)
+ return 0;
+ if ( is<SPString>(pos_obj) ) {
+ pos_obj = pos_obj->parent; // SPStrings don't have style
+ }
+ styles_list.insert(styles_list.begin(),(SPItem*)pos_obj);
+ }
+ int result = sp_desktop_query_style_from_list (styles_list, style, property);
+ return result;
+static void sp_text_context_validate_cursor_iterators(TextTool *tc)
+ if (tc->text == nullptr)
+ return;
+ Inkscape::Text::Layout const *layout = te_get_layout(tc->text);
+ if (layout) { // undo can change the text length without us knowing it
+ layout->validateIterator(&tc->text_sel_start);
+ layout->validateIterator(&tc->text_sel_end);
+ }
+static void sp_text_context_update_cursor(TextTool *tc, bool scroll_to_see)
+ // due to interruptible display, tc may already be destroyed during a display update before
+ // the cursor update (can't do both atomically, alas)
+ if (!tc->getDesktop()) return;
+ auto desktop = tc->getDesktop();
+ if (tc->text) {
+ Geom::Point p0, p1;
+ sp_te_get_cursor_coords(tc->text, tc->text_sel_end, p0, p1);
+ Geom::Point const d0 = p0 * tc->text->i2dt_affine();
+ Geom::Point const d1 = p1 * tc->text->i2dt_affine();
+ // scroll to show cursor
+ if (scroll_to_see) {
+ // We don't want to scroll outside the text box area (i.e. when there is hidden text)
+ // or we could end up in Timbuktu.
+ bool scroll = true;
+ if (is<SPText>(tc->text)) {
+ Geom::OptRect opt_frame = cast<SPText>(tc->text)->get_frame();
+ if (opt_frame && (!opt_frame->contains(p0))) {
+ scroll = false;
+ }
+ } else if (is<SPFlowtext>(tc->text)) {
+ SPItem *frame = cast<SPFlowtext>(tc->text)->get_frame(nullptr); // first frame only
+ Geom::OptRect opt_frame = frame->geometricBounds();
+ if (opt_frame && (!opt_frame->contains(p0))) {
+ scroll = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (scroll) {
+ Geom::Point const center = desktop->current_center();
+ if (Geom::L2(d0 - center) > Geom::L2(d1 - center))
+ // unlike mouse moves, here we must scroll all the way at first shot, so we override the autoscrollspeed
+ desktop->scroll_to_point(d0);
+ else
+ desktop->scroll_to_point(d1);
+ }
+ }
+ tc->cursor->set_coords(d0, d1);
+ tc->cursor->show();
+ /* fixme: ... need another transformation to get canvas widget coordinate space? */
+ if (tc->imc) {
+ GdkRectangle im_cursor = { 0, 0, 1, 1 };
+ Geom::Point const top_left = desktop->get_display_area().corner(0);
+ Geom::Point const im_d0 = desktop->d2w(d0 - top_left);
+ Geom::Point const im_d1 = desktop->d2w(d1 - top_left);
+ Geom::Rect const im_rect(im_d0, im_d1);
+ im_cursor.x = (int) floor(im_rect.left());
+ im_cursor.y = (int) floor(;
+ im_cursor.width = (int) floor(im_rect.width());
+ im_cursor.height = (int) floor(im_rect.height());
+ gtk_im_context_set_cursor_location(tc->imc, &im_cursor);
+ }
+ tc->show = TRUE;
+ tc->phase = true;
+ Inkscape::Text::Layout const *layout = te_get_layout(tc->text);
+ int const nChars = layout->iteratorToCharIndex(layout->end());
+ char const *edit_message = ngettext("Type or edit text (%d character%s); <b>Enter</b> to start new line.", "Type or edit text (%d characters%s); <b>Enter</b> to start new line.", nChars);
+ char const *edit_message_flowed = ngettext("Type or edit flowed text (%d character%s); <b>Enter</b> to start new paragraph.", "Type or edit flowed text (%d characters%s); <b>Enter</b> to start new paragraph.", nChars);
+ bool truncated = layout->inputTruncated();
+ char const *trunc = truncated ? _(" [truncated]") : "";
+ if (truncated) {
+ tc->frame->set_stroke(0xff0000ff);
+ } else {
+ tc->frame->set_stroke(0x0000ff7f);
+ }
+ std::vector<SPItem const *> shapes;
+ std::unique_ptr<Shape> exclusion_shape;
+ double padding = 0.0;
+ // Frame around text
+ if (is<SPFlowtext>(tc->text)) {
+ SPItem *frame = cast<SPFlowtext>(tc->text)->get_frame (nullptr); // first frame only
+ shapes.push_back(frame);
+ tc->message_context->setF(Inkscape::NORMAL_MESSAGE, edit_message_flowed, nChars, trunc);
+ } else if (auto text = cast<SPText>(tc->text)) {
+ if (text->style->shape_inside.set) {
+ for (auto const *href : text->style->shape_inside.hrefs) {
+ shapes.push_back(href->getObject());
+ }
+ if (text->style->shape_padding.set) {
+ // Calculate it here so we never show padding on FlowText or non-flowed Text (even if set)
+ padding = text->style->shape_padding.computed;
+ }
+ if(text->style->shape_subtract.set) {
+ // Find union of all exclusion shapes for later use
+ exclusion_shape = text->getExclusionShape();
+ }
+ tc->message_context->setF(Inkscape::NORMAL_MESSAGE, edit_message_flowed, nChars, trunc);
+ } else {
+ for (SPObject &child : tc->text->children) {
+ if (auto textpath = cast<SPTextPath>(&child)) {
+ shapes.push_back(sp_textpath_get_path_item(textpath));
+ }
+ }
+ tc->message_context->setF(Inkscape::NORMAL_MESSAGE, edit_message, nChars, trunc);
+ }
+ }
+ SPCurve curve;
+ for (auto const *shape_item : shapes) {
+ if (auto shape = cast<SPShape>(shape_item)) {
+ if (shape->curve()) {
+ curve.append(shape->curve()->transformed(shape->transform));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!curve.is_empty()) {
+ bool has_padding = std::fabs(padding) > 1e-12;
+ if (has_padding || exclusion_shape) {
+ // Should only occur for SVG2 autoflowed text
+ // See sp-text.cpp function _buildLayoutInit()
+ Path *temp = new Path;
+ temp->LoadPathVector(curve.get_pathvector());
+ // Get initial shape-inside curve
+ Shape *uncross = new Shape;
+ {
+ Shape *sh = new Shape;
+ temp->ConvertWithBackData(0.25); // Convert to polyline
+ temp->Fill(sh, 0);
+ uncross->ConvertToShape(sh);
+ delete sh;
+ }
+ // Get padded shape exclusion
+ if (has_padding) {
+ Shape *pad_shape = new Shape;
+ Path *padded = new Path;
+ Path *padt = new Path;
+ Shape *sh = new Shape;
+ padt->LoadPathVector(curve.get_pathvector());
+ padt->Outline(padded, padding, join_round, butt_straight, 20.0);
+ padded->ConvertWithBackData(1.0); // Convert to polyline
+ padded->Fill(sh, 0);
+ pad_shape->ConvertToShape(sh);
+ delete sh;
+ delete padt;
+ delete padded;
+ Shape *copy = new Shape;
+ copy->Booleen(uncross, pad_shape, (padding > 0.0) ? bool_op_diff : bool_op_union);
+ delete uncross;
+ delete pad_shape;
+ uncross = copy;
+ }
+ // Remove exclusions plus margins from padding frame
+ if (exclusion_shape && exclusion_shape->hasEdges()) {
+ Shape *copy = new Shape;
+ copy->Booleen(uncross, exclusion_shape.get(), bool_op_diff);
+ delete uncross;
+ uncross = copy;
+ }
+ uncross->ConvertToForme(temp);
+ tc->padding_frame->set_bpath(temp->MakePathVector() * tc->text->i2dt_affine());
+ tc->padding_frame->show();
+ delete temp;
+ delete uncross;
+ } else {
+ tc->padding_frame->hide();
+ }
+ // Transform curve after doing padding.
+ curve.transform(tc->text->i2dt_affine());
+ tc->frame->set_bpath(&curve);
+ tc->frame->show();
+ } else {
+ tc->frame->hide();
+ tc->padding_frame->hide();
+ }
+ } else {
+ tc->cursor->hide();
+ tc->frame->hide();
+ tc->show = FALSE;
+ if (!tc->nascent_object) {
+ tc->message_context->set(Inkscape::NORMAL_MESSAGE, _("<b>Click</b> to select or create text, <b>drag</b> to create flowed text; then type.")); // FIXME: this is a copy of string from tools-switch, do not desync
+ }
+ }
+ desktop->emit_text_cursor_moved(tc, tc);
+static void sp_text_context_update_text_selection(TextTool *tc)
+ // due to interruptible display, tc may already be destroyed during a display update before
+ // the selection update (can't do both atomically, alas)
+ if (!tc->getDesktop()) return;
+ tc->text_selection_quads.clear();
+ std::vector<Geom::Point> quads;
+ if (tc->text != nullptr)
+ quads = sp_te_create_selection_quads(tc->text, tc->text_sel_start, tc->text_sel_end, (tc->text)->i2dt_affine());
+ for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < quads.size() ; i += 4) {
+ auto quad = new CanvasItemQuad(tc->getDesktop()->getCanvasControls(), quads[i], quads[i+1], quads[i+2], quads[i+3]);
+ quad->set_fill(0x00777777); // Semi-transparent blue as Cairo cannot do inversion.
+ quad->show();
+ tc->text_selection_quads.emplace_back(quad);
+ }
+ if (tc->shape_editor) {
+ if (tc->shape_editor->knotholder) {
+ tc->shape_editor->knotholder->update_knots();
+ }
+ }
+static gint sp_text_context_timeout(TextTool *tc)
+ if (tc->show) {
+ if (tc->phase) {
+ tc->phase = false;
+ tc->cursor->set_stroke(0x000000ff);
+ } else {
+ tc->phase = true;
+ tc->cursor->set_stroke(0xffffffff);
+ }
+ tc->cursor->show();
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static void sp_text_context_forget_text(TextTool *tc)
+ if (! tc->text) return;
+ SPItem *ti = tc->text;
+ (void)ti;
+ /* We have to set it to zero,
+ * or selection changed signal messes everything up */
+ tc->text = nullptr;
+/* FIXME: this automatic deletion when nothing is inputted crashes the XML editor and also crashes when duplicating an empty flowtext.
+ So don't create an empty flowtext in the first place? Create it when first character is typed.
+ */
+ if ((is<SPText>(ti) || is<SPFlowtext>(ti)) && sp_te_input_is_empty(ti)) {
+ Inkscape::XML::Node *text_repr = ti->getRepr();
+ // the repr may already have been unparented
+ // if we were called e.g. as the result of
+ // an undo or the element being removed from
+ // the XML editor
+ if ( text_repr && text_repr->parent() ) {
+ sp_repr_unparent(text_repr);
+ SPDocumentUndo::done(tc->desktop->getDocument(), _("Remove empty text"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text"));
+ }
+ }
+gint sptc_focus_in(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventFocus */*event*/, TextTool *tc)
+ gtk_im_context_focus_in(tc->imc);
+ return FALSE;
+gint sptc_focus_out(GtkWidget */*widget*/, GdkEventFocus */*event*/, TextTool *tc)
+ gtk_im_context_focus_out(tc->imc);
+ return FALSE;
+static void sptc_commit(GtkIMContext */*imc*/, gchar *string, TextTool *tc)
+ if (!tc->text) {
+ sp_text_context_setup_text(tc);
+ tc->nascent_object = false; // we don't need it anymore, having created a real <text>
+ }
+ tc->text_sel_start = tc->text_sel_end = sp_te_replace(tc->text, tc->text_sel_start, tc->text_sel_end, string);
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(tc);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(tc);
+ DocumentUndo::done(tc->text->document, _("Type text"), INKSCAPE_ICON("draw-text"));
+void sp_text_context_place_cursor (TextTool *tc, SPObject *text, Inkscape::Text::Layout::iterator where)
+ tc->getDesktop()->getSelection()->set (text);
+ tc->text_sel_start = tc->text_sel_end = where;
+ sp_text_context_update_cursor(tc);
+ sp_text_context_update_text_selection(tc);
+void sp_text_context_place_cursor_at (TextTool *tc, SPObject *text, Geom::Point const p)
+ tc->getDesktop()->getSelection()->set (text);
+ sp_text_context_place_cursor (tc, text, sp_te_get_position_by_coords(tc->text, p));
+Inkscape::Text::Layout::iterator *sp_text_context_get_cursor_position(TextTool *tc, SPObject *text)
+ if (text != tc->text)
+ return nullptr;
+ return &(tc->text_sel_end);
+ Local Variables:
+ mode:c++
+ c-file-style:"stroustrup"
+ c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
+ indent-tabs-mode:nil
+ fill-column:99
+ End:
+// vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :