# pkg_check_variable() - a function to retrieve pkg-config variables in CMake # # source: http://bloerg.net/2015/03/06/pkg-config-variables-in-cmake.html function(pkg_check_variable _pkg _name) find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED) string(TOUPPER ${_pkg} _pkg_upper) string(TOUPPER ${_name} _name_upper) string(REPLACE "-" "_" _pkg_upper ${_pkg_upper}) string(REPLACE "-" "_" _name_upper ${_name_upper}) set(_output_name "${_pkg_upper}_${_name_upper}") execute_process(COMMAND ${PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE} --variable=${_name} ${_pkg} OUTPUT_VARIABLE _pkg_result OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) set("${_output_name}" "${_pkg_result}" CACHE STRING "pkg-config variable ${_name} of ${_pkg}") endfunction() # Join a cmake list of strings with a given glue character/string # E.g. join(MY_RESULT, ",", "1; 2; 3;") returns "1, 2, 3" function(join OUTPUT GLUE) set(_TMP_RESULT "") set(_GLUE "") # effective glue is empty at the beginning foreach(arg ${ARGN}) # Skip empty lines if(NOT arg STREQUAL "\n") set(_TMP_RESULT "${_TMP_RESULT}${_GLUE}${arg}") set(_GLUE "${GLUE}") endif() endforeach() set(${OUTPUT} "${_TMP_RESULT}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Checks if the last call to execute_process() was successful and throws an error otherwise. # ${result} and ${stderr} should hold the value of RESULT_VARIABLE and ERROR_VARIABLE respectively # ${command} can be empty or the command that was executed during the last call of execute_process() function(check_error result stderr command) string(STRIP "${result}" result) string(STRIP "${stderr}" stderr) string(STRIP "${command}" command) if ("${command}" STREQUAL "") set(command "Process") else() set(command "'${command}'") endif() if("${result}" STREQUAL 0) if(NOT "${stderr}" STREQUAL "") MESSAGE(WARNING "${command} returned successfully but the following was output to stderr: ${stderr}") endif() else() if("${stderr}" STREQUAL "") MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "${command} failed with error code: ${result}") else() MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "${command} failed with error code: ${result} (stderr: ${stderr})") endif() endif() endfunction(check_error) # Get the list of files installed by pacman for package ${package_name} and return it as ${file_list}. # Paths are relative to the root directory of the MinGW installations (the directory returned by function "get_mingw_root()") function(list_files_pacman package_name file_list) set(MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX $ENV{MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}) # e.g. "mingw-w64-x86_64" get_filename_component(MINGW_PREFIX $ENV{MINGW_PREFIX} NAME) # e.g. "mingw64" # use pacman to list all files/folders installed by the package execute_process( COMMAND pacman -Ql ${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-${package_name} OUTPUT_FILE list_files_pacman_temp.txt RESULT_VARIABLE res ERROR_VARIABLE err ) check_error("${res}" "${err}" "pacman -Ql ${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-${package_name}") # clean up output execute_process( COMMAND grep -v '/$' # get rid of folders COMMAND sed -e 's/^${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-${package_name} //' # remove package name COMMAND sed -e 's/^\\/${MINGW_PREFIX}\\///' # remove root path COMMAND tr '\n' '\;' # finally replace newlines with semicolon INPUT_FILE list_files_pacman_temp.txt OUTPUT_VARIABLE out RESULT_VARIABLE res ERROR_VARIABLE err ) check_error("${res}" "${err}" "Parsing result of 'pacman -Ql ${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-${package_name}'") SET(${file_list} ${out} PARENT_SCOPE) file(REMOVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/list_files_pacman_temp.txt) endfunction(list_files_pacman) # Get the list of files installed by pip for package ${package_name} and return it as ${file_list}. # Paths are relative to the python distributions "site-packages" folder, i.e. "${root}/lib/python2.7/site-packages" function(list_files_pip package_name file_list) # use pip to show package information including full list of files installed by the package execute_process( COMMAND pip3 show -f ${package_name} OUTPUT_FILE list_files_pip_temp.txt RESULT_VARIABLE res ERROR_VARIABLE err ) check_error("${res}" "${err}" "pip3 show -f ${package_name}") # clean up output execute_process( COMMAND sed -e '1,/Files:/d' # strip everything but the files list COMMAND tr -d ' ' # strip spaces COMMAND tr '\n' '\;' # finally replace newlines with semicolon INPUT_FILE list_files_pip_temp.txt OUTPUT_VARIABLE out RESULT_VARIABLE res ERROR_VARIABLE err ) check_error("${res}" "${err}" "Parsing result of 'pip3 show -f ${package_name}'") SET(${file_list} ${out} PARENT_SCOPE) file(REMOVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/list_files_pip_temp.txt) endfunction(list_files_pip) # Install a list of files maintaining directory structure # # Options: # FILES - the list of files (absolute or relative paths) # ROOT - the root to search the files in (if file paths are relative) # DESTINATION - the destination where to install files to # COMPONENT - cpack component # INCLUDE - a (list of) regular expression(s) specifying which files to include # (omit or leave empty to include all files) # EXCLUDE - a (list of) regular expression(s) specifying which files to exclude # (takes precedence over include rules) function(install_list) # parse arguments set(oneValueArgs ROOT DESTINATION COMPONENT) set(multiValueArgs FILES INCLUDE EXCLUDE) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) #MESSAGE("ARG_FILES: ${ARG_FILES}" ) #MESSAGE("ARG_ROOT: ${ARG_ROOT}" ) #MESSAGE("ARG_DESTINATION: ${ARG_DESTINATION}" ) #MESSAGE("ARG_INCLUDE: ${ARG_INCLUDE}" ) #MESSAGE("ARG_EXCLUDE: ${ARG_EXCLUDE}" ) #MESSAGE("ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS: ${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}" ) # install the files foreach(file ${ARG_FILES}) #MESSAGE("file: " ${file}) # check includes and excludes (excludes take precedence) set(include_file 0) if("${ARG_INCLUDE}" STREQUAL "") # start with the assumption to include all files by default set(include_file 1) endif() foreach(include ${ARG_INCLUDE}) if("${file}" MATCHES "${include}") set(include_file 1) endif() endforeach() foreach(exclude ${ARG_EXCLUDE}) if("${file}" MATCHES "${exclude}") set(include_file 0) endif() endforeach() # install if file should be included if(${include_file}) get_filename_component(directory ${file} DIRECTORY) install( FILES "${ARG_ROOT}/${file}" DESTINATION "${ARG_DESTINATION}${directory}" COMPONENT "${ARG_COMPONENT}" ) endif() endforeach() endfunction(install_list) # Parses "inkscape-preferences.cpp" to get the current list of interface translations # # Results are cached in the variables # - INKSCAPE_LANGUAGE_CODES # - INKSCAPE_LANGUAGE_NAMES function(get_inkscape_languages) if(NOT DEFINED INKSCAPE_LANGUAGE_CODES) file(READ "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/ui/dialog/inkscape-preferences.cpp" file_content) string(REGEX MATCH "Glib::ustring languages\\[\\] = \\{([^\\}]+)\\};" languages "${file_content}") string(REGEX REPLACE "Glib::ustring languages\\[\\] = \\{([^\\}]+)\\};" "\\1" languages "${languages}") string(REGEX MATCHALL [[_\(\"([^\\"]+)\"\)]] languages "${languages}") string(REGEX REPLACE [[_\(\"([^\\"]+)\"\)]] "\\1" languages "${languages}") string(REGEX MATCH "Glib::ustring langValues\\[\\] = \\{([^\\}]+)\\};" langValues "${file_content}") string(REGEX REPLACE "Glib::ustring langValues\\[\\] = \\{([^\\}]+)\\};" "\\1" langValues "${langValues}") string(REGEX MATCHALL [[\"([^\\"]*)\"]] langValues "${langValues}") string(REGEX REPLACE [[\"([^\\"]*)\"]] "\\1" langValues "${langValues}") list(REMOVE_AT languages 0) list(REMOVE_AT langValues 0) set(INKSCAPE_LANGUAGE_CODES "${langValues}" CACHE INTERNAL "") set(INKSCAPE_LANGUAGE_NAMES "${languages}" CACHE INTERNAL "") endif() endfunction(get_inkscape_languages) # Filters out translated content from the list of files, then makes sure it is # installed as part of the matching cpack translations component # # Filter is based on filename.${language_code}.ext naming scheme function(filter_and_install_translated_content file_list destination) set(remaining_files ${${file_list}}) get_inkscape_languages() foreach(language_code ${INKSCAPE_LANGUAGE_CODES}) set(translated_files ${remaining_files}) set(regex "\\.${language_code}\\.[a-z]+$") list(FILTER translated_files INCLUDE REGEX "${regex}") list(FILTER remaining_files EXCLUDE REGEX "${regex}") if(translated_files) if(WIN32) set(COMP translations.${language_code_escaped}) else() set(COMP translations) endif() string(MAKE_C_IDENTIFIER "${language_code}" language_code_escaped) install(FILES ${translated_files} DESTINATION ${destination} COMPONENT ${COMP}) endif() endforeach() set(${file_list} ${remaining_files} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(filter_and_install_translated_content)