@echo off rem Execute this to create a debug backtrace of an Inkscape crash. set TRACEFILE="%USERPROFILE%\inkscape_backtrace.txt" echo Thanks for creating a debug backtrace! echo. echo After Inkscape starts, try to force the crash. echo The backtrace will be recorded automatically. echo. echo Gathering system info... echo --- INKSCAPE VERSION --- > %TRACEFILE% inkscape.com --debug-info >> %TRACEFILE% echo. >> %TRACEFILE% echo --- SYSTEM INFO --- >> %TRACEFILE% systeminfo >> %TRACEFILE% echo. echo Launching Inkscape, please wait... echo. >> %TRACEFILE% echo --- BACKTRACE --- >> %TRACEFILE% gdb.exe -batch -ex "run --app-id-tag gdbbt" -ex "bt" inkscape.exe >> %TRACEFILE% echo. echo Backtrace written to %TRACEFILE% echo Please attach this file when reporting the issue at https://inkscape.org/report echo (remove personal information you do not want to share, e.g. your user name) echo. pause