#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2006 Jean-Francois Barraud, barraud@math.univ-lille1.fr # 2021 Jonathan Neuhauser, jonathan.neuhauser@outlook.com # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # barraud@math.univ-lille1.fr # """ This script deforms an object (the pattern) along other paths (skeletons)... The first selected object is the pattern the last selected ones are the skeletons. Imagine a straight horizontal line L in the middle of the bounding box of the pattern. Consider the normal bundle of L: the collection of all the vertical lines meeting L. Consider this as the initial state of the plane; in particular, think of the pattern as painted on these lines. Now move and bend L to make it fit a skeleton, and see what happens to the normals: they move and rotate, deforming the pattern. """ import copy import math import inkex from inkex.bezier import tpoint from inkex.paths import CubicSuperPath from inkex.localization import inkex_gettext as _ import pathmodifier class PatternAlongPath(pathmodifier.PathModifier): """Deform a path along a second path""" def add_arguments(self, pars): pars.add_argument( "-n", "--noffset", type=float, default=0.0, help="normal offset" ) pars.add_argument( "-t", "--toffset", type=float, default=0.0, help="tangential offset" ) pars.add_argument("-k", "--kind", type=str, default="") pars.add_argument( "-c", "--copymode", default="Single", help="repeat the path to fit deformer's length", ) pars.add_argument("-p", "--space", type=float, default=0.0) pars.add_argument( "-v", "--vertical", type=inkex.Boolean, default=False, help="reference path is vertical", ) pars.add_argument( "-d", "--duplicate", type=inkex.Boolean, default=True, help="duplicate pattern before deformation", ) pars.add_argument("--tab", help="The selected UI-tab when OK was pressed") def apply_diffeomorphism(self, bpt, skelcomp, lengths, isclosed, vects=()): """ The kernel of this stuff: bpt is a base point and for v in vectors, v'=v-p is a tangent vector at bpt. """ s = bpt[0] - skelcomp[0][0] i, t = self.lengthtotime(s, lengths, isclosed) if i == len(skelcomp) - 1: x, y = tpoint(skelcomp[i - 1], skelcomp[i], 1 + t) dx = (skelcomp[i][0] - skelcomp[i - 1][0]) / lengths[-1] dy = (skelcomp[i][1] - skelcomp[i - 1][1]) / lengths[-1] else: x, y = tpoint(skelcomp[i], skelcomp[i + 1], t) dx = (skelcomp[i + 1][0] - skelcomp[i][0]) / lengths[i] dy = (skelcomp[i + 1][1] - skelcomp[i][1]) / lengths[i] vx = 0 vy = bpt[1] - skelcomp[0][1] if self.options.wave: bpt[0] = x + vx * dx bpt[1] = y + vy + vx * dy else: bpt[0] = x + vx * dx - vy * dy bpt[1] = y + vx * dy + vy * dx for v in vects: vx = v[0] - skelcomp[0][0] - s vy = v[1] - skelcomp[0][1] if self.options.wave: v[0] = x + vx * dx v[1] = y + vy + vx * dy else: v[0] = x + vx * dx - vy * dy v[1] = y + vx * dy + vy * dx def effect(self): if len(self.options.ids) < 2: raise inkex.AbortExtension(_("This extension requires two selected paths.")) self.options.wave = self.options.kind == "Ribbon" if self.options.copymode == "Single": self.options.repeat = False self.options.stretch = False elif self.options.copymode == "Repeated": self.options.repeat = True self.options.stretch = False elif self.options.copymode == "Single, stretched": self.options.repeat = False self.options.stretch = True elif self.options.copymode == "Repeated, stretched": self.options.repeat = True self.options.stretch = True patterns, skels = self.get_patterns_and_skeletons(True, self.options.duplicate) bboxes = [pattern.bounding_box() for pattern in patterns.values()] if None in bboxes: # for texts, we can't compute the bounding box raise inkex.AbortExtension(_("Please convert texts to path first")) bbox = sum(bboxes, None) if self.options.vertical: # flipxy(bbox)... bbox = inkex.BoundingBox(-bbox.y, -bbox.x) width = bbox.width delta_x = width + self.options.space if delta_x < 0.01: raise inkex.AbortExtension( _( "The total length of the pattern is too small\n" "Please choose a larger object or set 'Space between copies' > 0" ) ) for pattern in patterns.values(): if isinstance(pattern, inkex.PathElement): pattern.apply_transform() pattern.path = self._do_transform( skels, pattern.path.to_superpath(), delta_x, bbox ) def _do_transform(self, skeletons, p0, dx, bbox): if self.options.vertical: self.flipxy(p0) newp = [] for skelnode in skeletons.values(): skelnode.apply_transform() cur_skeleton = skelnode.path.to_superpath() if self.options.vertical: self.flipxy(cur_skeleton) for comp in cur_skeleton: path = copy.deepcopy(p0) skelcomp, lengths = self.linearize(comp) skel_closed = all( [math.isclose(i, j) for i, j in zip(skelcomp[0], skelcomp[-1])] ) length = sum(lengths) xoffset = skelcomp[0][0] - bbox.x.minimum + self.options.toffset yoffset = skelcomp[0][1] - bbox.y.center - self.options.noffset if self.options.repeat: nb_copies = max(1, int(round((length + self.options.space) / dx))) width = dx * nb_copies if not skel_closed: width -= self.options.space bbox.x.maximum = bbox.x.minimum + width new = [] for sub in path: for _ in range(nb_copies): new.append(copy.deepcopy(sub)) self.offset(sub, dx, 0) path = new for sub in path: self.offset(sub, xoffset, yoffset) if self.options.stretch: if not bbox.width: raise inkex.AbortExtension( _( "The 'stretch' option requires that the pattern must " "have non-zero width :\nPlease edit the pattern width." ) ) for sub in path: self.stretch(sub, length / bbox.width, 1, skelcomp[0]) for sub in path: for ctlpt in sub: self.apply_diffeomorphism( ctlpt[1], skelcomp, lengths, skel_closed, (ctlpt[0], ctlpt[2]), ) if self.options.vertical: self.flipxy(path) newp += path return CubicSuperPath(newp) if __name__ == "__main__": PatternAlongPath().run()