# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later name: inkscape adopt-info: inkscape license: GPL-3.0 confinement: strict base: core22 compression: lzo plugs: dot-config-inkscape: interface: personal-files write: [ $HOME/.config/inkscape ] gtk-3-themes: interface: content target: $SNAP/data-dir/themes default-provider: gtk-common-themes icon-themes: interface: content target: $SNAP/data-dir/icons default-provider: gtk-common-themes slots: inkscape-dbus: interface: dbus bus: session name: org.inkscape.Inkscape assumes: [ command-chain ] parts: inkscape: plugin: cmake source: . cmake-parameters: - '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=' build-packages: - build-essential - cmake - g++ - intltool - libart-2.0-dev - libboost-all-dev - libcdr-dev - libdouble-conversion-dev - libgc-dev - libglib2.0-dev - libgsl-dev - libgspell-1-dev - libgtk-3-dev - libgtkmm-3.0-dev - libgtksourceview-4-dev - libharfbuzz-dev - liblcms2-dev - libmagick++-dev - libpango1.0-dev - libpoppler-glib-dev - libpoppler-private-dev - libpotrace-dev - librevenge-dev - libsigc++-2.0-dev - libsoup2.4-dev - libtool - libvisio-dev - libwpg-dev - libxml-parser-perl - libxml2-dev - libxslt1-dev - pkg-config - zlib1g-dev stage-packages: - heif-gdk-pixbuf - gir1.2-gtk-3.0 - libatkmm-1.6-1v5 - libboost-filesystem1.74.0 - libcairomm-1.0-1v5 - libcdr-0.1-1 - libdouble-conversion3 - libgc1 - libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 - libglibmm-2.4-1v5 - libglib2.0-bin - libgsl27 - libgslcblas0 - libgspell-1-2 - libgtkmm-3.0-1v5 - libgtksourceview-4-common - libgtksourceview-4-0 - liblcms2-2 - libmagick++-6.q16-8 - libpangomm-1.4-1v5 - libpoppler-glib8 - libpotrace0 - libpsl5 - librevenge-0.0-0 - libsoup2.4-1 - libvisio-0.1-1 - libwpg-0.3-3 - libxslt1.1 - aspell - imagemagick - libimage-magick-perl - libwmf-bin - transfig - libsvg-perl - libxml-xql-perl - python3-pil - python3-gi - python3-gi-cairo prime: - -lib/inkscape/*.a - -*canberra*so* # We don't have sound permissions anyway - -usr/lib/*/gtk-2.0 override-build: | patch -p1 --batch --directory=$SNAPCRAFT_PART_SRC --input=$SNAPCRAFT_PART_SRC/snap/local/filedialog-native.patch patch -p1 --batch --directory=$SNAPCRAFT_PART_SRC --input=$SNAPCRAFT_PART_SRC/snap/local/glib-spawn-no-close.patch sed -i.bak -e 's|Icon=${INKSCAPE_ICONPATH}|Icon=${SNAP}/share/inkscape/branding/inkscape.svg|g' $SNAPCRAFT_PART_SRC/org.inkscape.Inkscape.desktop.template snapcraftctl build INKSCAPE_VERSION=`g++ -I${SNAPCRAFT_PART_SRC}/src ${SNAPCRAFT_PART_BUILD}/src/inkscape-version.cpp ${SNAPCRAFT_PROJECT_DIR}/snap/local/print-inkscape-version.cpp -o print-inkscape-version && ./print-inkscape-version` echo "Inkscape Version: ${INKSCAPE_VERSION}" snapcraftctl set-version "${INKSCAPE_VERSION}" override-prime: | snapcraftctl prime sed -i "s|_have.*$||" $SNAPCRAFT_PRIME/share/bash-completion/completions/inkscape parse-info: [ share/metainfo/org.inkscape.Inkscape.appdata.xml ] python-deps: plugin: python source: . python-packages: - six - lxml - numpy - cssselect - pip - appdirs - requests - pillow - cachecontrol[filecache] - pyserial - packaging - scour - virtualenv stage-packages: - optipng - pstoedit # - texlive-latex-base snap-helpers: plugin: dump source: snap/local/scripts desktop-helpers: source: https://github.com/ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers.git source-subdir: gtk plugin: make make-parameters: ["FLAVOR=gtk3"] build-packages: - libgtk-3-dev - locales stage-packages: - libxkbcommon0 # XKB_CONFIG_ROOT - fonts-ubuntu - dmz-cursor-theme - light-themes - adwaita-icon-theme - gnome-themes-standard - shared-mime-info - libgtk-3-0 - libgtk-3-bin - libglib2.0-bin - locales-all - libc-bin - xdg-user-dirs - ibus-gtk3 - libibus-1.0-5 - fcitx-frontend-gtk3 - librsvg2-common # SVG pixbuf loader prime: - -*canberra*so* # We don't have sound permissions anyway - -usr/lib/*/gtk-2.0 override-prime: | snapcraftctl prime glib-compile-schemas ${SNAPCRAFT_PRIME}/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/ LOCPATH=${SNAPCRAFT_PRIME}/usr/lib/locale locale-gen after: [inkscape, snap-helpers, python-deps] # Last so we compile all the schemas gtk-locales: plugin: nil override-pull: | set -eux apt-get download "language-pack-*-base" override-build: | set -eux for deb in *.deb; do dpkg-deb -x $deb .; done find usr/share/locale-langpack -type f -not -name "gtk30*.mo" -and -not -name "glib*.mo" -and -not -name "gdk*.mo" -and -not -name "libsoup*.mo" -and -not -name "gspell*.mo" -and -not -name "coreutils*.mo" -delete mkdir -p $SNAPCRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/share cp -r usr/share/locale-langpack $SNAPCRAFT_PART_INSTALL/usr/share/ apps: inkscape: command: bin/inkscape command-chain: [ bin/desktop-launch, inkscape-variables, private-fontcache ] plugs: - desktop - desktop-legacy - gsettings - wayland - x11 - unity7 - dot-config-inkscape - raw-usb # plotter support - network # for extension manager slots: - inkscape-dbus desktop: share/applications/org.inkscape.Inkscape.desktop common-id: org.inkscape.Inkscape completer: share/bash-completion/completions/inkscape viewer: command: bin/inkview command-chain: [ bin/desktop-launch, inkscape-variables, private-fontcache ] plugs: - desktop - desktop-legacy - gsettings - wayland - x11 - unity7 - dot-config-inkscape hooks: configure: plugs: - desktop