// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #ifndef SEEN_NR_FILTER_UNITS_H #define SEEN_NR_FILTER_UNITS_H /* * Utilities for handling coordinate system transformations in filters * * Author: * Niko Kiirala * * Copyright (C) 2007 Niko Kiirala * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include "object/sp-filter-units.h" #include <2geom/affine.h> #include <2geom/rect.h> namespace Inkscape { namespace Filters { /* Notes: * - "filter units" is a coordinate system where the filter region is contained * between (0,0) and (1,1). Do not confuse this with the filterUnits property * - "primitive units" is the coordinate system in which all lengths and distances * in the filter definition should be interpreted. They are affected by the value * of the primitiveUnits attribute * - "pb" is the coordinate system in which filter rendering happens. * It might be aligned with user or screen coordinates depending on * the filter primitives used in the filter. * - "display" are world coordinates of the canvas - pixel grid coordinates * of the drawing area translated so that (0,0) corresponds to the document origin */ class FilterUnits { public: FilterUnits(); FilterUnits(SPFilterUnits const filterUnits, SPFilterUnits const primitiveUnits); /** * Sets the current transformation matrix, i.e. transformation matrix * from object's user coordinates to screen coordinates */ void set_ctm(Geom::Affine const &ctm); /** * Sets the resolution, the filter should be rendered with. */ void set_resolution(double const x_res, double const y_res); /** * Sets the item bounding box in user coordinates */ void set_item_bbox(Geom::OptRect const &bbox); /** * Sets the filter effects area in user coordinates */ void set_filter_area(Geom::OptRect const &area); /** * Sets, if x and y axis in pixblock coordinates should be paraller * to x and y of user coordinates. */ void set_paraller(bool const paraller); /** * Sets, if filter resolution is automatic. * NOTE: even if resolution is automatic, it must be set with * set_resolution. This only tells, if the set value is automatic. */ void set_automatic_resolution(bool const automatic); /** * Gets the item bounding box in user coordinates */ Geom::OptRect get_item_bbox() const { return item_bbox; }; /** * Gets the filter effects area in user coordinates */ Geom::OptRect get_filter_area() const { return filter_area; }; /** * Gets Filter Units (userSpaceOnUse or objectBoundingBox) */ SPFilterUnits get_filter_units() const { return filterUnits; }; /** * Gets Primitive Units (userSpaceOnUse or objectBoundingBox) */ SPFilterUnits get_primitive_units() const { return primitiveUnits; }; /** * Gets the user coordinates to pixblock coordinates transformation matrix. */ Geom::Affine get_matrix_user2pb() const; /** * Gets the filterUnits to pixblock coordinates transformation matrix. */ Geom::Affine get_matrix_filterunits2pb() const; /** * Gets the primitiveUnits to pixblock coordinates transformation matrix. */ Geom::Affine get_matrix_primitiveunits2pb() const; /** * Gets the display coordinates to pixblock coordinates transformation * matrix. */ Geom::Affine get_matrix_display2pb() const; /** * Gets the pixblock coordinates to display coordinates transformation * matrix */ Geom::Affine get_matrix_pb2display() const; /** * Gets the user coordinates to filterUnits transformation matrix. */ Geom::Affine get_matrix_user2filterunits() const; /** * Gets the user coordinates to primitiveUnits transformation matrix. */ Geom::Affine get_matrix_user2primitiveunits() const; /** * Returns the filter area in pixblock coordinates. * NOTE: use only in filters, that define TRAIT_PARALLER in * get_input_traits. The filter effects area may not be representable * by simple rectangle otherwise. */ Geom::IntRect get_pixblock_filterarea_paraller() const; FilterUnits& operator=(FilterUnits const &other); private: Geom::Affine get_matrix_units2pb(SPFilterUnits units) const; Geom::Affine get_matrix_user2units(SPFilterUnits units) const; SPFilterUnits filterUnits, primitiveUnits; double resolution_x, resolution_y; bool paraller_axis; bool automatic_resolution; Geom::Affine ctm; Geom::OptRect item_bbox; Geom::OptRect filter_area; }; } // namespace Filters } // namespace Inkscape #endif /* __NR_FILTER_UNITS_H__ */ /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:fileencoding=utf-8:textwidth=99 :