// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later /* * Authors: * Ted Gould * * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Authors * * Released under GNU GPL v2+, read the file 'COPYING' for more information. */ #include "input.h" #include "timer.h" #include "implementation/implementation.h" #include "xml/repr.h" #include "xml/attribute-record.h" /* Inkscape::Extension::Input */ namespace Inkscape { namespace Extension { /** \return None \brief Builds a SPModuleInput object from a XML description \param module The module to be initialized \param repr The XML description in a Inkscape::XML::Node tree Okay, so you want to build a SPModuleInput object. This function first takes and does the build of the parent class, which is SPModule. Then, it looks for the section of the XML description. Under there should be several fields which describe the input module to excruciating detail. Those are parsed, copied, and put into the structure that is passed in as module. Overall, there are many levels of indentation, just to handle the levels of indentation in the XML file. */ Input::Input (Inkscape::XML::Node *in_repr, Implementation::Implementation *in_imp, std::string *base_directory) : Extension(in_repr, in_imp, base_directory) { mimetype = nullptr; extension = nullptr; filetypename = nullptr; filetypetooltip = nullptr; if (repr != nullptr) { Inkscape::XML::Node * child_repr; child_repr = repr->firstChild(); while (child_repr != nullptr) { if (!strcmp(child_repr->name(), INKSCAPE_EXTENSION_NS "input")) { // Input tag attributes for (const auto &iter : child_repr->attributeList()) { std::string name = g_quark_to_string(iter.key); std::string value = std::string(iter.value); if (name == "priority") set_sort_priority(strtol(value.c_str(), nullptr, 0)); } child_repr = child_repr->firstChild(); while (child_repr != nullptr) { char const * chname = child_repr->name(); if (!strncmp(chname, INKSCAPE_EXTENSION_NS_NC, strlen(INKSCAPE_EXTENSION_NS_NC))) { chname += strlen(INKSCAPE_EXTENSION_NS); } if (chname[0] == '_') /* Allow _ for translation of tags */ chname++; if (!strcmp(chname, "extension")) { g_free (extension); extension = g_strdup(child_repr->firstChild()->content()); } if (!strcmp(chname, "mimetype")) { g_free (mimetype); mimetype = g_strdup(child_repr->firstChild()->content()); } if (!strcmp(chname, "filetypename")) { g_free (filetypename); filetypename = g_strdup(child_repr->firstChild()->content()); } if (!strcmp(chname, "filetypetooltip")) { g_free (filetypetooltip); filetypetooltip = g_strdup(child_repr->firstChild()->content()); } child_repr = child_repr->next(); } break; } child_repr = child_repr->next(); } } return; } /** \return None \brief Destroys an Input extension */ Input::~Input () { g_free(mimetype); g_free(extension); g_free(filetypename); g_free(filetypetooltip); return; } /** \return Whether this extension checks out \brief Validate this extension This function checks to make sure that the input extension has a filename extension and a MIME type. Then it calls the parent class' check function which also checks out the implementation. */ bool Input::check () { if (extension == nullptr) return FALSE; if (mimetype == nullptr) return FALSE; return Extension::check(); } /** \return A new document \brief This function creates a document from a file \param uri The filename to create the document from This function acts as the first step in creating a new document from a file. The first thing that this does is make sure that the file actually exists. If it doesn't, a NULL is returned. If the file exits, then it is opened using the implementation of this extension. */ SPDocument * Input::open (const gchar *uri) { if (!loaded()) { set_state(Extension::STATE_LOADED); } if (!loaded()) { return nullptr; } timer->touch(); SPDocument *const doc = imp->open(this, uri); return doc; } /** \return IETF mime-type for the extension \brief Get the mime-type that describes this extension */ gchar * Input::get_mimetype() { return mimetype; } /** \return Filename extension for the extension \brief Get the filename extension for this extension */ gchar * Input::get_extension() { return extension; } /** \return True if the filename matches \brief Match filename to extension that can open it. */ bool Input::can_open_filename(gchar const *filename) { gchar *filenamelower = g_utf8_strdown(filename, -1); gchar *extensionlower = g_utf8_strdown(extension, -1); bool result = g_str_has_suffix(filenamelower, extensionlower); g_free(filenamelower); g_free(extensionlower); return result; } /** \return The name of the filetype supported \brief Get the name of the filetype supported */ const char * Input::get_filetypename(bool translated) { const char *name; if (filetypename) name = filetypename; else name = get_name(); if (name && translated && filetypename) { return get_translation(name); } else { return name; } } /** \return Tooltip giving more information on the filetype \brief Get the tooltip for more information on the filetype */ const char * Input::get_filetypetooltip(bool translated) { if (filetypetooltip && translated) { return get_translation(filetypetooltip); } else { return filetypetooltip; } } } } /* namespace Inkscape, Extension */ /* Local Variables: mode:c++ c-file-style:"stroustrup" c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +)) indent-tabs-mode:nil fill-column:99 End: */ // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4 :